This had been a joke between Lee and the boy ever since his first day at Birk’s.
Nate smiled and continued. “But some of the kids live here in Bethel and they probably will be at the church. Since this is Dog’s,” Nate used his nickname for the boy, “first day and since Mrs. Wallace is involved, you best be going.”
Sleeps With Dog sighed deeply, but made no further protest.
Lee had hoped this moment could have been avoided, too. He looked to his partner but, as was the case so often with the brave, there was no sign of what he was feeling.
* * * *
The blazing sun reflected off the snow and dazzled their eyes, as the four of them left the stable and headed down the street for the church. Lee could hear Small Puppy whining and scratching at the door. Sleeps With Dog’s plea to bring the puppy with them had met a stony stare from Tatanka.