91.6% Magus of the Wizarding World / Chapter 130: Aftermath

章 130: Aftermath

Fred and Matthew located George, Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Hermione who seemed to have joined them in the Kitchen. He previously decided with Fred that they needed to "protect" Ginny from the whole truth about the information for now, in truth Matthew just didn't want to alarm Riddle since he didn't know how the Horcrux inside the Diary would react.

Fred and George led Ginny back into the Gryffindor Tower while Matthew pulled Harry, Hermione, and Ron aside. Ron needed to be informed since he soon would realize that Scabbers was missing, as for Hermione she would figure out that something was wrong and was sensible enough to prevent Ron from sharing the information with Ginny or someone else.

"What's up, Matthew?" asked Harry once they arrived inside an empty Classroom.

After a short moment of gathering his thoughts, he began to explain, "I have some bad news but also some really good ones."

"Huh? Did something happen while we were in the Kitchens?" asked Ron confused.

"Yes, first of all, please keep this a Secret of Ginny. She is still very young and we don't need to scare her with such news. I am only telling you this because you and Harry are directly affected, and Hermione is her because I believe she will be able to stop you from accidentally making it public."

"Ok? So what's going on? Why are you looking at me like that?" replied Ron nervously.

"Do you know what an animagus is? They are Wizards like Professor McGonagall who have the ability to turn into a specific animal. They need to be registered at the Ministry a week after mastering the Transformation." Explained Matthew for some Background information, "That's was just some background info for you to understand what was going on. This Summer I visited Harry and his relatives with my Parents. And they weren't nice people. So I began to investigate if there is someone else who could take Harry in."

"What? You were doing that for me?" asked Harry shocked.

"Yes. And during my investigation, I found out that you have a Godfather called Sirius Black who was imprisoned under suspicious circumstances in Azkaban without a trial."

"They imprisoned someone without a Trial? And that is legal?" asked Hermione affronted.

"Normally not. But there were multiple parties interested in keeping him there. And the legal system of Wizarding Britain runs largely over bribery. That's how a lot of Death Eaters, the followers of Voldemort got free. While Mr. Black was imprisoned as one of his greatest Followers."

"And he is innocent?" asked Harry saddened.

"Yes, once I found it suspicious I decided to hire a lawyer to help me with the research. And we were able to contact one of your father's last friends that were alive or free. That friend couldn't take you in because of how bigoted the Society is. He wasn't even allowed to contact you because of his illness and would be happy if you decided to contact him. His name is Remus Lupin. Your father had three good friends in Hogwarts and Mr. Lupin was one of them. Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew who was apparently killed by Sirius were the others."

"I see. And by the sound of it, Peter Pettigrew isn't dead? Was he an Animagus?" realized Harry as he listened to Matthew's explanation.

"Correct Harry. In fact, your father, Sirius, and Pettigrew were all Animagi. Your father's form was a Stag his Nickname was Prongs, Sirius was a large black Dog called Padfoot and lastly, Pettigrew was a Rat called Wormtail. Mr. Lupin s nickname is Moony as for the Details you should ask him yourself. I believe he will tell you the Truth, just keep an open mind and about it and don't believe the typical Slander. You should already know yourself that not everything the general public believes is the Truth."

"Okay, I will do that. So my father was a Stag? That's cool. And— wait?"

"Scabbers was an Animagus?" shouted Ron shocked, "Wait a middle-aged Man slept for years in my bed… Ughhh. And he lived with my family. Oh God…" he realized as he visibly paled.

"Yes, that's why we are keeping the Truth from Ginny. If she should ask what happened to Scabbers. Just tell her he runs away."

"Okay… ugh that's so disgusting." Said Ron.

"I would suggest you talk with your parents about it or with Professor McGonagall. It's better to get some help from Adults than to bottle it up inside yourself." Suggested Matthew.

"I will do that. Where is he now? Did you alarm the Teachers?"

"The Aurors are already transporting him to the Ministry. While they are bringing Sirius to Saint Mungos where he will get treatment for many years of Dementor Exposure. The Professors were also present during the interrogation." Explained Matthew.

"Dementors? What is that? When will I meet Sirius?" asked Harry still shocked about the Events.

"Dementors are the Guardians of Azkaban. They are the Darkest Creature walking on our Planet." Interjected Hermione remembering what she read about them.

"Correct. They are living by devouring the happiness of Humans. And they even eat Souls. They are just disgusting. But unfortunately, they are immortal. Because of that, the Ministry has no choice but to Control them somehow. So they turned Azkaban into the most terrible Prison in the World. In order to control these dark creatures."

"That's terrifying. Will Sirius be Okay? He must have been there for 11 years." Realized Harry worried.

"Sirius had one advantage over the other Prisoners. Nobody knew he was an Animagus and he spent a lot of time in his Dog form which weekended the effect of the Dementors. My Lawyer was able to confirm that by arranging a meeting with him to get a Statement from him. His wife is Sirius Cousin so he was able to visit him under the pretense of an Inheritance Question. So Sirius should be fine."

"Puhh, that's good. So should I write him also a Letter?" asked Harry.

"Yes, that's a good idea. You were the second Reason how he kept his Sanity. The Memory that you were out there kept him Sane. So if you write him I believe it would even help with the healing process. It wouldn't be strange if in a few months he even comes personally to visit you." Replied Matthew with a smile.

"Than I will write him and Mr. Lupin. They probably can tell me a lot of Stories about my Parents." Said Harry now with his face brightening.

"Yes, and you won't need to spend a lot of time with the Dursleys again." Added Matthew.

"What? Do you mean—" asked Harry.

"Sirius is your legal Guardian According to the Will of your Parents. Now that he is free he can take care of you. Mr. Lupin was actually the next one on that list but the Ministry extra created Laws to prevent that. So Merry Christmas Harry. That was actually the gift I was planning for Christmas for you." Explained Matthew.

"So I won't need to return to the Dursleys again." Asked the young Boy.

"That I don't know yet. Since I have a feeling that Dumbledore will have something to say about that. But that's something he and Sirius will have to discuss. I am sure that you will spend the Majority of your Holidays with Sirius. Since he also should be able to keep you safe. The Ancient Seat of the Black family has Wards almost as old and powerful as Hogwarts."


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