97.29% Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens / Chapter 72: Chapter 72

章 72: Chapter 72

Daenerys had Drogon aim at his fire through the line of soldiers to the remaining commanders the Night King had personally turned to help lead his undead army. With them gone, more of the undead army had fallen with the lack of magic that made them undead being disconnected. It even helped give those on the Wall a small reprieve when it happened, but the reprieve itself would not last long due to the vast majority of the army still belonging to the Night King himself.

"Don't get too close to him Aunt. The Night King's spear can pierce even the scales of a dragon," said Aegon while flying beside her.

"If that is true, then how do we kill the fucker without endangering our dragons in the process?" asked Daenerys with Aegon looking from his position to stare at the Night King staring back.

And it was clear the dark entity watching Aegon was not happy at seeing over a millennial of time spent gathering this army being destroyed in a fraction of the time. Like Bloodraven, the Night King had seen the future, a possible future to be more precise, and thought to act in the belief that victory was already set and written in stone.

But now? The Night King realized the future it felt was promised had not happened. Had been denied. Whether by the Gods or some other power close to them. It mattered not. What did matter was the Night King's army was slowly losing and the Night himself was feeling that cold raw feeling of anger over it.

"I need to get close. I need to fight him myself," said Aegon with Daenerys shaking her head.

"You will never get close enough. He is too well guarded," said Daenerys and could almost see the smirk on Aegon's face through that terrible mask.

"Not if our arena is surrounded by dragon's fire," commented Aegon before flew toward the Night King with Revanchist moving to provide additional assistance.

"Damn stubborn nephew," muttered Daenerys before she moved to provide her own assistance with Drogon.

The fire unleashed by the dragons did what was intended. A massive wall of fire formed a ring, three rings in fact, around the Night King, blocking his undead army from defending him from harm. At first, the Night King was confused, but that soon changed when Aegon leaped from Vaderon's massive back and landed with a loud thud. The Night King snarled hatefully at his opponent, his enemy, and ultimately this insect that dared to challenge him for the right to decide the fate of the realms.

"Come at me Night King. Come and get your trophy," mocked Aegon with the Night King while readying his sword being covered in dragon's fire when placing it close to the flame.

As for the Night King, he readied his weapon and let out a loud scream of rage that shook the ground around him before charging Aegon. The two Kings clashed, their swords singing loudly for all to hear with neither side giving ground. Neither side showing mercy or reprieve from their opponent's attacks with the intent to kill showing in every precise move made.

It was in this moment, unknown to all but a select few, the prophecy of the Prince that was promised, the true Song of Fire and Ice, was happening here in this battle of Kings. One of life. One of death. One of light. One of darkness. One with a soul of fire. One with a soulless body of ice. Those who had heard the prophecy believe the Prince who was promised, who would bring the dawn, would be born of fire and ice. But they were only half right as the intended "song" was only half completed when the birth of the chosen Prince was born. For in every song that has a beginning, which was the Prince's birth, must have an end to it too. An end to the "song", which involved the final battle between the Prince who had become King of the Seven Kingdoms, and the Night King seeking to destroy it. A song that involved fire and ice to create life and a clash between fire and ice to bring about the end of one with the fate of the realms being the prize for the victor.

Aegon watched his opponent carefully as they fought. Feeling the Night King's presence in the Force was like staring into the very essence of the dark side. It was like a small portion of the dark side had broken off and became its own entity. Something that had broken away and twisted itself into a perversion of the cosmic energy Dooku had taught and explained to him all those years ago. This being hated life in its entirety, wanted to consume all life around it like a ravenous beast. Constantly hunting for it, feeding off of it, and wanting more with each passing moment.

And like all beasts, it saw any challenger as a threat to its dominance. One that needed to be removed in order to have no equal or challenger to its desires.

Jumping high into the air, Aegon was able to get away from the Night King's blade, which was trying to slice him in half. Landing behind his adversary, Aegon attempted to slice into the Night King's back. But the enemy called on his power at the last minute to create a spiky wall of ice that shattered on impact with the King's sword. Dodging his head to the right, Aegon managed to avoid the pointy end of the ice sword coming at him through the ice shards, and from piercing his masked face. While his mask was made of strong metal material, he was about to trust his mask to properly protect him from the Night's King's ice sword. A quick use of the Force push sent the Night King and the ice shards into the enemy's body while sending said enemy closer to the dragon fire behind him. Snarling angrily, the Night King sent more ice shards at Aegon, but were stopped midway and sent back at him by Aegon. The act surprising and infuriating the Night King, as the heat from the dragon's fire licked at his back, a warning of his now precarious position.

Even more so when Aegon pressed his advantage. The two clashing violently before they deadlocked once more with the King of the Seven Kingdoms trying to push his enemy closer to the dragon's fire burning behind him.

In an act of desperation, the Night King grabbed one of Aegon's arms, trying to corrupt his enemy with his power. But to his surprise, the armor on Aegon's arm held strong against him. That was not possible! Seeing the shock in the Night King's eyes as an opening, Aegon broke the deadlock, slicing the enemy's sword arm at shoulder. The arm shattering on the ground like it was made of ice, the Night King looking at where limb fell in shock before feeling his other arm become severed as well. When Aegon's sword pierced the Night King's chest, the Targaryen pushed his enemy into the dragon's fire to ensure there was no chance of a return from this dark creature.

The Night King's cries of pain and agony echoed throughout the snowy region beyond the Wall, his army falling apart in an instant like a wave. His connection to them broken. Turning to dust in the wind and the corpses remaining falling down into piles in the snow.

All around him, Aegon could hear the sound of people cheering, which had echoed from the Wall and no doubt through the entire North, if not entirety of the Seven Kingdoms themselves. With a mere wave of his hand, the dragon fire around him died down and walked back to the Wall toward the cheering. No sooner had he done that, Vaderon came down for him to get on and fly back in style. Aegon smirked at his dragon for a son, knowing this one had a certain desire for drama. Revanchist was the same way. Not so much with Drogon, but that was probably because he preferred the direct approach in all things that caught his interest.

"You did it nephew. You won," said Ned with a smile on his face after Vaderon landed at the top of the Wall and Aegon dismounted the large dragon both men hugged the other.

"No Uncle. We won. We as a whole. We, as in the swords and shields who guard the realms of men from such darkness," said Aegon before removing his masked helmet.

"What happens now your Grace?" asked Ser Barristan while happy to see his King alive and unharmed by the dark evil that tried to kill him.

"Now Ser Barristan…we heal, we recover, and continue to grow stronger from this experiences of today to ensure any future threats do not overpower us," said Aegon while knowing the evil fought here and was defeated, it didn't mean they could just relax.

"Do you believe another Night King could rise again your Grace?" asked Randall Tarly curiously while he saw Aegon look at the vastness of the North beyond the Wall in thought.

"Hard to say. The future is always in motion. No one can say for sure what the future will hold. Not even me or anyone else with my power. The more clearer visions are events that will happen, but everything else? It is an unknown. Still, there may be a threat out there beside the Night King. Another one sleeping and waiting to rise one day to take over. Maybe some of the free folk will go beyond the Wall if they feel the time living at the Gift was a way to make them kneel and submit to us. The Wall will need to be kept running and manned by people Lord Tarly, but the Oath taken should be changed to ensure that those who come here either get a second chance or feel their time here is worth staying. I'll look into that later when time permits. For now, we need to celebrate our victory," replied Aegon with a smile on his face once more and everyone around him cheering.

And a well deserve celebration.

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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