82.52% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 221: Chapter 3: Welcome Back ll

章 221: Chapter 3: Welcome Back ll

-- SUNDAY, JULY 1, 2007 --

"Hurry uh-uup!" Adrienne whined, stretching the word 'up' into two syllables, with her fists perched on her hips as she stood atop a boulder further up the trail. She smirked, knowing full-well how annoying she sounded, and I smirked back at her.

"How about you carry BJ on your back for an hour-long uphill hike?" I shot back, digging my thumbs into the shoulder straps of the baby carrier.

"Don't. He's asleep," Kim cautioned from beside me.

"I'm joking," I replied dryly. "I wouldn't make anyone else carry him. But he's asleep?"

"Yes." She reached up to stroke her son's head where it rested against my broad shoulder.

Even craning my neck, I couldn't see him, but I took her word for it. If anything, I was much more careful about my footing as I continued my way up the trail to make sure I didn't disturb BJ's nap, and I was going even slower. And a few minutes later, I called ahead, "Just go on without me. We'll catch up eventually."

Adrienne, Sasha, Dayna, and Brandi mused on that for a moment before taking me up on my offer. As a pack, the four of them picked up their pace and increased their distance. I could hear Dayna and Brandi playing tour guide for Sasha along the way, with Adrienne chiming in every now and again about something she remembered.

Glancing to my side, I gestured forward and said, "You're free to go with them."

Dawn shrugged back at me. "I'm good."

"Seriously, you can go."

Dawn shrugged again. "Really, I'm in no rush."

I nodded and glanced at Kim, already knowing she'd stay with me and BJ. She walked just behind me, half of her attention on our son at all times, and she moved so silently that I sometimes forgot she was even there. And in those moments, it almost felt like Dawn and I were walking alone.

"You know, I haven't gotten a chance to ask you about Nick," I commented without looking over, my attention on my footing as I walked over a few wooden branches embedded in the trail as erosion dams to support a series of steps. "How is he?"

"Nick?" Dawn raised her eyebrows and took a deep breath. She didn't immediately reply, but after a few seconds of thought, she explained, "Nick's fine. He's jealous that I got to come back up here, of course. Lot of fond memories of this place. But he's busy with work and all that."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"He flew up last weekend. It worked out since he had some business in the city on Monday."

"Nice." I nodded. "But you still don't get to see him all that often, do you?"

"Maybe once a month." Dawn shrugged. "It's fine. We're used to it. More time for me to focus on classwork."

"C'mon, it's summer vacation. You don't need to worry about classwork. I'd have thought you might fly down to LA to spend more of it with him."

She shrugged. "I've been in class for the 6-week summer session, remember? We just finished on Friday."

"Oh, right. But you're not doing the second session, are you?"

"No, no. But I'm taking a class during the 3-week accelerated session. Starts on the 30th."

"We get back on the 14th. You'd have two full weeks with nothing better to do than go visit him."

Dawn gave me a bemused look. "First you want me to head up to the Garden with the others. Now you're so eager to send me off to my boyfriend. What's going on? Trying to get me the hell away from you?"

"No, no, of course not. Nothing like that," I insisted. "I just know how hard it is to maintain a long-distance relationship."

"And how many long-distance relationships have you had? Other than ours."

I shrugged. "Ours was hard enough, wasn't it?"

Dawn sighed and fixed her gaze forward. "It's not the same. That was a long time ago. You and I were very different back then." Her voice trailed off and she didn't say anything for a little bit.

I didn't press her. Ever since Dawn came back to the Bay Area, our conversations had been filled with awkward silences. For the most part, we both put forward our best effort to let the past stay in the past and rebuild our friendship. It wasn't forgive and forget or anything – more like forgive and move on. Neither of us wanted anything less than each other's friendship and sense of family. And I think both of us hoped that our first 21 years of history would overcome the most recent one year of turmoil and we'd fall right back into the familiar "best friends" comfortability we'd always had.

But it hadn't been that easy. For one thing, each time we got together, everyone else watched us like we had a high-beam Hollywood spotlight pointed at us. Even if it weren't for that kind of external scrutiny, neither of us could help but carefully calculate everything we said to each other. I didn't want to do that; I'd rather just relax and speak normally the way I might chat with Adrienne or Sasha or even DJ. But I couldn't help myself, and apparently neither could she. No matter how hard we tried, or perhaps because we tried too hard, neither of us could get comfortable around the other. Too much had happened for us to "go back to the way things were."

I mentioned these difficulties to Amber the last time I saw her, at her beach wedding in Hawaii. I marveled at how easily she and David had gotten back together, almost as if they'd never been apart. She laughed and told me it hadn't been nearly as easy as it might look, and that they'd both had to put in a lot of effort to repair the damage done. The important thing was that they both wanted to make it work, both valued the end goal over and above the hardship it would take to get there, and in the end they had succeeded.

I believed Dawn wanted to make our friendship work; I knew I did. We both WANTED to just be friends again. But those first 21 years of history, our magical soulmate connection™, and our best combined sincerity couldn't overcome these awkward moments, especially when the topic strayed into our past romantic failures.

"Anyway, being far away from Nick hasn't been such a big deal," she finally continued. "And like I said: more time to study."

"And you got your 4.0 for the year, so that paid off."

Dawn smiled. "Well it helped that I like my new classes a lot more than straight Business."

"Makes changing your major worthwhile? Even though it's gonna take you another year to graduate?"

She shrugged again. "I happen to like being a college student. Less pressure to go out and earn a living just yet. A part of me wishes I could just stay in that house and keep taking classes for the next ten years."

"This coming from the girl who insisted that the Bachelor's Degree entry on her resume would read 2002 to 2006, and not a day longer."

"That was a long time ago," Dawn repeated. "And I was a different 'me' back then."

Her voice trailed off again. And we got a little awkward once more. Usually whenever this happened, someone around us would change the subject. Dawn and I didn't really have much one-on-one time. Most of the times we'd seen each other in the past year had been at family gatherings, with our parents and siblings around while we made small talk. We caught up on each other's lives, smiled, and played nice with each other, fully aware that our every move was being scrutinized by everyone around us. And there had always been some other, more important matter going on to distract us as well.

For example, I'd gone over to the Berkeley House the day after Dawn arrived to see her again. Officially, I was there to do some upgrades to the house and help her and Faye with heavy furniture and luggage as they moved in with Brooke and DJ. But with everyone watching us we'd both felt awkward from the very beginning, there hadn't been much opportunity for any serious conversation, and though I stayed for dinner, Sasha had already tipped off the Tri-Delts that I was in town. I'd barely finished my meal before opening the front door to find Andie, Kirstie, and Jamie literally grabbing me by the shirt and dragging me back to the Chapter House.

In September, the girls threw Kim a baby shower at her father's house in Sunnyvale. Dawn joined Brooke and DJ to drive down there, but I had been kicked out of the house after helping with the setup, and we never even saw each other.

In October, BJ arrived and he and Kim moved in with us. Dawn visited several times with the rest of The Family, of course, but the focus was always on the baby, not our old relationship. And the responsibilities of being a new father kept me tethered to the house whenever I wasn't working for several months. I barely had enough time to sleep, let alone venture out to visit other people.

In November came Thanksgiving, but there was no orgy at the Evans house that year. Brooke did come back to the San Francisco apartment with us, but Dawn and DJ both stayed home with their parents for the night.

In December came Christmas, but we all went our separate ways for the week or so between Christmas Eve and New Year's. Adrienne, Brandi, Brooke, and I headed to SoCal to be with our family. Dayna, Dawn, and DJ stayed home. Kim and BJ went to her father's house for the duration. And Sasha elected to stay in the apartment and spend the week hanging out with other friends, the Tri-Delts, and co-workers, while joining the Vandenbergs for Christmas dinner itself.

Starting in January, BJ began to sleep for six hours at a time and the dark circles under Kim's and my eyes started to go away. But the routine of baby care, work, and more baby care didn't lighten up. The Berkeley girls would occasionally spend a lazy Saturday or Sunday cruising around San Francisco and stopping by the apartment to hang out and play with my little boy. I would see Dawn every two or three weeks, and we'd talk here and there, but while our meetings were frequent enough to get somewhat comfortable with each other again, there was never a whole lot of substance to our conversations.

Dawn was back in town, but she had her schoolwork and the rigors of a new major to deal with. I had a new job and a new baby to deal with. We were friendly enough when we saw each other, and busy enough to not miss each other when we didn't. And quite frankly, we'd both gotten used to the rhythm of our lives without the other one being a significant part of it.

I had two girlfriends (now three), one "Kim", and one big-sister-with-benefits, not to mention baby BJ and a demanding job. Dawn lived inside "the bubble" of college, was playing catch-up on her academic career, and had a long-distance relationship to maintain. It was easier, less awkward, to focus on our own shit and not really think too hard about what the other was doing. And while we saw each other enough to no longer feel the void of the other's absence, neither of us really ... needed ... the other one.

Life goes on.

We'd forgiven ... and moved on.

Already the past 24 hours was the most time we'd spent in close proximity to each other since she'd broken my heart and driven away from the Berkeley house more than two years ago. We'd caught each other up on the things that had happened to us since the last time we saw each other (not a whole lot to tell). We'd made small talk about how much or how little things had changed about Morris Camp since the last time I was here. And we'd even talked about anticipation for the final Harry Potter book. I was running out of things to say to her, and we still had at least another fifteen minutes of hiking before we'd get to our destination.

21 years of soulmate connection. 21 years of feeling so comfortable with each other we could practically crawl inside each other's skin. And now after 2 years of being mostly apart, I couldn't think of how to get through fifteen more minutes of hiking without this unbearable awkwardness.

"So? Umm..." I muttered. "How about that generic local sports team?"

Dawn arched an eyebrow. "Huh?"

I shrugged. "Just trying to make conversation. Would you rather talk about the weather?"

Shaking her head, Dawn gave me a look and sighed. "You know. Maybe I will catch up to the others." She glanced back at Kim, nodded to her, and said, "See you guys in a bit."

Then she took off at a light jog.

By the time Kim, BJ, and I arrived at the Garden of Eden, the ladies had already set up camp: a wide, fold-up picnic mat in our usual spot on a grassy patch beneath the shade of a tree, and a lightweight pop-up cabana shelter we'd brought along for this trip. Adrienne, Sasha, Brandi, Dayna, and Dawn had all stripped down to their bikinis and were in varying states of progress of applying fresh coats of sunblock (some of them applying it to each other).

BJ was still asleep, but Kim helped me sit down on the mat without waking him, and I wrapped my arms around my knees and leaned forward to catch my breath while feeling my little man's cheek rest against the back of my shoulder. Sasha grinned at him before flashing me a smile, and since she was done with her sunblock, she got up to have a look around.

Like every newbie who came here for the first time, Sasha went straight for the picturesque pool with 10-foot waterfalls and lush foliage all around. She stopped about a foot from the edge and breathed in the view.

Sasha's back was to us and nobody gave her the slightest warning. Without exchanging a word, Brandi and Dayna had jointly decided to initiate the new girl and they darted forward as one to swiftly cross the distance between us and her.

Sasha squealed in surprise as she felt herself get bodily flung forward. But rather than just push Sasha in the back, Brandi and Dayna had grabbed onto the brunette's arms and legs to try and slingshot Sasha toward the middle of the pool. They were quite successful, launching my girlfriend a good five or six feet forward. But Dayna didn't manage to let go in time, and her momentum sent the busty blonde off balance as she squawked and ignominiously did a side-flop into the water a second later.

That left Brandi alone on the bank, laughing and pointing at Dayna in derision. But Brandi abruptly squeaked and fell forward as well, pinwheeling her arms in a futile attempt to regain her balance until she splashed down face-first. And the only one left standing on the bank was Adrienne, dramatically wiping her hands and smirking the smug grin of victory...

... until SHE shrieked and went flying forward, arms flailing to the sides before she belly-flopped into the water with a great big splash.

Adrienne came up sputtering and frantically wiping water from her eyes while the other girls around her laughed. She stared daggers back at the bank, astonished to find Kim dramatically wiping her hands in exactly the same fashion as the blonde had done a moment ago.

"In the event of an emergency, I'm sure your breasts can be used as floatation devices," Kim drawled. Smirking, she about-faced and returned to me and BJ.

Dawn was the only one left by the picnic mat, but she made no attempt to rush Kim or anything like that. Instead, she raised her hand to give the Asian girl a high-five. Smiling, Dawn then walked over to the edge of the pool. And without further ceremony, she leaped into the air, grabbed her knees, and executed a perfect cannonball that splashed even more water at the four ladies already in.

The five of them in the pool swam around and playfully splashed each other for a few minutes. Dayna and Dawn eventually moved to one side, deep in conversation. And Brandi had taken over tour guide narration for Sasha, pointing out the various natural features around us.

"You should go join them," I suggested to Kim, who had remained by my side.

Blinking, my baby mama stared me in the eyes for a moment before kneeling beside me. She began loosening the shoulder straps that harnessed me to the baby carrier, and I arched an eyebrow questioningly.

"You're trying to be a good daddy, but I know you'd rather join the girls," she explained with a shrug.

I chuckled and leaned forward to help her out. A minute later, Kim got me free of the contraption without waking BJ, his head now cradled on her shoulder instead of mine. I leaned over to peck her lips before getting up and stripping off my hiking clothes.

After applying my own sunblock, I strode forward to the crystal clear pool. Dayna was the first to hoot at me, "Lose the shorts!"

"You all kept your bikinis on," I reasoned.

"We're just gonna strip them off you in a minute, anyway," Dayna shot back.

"But fair's fair," Adrienne offered. She promptly stood up in the waist-deep water, unfastened her top, swung it around her head like a sling, and flung the tiny scrap of fabric onto the bank.

Folding my arms across my chest, I pointed at Adrienne's bikini top and gave the other girls an expectant look.

Giggling, the girls glanced around at each other before Dayna, Brandi, and finally Sasha unfastened their tops and similarly tossed them ashore.

Staring at all the bare boobies with a grin, I dug my thumbs into my waistband and explained, "Y'all now are topless, just like me." I released my thumbs, letting my waistband snap back into place, and tapped my naked chest for emphasis.

Rolling their eyes, the girls laughed before stripping off their bikini bottoms as well and tossing them up onto the bank. But rather than finally strip down, I fixed a look over at Dawn, the one girl who wasn't naked, and intoned, "Nothing I haven't seen before."

My ex-soulmate girlfriend blushed pink and averted her eyes, but she didn't hesitate to reach back and unfasten her bikini top. Since she'd been in a shallow part of the pool, when she stood up to remove her bikini bottoms as well, the water only came up to her knees. And all of a sudden a very wet, very beautiful Dawn Evans was completely nude above-water just ten feet away from me.

Somehow I'd managed to not pop a boner while the other four ladies had tossed aside their swimsuits; I'd been more amused by the situation than aroused. But although we'd seen each other naked plenty of times, we hadn't actually done so since we broke up two years ago. And despite the casualness with which Dawn had stripped down, the revelation of her fantastic naked body stirred something up inside me that made me feel quite giddy, as if I were witnessing the sight for the very first time.

I already mentioned how a year spent working as a ranch hand followed by a year of joining DJ at the gym had toned Dawn's body to perfection. She still had all her curves but lost what little baby fat she'd had left, and every inch of bare skin I saw before me was firmed up and tightened wonderfully. Standing knee-deep in the water, she was a statue of Aphrodite come to life as the sun glinted off her slicked-back blonde hair, and she smirked a little in recognition of the tent forming beneath my swim trunks while I gawked at her perfect breasts, taut tummy, and rounded hips that framed a pink pussy adorned only by a trimmed blonde landing strip.

"Yup, she's still got it," Dayna commented dryly.

"Anyhoo, a deal's a deal," Sasha added. "Lose the shorts!"

I blinked a few times before stirring from my stupor. Shaking my head to clear it, I found that Dawn similarly had to dislodge her brain from a momentary reverie. She blushed and quickly sank back down in the water, and I unceremoniously dropped my trunks and hopped into the pool without letting the girls get any lingering looks at my erection.

No matter. With water this clear, anyone within a couple of feet of me could see Big Ben's exact shape and tumescence. Brandi was the first one to cruise by and cop a quick feel, and the sensation of her cool hand giving my rod a tug got me completely out of my post-Dawn stupor and I grinned while goosing my big sister's world-class butt.

Sasha came after me next, and then Dayna. By the time Adrienne started reaching in I found myself surrounded on all sides by naked women, the ones who couldn't reach my package settling for tickling my sides or tugging on a limb to pull me toward them instead of the others, all of them giggling like schoolgirls.

Like a long-armed octopus, I was reaching for them as well, grabbing boobs and shoulders and occasionally going for a pussy or ass. Adrienne was the first to splash me in the face when I got too close to her, and after I splashed back I turned around to get a fresh face of water as Dayna squealed and tried to back away as well.

"Oh, it's ON," I challenged and dug my toes into the sandy bottom to leap after the eldest Evans girl like a dolphin. Diving under, I grabbed her by the ankle and tugged her toward me while closing my eyes against the onslaught of splashes she flung at me with both hands. The splashes only intensified when I got my left hand around her hip and stuck two fingers up her pussy. But the next thing I knew, one of my legs was being pulled out from under me and I turned around to defend myself against this new attacker.

It was suddenly Adrienne's turn to try and swim away before I caught her and grabbed onto both boobs from behind. I nipped at her neck with my teeth while she shrieked, but then someone tugged on my arm from the side and I went after the new target.

Like I shark I hunted down and momentarily feasted on Sasha, then Dayna again, and then Brandi. Each girl writhed in my grasp until one of the others felt brave enough to try and attack me and divert my attention. And with four of them simultaneously fearing and desiring that attention, I actually couldn't keep up and quickly found more than one of them approaching me in the hope of becoming my next "victim".

I grabbed Sasha and Dayna each with one arm and yanked them both against my sides while copping as many feels of boob and ass as I could. Brandi goosed me from behind and I grabbed her around the neck and stole a kiss off her lips. Adrienne tugged on my leg and I managed to sink two fingers into her snatch. But then all three of the other girls came after me at once, and with a laugh I suddenly turned and sprinted in a full free-style stroke across the pool in retreat.

With my head down and eyes closed against the water, I didn't immediately see where I was going. I knew from my initial position that I wasn't in immediate danger of crashing into anything, at least into any rock or wall of the pool. But I wasn't expecting to find the fifth naked girl right in my path, and before I knew it I'd swam right over the top of Dawn.

She squealed and fell back in the shallows. The water was only three feet deep here, but when her feet lost contact with the bottom she was helpless to move. I suddenly found my face smashed right up against her naked breasts, and when I tried to stand, her legs automatically wrapped around my torso as she instinctively fought to keep from collapsing backwards.

No, my erect penis didn't somehow push itself inside her pussy or anything like that. I wasn't even hard, the exertion of swimming and fighting directing my blood flow elsewhere. But the unexpected physical contact was a surprise nonetheless, and my reaction time was a little slow as I gawked at Dawn for a few seconds before regaining my wits and scooping an arm around her back to help her upright.

"Oops, sorry 'bout that," I muttered with a sheepish grin, wiping water out of my eyes after letting go of her body.

Dawn's eyes glittered at me for a moment, but she blushed pink and averted her gaze again. "An accident."

"Yeah," I muttered back, awkwardly averting my gaze as well.

Dayna was suddenly beside us. "If you're not gonna at least cop a feel, let someone else!" she teased before suiting words to action as she grabbed my package and gave it a squeeze.

Roaring, I immediately turned and tackled the elder Evans girl into the water, knocking her off her feet much in the same way I'd done to Dawn. But this time I didn't hesitate to motorboat myself in the blonde's melons when I found my face between them. And Dayna wrapping her legs around my waist was quite deliberate.

Again, though, the brief interlude with Dawn had put a little starch into my shaft, and when Dayna began to grind her crotch against my own, she felt somewhat more rigid resistance than previously. And this time instead of splashing me in the face and swimming away, my third girlfriend grabbed my head behind my ears, tugged it closer to her own, and sealed her lips over mine for a kiss.

Enough splashing around.

You'd think that my frequent visits to the Garden of Eden would result in a lot of in-pool intercourse, but that really wasn't the case. Sure, I'd thought about it a few times, but the very exposed nature of the crystal clear waters didn't lend itself to intimate encounters. For one thing, most of my childhood trips included the twins, during a time when I would not have been comfortable having sex right in front of them or other friends in accompaniment. And even on the occasions when I was with a group I wouldn't mind being naked in front of, there always existed the possibility that others from Morris Camp might also make the hour-long hike up here. And while getting caught skinny-dipping wouldn't be so bad, getting caught fucking would have been an entirely different matter.

Besides, fucking in the middle of any pool is hard. There's nothing to hold on to. Natural buoyancy makes it difficult to keep your feet on the ground. And there's simply no leverage to get any power into a thrust. At least in a swimming pool you can mash up against the wall to pin a girl's body in one place.

No matter. Dayna was horny, and she didn't wait to move over to the pool's edge. She yanked on my head and shoulders until she managed to stand up in the 4-foot deep water, and then grabbed onto my cock and jerked me until I went from half-hard to fully hard. And after wrapping her legs around my waist, she aimed my mushroom head and squeezed with her calves and hamstrings until we managed to force my thick meat into her cunt despite the pool water washing away her natural lubrication.

"Fuck yeah, boyfriend," Dayna crooned once she had enveloped me at full depth, her blue eyes glittering as she pulled herself upright, water streaming down her face, shoulders, and big breasts in the open air.

"First time I've ever done this in the pool," I chuckled, clenching my kegels to make Big Ben dance inside her and spreading my feet to better brace myself for supporting her weight in my arms.

Dayna blinked at me. "Really? I thought ... with Amber..."

"Not in the pool." I shook my head. "And not with my sweetheart."

The nicknamed endearment made her smile, and she kissed me again while undulating her body like a belly dancer to work my prick. At the same time, she clenched and unclenched her pussy muscles, milking me expertly. And the wonderful sensations stoked the fires of our passion as the intensity of our kiss built and built.

But belly undulations and inner-muscle milking can only take you so far, and as soon as I realized I couldn't get a good thrusting motion going, I walked us toward the rocks. That last time I'd been here – with Amber – I'd recognized that a flat ledge by the waterfall we often used as a jumping point would be a near perfect place to do this. But when I pulled my face away from Dayna's, I found that someone had already beaten us there.

Sasha was out of the water, seated on the ledge with her legs spread around Adrienne before her, hunched over so that they could kiss. The waterfall sprayed droplets all of the pair of busty beauties, their faces moving in erotic harmony as their tongues carved out the insides of each other's mouth.

"Dammit," I muttered. "Spot's occupied. What do you think? We go ashore, just you and me?"

Dayna turned to look at the other girls and grinned. "Nah, there's room for all of us." And she kissed me again.

Re-energized by my sweetheart's passion, I started walking again and drank in the sight of my other girlfriends. Sasha and Adrienne made out with a fury, hands roving all over each other's body. Adrienne cupped Sasha's heavy boobs and tweaked the brunette's nipples, causing Sasha to gasp and tilt her head back. Adrienne kissed her way along Sasha's neckline and bent forward to suckle a dusky rose-colored nipple into her mouth. And for a moment I had a sense of déjà vu.

Sasha opened her eyes a moment later and recognized our approach. I head-nodded for her to scoot over just a bit, and she giggled as she did so. Moments later I planted Dayna's butt on the small ledge just beside her, the space confined enough that the two naked ladies were pressed hip-to-hip. And then I copied Adrienne's movement by kissing my way along my lover's neckline before suckling one of Dayna's puffy pink nipples into my mouth.

Unfortunately, my idea of this ledge being perfect for fucking turned out to not be true. The water was too deep and the ledge too high for me to get to Dayna's pussy with my prick. But no matter. Together, Adrienne and I worked our girls over with lips, hands, and even teeth. I reached around to plunge first one, then two, and eventually three fingers into Sasha's pussy while Adrienne reached around to do the same to Dayna. And after I turned to shove my tongue down Adrienne's throat, I opened my eyes to find Sasha and Dayna embracing each other with their own tongues doing battle in mid-air.

After a few minutes, Adrienne simply gave me a wordless grin, and I knew exactly what she meant. I could practically hear her joyous "Switch!" in my head. So we switched places and I soon found myself dueling tongues with Sasha while Adrienne went after Dayna. And a minute after that, Sasha figured out she could slide her butt off the ledge and into the water, wrap her legs around my waist, and plant her elbows on the rocky ledge to get the proper angle for me to enter her pussy with my prick.

"Mmm, yeahhh..." Sasha sighed and let her head loll back. She may have insisted that she didn't need Ben-dick as often as the other girls, but that didn't mean she didn't take advantage of the opportunities when they were presented. And apart from keeping her elbows and forearms firmly planted on the submerged ledge behind her, she surrendered herself to the sensations of me slowly long-dicking her.

Long-dicking was all I could really do. With this much of my torso underwater, I couldn't build up speed and had to concentrate on other ways of getting her off. Sasha's body was reclined at an almost 45-degree angle, so I had to lean over quite a bit to kiss my way down her neck and into her cleavage. She sighed and thrust her chest at me while I nursed at her breasts. But while I wanted to also reach between us to manually manipulate her clit, I needed my arms wrapped around her lower back to support her body and maintain the leverage necessary to keep my feet firmly planted on the sandy floor.

Thankfully, Brandi came to my aid. My older sister kissed my cheek and slid her own hand between my pelvis and Sasha's. I could feel the moment her fingers touched my girlfriend's clit from the way Sasha tightened up around me. And when I managed to slide a hand low enough to cup my brunette beauty's butt cheek and buzz around before breaching her butthole, brother and sister finally managed to blow Sasha's mind.

Sasha's elbows gave out as the climax swept through her body, but I caught her and brought her chest up against mine. Still imbedded, with her snatch spasming around my shaft with orgasmic aftershocks, she shivered and groaned while catching her breath. But after kissing me sweetly, Sasha dropped her legs and dismounted my shaft, smiling as she offered Brandi, "Your turn."

With a grin, I glanced at my sister and asked, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Brandi smirked as she got the reference, and in lieu of a verbal answer she kissed me firmly. And when she finally pulled her lips off mine, she looked me straight in the eye and said, "You're my brother. It doesn't count."

I blinked back at her. "Everything counts."

She shrugged and replied. "Maybe so. But I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not going to make a bigger deal of this than it has to be. Someday you and I are going to go back to being 'just siblings'."

"But not today?" I led her.

She smiled. "Not today."

Rather than brace herself against the ledge like Sasha, my sister had me sit up on the ledge while she straddled my lap cowgirl-style. The flat rocky surface was only a few inches below the waterline, not enough to splash us, although I had to keep blinking against the waterfall spraying stray droplets all over both of us. I kissed, suckled, and licked everything I could reach and let my hands cover every inch of exposed sister-skin. But what really set Brandi off in the end was Adrienne crouching down in the pool behind my sister's ass and giving her a rimjob from behind.

"Naughty minx!" Brandi laughed once she came down from her high and turned around. Adrienne gargled the water and spat a stream out to the side before grinning lasciviously and meeting Brandi for a sloppy kiss.

Meanwhile, I found that Dayna and Sasha had left the rocky ledge and instead crawled ashore to roll around fingering and fondling each other's hot bodies. But when I let my eye line rise up and scan a little further, I found that Dawn was still all by herself in the shallows, panting softly with her right hand beneath the water's surface at her midsection as she stared over at the five of us.

Like a kid caught with one hand in the cookie jar, she abruptly jerked her hand up out of the water once she realized I had noticed her. Blushing and taking a deep gulp, she averted her eyes and turned her head away from us.

Tapping Adrienne on the shoulder, I nodded across the pool and said, "I feel kinda bad for her. She looks left out."

Adrienne frowned before shooting me a 'whatever' look before returning her attention to Brandi. But gently turning Adrienne's kisses aside, Brandi offered, "I'll go keep her company. It's been a while..."

"Hey!" Adrienne protested. "Lick a girl's asshole and how does she repay me?"

Brandi laughed and waved her off. "Well it's not like Ben can go over and keep her company."

Adrienne snorted and let Brandi go. Turning back to me, my supermodel girlfriend tugged me off the ledge and led me by the hand out of the pool and back ashore. Dayna and Sasha had been frolicking on a grassy bank beside the pool, and Adrienne brought me alongside them. Dropping to her knees, my adoptive "sister" grabbed my asscheeks and hoovered my cock into her mouth right down to the root, massaging my prick with her throat muscles before pulling back, spitting on my mushroom head, and stroking her own saliva down the shaft. But every drop of fluid she put on my cock she promptly wiped off by folding my dick into the vast expanse of her cleavage, mashing those massive melons around my meat and jiggling them up and down with her own hands, sometimes together and sometimes one boob after the other. Of course, she bent her head and sucked me into her mouth again a little after that, slobbering over my prick to re-coat it before slapping my ass and pointing me toward Dayna's bubble butt.

"Get behind her and stick it in!" Adrienne ordered.

I got déjà vu again, but grinned at my good fortune and did as she commanded. Dayna was on top of Sasha, face-to-face and tit-to-tit. The busty blonde propped herself up on her knees and spread her legs invitingly. I grabbed my sweetheart's hips and swabbed my cockhead through her saturated pussy lips. And I lurched forward to spear every inch of my dick into Dayna's hungry cunt.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Dayna crowed before putting her head back down and nursing at Sasha's tits. Meanwhile, Adrienne knelt beside me and held my head while giving me a nuclear kiss. And the four of us writhed and moaned together in ecstatic heat.

I wasn't going to last much longer. The water forcing me to go slow had tempered my pleasure and kept me from popping off while fucking Dayna in the pool and Sasha against the rock ledge. Having Brandi ride me cowgirl had brought me close, but Adrienne's rimjob had gotten my sister off before me, and I'd lost a little steam and recovered some control in-transit to the grassy bank. But nothing was stopping me from hammering Dayna's well-padded ass as hard as I could, my pelvis bouncing off that bubble butt with each forceful thrust. And I groaned as I felt myself approaching imminent ejaculation.

But first, Dayna toppled onto her left side and I moved so that I was straddling her left leg and fucking her at an oblique angle. She continued suckling at Sasha's right boob while Adrienne took the opportunity to dive face-first into Sasha's sweet pussy. And desperate to get Dayna off on my cock before I lost my load, I reached down with my right hand to strum her clit even while continuing to jackhammer myself in and out of her snatch.

"Hooollllyyyy shiiiit..." Dayna moaned, at the cusp of her orgasmic release.

"Oh, Adrienne ... Oh, Adrienne," Sasha crooned rapturously, at the cusp of hers.

"Hot DAMN," Brandi laughed as she emerged from the shallow water beside us, having stood up high enough to perch her elbows over the edge of the grassy bank and cross her arms as if she were in a home swimming pool raising her elbows onto the pool deck. Appearing beside her and similarly crossing her arms atop the grassy bank, Dawn whistled and grinned, clearly aroused by the sight before her.

And all of a sudden my urge to cum went away.

It wasn't that Dayna's pussy had become any less snug and inviting. It wasn't that I wasn't horny as hell and eager to cum. But Dawn's sudden appearance only a few feet away reminded me that we hadn't done anything like this around each other in a long, long time, and I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about ... well ... having an ejaculation in her presence, especially into her big sister.

It was a little awkward, a little weird. We'd both tried our best to put the past behind us and become the comfortable best friends we used to be, but things just hadn't worked out that way. Casual conversations were strained. Small talk came with great difficulty. And even after a year since her return to the Bay Area, I still wasn't entirely sure how to ... feel ... around her.

She was my ex-girlfriend, the one who had broken my heart more badly than any other. She was my ex-soulmate, the one who was supposed to make my life complete. She was my family, bonded by our siblings and parents in a way that would make it impossible for her to ever NOT be a part of my life. And she was my friend, someone who knew me better than most people on the planet and who would always be special to me, no matter what.

We'd been intimate before, but that intimacy had been lost. Now there was always ... discomfort ... whenever she was around. I could never fully relax while she was near, and I couldn't even explain exactly why. My guard was up, my words were measured, and an awkward tension ran beneath everything I did. And "discomfort" and "tension" aren't words used to describe the optimal feelings for ejaculation.

Then again, Dawn was naked. Her hair had been slicked back again, she had water droplets running all across her creamy skin, and her breasts were both heaving and squished together by her upper arms as she leaned forward with wide-eyes to watch me continue pounding the shit out of her big sister. And as I took in the view of a visibly-aroused Dawn watching the action without showing any of the discomfort or tension that -I- felt, my trepidation started to melt away.

"Just like your freshman year of college, huh?" Brandi chirped to me with a wink. "Massive orgy with me, Dayna, Dawn, and Adrienne – with Sasha as a bonus – and you're basically not allowed to touch Dawn."

Dawn and I looked right at each other just then, and Dawn blushed pink once more. "It's not that he's not allowed to touch me..."

She had a point. While we all knew Dawn had a boyfriend, never once had there been any mention of "rules" between us the way there had been while she was with Ryan. We weren't prohibited from touching each other; it's just that the situation had never come up before. And despite all our previous awkwardness and uncertainty concerning the current status of our relationship, this close to ejaculation with a naked, horny Dawn within arm's reach ... well ... suddenly I started thinking about ... touching ... Dawn.

Perhaps even more than just touching.

And that urge to cum started coming back.

"Ohh-OHhhh-OHHHhhh..." Dayna grunted with each forceful impact against her ass as I rammed her with renewed energy.

"Oh, Adrienne ... Oh, ADRIENNE," Sasha cried.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Dayna howled. "I'm—AAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHH!"

I don't know how long Dawn and I had been staring at each other, but Dayna's sudden spasms drew my attention back to her big sister. Her right leg wrapped around my waist, tugging me deeper into her body while she shuddered and spasmed on her side. Without Brandi and Dawn's interruption, Dayna's milkmaid muscles would probably have sucked out my sperm, but as it was I still had a ways to go. I pushed down with my knees and rotated my pelvis to carve my cock around the blonde's vaginal walls, and kept strumming that clit to maximize her pleasure. But once her voice died out and her legs went limp, I pried them off me and nudged Adrienne aside before splitting Sasha's thighs and slamming myself in.

"Fuck-FUCK!" Sasha screamed at my sudden entrance. Already at the precipice, my abrupt entry pushed her over the edge and she clamped up around my cock tighter than a clam snapping shut. I couldn't move, my dick trapped in her vice-like grip with pussy muscles that didn't even spasm. Before my eyes, Sasha's mouth gaped open and flapped noiselessly like a fish out of water. Her eyes bulged and she wasn't breathing, but just before I started to worry about her health, she inhaled sharply and started panting as her clam-shut cunt relaxed around Big Ben. She was clearly dazed as her eyeballs rolled around in contrasting directions, but there was no mistaking the silly grin on Sasha's face as I swiftly yanked myself out to roll Adrienne onto her back and mount my third girlfriend in a row.

I was in a zone. The sexual creature had taken control and I barely remember what I did to the greatest love in my current life. Of all three of my girlfriends, there really wasn't any doubt as to the pecking order: Adrienne was Number One. If I had to stop and marry one of them tomorrow, or if Adrienne suddenly changed her mind about having kids, we all knew it would be her. Yet I haven't the foggiest idea how I made her cum except that I fucked her hard and I fucked her fast – it was our way of making love. And in the end she was unconscious and drooling beneath me with her limbs limp and her head tilted to the side.

Brandi shrieked when I grabbed her and bodily hoisted her over the edge of the bank. But she didn't resist as I positioned her on all fours so I could stare at that world-class ass and even bend down to take a bite out of a firm buttcheek before spanking it and lining myself up. My first thrust was powerful enough to knock her over, Brandi's arms collapsing and pressing her cheek into the grass. Instead of keeping both knees on the ground like when I'd fucked Dayna, I planted my right foot flat and used the leverage to really ream out my sister's cunt, at least for the first minute or two. Then I planted my left foot and kept myself in a half-squat while holding onto my sister's hips to practically drill her into the ground.

Finally, Brandi's knees gave out and she wound up lying completely flat face-down beneath me, and holding onto her shoulders I really did drill her into the ground. And so hard and forceful was my fucking that she had shoulder bruises she would need to cover up with T-shirts for the next couple of days, not that she'd ever complain.

I would have stopped after Brandi's first two orgasms. Perhaps I should have stopped after her first two orgasms, because then I might not have clenched my hands so hard to leave bruises. But I'd found myself staring at Dawn even while fucking Brandi, watching the conflicted emotions in her eyes while she watched the conflicted emotions in mine.

I still wanted her.

And she still wanted me.

But I still hated her.

A little.

Even though I'd forgiven her.


I'd given Dayna a climax on my cock. I'd given Sasha a climax on my cock. I'd given Adrienne a climax on my cock. And I'd given Brandi two climaxes on my cock.

Four down, one to go. My trip to the Garden wouldn't be complete without satisfying everyone, right?


"It's not that he's not allowed to touch me..."

But I wasn't allowed. -I- wouldn't allow myself. So even though I could read in Dawn's eyes that she wanted me, I focused on the part in her eyes that didn't want me, that knew we shouldn't cross that line. And even after Brandi had those first two orgasms, I kept on pounding, desperately needing my own.

Brandi whimpered in obvious pain, my fingers digging a little too hard into her skin. The sexual creature inside me wanted to fuck itself into Dawn, but I had to keep myself away from her. So unfortunately for poor Brandi's shoulders, I grabbed on even harder and rutted away.

And that's when Kim arrived. With a strength I often forgot she had, she grabbed onto my hips and physically yanked me onto my side. I grunted in surprise as I was dislodged from Brandi's prone body, and with wild eyes I stared up in astonishment at the Japanese beauty I suddenly found straddling me. She grabbed my cock, aimed it at her pussy, and sank herself down onto me.

I looked into her eyes for just a few seconds. She smiled back at me with a self-assured serenity that calmed me from my rage for just a moment, and the tension in my hands went away.

But just for a moment. I was still so close to my long-delayed ejaculation, the NEED inside of me roiling in desperation to CUM. The adrenaline surged in my limbs once more, and Kim grinned as the sexual creature rolled us over so that I was once again on top. And my baby mama soon found herself whimpering and cooing as I used and abused her willing body for all of about thirty seconds before slamming myself forward one last time and blasting wad after wad of pent-up jism into the back of her womb.

And at least for a few moments, I found peace.

Of course, I had failed at Keira's first rule about satisfying my lovers before myself. Kim had been stuck with the baby all this time and gotten left out of all the fun. But the good news was that I'd only had the one ejaculation, and everyone knew I wouldn't be out of action for very long. I kissed the mother of my only son in gratitude for what she'd done for me, and I kept myself inside her warm pussy until I felt myself begin to harden once again so that I could resume my quest to give all my women a climax on my cock before this day was through.

I hardened even faster than I would have thought. After all, I had plenty of visual stimulation to help me along. But in addition to the simple beauty of naked Kim, Adrienne, Sasha, Brandi, and Dayna around me, I watched a visibly-aroused fully-naked Dawn climb over the edge of the bank and mash herself face-to-face and tit-to-tit with her own big sister Dayna and begin to swap spit. And by the time Dawn and Sasha shared their almost tentative first kisses and first caresses of each other's body, I was already rock hard and well on my way to giving Kim that long-delayed orgasm.

Morris Camp: Welcome back.

Fireces Fireces

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C221
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


