17.1% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 45: Chapter 38: Closure

章 45: Chapter 38: Closure


I only had a slight hangover on Saturday morning. Unfortunately, it was made worse by Eden and Emma hogging the TV and then blasting Avril Lavigne's debut CD. I'd had the line "Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?" stuck in my head for weeks while agonizing over my relationship with Adrienne before. To hear it again on repeat was driving me nuts, and I was only too happy to get out of the house for my own Graduation Ceremony.

Adrienne drove us out early so that we could line up. She looked quite cute in her cap and gown; and since she was wearing just a spaghetti-strap tank top and short shorts underneath it, she looked practically naked beneath the shimmering cloth.

We jointly decided not to leave each other's side until we absolutely had to. Graduation was alphabetical after all, and my last name didn't start with a 'D'. So by keeping the simple expedient of holding hands at all times, unless we were hugging someone goodbye or exchanging handshakes, I was never far away from the girl with whom, for the moment at least, I wanted to spend the rest of my life.

We then prepared ourselves to say goodbye to those with whom we'd spent twelve years of our educational lives. Our core group of friends still planned to get together a few times before leaving for college. A date in August, right before the private school people departed, had been circled for months as our last big party. But there was a symbolic ending in this day and for other, more casual acquaintances, this was it.

Kenny was there early, and we bumped fists in greeting before giving in to our emotions and just hugging each other, at least pounding each other's backs to keep it 'manly'. He'd been my best bud since Junior High and even though we hadn't been so tight the last year or so, I'd never forget his friendship. He was staying around town going to UC Irvine, and he said he and Abbie were going to give the distance thing a shot since Claremont was only 45-minutes or so away.

Abbie herself confirmed it a few minutes later when she and Allie arrived. There were hugs all around and for a little while, we chatted about what life at Pomona and Scripps would be like for the two of them.

"Keep Kenny at Pomona if he visits," Allie warned. "Scripps is all-female."

"Just don't turn lezzie on me," Abbie chided her sister.

Allie blushed beet red and Adrienne patted her little friend on the shoulder, a knowing look in her eyes.

Stephanie came by and we talked about Ivy League schools since she was going to Princeton. Beauty and brains ... I wondered again how life would have been different if my first crush and I had actually hooked up way back when.

Lynne came next and got into a spirited rivalry with both Miss Ivy League and with Adrienne and me since she would be across the bay at Stanford. I hoped we would find a way to reconnect in NorCal since she wouldn't be too far away.

Sung arrived, looking only slightly uncomfortable around Stephanie, now that they'd 'officially' broken up. But he bumped fists with Kenny since they were both going to UCI and the two started making plans for taking over the world.

Turned out, Heather was also going to UCI. With her advanced Math skills, she was majoring in ICS (Information and Computer Science), and I knew with her smokin' body she was going to be really popular with the computer geeks. She was quick to move alongside Kenny and Sung to start flirting with some of the guys going to the same school.

Daniel and Elaine were next. They'd first gotten together freshman year and now that the pair of them were going to UCLA, we all imagined they'd be together forever.

"Send us the wedding invites," Kenny grinned. "In what, a few weeks?"

Daniel and Elaine just rolled their eyes and hugged each other tightly.

Next to last were Megan and Kaito, both going to USC. Kaito shook my hand firmly and respectfully. In his mind, he would always give me credit for bringing him and Megan together, something for which he would always be grateful. And Megan, bound together by our past in a way that could never be broken, came up and hugged me fiercely while I trapped her head against the center of my chest.

"Are you happy, Megan?" I asked softly.

She started crying softly, but nodded her head up and down against my chest. She pulled away and looked up at me. "I'll never forget my first everything, Ben."

"Nor I my first girlfriend, Megan, and everything we learned together," I replied warmly.

She pulled my head down to her level and got up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek softly; then I stood back up as she hugged me again. "It's not goodbye, Ben. It's just 'See you next time'."

"Got it." I patted her back. And then I looked up just in time to see Cassidy come to a stop a few feet away.

Her coppery hair fluttered in the wind, her arms folded tightly across her chest where she trapped the square mortarboard hat against her breasts. Cassidy looked both nervous and sad. And as I let go of Megan and approached her, I realized that my one-time girlfriend was actually hugging herself and struggling to keep from crying.

"Hi, Freckles," I said softly.

"Hi, Ben," she answered a little shakily.

"What's wrong, Freckles?" I asked gently.

Her lower lip quivered and she bit it to keep from shaking. Her bright green eyes were shimmering with moisture as she glanced to the side, seeing both Adrienne and Megan looking at us curiously while the rest of our friends were occupied by chatting amongst themselves, oblivious to this ... thing ... going on between me and Cassidy.

"I'm going to miss you, Ben."

"I'll miss you too, Freckles," I smiled.

But Cassidy shook her head, telling me that I didn't understand. A solitary tear rolled down her cheek and she took a deep breath. "I ... I never thought I would feel this way when it came down to it. But..." Her voice trailed off.

I waited silently while Cassidy squeezed her eyes shut, pushing out a few more tears as she fought for composure. Megan made to move up to her friend, but Adrienne touched the shorter girl's arm to hold her back.

Then Cassidy inhaled and stood up straight, collecting herself. "I guess I never got completely over you, Ben. I thought I was, but somehow, some part of me still believed we might get back together someday."

She glanced over at Adrienne and nervously bit her lip again. I glanced at Adrienne as well, furrowing my eyebrows as my brain raced to understand what was going on.

"There was the whole cheating thing, which I forgave you for," Cassidy said softly, as if afraid our other friends would hear. "Then there was that time that we-" she took a deep breath, interrupting herself. "That we then cheated on Adrienne."

I glanced again to my girlfriend, who just stared at us impassively.

"And then ... nothing," Cassidy shrugged. "You crawled back to me and then I turned you down even though I was still in love with you. Then you went away for the summer and I met Cameron and everything just snowballed. And now here we are, going our separate ways, and there's no more time left for us, Ben."

I took a deep breath and focused inward. My break with Megan at the time, while far more painful and violent, had ultimately been much cleaner. We appreciated what time we had and both moved on with our lives. Even though our break had been protracted and rather messy in the end, I'd thought Cassidy had also moved on as well. But she hadn't, and the unfortunate thing for her was that I wasn't in love with her anymore. I had Adrienne now and couldn't be happier about it.

Cassidy read my hesitation and laughed nervously. "I know this is crazy and is coming out of left field. I mean, we were only together for a few months, and even that time was split with Megan. But it is what it is. I just wish I could feel like all the loose ends were tied up."

I took another deep breath and in a heartbeat, I made up my mind. It was stupid and impulsive, but I did it anyways. I took two steps forward and wrapped Cassidy up in my arms, my hands coming up behind her head as I pulled her face to mine as I planted a firm kiss on her lips. There was a wail of sorrow in her moan, as if she knew she was kissing me for the last time.

I heard a gasp and then conversation behind me came to a stop, as if our friends had noticed what was happening and dropped everything to gawk at me kissing Cassidy. But I pushed them out of my head and poured all of my affection, but none of my love, into the kiss.

When I pulled away, Cassidy's eyes were still closed. She was breathing heavily and tasting her own lips, her pink tongue trailing across the pads gently before eventually blinking her eyes open and showing me the verdant green irises.

"Cassidy," I said firmly, feeling a weight of emotions as I used her given name instead of 'Freckles'. "I'll always cherish what we had together. But I'm sorry, I don't love you anymore."

Her lower lip quivered and Cassidy looked ready to burst into tears again, but she nodded slowly, her head motion building in force and confidence the longer she kept nodding. "Okay, Ben..." she exhaled, and then took a deep breath to collect herself. She reached up and pulled my arms off her, gently bringing them around her body and letting go. "Okay..." And then she smiled. "Thanks Ben, for everything."

"Thanks to you too, Cassidy," I replied, feeling a note of finality in my use of her name.

Then the cute redhead turned and went straight to Megan, who hugged her best friend reassuringly, the two of them rocking side-to-side for a few extra moments. Cassidy would be going to USC with Megan and Kaito. I knew she'd be taken care of.

Meanwhile, Adrienne came up to me and slid an arm around my waist. "That was good, Ben." She nodded approvingly. "That was good."

The ceremony itself went off without a hitch. Our salutatorian was appropriately humorous. The valedictorian was boring and went on and on about the great things he would accomplish at Harvard. We all cruised across the stage in rapid order and shook hands with various administrators and my dad must have snapped a zillion photos with his super-zoom lens. I knew what to expect. I'd been there for Brandi's graduation.

But this time, my parents also went nuts for Adrienne. They seemed just as proud of her as if she'd been their own flesh and blood, snapping zillions of photos when she walked across the stage. Eden and Emma even met her at the bottom of the ramp, screaming her name while she burst into tears at the drama of the situation. In the end, she hugged my parents and my siblings fiercely as if unable to believe we were truly treating her like family.

Afterwards, we all mingled with the parents. Cassidy's parents never knew we'd dated, but Megan's and Allie's parents knew and were surprisingly cordial to me when we all met up. I think it didn't hurt that the dads were slightly in awe of Adrienne, standing by my side. Then, amongst the throng of random people going in every direction, we managed to re-locate most of our friends and say our final, chaste goodbyes before leaving for good.


To be honest, Adrienne and I had been pretty amped up over the past week with all the goodbyes and celebrations and, oh yeah, FINALS. Between that week and the strain of her grieving for her lost family, it was inevitable that the two of us would eventually crash, and Saturday night was it.

We'd gone out to a big family dinner, Adrienne and I both wearing our graduation caps in the restaurant, although we'd shed the gowns. But immediately upon returning home, we slipped into bed together and promptly fell asleep around 7pm. We left the door open lest we give the twins any ideas, but we stayed asleep until about noon on Sunday.

The remainder of Sunday was a quiet day of rest. We didn't go out. We didn't meet up with friends. We barely even spoke to the rest of the family. Yeah, we had a quiet lovemaking session. It WAS Adrienne and me, after all. But for the most part, it was simply a day of recovery from all that had come before.

And perhaps illustrating that Adrienne was finally over her grief, Sunday night was the night she actually moved into Brandi's old bedroom.

I slept like crap on Sunday night. I'd gotten rather used to Adrienne's presence in my bed, seeing as she'd snuck into my room after the twins went to bed every single night since she'd moved in with us. On Monday morning, it didn't seem like Adrienne had slept too great either, but she was committed to making her relationship with the rest of my family work and not to take unfair advantage of their graciousness. We'd known the move was inevitable. But it didn't mean we didn't miss each other. At least I still had hope for future midnight liaisons with my girlfriend/adopted sister.

Further emphasizing the change, on Monday we rearranged Brandi's room a bit, with my older sister's remote permission, of course. Posters were taken down and furniture was moved into different locations. We didn't expect it to be a permanent change, Adrienne WAS after all leaving for Berkeley in a few months; but at least this way she felt less like she was invading Brandi's space and more that it was 'her' room in our house. Brandi's personal gear was packed up and stored to the side.

"This is your room now, Adrienne," Mom insisted. "We'll stash Brandi somewhere when she comes by at the end of summer."

"Yeah. In Ben's bed," Brooke muttered under her breath. Adrienne chuckled and Mom just gave my little sister 'The Look'.

In the afternoon, Adrienne and I headed out to rendezvous with the core crew friends, plus Heather and Lynne. Yeah, we'd just seen each other two days prior, at Graduation. But now it was a Monday, our parents were at work, and we were free in that limbo between being schoolkids and college adults.

It was a strangely quiet day, everyone a little introspective. Yeah, we joked around and chatted like always, but it was never far from our minds that each passing minute was one less we had together. I made a comment as such and Allie replied quietly that this was exactly how she'd felt dating me. There was such a poignant melancholy in her voice that everyone went silent at that. And I caught Cassidy looking at me rather wistfully, a jealousy in her eyes when she then glanced at Allie.

But then it was time for us all to head in and see a matinee movie. The Bourne Identity had just come out that weekend and gotten really good word-of-mouth reviews. Adrienne collected the girls together to all go to the bathroom as a descending horde and we guys went in to reserve a block of seats.

After the movie, we got smoothies and hung out for another hour before splitting up to meet our parents in time for dinner. Curiously, I saw that Cassidy and Allie had split off and were deep in conversation, Allie doing most of the talking.

I nudged Adrienne and nodded, "What do you think that's about?"

Adrienne eyed me before grinning wryly and saying, "Not everything is about you, Ben."

My eyebrows went up in alarm. "I didn't-"

My girlfriend just giggled and wrapped me up in a hug. "Relax. I'm sure it's just girl-talk."

I let it go and returned to killing time with my other friends. Still, I couldn't help but notice that Cassidy approached Adrienne for a slightly longer-than-usual hug goodbye, complete with plenty of eye contact and firm up-and-down nod. But not wanting to make a fool of myself again, I didn't ask questions. Girl stuff, right?

Tuesday found the boys and I getting into a rather spirited game of roundball. The game started off like normal, but for some reason the intensity level was ramping up higher and higher with each passing minute. Sung was an animal inside, hitting the boards hard and making aggressive lay-up after aggressive lay- up. Kenny responded by hand-checking him a little harder and going a little more full-tilt after rebounds. Daniel was constantly on the move, not taking a single play off to just hang around the three-point line. And even Kaito was going far beyond his usually passive-self.

Since we didn't have enough guys in just our crew to play full 5-on-5, we usually met up with some other classmates. Even they started getting into the more aggressive style of play. The game was streetball, which meant nobody called ticky-tack fouls, and we all were taking full advantage. I started to think somebody might get hurt, and it nearly turned out to be me.

It came on a breakaway play when Kaito saw Sung sprinting downcourt and heaved a long-ball pass. I was the only defender back in time and not looking to give away a free lay-up, I parked myself dead in front of him and made ready to read his juke around me to get to the rim.

But Sung didn't bother to juke. He plowed right through me, losing the ball in the process and sending me sprawling across the asphalt and making me actually roll into a full backwards somersault. He'd always been a hard player, I still remember when he elbowed me in the sternum, but this was something else.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Kenny came running. "We haven't called a charge in six months but dude, that's a pretty flagrant charge!"

"Fucker didn't move," Sung growled. He'd never fallen down.

Daniel ran straight to help me up, but I was pissed. I shrugged him off and quickly scrambled to my feet, ignoring the scratches running up my left arm and elbow. "The FUCK is your problem!" I quickly got up in Sung's face.

Two inches shorter than me but outweighing me by about fifteen pounds of muscle, Sung actually took another step closer to me. "Play the damn game."

"No!" I growled. "You got a bug up your ass today and I wanna know what the hell your problem is!"

His eyes glinted dangerously. "My problem? YOU'RE my fucking problem, Ben!"

My eyebrows furrowed in both confusion and anger that he was singling me out specifically. I had no idea why Sung would be upset with me except for ... oh. My eyes popped open as I realized the issue was. He must have just found out.

Sung also saw the recognition in my eyes and he actually backed down a bit. Exhaling loudly, he grimaced while looking away and then came back to meet my eyes. "Just tell me, man-to-man, man. Did you do it?"

Kenny interrupted with a curious, "What?"

Sung replied Kenny's question to me. "Did you sleep with Stephanie?"

A collective gasp went up from the eight other guys around us. My shoulders sagged for a second, giving my answer to everyone. Then I stood up straight and nodded. "Yes."

His fist was rather obvious; I saw it coming the whole way. But I didn't do anything to avoid it. I consciously twisted my torso with the impact to help lessen the blow, but I didn't try to evade my punishment. He hit me hard enough to send pain blossoming throughout my body, and I staggered back a few steps and hunched over, gasping for oxygen. Thankfully, Sung didn't feel the need to follow it up with further attacks.

With a clenched right fist, Sung stayed in front of me, waiting to see what I'd do. After grabbing a few more gulps of air, I stood up straight and tried to ignore the protests of my bruised ab muscles. Straightening my neck, I grimaced and said, "She said you were broken up. Was that at least true?"

Sung growled, but nodded. "Yeah."

I closed my eyes and sighed with relief. This would be a lot messier, and worse for my conscience, if they'd still been together at the time. But no matter what, I'd slept with a friend's ex-girlfriend while he was still in the 'mourning' period. While not necessarily an unexpected violation of the Bro Code, it certainly was frowned upon.

"Did you go after her?" Sung asked quietly.

I shook my head. "No."

He sighed, looking away. "Didn't think so. She talked about you and that reputation of yours. I kinda always knew what she was going to do."

"I'm sorry," I said seriously, looking him in the eye. "The timing could have been better."

He just shook his head in annoyance and turned towards Daniel. "He hasn't nailed Elaine, has he?"

Daniel's eyes shot up. "Huh? No! No!" Then Daniel looked at me, looking alarmed. "Right?"

"Right, right," I nodded hurriedly.

Sung chuckled and then looked back at me. "You're something else, Ben." Then he stepped towards me.

I grimaced and held my ribs where he'd hit me, bracing myself for an attack that wasn't coming. Wincing, I met his gaze and asked, "Are we okay?"

He sighed and then held a hand out. "Yeah. We're okay."

I shook his hand firmly, breathing a sigh of relief.

Then Sung grinned wryly. "But I'm going to make sure I keep any future girlfriends far, far away from you, Mr. Casanova."

I wasn't exactly feeling a hundred percent when I got home just after lunch. The boys toned down the aggression for the last game and then we hit Carl's Jr. for some Six Dollar Burgers. My stomach was full and I was getting my energy back, but my ribs ached where Sung had punched me and I felt pretty grimy.

I was in this state when I entered my bedroom to find a beautiful girl lying on my bed, dressed in just her underwear and smiling seductively. My jaw dropped to the floor and I gasped, "Cassidy?"

"Hi, Ben," the pretty redhead grinned. She was reclining partially on her side, her right elbow propping her up with her hips twisted to let her legs stretch towards me with an enticing flex. She ran the fingers of her left hand through her long, coppery-red hair. Her bright green eyes sparkled. And those freckles I loved so much popped out when she smiled.

"What the-? What is going on?" I stammered.

"Same old Ben." Cassidy turned her gaze to the corner of my room, where I hadn't even noticed Adrienne was standing while fully clothed. "Megan and I frequently had to spell it out for him."

"Oh, he warned me," Adrienne nodded and then turned her gaze to me. "Still, I'd thought you'd have figured out what's going on after all those girls came by last week for the very same thing."

"But ... but..." I fumbled. I was thoroughly confused.

"It's about closure, Ben," Cassidy nodded. "If I don't do this, I'll wonder for the rest of my life what might have been. I spent too long dreaming of getting back together with you, Ben. I know it's impossible for us to ever be the way it was with the two of us and Megan. But..." She glanced at Adrienne. "Your girlfriend offered to let me have just one more afternoon with you."

"I'd start in the shower," Adrienne told Cassidy as she walked towards me. My stunningly gorgeous girlfriend stepped up and held my sweaty cheeks, kissing me firmly but without any tongue. "Mmm-wah! Am I the perfect girlfriend or what?"

I blinked. "One of a kind," I breathed in amazement. Then Adrienne stepped outside and turned the corner.

I returned my gaze to the beautiful redhead, who stood up from my bed and started approaching. I remembered this particular set of underwear she was wearing, a satin green that brought out her eyes. It wasn't particularly sheer or sexy. The panties were perhaps a little small since Cassidy's hips had filled out a bit in the past year and a half. And the standard bra cups nicely supported her C- cup breasts. Overall, the whole package just brought a wave of nostalgic fondness back to me. "You're beautiful, uh, Cassidy," I said, pausing over the use of her name.

She stopped and brought her hands up to my chest. "I know we can't go back in time, but I still like it when you call me 'Freckles'."

I grinned, immediately feeling much more at ease. "Help me clean up, Freckles?"

She smiled brilliantly. "You're a dream come true."

Cassidy actually freaked out a bit in the bathroom when she saw the purplish bruise on my lower torso, and the scrapes up the back of my left arm. I shrugged them off as nothing serious, "Basketball injuries" as I put them.

Cassidy raised her eyebrows questioningly at me, clearly seeing the obvious deception in my eyes. "You're still a terrible liar, Ben."

"It's nothing," I said seriously. "It's dealt with."

The redhead nodded and then proceeded to pay extra careful attention to soaping me once we got into the shower. She seemed fascinated by my musculature, saying, "You've grown so much since I last saw you like this."

I brought my hands up to cup her wet, soapy breasts, squeezing them lightly. "You, too," I chuckled.

Cassidy just giggled and then finally leaned into me for our first kiss of the day. We then continued washing each other up, and by the time we got out to dry off, my cock was at full mast and her trimmed red bush was dotted with moisture that just wouldn't dry away.

We french-kissed for a little while in my bedroom without bothering to re-dress. I then lay Cassidy down gently, kissing my way along her neckline and suckling her tits as I worked my way lower and raced through my memory for all her trigger spots. I had a "user's manual" of sorts for every girl I'd spent a lot of time with, and it took me a little while to remember Cassidy's. But I got it by the time my lips made it down to her pussy. And with a wolfish grin of excitement, I dived right in.

One day, a long time ago, I'd given Cassidy her very first oral orgasm. That had also been the fateful day we'd first fucked and I'd cum in her and nearly destroyed my relationships with both her and Megan at the same time. It seemed like AGES ago. But here we were again, and while Cassidy's sexual experience since then had certainly changed, her fundamental responses had not. And on this day, I gave her many more than just one oral orgasm.

It didn't hurt that she kept screaming, "More! More! Gimme more! I love this!" So I just ate her out until my jaw nearly fell off.

When Cassidy finally pushed my head away to curl into a fetal position and sob from repeated overwhelming orgasms, I just gasped for air and wiped my soaking wet face all over my own sheets. I'd never seen a girl keep cumming like that. I'd lost count of how many times she tensed up and squirted more fluid into my face, and it seemed like each orgasm just kept rolling into the next.

"Holy shit..." Cassidy groaned somewhere behind the back of my head. "That's never happened before."

I just tried to roll my eyeballs around and stretch my cheeks, fighting to stay awake after exhausting myself eating her out. After all, we weren't done yet.

As if proving my point, I then felt Cassidy lifting me onto the bed and rolling me onto my back. My dick had gone limp while I spent so much time munching on Cassidy's pussy. But she just brushed her red bangs behind her ears and hunched over me, taking my prick between her thumb and forefinger while smiling impishly. "I know you're tired from all that, baby. But now it's my turn." And with that she bent over and set to bringing me back to life.

She was doing a fantastic job of reviving me, with perfect pressure and firmness and tongue. I started to remember that I was the one who'd taught Cassidy how to give a proper blowjob, the techniques of course oriented towards the things that I liked. And midway through Cassidy's blowjob, I started chuckling. The cute redhead pulled her mouth off my prick, licked her lips and asked, "What?"

I chuckled some more and then said, "I was just remembering how Drew claimed you couldn't suck dick to save your life." I groaned in happy pleasure as she continued jacking me in her hands, even as she started grinning as well. "He fucking doesn't know what he's missing."

"Thanks to you," Cassidy grinned, and then she dived back down onto me. And as she resumed her technically proficient blowjob, she also began attacking me with a passionate fury that was pulling me over the edge.

I buried my hands in her hair and helped guide her head rapidly bobbing up and down my shaft, grunting, "Oh, Freckles! Suck me, baby! So fucking good! You're gonna make me cum in your mouth!"

My words only spurred her into sucking me even harder while she rolled her eyes up to stare back at me adoringly. I loved watching her watching me, and after another minute of frantic sucks and tightly-clenched hands jacking my rod, I bellowed and began filling my cute ex-girlfriend's mouth with my creamy load of cum. Her eyes flew open when she felt the jets of spunk splashing into her mouth. And while I held her head pinned down around my cock, I watched her throat muscles contracting quickly to swallow down each burst.

When I was done, I pulled her up my body, sliding my hands all over her naked goodies while bringing her face just above mine and then craning my head up to kiss her happily in thanks. And this time it was Cassidy's turn to chuckle and break the kiss.


She giggled some more. "You know you're still the only guy I've ever been with who will kiss me after cumming in my mouth? Even Cameron wouldn't do it, calling it 'gay'."

I grinned. "Is that why you dumped him, what, three times?"

"Maybe..." Her green eyes twinkled, and then she dove her lips back down onto me again. And this time, we didn't stop kissing until she'd settled her hips over mine and she began grinding her still wet crotch over my not-quite-soft dick.

Together, without any hands, we managed to get me hard again for another round. She soon had me sliding along the cleft of her labia, the head of my new erection bumping against her clit on every stroke while she swiped her tongue through my mouth in rhythm to her thrusting.

Eventually, the pretty redhead lifted herself up and reached between her legs to grasp my rod, elevating it to an upright position, and then slowly sank her warm wetness around me. "Ohhh, Bennnn," Cassidy sighed.

"Oh, Freckles," I groaned as I was enveloped in the extremely tight pussy I fondly remembered.

Cassidy inhaled, a warm smile crossing her face. "There's something else I remember."


Her voice was husky and sensual. "I remember when you came in me, that first time, spurting into my unprotected womb."

My dick made a male instinctive twitch at the idea of impregnating her, something Cassidy could feel and which made her smile even bigger. "I loved that feeling, Ben, the sensation of you hosing down my insides with your hot spunk," she continued. "How many times can you make me feel it again today?"

I grinned. "Let's find out."

Cassidy got to feel me hosing down her insides three times that afternoon: once on top, once missionary, and once in the doggy-style she'd detested with Drew but come to love with me. She reveled in each explosion and seemed even happier when I spurted in her than when she had an orgasm of her own. And after the final one, when she'd collapsed face-down on my bed with me on her back and my cock still buried inside her pussy, she reached back with her hands to hold my ass and keep me embedded inside her.

"I don't want this feeling to end, Ben."

I hummed but gulped inwardly. I knew Cassidy had come to me today for closure, but this wouldn't work if she left even more in love with me than before. I had Adrienne now, and the simple fact was that I didn't love Cassidy that way anymore. I'd always care about her as an ex-girlfriend and ex-lover who'd once been very special to me, but I'd move on with my life.

Fortunately, Cassidy didn't press the issue. She sensed my quiet hesitation and instead, commented off-hand. "You know, Cameron never once had four ejaculations in a single session."

I chuckled and made my semi-hard cock twitch inside Cassidy's sopping wet pussy, showing off. "I've been conditioned through lots of practice."

"Lots and LOTS of practice from what I hear," the redhead chuckled. "With many, MANY different partners."

I settled my head behind hers on the pillow, rubbing my nose into the back of her head. "Does that bother you?"

"No. You're not my boyfriend anymore, Ben. You're not even the same boy I fell in love with so long ago." She sighed. "You're ... you're a legend now, Ben. I don't think even a girl as incredibly gorgeous as Adrienne could ever tie you down into monogamy, which is probably why she doesn't even seem to try."

Only then did Cassidy finally release her hands from my ass, shoving hers backwards to indicate that I should finally withdraw my spent cock from her worn- out pussy. I pulled out and rolled onto my back, wondering just how big a wet spot we'd made together.

Comfortable in her nudity, the pretty redhead rolled over herself and propped herself up on her elbow, looking down at the mess spilling out between her abused labia. She chuckled to herself and then turned to smile at me, leaning her head to get me to bend forward and peck her on the lips. "I'll always love you, Ben, but not the same way anymore. The innocent, short, nice guy I first met is gone. I might have wanted to get back together with him. But you're not him anymore. You've grown up. And I've got to grow up, too."

I just nodded silently, letting her get it out.

"I'm glad we did this. I'm glad I got to feel you one last time. It's taken away the curiosity that would have dogged me for years more if we hadn't done this." She smiled wryly, staring down at the puddle now forming on the sheets beneath her crotch. "And you didn't disappoint."

"So what now?" I asked.

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Friends?"

"Of course," I said warmly.

She bit her lip, a twinkle still in her green eyes. Then she glanced over at my cock again, a furtive but hopeful expression on her face. "If I go down on you," she began quietly. "Think I can have just one more load inside me?"

I chuckled. "We can certainly try."

And we succeeded.

I kissed Cassidy at the door when she left. After having happily trapped my last load of cum inside her pussy with her panties, she squished her way down the sidewalk to her car, waved on last time, and drove away. I didn't know what was in our future, but at least now I knew she wouldn't be pining after me anymore. She'd gotten her closure, and her last parting gift, as it were.

I then returned upstairs and went to knock on Adrienne's bedroom door, opening it when she responded.

"Hey," I said rather wearily, leaning against the doorjamb.

"Hey," Adrienne sat up in bed, a goofy smile on her face. "Five times it sounded like?"

I looked at the wall with furrowed eyebrows. "I thought these rooms were better soundproofed than that."

My girlfriend/bedroom neighbor shrugged. "You two weren't trying to keep quiet and I knew what to listen for." She then brought her hand out from under the covers, showing me her glistening wet fingers. "Besides, I was trying to keep up myself."

I frowned, feeling guilty. "That could have been us in there instead."

Adrienne shook her head. "Cassidy needed it more than me."

"But you're my girlfriend."

Adrienne arched her eyebrow. "Do you love me any less?"

"No, of course not."

"Should I have any fear of losing you?"

"No, absolutely not."

She smiled. "Then I'm fine, Ben. Really."

I shook my head and walked into the room, closing the door behind me. Slowly, I started working my jaw around, loosening it up. After all, I'd nearly worn the joints down eating Cassidy.

"You know, I don't think I've actually had sex in that bed since Brandi left," I commented off-hand.

"What, were you planning on changing that little fact today?" Adrienne grinned as I approached and then I knelt next to the bed, pulling aside the covers and revealing that she was clad only in some wet panties below the waist.

Reaching for the panties, I smiled up at my girlfriend and said, "Well you may say you're fine. But as your boyfriend, I insist on making certain for myself that you really are."

Wednesday we really didn't have any major plans. No scheduled basketball or meeting up with the crew. It was an oddly cloudy day and we weren't in the mood to go to the beach. And we settled for just staying around the house.

Brooke, as usual, WAS going out to meet with her friends. But for the first time since summer break began, the twins weren't going out as well. Instead, they stayed home to watch TV and play games. And this also turned out to be the day the twins dropped their big bombshell on us.

"Adrienne, Ben? Can you tell us about sex?"

I choked on the orange juice that was trying to work down my esophagus. Adrienne's eyes flew open, and her hand jabbed the mute button on the TV, silencing the commercial that was currently playing on NBC. She sat upright next to me and put her hand on my back, patting gently.

The girls were sitting on the floor together where they'd been working on a jigsaw puzzle. Goggle-eyed, I fixed my gaze on Eden, who'd been the one to ask the question while Emma sidled up right beside her twin sister. "Excuse me?" I asked.

The twins looked back and forth between the two of us for a second before Eden repeated, "Can you guys tell us about sex?"

"Please tell me you two aren't having sex," I blurted.

"What? Eww! No!" Eden squished her face up as if the very concept was disgusting. "It sounds all messy and wet and ... no!"

Beyond relieved, I took a deep breath, glanced at Adrienne, and decided to take the lead since they were MY sisters. "Uh, well, what do you want to know?" I asked much more calmly.

"Well, we did the whole Health-class thing last year, so we're not stupid. We know all about penises and erections and vaginas and everything," Eden started.

"How the man puts his erect penis into the girl's vagina," Emma continued. "And he ejaculates his sperm into her womb to find an egg and make a baby."

I found my throat getting tight just listening to my two pre-teen sisters talking about penises and sperm.

"But Health class made it seem like it was just for making babies," Emma frowned. "But we KNOW people do it all the time. I mean, you guys are doing it, right?"

Adrienne's hand tightened around my shoulder as she entered the conversation. "And, uh, what makes you think that?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "We're not stupid," she said matter-of-factly. "That's what older couples do when they date, right?"

I nodded and then put my hand on Adrienne's thigh, telling her to hold on for a second. I then stayed perfectly silent, looking both girls in the eye and waiting for a few extra heartbeats, just long enough for them to get nervous and chatty. It was an old trick I'd realized my mom always used to get us kids to spill more of the story. We hated the uncomfortable silences and her little looks asking 'Annnd?' So eventually we'd cave and just keep talking.

It worked this time as Eden blushed, adding, "And ... uh, we've been sneaking out of our room at night a few times lately. We heard stuff coming from your bedroom, and Adrienne wasn't in her room."

Oh, great. If the twins told Mom she'd blow a gasket. At least they hadn't been listening in on me and Brooke ... I think. I glanced at Adrienne and decided to just admit the truth and run with it. I was a terrible liar anyways. "Well yeah, Adrienne and I have."

"But why? Are you trying to have kids?"

"NO!" I replied a little too loudly. "No, no. It's just, when you get older," I emphasized the word to make clear the twins understood I meant WAY later. "Your body changes in more ways than one. Did your Health class teacher talk to you about hormones and puberty?"

"Yeah," Emma nodded. "She said they were what made our bodies start changing. Like when we started our periods. And when we get our growth spurts and it makes our boobs grow." Emma kind of spaced out, staring at Adrienne's tits as if she couldn't possibly conceive of her breasts getting that big. Based on Brandi and Brooke, they almost certainly wouldn't.

I bit my lip, not sure exactly how to proceed from there, but Adrienne decided to jump in. "Hormones change more than just how a girl's body looks. They also change the way you feel."

I seized on that, remembering back to last year. "Uh, girls? Are you still, uh, kissing some of the boys?"

Both girls blushed and looked at each other for a second. This time Adrienne waited out the silence with me on her own and eventually, Eden said, "Just a couple of times. We had to try it more than once to see what it was really like."

"And did you like it?" Adrienne asked gently.

"Not really. It was just kinda wet and sloppy at first," Eden made a face. Then she added wistfully, "But lately..."

We waited her out.

"Lately, it's felt kinda nice. It made me feel a little squishy inside." Eden blushed beet red and looked down.

I glanced at Adrienne, who bit her lip and nodded knowingly. "Part of that is your hormones changing the way your body feels. When you get older, you're going to get more of those squishy feelings and kisses are going to start feeling nicer."

"So even though sex seems all weird and gross, when we get older it's going to feel nice?" Eden said sharply.

"Well..." I glanced at Adrienne, waggling my head before admitting, "Yeah..."

"I get squishy, too!" Emma added, not wanting to feel left out. "The kiss didn't feel good at all. But I liked the guy I was doing it with," Emma jumped in, then immediately pulled back, blushing.

"Who?" I asked a little harshly, my big brother instincts kicking in.

Emma quailed under my gaze but gave up, "Josh Wu. But he didn't do anything. Actually, I kissed him because I liked him and I thought he'd like it but he just thought it was kinda gross and made a face."

"Boys get their hormones a little differently," Adrienne said gently. "They usually don't start puberty until later."

Emma still pressed her original question. "So you guys do it because you're both grown up and it feels good for both of you?"

"Pretty much, yes."

"But won't that make babies?"

"We use birth control," Adrienne said. "Your teacher DID talk about birth control, right?"

Both twins shook their heads in the negative. "They just said that we should 'abstain' from having sex until we're ready to have babies."

Adrienne nodded, thinking back. "Oh, right." Then the looked at the twins. "First rule: NEVER have sex unless you have birth control, even when you're older. Got it? We're too young, and you're WAY too young, to have babies."

"Oh, I know," Eden nodded. "Mom won't even let us have puppies because she knows we'd stop taking care of them."

"We even killed a goldfish," Emma blushed.

"So don't worry, we won't be having sex yet. If even kissing doesn't feel good, I don't wanna go through that," Eden insisted and Emma nodded in agreement vigorously.

Adrienne and I seemed to relax a bit, but then Eden asked, "So, uh, how do we know when we're supposed to start having sex," Eden stated.

Adrienne and I looked at each other before she slid off the couch onto the floor, bringing herself to a closer level with the 12-year-olds. "You wait until you're ready."

"But how will we know?"

I bit my lip, wondering where the hell my parents were and trying to remember when they'd given me the birds and the bees speech. Adrienne just nodded and then said firmly, "When you're ready, you'll KNOW. Your body will tell you and your mind will confirm that you're really ready. And don't let ANYONE make you do anything you're not ready for."

"If you're nervous at all, you're not ready," I said firmly, thinking back to when Megan had wanted to lose her virginity, but also didn't want to.

"How old were you when you had sex the first time?" Emma asked quietly.

A pained look came over Adrienne's face as she glanced back at me. There was no way in hell she wanted to admit she was only ten. Instead, she replied, "I was fourteen when I chose to have sex for the first time. But even still, that's pretty young."

"I was sixteen," I added, emphasizing the later age and hoping my sisters would take their cue from it. The girls looked at each other and digested this.

Everyone went silent again for a long while, lost in their own thoughts and I eventually asked, "Just curious, what made you girls decide to ask us about this?"

Eden took the cue and shrugged, "Before school ended, Michelle Sadeghi said she'd already done it. She's the only girl in our grade who says so, but it got us thinking. Before, we'd never imagined anyone our age would be having sex already."

"Just curious, what did Michelle say about it?" Adrienne asked gently.

Emma made a face. "She tried to act all tough and mature. But we know her. She's scared and when she talked about it, she tried to say how it was the best experience of her life; but we could see she was lying."

"Twelve is way too young, girls," I said firmly, looking my sisters both in their eyes. "Your bodies aren't ready and you'll get nothing but pain."

They nodded firmly but then Emma said rather nervously, "But what about those squishy feelings? Sometimes I imagine kissing Josh and then I feel all hot inside. And ... and I want to rub my thighs together. And even now, my ... uh..." Emma blushed when she looked at me. Instead she turned her gaze to Adrienne. "I feel a little ... wet ... you know, down there."

This was so wrong. I was NOT hearing about how my 12-year-old baby sister was getting aroused.

"That's your body starting to change, Emma," Adrienne said softly. "It's perfectly normal."

"But what do I DO about it?"

"Well..." Adrienne glanced at me for a moment before saying, "The safest thing you can do is go somewhere private and rub yourself. It feels very good and it'll make the feeling go away when you're done."

"You mean masturbation!" Eden chirped.

I winced, hearing my baby sister say the world 'masturbation'.

"But we don't know how. Can you teach us about masturbation?" Emma asked with wide-eyes.

"Absolutely not!" My own eyes flew open.

"Well, duh. Not you," Eden rolled her eyes. "She meant Adrienne." Eden glanced at Emma, who nodded her head up and down.

"Well, uh," Adrienne smiled nervously in embarrassment. "I suppose, but maybe that's something you're supposed to learn from one of your older sisters."

"Well, aren't you like our older sister now?" Emma asked softly.

Adrienne's eyes popped open and a little smile came across her face. "Really, is that what you think of me?"

Both twins looked at each other and nodded vigorously.

Eden smiled. "Yeah. You're our big sis now, Adrienne. Brandi's the oldest, then you, and then Brooke!"

Adrienne couldn't be happier as she glanced at me and started beaming, her cheeks rising so high they started closing her eyes. "Uh, yeah. I guess I could."

"Great! When can we start?" Emma whined. "I'm, uh ... I'm kinda feeling squishy right now talking about all this. And I can't really think straight when it's happening and I want to know how to make it go away."

"It's not BAD or anything," Eden added. "But it IS distracting and we'd feel SO much better if we knew what to do about it."

Adrienne looked at me, a questioning expression on her face. I was just feeling too weird about it to say anything. I didn't want to think about it. Imagining Adrienne, Brooke, or any of my other sex partners masturbating was a total turn- on. But my baby sisters? Oh, HELL no.

Adrienne decided for herself, then stood up and held out both hands to the twins. "Okay, let's go."

Eagerly, the girls each grabbed a hand and let Adrienne pull them up. Then together, the three of them started heading back towards the twins' bedroom. I found myself suddenly short of breath, completely in disbelief that Adrienne was about to be behind a closed door teaching my baby sisters about masturbation. Unstoppably, the image came to mind of my gorgeous, sexy girlfriend sitting on a bed naked below the waist with my Eden and Emma equally half-naked, all of them rubbing their pussies. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to will the image away. This was SO wrong.

"Now it works best if you think about someone sexy," Adrienne said as they started up the stairs. "Someone that makes you feel all squishy inside."

"You mean like Ben?" Eden's voice trickled down the stairs.

Oh, this was SO unbelievably wrong.

I didn't dare go upstairs. I was deathly afraid I was going to hear Eden or Emma in the throes of an orgasm, and that somehow I would go to hell for doing so. I wasn't even religious, but I was certain there was a hell for people like Adam Dennis or anyone else getting sexual with a pre-teen, and I didn't want any part of that.

So when Adrienne, Eden, and Emma came tromping down the stairs an hour later with satisfied glows, I just frowned and focused on the TV.

"Wow, Ben!" Eden said gleefully. "That was so-"

"Don't want to hear it," I interrupted.

"But, Bennn..."

I turned to my baby sisters. "I love you girls. But talk to me about this stuff when you're older. Or better yet, talk to Brooke."

"But what if we need to know a guy's perspective?" Emma whined. "You promised we could always talk to you."

I sighed and then turned off the TV, leaning back into the couch and opening both my arms in our known family gesture. Giggling, both girls immediately leaped to my sides, cuddling themselves against me and hugging me from both directions while I wrapped my arms around their backs.

Kissing first Eden and then Emma on top of their heads, I sighed. "Of course you can talk to me, girls. I'm always here for you. It's just going to take a while for me to get used to the idea that you're growing up and won't be my baby sisters anymore."

"Bennn," Eden giggled. "We'll always be your baby sisters."

"Right!" Emma smiled.

"And when we get old enough, we're going to be asking you to tell us EVERYTHING," Eden grinned.

I groaned and Adrienne just smiled at me. Shaking my head, I took a deep breath. God help me when the twins got as old as Brooke had been.

Thursday afternoon found me burying my face repeatedly in Adrienne's massive tits, squeezing and fondling and sucking on them like I never planned to give them up.

"You're pretty obsessed with those today, Ben," Adrienne giggled.

"Woman," I grunted in a caveman voice while sucking a firm teat. "All WOMAN. Not little girl."

Adrienne chuckled. "Don't tell me you're still hung up about that sex talk we had with the twins yesterday."

I shook my head. "Not anymore. Not with these puppies." I waggled both breasts in my hands, bouncing them off my cheeks gleefully.

Adrienne just kept giggling as I slurped up the sweat that had formed in the valley of her cleavage from our latest round of fucking. Then I licked my way up to her face and did my best to plant my version of the nuclear kiss on her lips. That turned Adrienne's giggles into moans as I pressed my chest down on her tits and passionately attacked her mouth with my tongue. And just then, she started to feel my re-energized cock nudging against her already sperm-filled pussy. Playing with Adrienne's tits ALWAYS got me hard again.

"Ben," she pulled away from my mouth and gasped when my cock started pressing inside her. "We've already had sex three times today. Shouldn't you save your energy? I'm going to want you at 100% for my birthday tomorrow."

I grinned. "Don't you worry about tomorrow, baby," I husked while driving my hips forward, slamming my thick cock all the way inside her. "I've got everything planned out."

I intended to make Adrienne's 18th birthday an occasion she would never forget. After work, my (our?) parents had already planned Adrienne's first family birthday dinner since she was eleven, along with her closest friends. After dinner, Candy had volunteered her apartment for us, Heather, and Lynne to get together, get wasted, and generally have a good time.

But BEFORE my parents got home for Adrienne's birthday dinner, my girlfriend and I planned to celebrate in our usual way ... fucking non-stop.

Adrienne never knew what hit her.

The parental units had left for work before 8am, before Adrienne or I actually woke up. Then just before 10am, as usual, 16-year-old maniac with a driver's license Brooke loaded up the twins in my car to drop them off at their friend's house to hang out for the day. Brooke had more or less commandeered my car since Adrienne moved in with us, since we were perfectly happy to use her Mustang.

Brooke winked at me before shifting the car into gear, a knowing grin on her face for what I was planning to do to Adrienne that day. Not 'with' Adrienne. 'To'. I waved goodbye to her, a smug grin on my face as well.

It started when I walked back inside the house, smiled sweetly at my girlfriend and drew her into a warm hug and tender kiss. "I love you, Adrienne," I said with pure heartfelt emotion.

"I love you too, Ben," she replied contentedly.

"Happy Birthday," I said in the same warm voice.


Only then did my posture change as I stood straight up, looked sternly into her now-confused hazel eyes, and glare menacingly. "Adrienne!" I barked, thundering in a command tone.

She jerked back, her shoulders coming up as she braced herself, as if waiting to be slapped. "Yes, sir!" she whimpered reflexively, having not heard that tone from me in a LONG time.

"Sit DOWN," I ordered in the same tone, and she immediately dropped onto the couch in the living room. "Stay put," I stated coldly and then went behind another chair.

Only now did Adrienne start to recover from her momentary shock and wonder what the hell was going on. She started to get back up and look at what I was doing when I spun and barked, "DOWN!"

Adrienne jerked and sat again, her lower-lip quivering in honest fear. The last time I'd done this she'd been in a very strange mental state, almost orgasmically obeying my every command. While she wasn't nearly as fucked up in the head anymore, I knew from past experience that there was a bit of a submissive personality in there, as her instant obedience to my out-of-left-field commands seemed to confirm.

Suddenly I was beside her, kneeling on the sofa cushion. "Relaxxx, Adrienne," I nearly hissed in a tone that was more soothing but still rich with command. Her lower lip quivered and she didn't visibly relax, but she quieted down and she kept her eyes forward. "It's not about power; it's about trust," I intoned as I slipped a blindfold over her head. It wasn't just a standard bandanna, but a custom black velvet eyepiece with comfortable straps that Candy had acquired for me.

Almost immediately, Adrienne relaxed.

"It's not about pain; it's about control," I intoned in the same hypnotic voice as I slipped a pair of fur-lined cuffs around Adrienne's wrists. They didn't need key locks, only the right switch that Adrienne could probably trigger herself if she tried hard enough. They were also used, which made me wonder just what kind of sex life Candy had herself.

Adrienne felt the clamping around her wrists and started panting. I saw her chest rise and fall as she was breathing harder, and her erect nipples began to push through the fabric her thin top.

"Put yourself in my hands, Adrienne," I said softly as I slipped a leather collar around her neck, complete with a D-ring upon which a leather leash had been attached. Then gripping the leash, I tugged my girlfriend up to a standing position and then moved beside her, running my hands down her arms while she quivered lightly.

I held her face tenderly in my hands, pressing my lips to hers in our trademark slow-burn kiss of love. Afterwards, I leaned in until my lips were pressed up to her ear and husked, "Happy birthday, baby." And then I reached around and let fly with a wicked spank against her left asscheek.

"Unnngh!" Adrienne moaned in mingled pain and arousal, sagging her body straight against me. And then I proceeded to drag her by the leash upstairs to my bedroom.

What followed was something I'd never done to any girl before. I'd just never had the heart to dominate someone; it wasn't my style. Sure, I'd lost control to the sexual animal inside me and pretty violently fucked someone before, Adrienne included. But to calculatedly use and abuse someone was something I'd never had the foresight to plan out, nor a girl who'd willingly submit herself to me in that fashion.

But today, I gave it my best shot.

This wasn't a bondage thing. I had no whips or ball gags or other toys. While the collar never came off, the blindfold and handcuffs frequently did. And it wasn't even all violent and aggressive. Several times throughout the day I paused and did very tender and soft things to her. But the point was: it was always 'to' her, not 'with' her. I was in control. Adrienne was helpless to resist, and she wouldn't have tried to resist anyways. Not today.

I started by hooking Adrienne's handcuffs into a rope and hook I'd wrapped through my headboard. My gorgeous teenage girlfriend was bent over doggy- style when I cut away her thong panties with a pair of scissors. And then I proceeded to spank her repeatedly until both cheeks were completely pink.

When the sexy blonde was suitably panting and moaning in mixed pain and arousal, I stripped myself naked and then knelt by her face, gripping her jaw and guiding her until she practically inhaled my cock to the root. I fucked her face and made her repeatedly deep-throat me until I commanded her to stop, lest I spill myself too early. Then circling around behind her, I knelt between her spread knees, gripped her reddened asscheeks, and savagely thrust my dick into her sopping wet cunt.

"Aaaaaaghh!" Adrienne screamed. And she didn't stop screaming much for the rest of the day. I'm surprised a neighbor didn't come running to see who was being murdered.

With every powerful thrust, Adrienne shrieked like a banshee and kicked her hips up to meet me. She arched her back and howled at some distant point in the sky, her whole body writhing and bucking like a wild bronco. I grabbed her mane of golden hair, twisting it around my wrist as I just held on and kept on slamming against her buttcheeks over and again. Barely three minutes into the fuck, she was so incredibly wet I felt like I was gliding in and out without friction, although she certainly could feel the stretch.

Every time I felt like she started to buck too hard for me to hold on, I tamed the beast by spanking her asscheeks again. They were already red and sore, so each slap was extra-painful and usually enough to cow her before me for at least enough time to get in a few good thrusts.

"Oh-gawd-oh-gawd-oh-gawd-oh-gawd..." Adrienne repeated over and again. "Fuck me, Ben ... FUCK ME."

She came three times ... I think. Even with all my sexual expertise, it was pretty hard to separate Adrienne's orgasmic screams from screams just for the hell of it. Her body bucked and tensed and her pussy clamped so many different times I might have guess she came twenty times and been correct. But at least I think there were three individual gushes of fluid accompanying the spasming around my rod. And she nearly got me off as well.

But not quite. I still had further plans.

One thing Adrienne couldn't know was that the rope her handcuffs were attached to was on a pulley, the other end within my reach. Now, as I approached my own orgasm, I grabbed that end and yanked on it, jerking Adrienne forward abruptly so that she fell, squealing in surprise, flat on her face on the bed. Since I was holding myself back at the time, this also yanked her off my cock, and I barked at her, "What are you doing, bitch? Get back here and fuck me!"

Scrambling as best she could with her wrists bound, I released enough slack in the rope for Adrienne to get back up on her knees and wriggle her ass around, feeling with her own buttcheeks for my cock and desperately trying to get me inside her. I let her flail around for a bit before grabbing my own dick and aiming it into her pussy. And then with a sigh of relief she backed up and once again sank my cock deep inside her.

Twice more I did this, fucking Adrienne to the limit of my physical exhaustion and then jerking her off my dick right before I crossed the limits of my ejaculatory endurance. Both times she screamed at the sudden jerking motion and then scrambled to get me back inside her, although the final time she was noticeably moving much slower. I'd lost count of how many orgasms she'd already had.

Eventually, finally, I slammed my hips forward and nutted an impossibly HUGE load of cum inside her, blasting her womb, filling it up, and then overflowing back out the massive amount of semen that had built-up from close to an hour of fucking.

With my left hand, I pinned her body against my crotch until I was done flooding her womb and spurting every drop I had. Then, one last time, I yanked on the rope, jerking her forward and onto her face as she began leaking copious amounts of jism from her worn and abused pussy.

And that was only Round 1.

I slipped a brand new pair of industrial-strength panties onto Adrienne after the first fuck. They were a size too small and made of water-resistant polyester. The panties trapped in quite a bit of my sperm without letting it leak out, making her quite squishy as she went around doing my bidding for the next hour of recovery, led for the most part by my grip on the leash attached to her neck. We started by getting breakfast. I'd removed her blindfold for now, but left the handcuffs on, forcing her to work awkwardly to make something as simple as milk and cereal. And she both giggled and moaned (in that order) when I slathered Kellogg's Corn Pops into her cleavage and then proceeded to lick her clean.

Actually, I kept on licking well after she was clean. Damn I love those tits.

After the quick meal, I spread my legs and sagged in the breakfast nook, forcing Adrienne to kneel underneath the table and suck me back to hardness. Then it was back upstairs with the blindfold for more fucking.

Adrienne was blind, flat, and face-down on my bed again while I barked orders at her in a command voice until she was exactly in the position I wanted her in, down to the centimeter. I think she actually came again just listening to me boss her around. And she shivered when I re-attached the handcuffs to the rope/pulley assembly.

I left the panties on, just pulling the material low enough for access as I lubed up her asshole and then reamed out her anal chute with my thick prick, tugging on the rope every now and again just to stretch out her arms while I plowed myself almost vertically through her lewdly-stretched anus.

I filled up Adrienne's bowels with sperm, busting my nut inside her tight ass and thrusting my hips against her perky cheeks with each spurt of frothy spunk. And when I was done, I pulled up her panties again, now trapping my semen in BOTH of her stretched holes.

Moving to her head and tugging on the rope, I elevated Adrienne's weakened body back into an all fours position (well, three since her hands were stuck together). Then gripping her jaw, I growled obscenities to her for a minute before shoving her mouth around my filthy cock, listening to her moan and groan as she sucked on me powerfully tasting her own ass and lube.

And that's when the second phase of my plan came in. I grinned as my sexual assistant entered the room and I kept growling obscenities at Adrienne while she did a wonderfully energetic job sucking my dick. But then my poor girlfriend tensed up in an absolute panic when she felt a second cock pushing into her cum-filled asshole.

I dropped my voice to a soothing tone as I reminded, "It's not about pain; it's about control. It's not about power; it's about trust. Trust me, Adrienne."

She quieted down softly for a moment, and then acknowledged her acquiescence by re-starting to suck on my cock. I nodded to my assistant, who found that Adrienne's ass had unclenched, and the second cock began descending once again into the previously violated hole.

And still we weren't done. My assistant brought up a pink vibrator, thumbed it on, and then slipped it around Adrienne's waist and slid it past the crotch of the panties and into the blonde teenager's pussy. Adrienne groaned around a mouthful of cock when the third phallus entered her body, and she quickly tensed up in orgasm as the vibrator went to work on her sensitive innards.

Together, my assistant and our three cocks worked Adrienne over the top again and again, until her legs gave out and she became just a quivering mass of twitching flesh and sweat. Sperm was leaking out of both her holes, mingling on the bed with her own orgasmic fluids. And every square millimeter of her body was covered with sweaty moisture. Only then did we let up.

I pulled my now limp dick out of her mouth, having spunked down her throat sometime in the middle of all that to complete the trifecta of pussy, ass, and mouth. I unhooked her handcuffs and removed her blindfold, and Adrienne immediately rolled over onto her back to see exactly who it was that had joined me and shoved his cock up her ass.

"Brooke?" Adrienne managed to croak. Her voice was cracking from too much screaming, and she stared in disbelief at my little sister standing there naked and grinning with a pink vibrator in hand and a penis-shaped strap-on dildo wrapped around her waist.

"Happy Birthday, A.D.," Brooke chirped.

Adrienne's eyes just rolled up into her head as she fell against the mattress and fainted.

What came next was one of the tender, soft moments. Brooke ran a nice bubble bath while I tidied up. And then Brooke changed my bedsheets while I carried Adrienne into the bathroom and gently lowered her into the tub. I'd set some towels to support her head on the edge and very delicately soaped up a soft cloth to soap her up and clean away all the sweat, grime, and spunk that had accumulated on her body.

I kissed her forehead delicately and massaged her sore arm and shoulder muscles. I spent a little too much time soaping up her breasts but by the end of it, she was squeaky clean and feeling much better. I knew the day was going wonderfully when she paused while I was drying her off and asked, "Permission to speak, sir?"

I tilted my head with a smile and said, "Granted."

"I love you, Ben. I love you with all my heart."

I smiled and held her head for another slow-burn kiss. And then I slipped the blindfold back on and led her back into my bedroom.

Next, I handcuffed Adrienne to the corner of my bed, sitting naked on the floor. Her head twisted left and right in confusion. After all, from this position I couldn't possibly fuck her. But then, it wasn't her turn just yet.

Instead, Brooke got her reward for putting the energy and effort into fucking Adrienne's ass and vibrating her pussy. I climbed on top of my little sister in my own bed and proceeded to vigorously fuck her, letting blindfolded Adrienne hear every grunt and squeal from just a foot away while helpless to even masturbate since her wrists were still hooked to the bedpost.

After I filled Brooke up with my load of cream, I unhooked Adrienne and lifted her onto the bed, flat on her back. And then while my little sister sat on my girlfriend's face, forcing her to slurp out the creampie I'd left inside, I bent between the gorgeous blonde's legs and reminded my girlfriend why she considered me the best pussy-muncher she'd ever met, male OR female.

After that, we tied Adrienne up in the bathroom while Brooke and I took a giggling shower together, complete with much sexual play, but no actual intercourse. Adrienne could still hear my little sister cumming on my fingers, though.

Then after Brooke and I got dressed, we towed a still-naked Adrienne downstairs and got lunch. Free to see but still handcuffed, we watched her try to put together sandwiches quite delicately, enjoying her little domestic challenge. Adrienne even just grinned when Brooke stopped her at the last possible moment and requested that her sandwich have toasted bread, forcing Adrienne to more or less take the sandwich apart and start all over again. I knew the look. Adrienne was planning to get her revenge sometime down the road, and I imagined it had something to do with putting my little sister in the same blindfold, leash, and handcuffs.

After lunch, we put on one of my parents' porn DVDs (they didn't know we'd figured out where they kept the key to their private closet in their bedroom). Since Adrienne was free of both handcuffs and blindfold, it was up to Adrienne then to lick, suck, and fondle us underneath our clothes while Brooke and I enjoyed the visual feast produced by L.A.'s Silicone Valley.

Once we were suitably warmed up, Brooke shucked her shorts and lifted her shirt above her nicely growing tits. Adrienne then was planted on all fours with her once-again blindfolded face in Brooke's crotch, eating out my little sister while I fucked her from behind and resumed spanking the buttcheeks that had since returned to their original color after this morning's abuse.

Even after everything I'd done to Adrienne, her pussy was still tight and moist and oh-so-perfect, giving me pleasure beyond compare. I'd already cum three times today, but the energy and excitement of the moment had me aroused and ready to blow almost as fast as if it were my first ejaculation of the day.

Just before I came, I pulled out of Adrienne and roughly shoved her to the side. I then proceeded to spray my still decent load all over Brooke's torso, painting my sister's tits, abs, and even pussy. Finally, dragging Adrienne back by the hair, I made her lick it all up blindfolded, having to repeatedly backtrack and keep on licking until I ensured that she'd gotten every last drop.

Brooke was so horny by the time Adrienne finished licking her entire body, that my little sister pleaded with me to fuck her again. So I ripped off Adrienne's blindfold and made her suck me hard so she could watch me plow the young brunette to just one more screaming orgasm.

I didn't cum into Brooke that time, saving it. And then once again blindfolding Adrienne, I proceeded to lead her around the house, moving up to each street- facing window and opening the blinds. I held her leash and stood with her there for ten seconds (counted aloud VERY slowly by Adrienne, at my direction), waiting to see if someone might just happen to walk by.

The now 18-year-old birthday girl got lucky the first three times. Then out of nowhere, Keira McNeil was driving home early for the weekend and she came to a screeching halt when she looked over and saw me and a very naked, blindfolded Adrienne standing in the window. I grinned and just waved happily, my first-ever lover chuckling and grinning at the situation. Then she finally put the car back into drive and continued on to her own home.

Adrienne was already a little nervous to begin with, blind and unable to ever know just what was on the other side of the window. She'd started hyperventilating when she heard the tires squealing. And in a panicked voice she'd kept asking me, "What's going on? Who is it?"

I only made it worse by not answering her, simply tugging on the leash when she attempted to run away and cover herself. "Count, Adrienne," I reminded her sternly. "And start over at one. Slowly."

My gorgeous, naked girlfriend whimpered but obeyed, her voice a little more strained than before. "One ... Two ... Three..."

When I finally pulled her away from the window, I sternly reprimanded her for speaking without permission and for trying to run away. Then I bent her over my lap and made sure both her asscheeks were just as red as when we'd started. Only then did I tell her it was Keira outside, and Adrienne didn't seem sure whether to feel relieved or more nervous that it was someone she knew.

Either way, it was back up to the bedroom.

For the final round, I just blindfolded Adrienne as I lay her sideways across my bed, flat on her back. Her head was hanging off the edge and I directed her to open her jaw so that I could fuck her throat upside-down. Meanwhile, Brooke was at the other end, finally getting a chance to eat some pussy herself.

I fucked Adrienne's mouth until I decided she'd had enough, then I spun around to move Brooke out of the way just for a few minutes. I fucked into my girlfriend's pussy long enough to give her another orgasm and get myself nicely coated with feminine fluids. Then I got up and straddled Adrienne's chest, sandwiching my dick into those glorious breasts. And I titfucked my way to happiness before finally nutting my last, diminished load all over her boobs.

Finally, I removed the blindfold and opened her collar, freeing her completely from any restraints. The release from the collar symbolized the end of her ordeal, and I told Adrienne in soft, soothing words that I was done; the domination was done.

But Brooke wasn't done yet, and she pounced on Adrienne's breasts, licking and nibbling and slurping my cum off my girlfriend until Adrienne actually came once more herself, just by having her tits stimulated.

Grinning, Brooke then kissed Adrienne goodbye and also kissed me on the way out the bedroom door to clean herself up and get dressed, skipping and whistling all the way.

I then rolled Adrienne into a more comfortable position on the bed, kissing her tenderly as I spooned up behind her to take a break and maybe a nap before the birthday dinner. Brooke was on-duty to wake us well in time to get cleaned up.

But before we drifted away, Adrienne shivered and then softly asked, "Ben, can you put the handcuffs, collar, and blindfold back on me?"

I arched an eyebrow but silently did as she'd requested. So once again with her hands bound together and her eyes blinded to the world around, with me tugging ever-so-gently on the leash, Adrienne trapped her hands against her own breasts and curled into a fetal position. She sighed quite happily as I wrapped my larger body around her, surrounding her with love and warmth.

And together, we slept.

After all the depravity and X-rated content of Adrienne's day so far, her birthday dinner was exactly the opposite. My family gave Adrienne a birthday party ... a children's birthday party.

Balloons were tied to the dining chairs. Streamers were hung from the ceiling and a colorful "Happy Birthday Adrienne" banner was on the wall, signed by everyone. The tablecloth was made of paper and adorned with pastel-colored circus animals. Pink napkins, plastic utensils, and paper plates and cups with multi- colored balloons on them were our tableware. And my parents even had us wearing conical party hats, complete with elastic chin straps.

Adrienne was turning eighteen, and even the twins thought it was childish, but our newest family member was thrilled. Adrienne couldn't keep a smile off her face for the entire evening, even if she was a little sore sitting down in her chair.

Candy, Heather, and Lynne had joined us, looking somehow cute and sexy in their little party hats. They were blowing kazoos and setting off poppers while everyone sang the Happy Birthday song. And after Adrienne blew out the candles on her cake, she broke into tears of happiness when we all started clapping. For the first time in seven years, she had a family celebrating with her. And it showed when she made a point to get up and hug each and every one of us, more than once when the order got mixed up.

"Thank you so much," Adrienne sobbed as she held onto both my parents at the same time. "I can't believe you guys did this for me."

They patted her back and then Mom held her shoulders. "You're our daughter now, Adrienne. How could we do any less?"

The waterworks started up again. At least she managed to get her crying under control in time to open presents.

After dinner, Adrienne, her friends, and I headed to Candy's apartment. Candy had the place to herself since her lease wasn't up until the end of the month and her roommate had already headed home to her family. The evening found the five of us lounging around on the couch or on the floor, drinking cocktails that were only somewhat absorbed by cake while we got buzzed and chatted happily.

At least, Candy, Heather, Lynne, and I chatted happily. Adrienne just sort of sagged against my chest in a daze, looking rather sleepy.

"Good lord, A.D." Candy laughed. "What did Ben do to you today? You look completely wiped out!"

"Sorry, just a little tired," Adrienne sighed.

"But we haven't given you our extra presents yet!" Heather chimed in.

Adrienne mimed my arched eyebrow. "Extra?"

Candy and Heather both giggled. Lynne blushed. Then Heather explained, "Since we assume Ben already fucked your brains out — and by your dazed expression, I'm guessing we're right — the three of us were going to just be cherries on top by giving you one more orgasm each."

"Huh?" Adrienne perked up more in alarm than arousal at that.

The raven-haired beauty just glinted her aqua eyes at Adrienne. "All three of us are gonna eat you out, A.D." Heather grinned lustfully. "Even Lynne," she added while elbowing the petite brunette in the ribs.

Adrienne was immediately defensive, "Oh, no-no-no," waving her hands to ward off Heather as the hot ex-Senior started to pull off Adrienne's skirt. "I'm so tired!"

"Then let us put you to bed," Heather added before yanking down both skirt and panties, revealing Adrienne's beautiful bare pussy, her labia now reddened with abuse.

Candy leaned in and jerked back, looking over at me. "Good lord, Ben! What did you do to her?"

Adrienne answered for me. "The greatest sexual experience of my life..."

"With cherries on top!" Heather just grinned. And then she wrapped her tongue around Adrienne's clit to get things started.

It took a while to get Adrienne warmed up with Heather being careful and gentle out of deference to the blonde's sore pussy. But she brought off her friend with skillful expertise and then moved aside to let Lynne move in and practice her still developing oral skills, Candy coaching her the entire time.

By the time Candy moved in to give Adrienne her third and final orgasm, I was breathing quite heavily and my cock was straining in my shorts, despite the workout I'd given it earlier in the day. Heather couldn't resist peeling me open and then feeding on my banana-bent cock, and I groaned as the raven-haired beauty sucked my while I watched my girlfriend getting eaten out by her best friend.

After Candy got Adrienne off for her third time, the girls had planned for me to then fuck my girlfriend in front of them, assuming correctly that watching them eating her out would get me aroused. But Adrienne begged off. "No, please, no! I'm too sore!"

"Fuck birthday girl's ass then," Candy growled.

"NO!" Adrienne wailed. "That end's even worse!" From mine (and Brooke's) repeated reamings, plus spankings, I imagined Adrienne was right.

Then Adrienne managed to change the plan by ordering, "Just go ahead and fuck him, Heather! Climb on and make him cum inside you!"

After sucking me for the past ten minutes, Heather was certainly revved up. And without waiting for Candy to protest about the so-called 'plan', my gorgeous dark- haired friend did indeed just climb on and shove my turgid dick inside her wet cunt. The 18-year-old hottie immediately started humping herself up and down my shaft with glee, only pausing to strip her top off once she was already impaled.

But six orgasms in one day had deadened my cock nerves, meaning I wasn't quite ready to cum inside her. Heather managed to ride herself to two orgasms while I nibbled on her tits before Candy got impatient and tapped her younger friend out. Then Candy climbed aboard and fucked her way to a climax as well.

And then, with me smiling and gesturing invitingly while Heather egged her on, Lynne finally caved to her own arousal, stripping and moving to straddle me. Unlike the other two, I hadn't been intimate with Lynne since Winter Break and I found a second wind of arousal as the cute brunette approached. Also unlike the other two, she paused to kiss me tenderly first before sliding her tight pussy around my thick and throbbing shaft.

"Ohhh, I forgot how good this feels," Lynne groaned against my neck while I hugged her torso against my chest and helped bounce her light body up and down.

I turned and kissed the side of her head. "I missed you, little Lynne."

She smiled sweetly and then gave in to her lust, squeaking and groaning until she felt her orgasm approaching.

"I'm gonna cum, Ben. One last time, you're gonna make me cum on your cock."

"Ohhh, Lynne..." I groaned.

"Cum in me! Cum in me! Spill your hot essence inside me..."

So I did, blasting away with what remaining spunk I had left in my drained and dehydrated body. It wasn't much, but it was enough to let Lynne feel the hot cream splashing against her innards. "Uh, uh ... Unnghhh!" I groaned.

"Yesss..." she hissed. "I can feel it, Ben! I can feel it!" She clutched her hands behind my head as we kissed, sharing in our mutual climax. And only after I finished creaming her pussy did we finally pull apart and rest our foreheads tenderly against one another.

"Is it just me?" Candy put a finger to her lips. "Or does Lynne always manage to get him to cum inside her when we're all together?"

Adrienne was chuckling. And Lynne was blushing as she lifted herself out of my lap, glancing down at the trickle of creamy jism just starting to ooze out of her.

"Ooh..." Heather breathed, her eyes glittering as she stared at her petite friend's crotch. "Mine!"

And then Lynne was squealing again as Heather pinned her back to the couch and spread her legs to get at my cum. I just grinned and relaxed. It had been a long, but glorious day.

"Feel any different?" I asked Adrienne on Saturday morning when we ran into each other in the hallway going back and forth to the bathroom.

She glanced up and down the hallway for a second before smiling bashfully and saying, "Pretty sore."

"Oh, right," I waved. "I meant being eighteen, now."

She shrugged and shook her head in the negative before stopping and looking straight at me. "Yeah. Yeah, I do. But not because I'm eighteen, Ben."

Then the stunningly beautiful blonde swept her hair back and stepped forward, wrapping her arms around my back and pillowing her head on my shoulder while hugging me fiercely. "I feel like I've died and gone to heaven, Ben. I'm in a different universe, with you as my center. I have a family again. I feel loved again. And I trust again. All thanks to you."

"Whoa, whoa," I patted her back. "I'm not the Messiah, here. I'm just another guy."

"No." Adrienne pulled back from me. "You're 'my guy', Ben, in every way that phrase means."

I smiled. "Yeah. I am." Then I slipped my hand into hers and nodded towards the stairs. "Let's get dressed and relax for the weekend. I promise I won't do anything more to make you sore."

Adrienne squeezed my hand and looked straight into my eyes, her own hazel irises glowing with an inner fire. "I would for you, Ben. Sore or not. I put myself in your hands. This body is yours to take whenever you want."

I brushed her bangs back and kissed her softly. "But you know I won't. You can trust that."

She nodded. "That's why I love you."

Adrienne and I did relax for the rest of the weekend, and while we cuddled several times on both days, we didn't have sex except for one quiet and gentle lovemaking session very late on Sunday night.

We were now less than a week until it was time to head up north to summer camp, and to Dawn. I still didn't know what would happen when that time came, or how everyone in the Evans family would react to Adrienne's presence, since my new 'sister' was coming along for the very first time. But whatever waited ahead, I was expecting a rather peaceful, sedate week of summer vacation before we left. After all, now that Adrienne and I were back together and back to our usual lovemaking, there was no need for her to set me up with any of her friends to 'take care of my needs'. I assumed we would pass the next few days with just the two of us enjoying ourselves alone.

I was wrong.

I went to play basketball with the guys on Monday, and when I got back, I entered my bedroom to find a beautiful girl lying on my bed, dressed in just a see-thru lace camisole and equally sheer panties while smiling seductively. My jaw dropped to the floor and I gasped, "Stephanie?"

"Hiii, Ben." The pretty Vietnamese-American babe grinned. She was reclining partially on her side, her right elbow propping her up with her hips twisted to let her legs stretch towards me with an enticing flex. She ran the fingers of her left hand through her long, jet black hair. And Adrienne was sitting in my desk chair with just a baby T-shirt stretched around her massive tits, and thong panties.

"What the-? What is going on?" I stammered.

"Same old Ben," Adrienne giggled as she stood up and walked over to me. "STILL needs someone to spell it out for him."

"What's going on?" I asked more pointedly to Stephanie.

"I only got an hour the last time," the beautiful Asian girl answered. "From what I gather, I got pretty short-changed on the Big Ben Experience. Now I'm here for the rest."


Stephanie slipped one spaghetti strap of her camisole down her shoulder, revealing an extra few inches of creamy breast. "I cut a deal with Adrienne. This time, I get to have you for as long as it takes. She gets to watch."

"I'd start in the shower," Adrienne told Stephanie as she held my sweaty cheeks, kissing me firmly. Then my stunningly gorgeous girlfriend grinned at me while sitting back in the chair and slipping her hand into her own panties. "Am I the perfect girlfriend or what?"

Fireces Fireces

i will MASS RELEASE when we reach the TOP 5 monthly. if we reach the TOP1 of powerstone perseason which is Basically IMPOSSIBLE.


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