74.77% Fairy Tail: Sun Eater / Chapter 331: 331. Sun Drive

章 331: 331. Sun Drive

Sun Drive, a spell that Ben has just made yesterday. He made it using the data he got from analyzing Sting & Rogue's spells, the White & Shadow Drives. Quorra broke down the spells and then Ben made his version using the data that he matched with his magic.

But because he has 3 kinds of Slayer Magic, he also plans to make 3 types of Sun Drive. He has just made the Dragon Slayer version now because he based this spell on Dragon Slayers. But he's already on the way to make the Devil & God Slayer versions.

He likes this Drive a lot because it is easier to achieve than Force. The increase in power is also lower though, but it's enough to be used in many situations. Even Ben in his normal form can take some Sting & Rogue in Dragon Force modes, so the Drive is a good enough power boost for him.

"Be more serious or you'll never win. Come on," says Ben while taunting them using his hand.

Everyone grits their teeth before they start attacking again. Their teamwork becomes better after fighting together for almost half an hour. They combine their short, middle, and long-range attacks nicely and they fight better than before.

But Ben also has gotten better with the boost of Sun Drive. He is faster & stronger, his senses become sharper, he becomes more agile, and his magic becomes more powerful. The combined attacks of 30 people are not enough to push him back now.

"Everyone, stay back! Let's raise the game," says Jura as he walks forward.

Ben smirks as he sees Jura's body starts to get covered by stones. The stones keep stacking and merging on Jura's body until they cover his whole body. When he finishes, the stacking stones become a thick full-body armor with the same design as the giant stone knight that Jura made in their duel.

"Well, would you look at this? Using the spell that I made against me. Haven't you learned from our duel?" asks Ben while grinning.

"Of course, I have, and that's why I use this spell. Thanks to you, my previous defeat has increased my understanding of my magic. And now I understand more of the phrase that you often said. The strongest spell isn't always the best spell, right? The best spell is the most suitable spell for the situation," says Jura before rushing at Ben.

Jura becomes a lot faster now despite getting heavier because of the stone armor's weight. But this armor is his magic and he can control his magic however he likes. So now he can move faster and his attacks will be stronger too.

Ben evades Jura's right punch by moving to the right, but then Jura sends an uppercut with his left hand. He has sent the uppercut when he punched because he knew Ben would be able to evade it. So he just made sure that Ben would evade to where he'll send the next attack.

Ben is impressed by Jura's strategy, but this is not enough. Jura is fast, but Ben is faster, his Light Magic is the epitome of speed itself, after all. So he slides back a bit and makes Jura's uppercut misses by a thin margin.

However, Sting & Rogue have arrived behind him when he slides back. Minerva has teleported them there, following Jura's instruction that was sent through telepathy. Both of them are already using their Dragon Forces and have prepared their Unison Raid spell.

They shoot the spell at Ben at point-blank so it must've hit him. A big explosion appears there and it pushes the nearby Mages back, including Sting & Rogue. But when the dust & smoke disappears, they all see Ben standing there with his left hand on his back.

Ben was blocking the Unison Raid using his left hand. He moved his left-hand right when the spell get shot. His palm gets some bruises, but he doesn't get other injuries. Even the ground in front of him is fine because he blocked the explosion.

"Is this it?" asks Ben while grinning.

The stunned Mages wake up and they start attacking Ben again. Jura leads the attack by fighting Ben at close range using his stone armor. He takes Ben's attention while the others attack Ben. His stone armor is protecting him well, so he isn't worried about Ben's or his allies' attacks.

Everyone attacks Ben from all sides while Jura keeps him occupied. They don't even let him get away from Jura because they won't be able to attack him if he gets away. So they keep attacking him from all sides to damage him and also make him stay there.

But even when they attack him together from all sides, Ben can still block or evade their attacks using his super agile & fast movements. Of course, he still gets hit every once in a while because his movement space is limited and their attacks never stop.

Jura also gets hit by the splash damage, but his tough stone armor protects him from them. Ben doesn't have such armor, so his body starts getting injured even though it's very tough & he has a magic protection layer around him. The direct impact is more powerful than mere splashes, after all.

'Is this the limit of Sun Drive when fighting using basic skills to defend against a group of high-level Mages with good coordination?' ponders Ben calmly despite getting pushed back.

'I still have many ways to get out of this situation, but I want to test the limit of Sun Drive on my defensive abilities. It seems that I've reached the limit though, so I think it's time to attack,' thinks Ben while grinning.

Everyone can feel something ominous from that grin, but they still keep attacking. Suddenly, Ben grabs Jura's armored arm while evading his punch. Then Ben pulls Jura by his arm and swings Jura's heavy body around to block the incoming spells.

Jura's stone armor gets destroyed and then Ben throws him at the Scarmiglione team. They get hit by Jura's body and crash onto a building, destroying its wall. Everyone else doesn't even look at them because their attention is just on Ben who is stretching his body a little now.

"Well, it's time to stop being a turtle and end this game. I will go on the offensive, so get ready," says Ben while smiling with a smile that looks like a devil's smile.

Everyone has a bad feeling, so they immediately prepare their attacks. But before they can even finish preparing, Ben suddenly disappears from his spot. The next thing they know, Bacchus gets punched by Ben in the stomach while his head is being held by Ben's other hand.

"That's for what you said in your match with Gajeel. You wanted to 'have' Wendy for a night? You sure know how to get yourself killed with words. I never take offense to my family lightly, but I'm indebted to your Guild Master, so I won't kill you now. But the next time you do it again, you will regret ever being born," says Ben while lifting Bacchus who has blood on his mouth by the hair.

Ben releases Bacchus's hair before kicking his face very hard. Bacchus flies and crashes onto the buildings behind him. The crashes destroy those buildings instantly and a clear path is created.

Ben has just defeated an S-Class Mage with a normal punch & kick. Those attacks weren't enhanced with magic other than Sun Drive which boosted his physical & magical power. He could defeat Bacchus with a punch, but he wanted to tell that message to Bacchus first.

After defeating Bacchus, Ben looks at the others and makes them flinch. No one realizes it but they've taken some steps back even before Ben looks at them. They all get into their fighting stances while looking at Ben nervously.

Ben grins and says, "This is what raising your game really means. And soon, it will mean Game Over."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 366 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 377 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C331
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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