42.79% Fairy Tail: Sun Eater / Chapter 189: 189. Meeting The Council

章 189: 189. Meeting The Council

Ben, Makarov, & Bella go to the Magic Council together just like they've planned. They use Ben's car to go there even though the Council has offered to pick them up using their Magic Airship. It's a nice offer, but Ben can't ride an Airship because of his picky motion sickness.

But even without using the airship, they can reach the National Council branch just in 15 minutes, which is even faster than if they use the airship. Ben uses Light Runner in flight mode because it's the fastest mode. Light Runner turns into a jet in this mode and it can move faster than the airship.

He doesn't really like to fly in his car because it's not that fun for him. It also uses a lot more energy than the normal mode or even boat mode. But he needs to be fast now, so he uses it, and it really saved a lot of time.

"I think we need to be slower on our way back. That speed is not good for my old heart," says Makarov who is looking rather pale.

"We'll use the land route then. I'm also not fond of the flight mode because I can't enjoy the ride. Bella, you need to keep silent, alright? I will give you a lot of milk if you do that," says Ben as he stores the Light Runner in his storage space.

"Kay~," says Bella happily as she gestures that he will keep silent all the time.

After Makarov regains his composure, they enter the Council building. It has been rebuilt after Jellal & Ultear destroyed it a few months ago. They make it a little bigger than the previous building and some parts are still under construction.

A council member has waited for them and Ben is surprised to see him. It's Geld, the man who he always met in the past when there was a business with the Council. It has been a long time since Ben met this guy that he almost forgot about him.

"It's been a long time, Sir Ben, Master Makarov," says Geld politely.

"Sir? You call me Sir? Are you really the Geld that I know?" asks Ben while looking at Geld cringely.

"Hahaha, of course, I am. It's just that you are a Wizard Saint candidate, so I need to be polite, right?" asks Geld.

"Ugh, just act like usual, dude. I don't like being treated like an important person," says Ben.

"Well, I can do that, but not now. This is an official matter, so I need to follow the protocol. Anyway, I am here to guide you, so please follow me," says Geld while extending his hand to the door politely.

Ben sighs and leaves the trivial matter. He & Makarov follows Geld to enter the building and go to the meeting room. To fill their time, Geld explains the places that they pass along the way as if this is a tour.

Soon, they reach the meeting room that looks more like a courtroom. Some high-ranked officials & some Wizard Saints are sitting on the chairs placed in rather high positions. There are some screens too for those who are from other Nations and can't come here.

Ben is asked to stand in front of everyone while Makarov sits on one of the chairs. Soon, all the involved officials come be it physically or virtually. Ben looks at them and only knows a few including Jura from Lamia Scale.

*Tok Tok Tok*

An old man with a long beard knock the hammer a few times to gather everyone's attention. He announces that the meeting will start and lists the ones who attend it. It's just a formality to start the meeting.

There are 10 high-ranked officials and 6 Wizard Saints who attend it including Makarov. Ben looks at the Wizard Saints, he doesn't care about the Council officials. Only Makarov & Jura who are in the room while the other Saints join through virtual, so Ben can't assess their strength.

'Draculos Hyberion and Wolfheim, they're ranked 2nd & 3rd among the Wizard Saints, so they're included in the Gods of Ishgar. God Serena & Warrod Sequen don't come, huh? Well, doesn't matter,' thinks Ben.

Ben also looks at the other 2 Wizard Saints that joined through virtual. There is a middle-aged man and a woman that looks to be in her 30s. The man has long blonde hair and a rough face, his name is Ancelot. The woman has black hair and red eyes, her name is Tiara.

These 2 Wizard Saints are not from Fiore so they don't come here. They are ranked 6th & 7th, just below Makarov who is ranked 5th but above Jura who is ranked 8th. But that's the current rank because there are 2 vacant spots now.

"Well then, the meeting will start. Just like what everyone knows, this person here is a candidate for one of the 2 remaining spots of the 10 Wizard Saints rank. His name is Ben Cooper and he has done many S-Class jobs since he was 13 years old. Now he is 17 years old, so he must've been a lot stronger and we think he has sufficient strength to be a Wizard Saint."

"He also has contributed a lot to Ishgar. One of his contributions was the new engine model for the magic vehicle that uses Lacrima instead of a Mage's Magic Power. It has improved not only our transportation but also other industry and other sectors. Of course, his strength is still the main reason for us to choose him," says the old man.

The long-bearded old man has just explained shortly about the reason they choose Ben. But Ben thinks that explanation doesn't explain clearly about the most important factor for a Wizard Saint, his strength.

Ancelot also thinks the same and he says, "That doesn't explain anything about his strength. Many Mages have done and finished S-Class jobs too, even more than him. So I don't think that's a good enough reason."

"Yes, I understand, that's why we will ask Mr. Jura Neekis to give a testimony. He has seen Mr. Ben's strength by his own eyes when they were working together against Oracion Seis," says an old woman from the Council.

Everyone looks at Jura and he says, "Certainly, I can say that he has the required strength, and not without reason. In that job, he has destroyed Nirvana by himself, and not by normal method, he melted it completely. Furthermore, he defeated Brain who has turned into Zero with ease. I think that's enough to prove his strength."

They all start to murmur and think about what Jura said. But Ben is rather impatient bt what they are doing right now.

"Hey, can we just get to the main point?" asks Ben.

Everyone looks at him strangely and the long-bearded old man asks, "What do you mean?"

"No need to act like that, I know you all have known about all those things. There's no way you will choose a candidate without all these people's agreement. Even if only the Council officials who decided it, you must've sent the data to the Wizard Saints. Besides, I'm sure all of you have investigated me since you know that I am a candidate, right? Let's just get to the main point. What do you want from me and what will you offer to me?" asks Ben without batting an eye.

Makarov holds his head and sighs because he never thought Ben will act like this. Jura, Ancelot, & Tiara grins seeing it while Draculos & Wolfheim are neutral. The Council officials look angry though.

"He is right, let's not waste our time," says Draculos.

The long-bearded old man gets nervous and says, "Y-Yes, Chairman. Ben Cooper, we will give you the same benefit as the other Wizard Saint and will even give you some special treatment. But we need you to leave Fairy Tail because we can't have 2 Wizard Saint in the same Guild."

Ben smirks and says, "As I thought."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 224 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 235 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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