33.33% One Piece’s Illusionist / Chapter 1: Trafalgar D. Loki
One Piece’s Illusionist One Piece’s Illusionist original

One Piece’s Illusionist

作者: Sin_O_Sloth

© WebNovel

章 1: Trafalgar D. Loki

"Hey Law! Wanna go to the market? I heard they're selling some pineapple there!" I yelled into my brother's room.

"Sure! Just let me finish this page first!" Law responded. He was lounging on his bed, reading a medical book. Despite my father being a renowned doctor and my mother being a nurse, I have never been interested in that type of stuff.

Law on the other hand…

After finishing the page he was on, he dog-eared the corner and set it down on his desk before jogging out of the room.

"Ready?" I asked with a smile, briefly taking off his hat and ruffling his hair.

"Yeah!" He said, laughing.

"Then allow your elder brother to escort you!" I said with a smirk, marching towards the exit to our house.

"But you're only a year older than me, Loki!" Law complained, running after me.

"Still older!" I sang over my shoulder.

Law sulked for a bit but cheered up soon when we stepped out of the house and into the morning sun.

"Ma, we're going to the market!" I yelled back into the house. I heard a muffled "okay."

Our house was quite large, although since it doubled as a hospital and clinic most that space was dedicated to the business side of things and less towards living space.

We lived in the North Blue, in a city called Flevance, although most referred to it as the 'White City' due to the majority of it being made out of a bright white stone.

Flevance was also a major exporter of a rare and sought after metal called white lead. It was a popular material in the making of jewelry.

Because of this, a large amount of the population is made up of wealthy people.

Law and I strolled through the hustling streets, heading towards the city's public market.

"Do they really have pineapple?" Law asked hopefully from behind me.

"Yep!" I responded.

"Is it as good as you said it was?" Law asked, his hand on his chin as he seemed to think of something.

Law had always doubted my claims that pineapple was the best type of fruit, since he seemed to like apples.

I grinned. "Of course! It's swear, sour, and tart all at the same time!" I said, causing Law's mouth to water.

We reached the market, and joined a very long line. We waited for hours. I asked Law about how his studies were going, and they were great as always.

Eventually we reached the front.

"You only have one left?" I asked somberly. The shopkeeper nodded.

"That's right. We only had a limited supply anyways." He said.

I looked at Law and smiled.

"We'll take it!" I said, looking back at the shopkeeper and smiling.

The shopkeeper grabbed the one remaining pineapple. It was a mixture of green and yellow and had a crown of leaves at the top.

I took it and handed over a few silver coins before turning and handing it to Law.

He looked at me with confusion. "These are your favorite, aren't they?" He asked, looking up at me.

"That's right, but I told you I was going to let you try it, didn't I? I never break a promise." I said, rubbing his hair once more.

"But you didn't promise…" Law mumbled. I laughed. "Doesn't matter. You're my bro and you need to try it! So eat!" I said, grabbing a pocket knife from my pocket and cutting up the pineapple.

I gave it to Law and he bit into it.

"This is good!" Law exclaimed, quickly finishing up the pineapple. I grinned. "Better than apples?" I asked.

Law looked up at me. "No." He responded with a straight face.

"What?! How?!" I yelled. He started laughing.


Later that day, I was in my room, practicing with my yo-yo. I bought one when I was five, and for the past four years I've been obsessed.

I find it fascinating how there are so many things you do with such a simple toy.

Law came running in.

"Loki! I found another pineapple!" He said, holding up a… thing and smiling proudly.

"Where did you find that?" I asked tentatively.

"In the garbage bin! It's gone a little bad but it should still be tasty!" Law responded, thrusting the pineapple-shaped object into my hands.

I examined it.

It was shaped like a pineapple, Law got that right, but other than that it had zero resemblance to the fruit I know.

It's skin was covering in swirls, and the crown of leaves on top curled inwards.

It also had a rainbow-like color, like it had attempted to incorporate every possible shade and color into it's design.

Needless to say… It didn't look edible.

'It should be fine, right? I'll eat a bite to appease him, and then spit it out once he leaves. Mom and dad are doctors so if anything goes wrong they can save me…'

I quickly formulated a plan.

However, Law seemed to have other plans. He had already cut the fruit open and taken out a slice.

"Okay, give it her-" I was in the middle of talking. When he shoved it into my mouth.

I instinctively swallowed.

And then gagged.

"It tastes like shit!" I whispered, my face turning pale.

"How is it?" Law asked, an innocent smile on his face.

"Great…" I said with an awkward smile.

Law laughed.

"That's great! I felt bad that I ate your favorite fruit without giving you any, so I went to look for one!" Law said happily.

I smiled, ignoring the awful taste of the fruit, it was nice of my little bro to go out of his way to get me it.

"Bring it in…" i said reluctantly, reaching over to hug him… only for me to go right through him and face plant on the floor.

Law looked down at me, confused.

"Huh?" I muttered.

"What just happened?" Law asked.

I reached out my hand and tried to touch Law, and my hand disappeared as it came into contact with him.

I saw feint whisks of what looked like mist emanating from it.

'Mist?' I thought, perplexed.

While I was in my own little world, Law was freaking out.

"OH MY GOD WHY CAN'T YOU TOUCH ME?!" He exclaimed.

Then Law got serious and went into doctor mode.

"Did you mysteriously develop super powers because the fruit had a weird chemical on it, causing a mutation in your DNA?

Or was it not the fruit or some other factor that I'm unaware of…

Should I tell mom and dad?"

Law starting muttering to himself, pacing back and forth in front of me while I changed my hand to mist before reverting it back to normal.

"Cool…" I whispered underneath my breath, watching the vapor swirl in between my fingers.

Law started having a mental breakdown. "It just doesn't make sense!" He screamed, holding his head and looking at the ground.

I finally snapped out of my trance and got up, walking over to him.

I focused. 'I don't want to go through him.' I thought to myself. I reached over and tussled Law's hair. He looked up.

"I'm okay!" I said, smiling down at him. Law, who at this point was close to tears, looked up at me, and after a moment of staring, he smiled.

"Good." He said. I grinned.

"Is it a secret?" I asked.

Law nodded. "Can we tell Lami?" He asked.

I thought about our younger sister. She's basically just a physically manifestation of joy, always smiling and asking for me to play with her. She isn't great at keeping secrets though.

"I don't think she'd keep the secret." I said after thinking for a moment.

Law's eyes lit up with realization and he nodded his head.

"Hey, do you think you can fly?" Law asked, his eyes turning into stars at the mere thought.

"I don't my know, want me to try?" I asked, lifting up a hand and making it turn into mist.

"YES!" Law yelled, a little too loudly.

"What's going on in there?" Dads voice sounded from my closed bedroom door.

"Nothing!" Law and I both shouted, before looking at each other and cackling like madmen.


Outside the room, dad shook his head and sighed before walking down the hall. "Kids these days…" he muttered to himself, a smirk appearing on his face.


And that concludes the first chapter! In case you were confused, MC is the brother of Trafalgar D. Water Law. Law is more energetic and childlike because the trauma of his childhood has yet to happen. He is still studious though.

MC on the other hand is more playful, not caring as much for the medical field. That doesn't mean he isn't smart, he just doesn't like the idea of being a doctor. More on that later.

However MC has influenced Law somewhat, making him a little less brooding as well.

No, MC is not a transmigrator.

This is an AU, although it will mostly stay in line with canon… I think.

Anyways hope you enjoyed it.

Now Imma go be slothful and sleep for a bit.

Smell you later.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


