I had spent most of my last few days at the house, as crazy as it might sound, as I was in fact excited for the fact that I was going to be in the army, and I was going to be living with my friends at that point, though that was not the good thing about being in the army, as I had heard that the living places were quite a bit nasty. It was more just the fact that I wanted to get away from the world, and it felt like this was my chance to do such a thing, as I had a big smile on my face over the last few days, just due to the fact that I knew that this was going to end up going great for me.
I knew that I was going to be paid well for one thing, and once I got to being in the army for 3 years, they would fund me a little bit, and I could retire if I wanted to, which I kind of had a lot of doubt that would be the case for me, as I felt like I had learned a hard work ethic from my father, back when he had used to make me help him with a lot of stuff when I was younger, which was not the case any more, due to the fact that it seemed like I ruined every thing that I touched now a days.
There was not much that I could ruin whilst I was in the army how ever, so I did not need to be all too worried about all of that. I had a big grin on my face due to that fact, as I was sitting at the kitchen table, as my father was making a very good meal for the both of us to eat this evening. He knew that my time with him was soon going to run out, and he had spent a lot of time with me over the last few days due to that fact, as he knew that he was going to lose me for quite a bit of some time, and depending on how things went whilst we were in the army, than he might lose me for good.
I knew that I did not need to think that way at all how ever, as I knew that I had to have a positive out look on all of those things, as I was sure that this was all going to end up being okay, and every thing was going to end up being good for me. I knew that this was what I wanted for several reasons, one of those of course, being the fact that I wanted to get away from this place, as it did not feel like my home any more. I was not talking about my actual house, as much as I was talking about the city that I had lived in my whole life.
You would think that people would at some point get over the fact that there was an orc that lived here, but that was not the case at all sadly enough, as I still got the ugly looks every day, every time I was to walk around the streets. It hurt me a lot, as I knew that I had done nothing at all wrong to any of those people, and I had not done any thing to hurt them at all, for them to think of me the way that they did. I did my best to try to shake off all of those thoughts at the exact same time as well how ever, as I knew that not too much longer from now, I would not have to worry about any of that at all.
It had been about a week up to this point, and it had in fact been building up quite a bit of some anxiety in me at the exact same time too, as to the fact that I was a bit worried that they might not actually let me in to the army, due to the fact that I was an orc, which did not make all too much sense to me at all either, if I was going to be completely honest with my self, but then again, there was a lot of things that had happened to me as of late, that did not make any sort of sense to me either.
I had not got to go and see my friends at all, as to the fact that I was a bit worried that they had gone to my friends places, but not mine. I knew that was not the case at all how ever, as even if I had not seen them as of late, I also knew that they would not go in to all of that with out me. I knew that at first, Ashton had been a bit worried about me, but in the end he got over all of that, and Grant did not seem to really care all too much at all, so I was certain that he would have gone to come and see me one more time, and make sure that I was coming.
I had to face the facts, and I had to stop freaking out as to the fact that they might not let me in, in fact, as I knew that my father had got in after 2 or 3 days when he had been younger, but for me, it was taking over a week up to this point. He had told me that it was normal for it to be that way, especially when they were trying to make a new legion, as they were trying to get ready to fill up all of those slots that they needed to fill up, before they could then bring every one in to the legion, that needed to be in the legion in the very first place any ways.
I knew that I needed to calm my self down just a bit, and I needed to calm my nerves at the exact same time as well, as I knew that I had to get my focus more on the fact that what it was that I was going to be doing once I was in the army, more than the fact as to whether or not I would be let in at all at the exact same time too. I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh all at once, as I then blinked my eyes a few times, before I then got my eyes on my father, who I saw was walking over to me with one of those strange plates that he had made for me, that I could eat off of, and would not break.
He had a big smile on his face at the exact same time as well, which was some thing that felt a bit hard for me to do back at him, but just based off of the fact that my father was smiling, even if I was not all too happy, nor was I all too excited about all that was going on at this very moment in time, I did in fact crack a little bit of a smile right back at him, as he then dropped the plate full of food down in front of me. My eyes got wide, as it was quite a big plate of food for one thing, and it was also quite a bit of meat as well, as I could tell that it was steak for one thing, but it was some high quality steak as well, never the less, which I knew was going to make it even better.
I looked back at my father, who I could see was still staring right back at me at the exact same time too, as he had quite a big smile on his face still. These last few days that I had spent with him had felt amazing, and it had felt nice. It was some thing that had been much needed for quite a bit of some time, but I had been too blind to notice that I had in fact needed some thing like this for some odd reason or another. This had in fact been some of the best last few days that I had ever had with my father at the same time too.
A lot of it had been spent at the house at the same time too though, due to the fact that my father wanted me to be at the house when the army came to come and see me, but it still had been quite a good a jolly time that I had spent with him at the exact same time too, as I knew for a fact that it was nothing to be complaining about. We had in fact gone out side and spent some time together in the first day, as I had in fact seen Addison at the park as well, though I did my best to try to hide and ignore her which I felt I had done a good job of never the less.
She might have in fact seen me how ever, though she too might have been doing her best to ignore me. Either way, I did not care about any of that at all at this point, as I felt like I should not dwell on any of it for all too much longer, as it was all in the past at this point. I hoped that she had a miserable life with Samuel never the less, but that was all that I really had to say on any of that though. It was none of my business any more, as it was time for me to move on past all of that at this point, and to go to a new era in my life, that I felt like I had needed for quite a bit of some time now too.
I shook my head, as I got my focus off of that at the exact same time too, as I did in fact have my eyes on the steak that was in front of me, as I was quite a bit hungry, and ready to eat all of it, but that was not the reason that got my focus back on to the present at all how ever, as the real reason as to why that was the case, was due to the fact that it was the fact that my father had just nodded to me, as I then all of the sudden lifted my head up at my father at the same time as well, as I then blinked my eyes just a few times, not all too sure as to what it was that I might have missed.
My father had a big smile on my face, but I could tell that it seemed like he had some thing that he felt like he must say to me at the exact same time too, as I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh all at once, and I then all of the sudden nodded right back over to my father, to let him know that he had my full attention on him, and that I was not lost in some other world, such as I had been just a few moments ago. My father let out quite a heavy sigh him self, as he then rolled his eyes at me for some odd reason or another, as he then all of the sudden did in fact begin to speak to me, and I did in fact listen as to what it was that he had to say to me at the exact same time as well, never the less.
"Zin... Would you like to be the one to give the blessing this evening?" He said to me. I looked at my father, with quite a bit of a blank look on my face, for a bit of some time, as if I had not heard a word that he had just said to me, which I knew that he had noticed right away as well, as I once again saw him roll his eyes at me again, as it seemed like he was about ready to give up on me at this point. I stared at him for a little while longer, as I saw that the smile on his face then all of the sudden began to disappear quite a bit fast.
I tilted my head, and I blinked my eyes a few times, as I was a little bit lost as to why that might be the case in the very first place as well, too. I gulped at the same time as well, as I did not like the new look that I saw on the look of my father, as it did not seem like he was all too happy with me at all for some odd reason or another. I then began to think on what it was that he had even said to me in the very first place not all too long ago any ways, as I then got my eyes up on top of the ceiling, as I then began to remember as to what it was that he had even said to me all at once as well.
It hit me at the exact same time too, as to the reason as to why in fact he might be a little bit upset, as I then began to remember just how important it was to say the blessing to him at every meal, which was some thing that I had never got my self in to a good habit of doing, even though I had been living with him for most of my life. Even if I had been living with him though, he really had not been around me all too much, so I really never got my self in to it, though I knew that he did in fact get quite a bit upset at me when ever it was that I was to start eating before he had said any sort of a blessing on the food.
It was as if he did not say a blessing on the food, than he was worried that the both of us might get sick, and we might die, which I felt like was not true at all, and it was quite a bit stupid at the exact same time too, as I knew that there was plenty of people that did not have any blessings at any meals, and they had not gotten sick, nor had they died either, which felt like it was not all too important as to the reason that we needed to say a blessing, if there was no reason to. I knew that my father believed in a God, which I was not all too sure as to how he did, when there was so many bad things that had happened to him, and there had been so many bad things that he had to do in his life as well.
I felt quite a bit bad for him at the same time too, remembering all of that, as I felt like I should at least make a bit of a wise decision and not say any thing about any of that at all to him. I knew that was why he was still upset how ever, as I knew that he had been nice enough to at least have me say the blessing, though I was not all too sure as to how much that it mattered at all to me doing it, if there was really a God up there, than I was fairly certain that he would not believe a word that I was saying in the prayer, which was for a good reason too, as I did not in fact believe a single word that I was saying at all.
I sighed, as I got my focus off of all of that how ever, as I got my focus in on instead the fact that my father was waiting for me to give the go ahead that I was in fact about to say the blessing for dinner. I felt like I should be nice enough, and respectful enough to do as to what it was that my father had asked me to do. He had in fact after all taken me out of the retched orc village, and given me a good home in a human city, where I could live a good life at the exact same time too, as I knew that he was not my real father, and he did not need to do that for me, even though he was a good man, and he was nice enough to do as such a thing.
Though, at the same time too, the more that I thought on it, the more that I did in fact begin to realize as to how much he did treat me like he was my real father, if not even better than that, as I knew that a lot of my friends that had father's that did not give 2 shits about them at all, and I had friends that had father's that had left them behind when they had first been born. I was lucky to have a father as great as the one that I had right now, and there was for sure not any thing to complain about, about him at all, as I then breathed in a bit, as I saw my father nod back to me, after I had nodded to him, to let him know that I was about to say grace.
I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should even say in the first place, to some sort of God that I did not believe in at all, but I did my best to try to not get all too worried about it at all, as I felt like I should just say the first things that seemed to pop up in to my head, as I then looked at my father for a more few moments, before I then all of the sudden closed my eyes, and bowed my head a bit low to the ground, such as my father had told me as that was how it was that you were supposed to pray, as I then began to breath in quite a bit heavily, and I started to speak up after a little while longer.
"Our dear lord, and our dear God, we thank thee for this evening, and we thank thee for the life that we have had to live, and we hope to continue to live on with it... We pray up in hopes that my father can handle being alone, and we pray up in hopes that you will keep we safe whilst I am in war..." I said to him at first, as it was mainly to my father, to try to make him feel a bit better about all of it, than it was to what ever God it was that I might even be talking to in the very first place any ways. I let out quite a bit of a rough sigh all at the same time as well, as I still was not all too sure as to what it was that was even the point in all of this in the very first place any ways, but I shook off all of those thoughts at the exact same time, as I also remembered at the same time too, that the prayer was still going on never the less. I felt like a bit of an idiot, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I had even been thinking on in the very first place any ways, as I then shook my head a bit, which I hoped that my father did not have his eyes open all of the sudden, for some odd reason or another, and he had not seen that. I doubt that it was the case, as he always had his eyes closed in prayers. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as I began to try to think of some thing else to say, but I just was not all too sure as to what it was that I should even say in the very first place any ways, as I kind of gave up on all of that, all at once, and I then got my focus in on some thing else instead, which was simply how it was that you were supposed to end off a prayer. I did not have any thing else left to say, so I felt like I might as well just end it, rather than say any useless gibberish, as I then continued to speak out loud, at the table, all at the exact same time as well. "In the name of the lord, we pray to thee, amen..."
After all of that was said and done, I then opened my eyes, to see that my father had a big smile on his face, as it seemed like it was clear to me that it was good enough for him, thankfully enough for me, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh of relief, all at the exact same time as well, as I then all of the sudden then dipped my head a bit low to the ground. My father had a bit of a smile on his face, as it was clear that he was happy, but I was not all too happy my self, if I was going to be for real, and completely honest with my self, as I knew that I had not meant a word as to what it was that I had said, when I had spoken up to the lord, and thy God up above.
I suppose that it did not matter at all to me how ever, as if there truly was no God up there at all, such as I was fairly certain that there was not, than there was nothing that I needed to be worried about at all. I rolled my eyes just a bit to my self, as I hoped that my father had not noticed me do as such a thing, which clearly did not seem to be the case at all, as I could see him biting in to his greens. I blinked my eyes at the same time too, as I too grabbed a fork my self, which was quite a bit different than his, as it was a bit bigger than the fork that he had, at the exact same time too, due to the fact that I could not control a fork as small as his.
I too then began to bite in to the greens, which were not at all bad, as I knew that my father was an outstanding cook at the same time too, but I just was not a big fan of vegetables, as I simply just loved my meats. I sighed, as I bit in to them all at once, as I knew that my father was right by the fact that they still were good for me, and they were not going to harm me, simply just due to the fact that I was an orc. I nodded a bit to my self, as I got a few pieces with my fork, and I then put it in to my mouth at the exact same time too, as I knew that my piece that I had put in my mouth, was a lot bigger than the piece that my father had just put in his.
That did not matter, as I was sure that he was still going to finish his meal before I was able to finish mine, due to the fact that my plate that he had served to me, was nearly 3 times the size of the plate that he had served to me, as I knew that I tended to eat quite a bit more than even a fat human could handle. I shook off all of those thoughts, all at the exact same time as well how ever, as I knew that they did not matter all too much to me right now, as I just kept on biting in to the big pieces of greens, wanting to get this over with, so that I could go over to the mashed potatoes.
The mashed potatoes were actually fairly decent tasting, if I was not going to lie to my self either, so long as they had gravy with them, as they did in fact taste quite a bit good to me never the less, as I took some big bites in to all of that. I was chewing quite a bit loud at the exact same time too, as I could hear the stomping of my mouth, over a simple and soft food as mashed potatoes for some odd reason or another. I knew that it was due to the fact that I was an orc, and we did not have fine table manners at all, but I knew that I could still control it, as I could see there was a not so happy look on the face of my father.
I felt like I was a bit of an idiot, as I then dipped my head a bit low to the ground at the exact same time too, making sure to not bite in to the potatoes nearly as loud as I had been doing not all too long ago, as I breathed in quite a bit heavily, and continued to do as to what it was that I had been doing before. Once I got done with that at the exact same time too, I then began to go over to my steak, which was a lot bigger than the piece that my father had for sure, as I looked over to my father, to see the piece of steak that he had on his own plate right now.
To my surprise how ever, I saw that he did not in fact have a piece of steak on his plate at all, as I tilted my head a bit, partially due to the fact that I was a little bit lost as to the reason that there was no steak on the plate at all, as I had been fairly certain that he had made a piece of steak for him self. But then again, I was an orc of course, and I did not have the best of memory. I blinked my eyes a few times still, as I was not all too sure as to the fact as to why he would not make a piece of steak for him self at the exact same time as well how ever, as I was just a little bit lost by all of it, never the less.
I then began to realize, as I looked at his plate for just a few more moments, that he did not have any thing at all on his plate right now. I was a little bit lost as to just what it was that was even going on right now, in the very first place any ways, as I kept my head tilted just a bit at him, as it was clear that he did not have a clue as to what it was that I was even doing in the first place. I still was a little bit lost, for quite some time, until I then saw that my father was wiping his face with a napkin, and I then began to realize at the exact same time too, that he had already finished his entire meal before I had even got to my steak.
I was a little bit confused as to how that was the case, as I felt like I had been eating insanely fast, but at the exact same time as well, I also felt like it really did not matter all too much at all how ever, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self once again, and I then got my eyes back on to my own plate, rather than looking at the empty plate of my father's for any longer, as I then licked my lips, which was another disrespectful thing to do at the table I began to realize, though luckily I saw that my father did not have his eyes on me at all right now.
I let out a bit of a soft sigh of relief, as I then shook off all of those thoughts, before I then began to take some bites of the steak that my father had cut up for me, due to the fact that he did not feel safe with me around with a knife, which I did not blame him for at all. It was not due to the fact that he was worried that I might attack him with it, so much as he was worried that I would lose control over it, such as I did with any other utensils, and then that was when I might accidentally do some thing to him, which I did not plan on doing at all.
I rolled my eyes a bit, as I was just about to go bite in to the first piece of the steak, when I then all of the sudden heard quite a bit of a loud knock on the front door of the house, from not all too far away. I was a little bit lost as to what it was, and why that was the case at all, at the exact same time too, as it was rare that we ever had any visitors, nor any guests in the house. It was not really due to the fact that they just did not like my father, as much as it was more due to the fact that they just did not like me, mostly due to the fact that of course, I was in fact an orc.
I sighed, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time too, as I felt like I should not be thinking on that at all right now, due to the fact that we did in fact for some odd reason or another, in fact have a guest at our front door, right at this very moment in time. I was a little bit lost, as well as the fact that I was quite a bit shocked by it, which I could tell that my father was just as shocked as I was as well. After a few moments of getting used to the initial bit of shock how ever, I then saw my father turn his head over to me, and he then nodded to me at the exact same time too.
I blinked my eyes just a few times, as I was a little bit lost by just what it was that was even going on right now in the very first place any ways, as I then began to breath in quite a bit heavily after just a few more moments, as I then all of the sudden nodded back to my father, a bit lost as to what it was that he had to say to me, as it seemed like he had invited guests over to our house, and he was shocked that they had actually come. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, at the exact same time too how ever, as I then got my focus on my father, as I then began to hear him start to speak to me never the less, and I then began to listen as to what it was that he had to say to me in the very first place any ways.
"Well... Go and greet who ever it is that is at the door..." He said to me, as I blinked my eyes just a few times, a little bit lost as to why it was that he had always wanted me to go and open the door, when ever it was that some one did in fact knock on the door, which was a very rare occasion none the less. It was as if he wanted to try to scare the people that were at the front door, that it was clear that they wanted to go and talk to my father, by them seeing an orc at the front door, as a lot of the times it was usually some one that was out of town, that did not expect me to be the one to answer it.
I sighed just a bit to my self, all at the exact same time as well how ever, as I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at the exact same time as well, as I felt like I should not be all too worried about any of that. I knew that my father was not a big fan of having visitors or guests in his house, so it made sense as to the fact that he wanted me to be the one to open the door, as he wanted to kind of scare off who ever it was that was even at the front door for some stupid reason in the very first place any ways, as I rolled my eyes just a little bit to my self, all at once.
I then got my eyes on my father all at once, as I then nodded to him, to let him know that I had heard as to what it was that he had even said to me in the very first place any ways how ever, as I saw him crack a bit of a strange smile on his face, as soon as I had done as such a thing, as I saw him get in a bit of a relaxed, and comforting spot on the chair, as he waited for me to go and start to head down the hall way, to go and meet the people that were at the front door right now, in the very first place any ways.
I sighed just a bit to my self, all at the exact same time too, as I did my best to not stomp my feet like it seemed like I always did when ever I went down a hall way such as this one, as I really did not want to scare who ever it was that was at the front door right now any ways. I felt like it would not matter how ever, as I was fairly certain that I would scare them, just based off of the fact that I was going to be an orc that opened the door to a human house, as I knew for a fact that it would catch the people a bit off guard as soon as they saw me.
I shook off all of those thoughts, all at the exact same time too how ever, as I then reached the front door, and I then opened it at the exact same time too, not giving 2 whole other shits in the world as to what it was that was the point in all of this in the very first place any ways. That was, of course, until I saw just who it was that was at the front door, as it then all of the sudden hit me, as to just what it was that was even going on right now too, as I saw the swords beside the both of these mens belts.
At first, I was a bit scared that they had come to kill me, and some one had hired them as an assassin, which felt like it would be some thing that the coward of a man, Samuel would do. That was not the case at all how ever, luckily enough for me, as I saw that the humans that had been at the front door in the very first place, were quite a bit shocked by the fact that an orc had opened the door in the first place, as I then expected them to pull out their weapons, which luckily was not the case at all how ever.
That is when it hit me, as to just who these men were, as they regained a bit of some sort of control over them selves at the exact same time too, as I realized that these men, were men that were in the army. Though they were initially a bit shocked still, they then seemed to regain a little bit of some control over them selves how ever, as I then saw them begin to start to look through some papers, for some odd reason or another, which confused me even more as well, as to what it was that they were even doing in the very first place any ways.
I stared at the both of the men for quite a bit of some time, as it was clear that they were reading as to what ever it was that was on the paper at this very moment in time any ways. After a few seconds longer, the first man, a younger man never the less, then lifted his head up to me, and he then nodded to me at the exact same time too, as very much to my surprise, the man had quite a bit of a smile on his face, as if for some odd reason or another, the man was happy to see that it was in fact an orc that had opened the door.
Though, if I thought on it, and they were in fact the army, ready to take me in to what ever it was that I was supposed to go in the very first place any ways, than I was sure that they would in fact be happy as to the fact that I was an orc, and I was in fact joining a human army, as I was sure that they were in fact happy to see that I was coming to join them, as to the fact that I was a lot stronger than any other human would be, though I suppose that I should humble my self, at the exact same time as well.
I breathed in just a bit, all at the exact same time too, as I then nodded to my self all of the sudden, and I then nodded back to the younger man, not all too much longer after all of that, to let him know that he had my attention on him. The man looked at me for just a little while longer, as he still had a bit of a creepy smile on his face. After just a little bit more time had seemed to pass how ever, the man finally did in fact begin to speak to me, as I listened as to what it was that he even had to say at the exact same time too.
"Hello Zin Hindrex... My name is Callan Courtney, and this is my friend, Tanner Jewel... We are here to let you know that you have been accepted in to the army, and you need to meet up with us at the army office tomorrow..."