40% Re:Zero Why Me? / Chapter 10: The Self-esteem Of A Demon...

章 10: The Self-esteem Of A Demon...

Chapter 9 - The Self-esteem Of A Demon...

"Ahhhhh~~~~!" my voice was filled with pleasure as I could finally relax "I know there was a reason I liked this place~"

It has been almost two hours since my battle with the stupid mutt. On the way back Ram and I met up with the villagers that where still looking for us. They did try to come back and help us in the end. Well, too slow boys, we already had everything handled.

And it was a good thing we did too. If they had managed to find Ram before me they would be dead by now. The Wolgarm would have slaughtered them like sheep.

I still remember their dumbfounded pale faces when they saw what kind of beast I was dragging along behind me. Ken looked like he was about to piss himself! They had no idea what lurked in these woods and he was kind of a wimp in the first place.


Okay, maybe that's too much. I can't say I would have reacted differently if I was in his place. Heck, I probably wouldn't even have batted an eyelid when I heard of people looking for some missing kids, much less wandered into the mabeast infested forest to look for them.

I guess he is not a complete wimp then, he's actually pretty brave if measured by the standards of our modern age. I only dared fight those beasts head on because I knew I could handle them. Servants are walking armies, capable of devastating even modern battalions. There was no way I had to fear these pumped up mutts, magical steroids or not.

Right now I'm currently in a bath. Or is it a pool? I mean, considering the size of this place... hell! This tub alone can handle more than ten people!

Yeah, definitely a pool.

As much as I hate to admit it, Roswaal is a frighteningly competent magus. Or is it magician? Meh. Everything in this house, from the kitchen to the library, is fueled by mana.

I have no idea how he did it, but the clown managed to somehow conduct the latent magical energy of the atmosphere to power his manor. This was an unbelievable complex achievement, I yearned to learn how he managed something like that. After all, knowledge is power. Still…

I do not like that clown...

He's likely to return by tomorrow morning. After Ram's report he will probably offer me another boon…

The big question is: What should I ask of him?

Asking him to help me return home is a no-no. He has no intention of letting me slip his clutches, so this would only make him more wary. No matter what, in his eyes I was the key to releasing his mistress, Echidna. He was going to take every measure to see her again, be it lie, scam and even threatening me,

If he was an ordinary Magus I could just play his pride, like Kiritsugu demonstrated wonderfully on Kayneth El-Melloi during the fourth Holy Grail war. I did have quite the mouth on me and my knowledge would be of great help in manipulating the clown. But alas, Roswaal is anything but normal. He has lived for over four hundred years boy continuously possessing the bodies of his descendants. He has achieved what many Magus dream of, other than opening a path to the Root of course.


Not complete immortality, his bodies still aged and died eventually after all. Without this his mind would have long ago be irrefutably corrupted.


Yeah, no. He did have more than a few loose screws inside that head of his. However, his mind had not yet deteriorated enough to be comparable to the likes of Zouken Matou. Perhaps he had also just been mad since the beginning; Echidna did mention he tended to be too "earnest" or something like that.

Coming from a woman that can be considered the definition of a sociopath that meant quite something.

My only comfort is that Roswaal at least has some degree of morality. Small as it is, he can still feel regret. At least I'm not dealing with some crazy old magus that happily lets a little girl be violated by insects.

Compared to Zouken, Roswaal was still reasonably sane. Had his mind degenerated too far, with this world still practically in the Age of Gods….

I visibly shudder at this mental image. That would be horrible, mixing Nasuverses nature of human cruelty with Re:Zero's amount of residual power. Might as well add Madoka Magica levels of tragedy while we're at it. Throw in some Evangelion and Tokyo Ghoul as well. Hell! Go mix in some Corpse Party horror and mix in Akame ga Kill's corrupt nobility! Why not go all the way!

I let out a sigh as I rubbed my temples. What in Akasha's name am I raving about? The hot water must be going to my head. I rose from the tub…pool, shaking my body to get the water off me.

I walked to the corner of the bathroom… bathing hall? It's big enough to house a swimming pool after all. I dried myself with the towel I brought along before tying it to my waist. I was about to leave like that -I could hardly bring my clothes in with me, they would get soaked from all the steam.

As I opened the door I come face to face with Emilia who had her fist raised as if about to knock the on door.


Our eyes met for a brief moment, both equally surprised. Emilia's gaze slowly started to travel further down my body.







I watched with fascination as Emilia's normally pale face turned a healthy shade of red, mout hanging open and pupils dilating. I could feel my own cheeks heat up as well and had to hold back from squirming under her stare.

"Bahwba! Buwha! Bubhawha!"

I took a wordless step back and shut the door in her face, then turned around, hand clapped over my ears in preparation for a high-pitched scream. I prayed to any deity who might listen that she would not start screaming.

Ram would never let this go, I could already hear her accusations.

"Shamelessly parading your body in front of poor innocent Emilia-sama? Are you trying to seduce a Royal Candidate? This Ram is very disappointed, that is low for even you, you two-faced knight!"

Yeah, something along those lines for sure.

To my eternal relieve, the expected cry never came. I slowly lowered my hands and opened my eyes.

"Emi?" I called out.

"Y-Y-Yes?!" Her loud and high-pitched voice came through the door.

I let out sigh of relief, thank the Root she did not scream. This could have ended so badly "Why in Akasha's name did you come here?!" I asked aloud, my voice barely staying calm.

"Ahhh! Uhh! I-I-I-I just want to call you!" She finally stammered out, I can't see her face but I'm sure right now she looks like a certain Hyūga in front of a certain Jinchuuriki "Y-You were taking quite long in the bath and..."

"I... see..." I replied voice slightly shaky, was I really in here this long? "S-Sorry, I just almost fell asleep in there."

A lie, not that Emilia can tell.

"... A-Are you fine?" She asked after moment of silence, she now sounded calmer "I mean, even if the lesser spirits can heal you but they did not replace the blood you lost. If you're still exhausted..."

"I'm fine." I answered; somehow I can't help but smile a bit. It feels nice to have someone worry like this "I just have a lot on my mind."

"Is that so..." It was clear she was still worried, but also didn't want to be rude "You're really doing dangerous things again Aaron."

"In my defense I did not have much of a choice." I defended myself "Would it make you feel better if I allowed that beast free reign of the village?"

"Of course not!" She responded with heat in her voice. "It's just!" She seemed at a loss for words for a moment, I can only imagine her sulky face "It's just... I wish you would tell me first before running off like that..."

I blinked, utterly surprised at that "Emi, what good would it do if I told you?" I asked rhetorically. "You're not stupid, we both know that despite you lacking commo-"

"Don't impose your view of "common" on me." Emilia cut me off with a deadpan voice.

"-sense and have been shut away from the world for a long time." I finished as if she never interrupted me.

"I know that." Emilia replied, frustrated. "But, at least tell me! I..."

She trailed off and fell silent. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I know, and you're right. I should have informed you first." I knew what she had in mind, she just had a hard time expressing herself. "I'm sorry for that..." I apologized sincerely.

She did not respond to my words for a moment, then I heard a small giggle "Apology accepted!" she declared happily. I could tell she was smiling, the same satisfied look on her face she had when she helped the little girl who got lost in episode 1.

"Heh." I only chuckled at her childish expression. To be this pleased by a simple apology. Subaru was right, Emilia was easy to please at times. I brushed that thought aside, right now there where more important matters at hand. "Now, will you please away from the bathroom. Would like to have dinner and still need the fetch my clothes"

I'm hungry woman! I feel like I could eat half cow by myself now!

"E-Eh?! Y-Yes!"

"This is..." Aaron green eyes seems sparkled as he stare at the piece ofmeat on his fork, face frozen in an awed expression. "This is magnificent! Rem! You have really outdone yourself this time!"

Rem seeing the blond man shooting her such a heartfelt smile could not help but smile back. She found his face to look really cute. "It's nothing special Aaron-sama, Rem only cooked it like how she usually prepares steak."

"Nonsense." Aaron brushed away her modest reply. "Rem, this Wolgarm was about one of the most unpleasant looking creatures I have ever seen. To turn something like that into this kind delicacy speaks volumes of you skill!" He said while gesturing to the giant piece of meat in front of him.

While the taste was far from perfect, Aaron had to admit this was still one of the most delicious steaks he ever tasted. Monsters of the lands beware! You just became a Saber classes new favorite food!

Rem stare at Aaron for a moment, briefly sparing a glance at the cooked demon beast resting in middle of table. She was flabbergasted when she saw the blond knight drag the mabeasts carcass behind him, but it had nothing on her surprise when he asked her to cook it for him.

Rem was sure Emilia-sama and Beatrice-sama also looked at him like he would start sprouting extra limbs at any moment.

"I-Is it really that good?" Emilia asked from her seat, uncertainly watch Aaron devouring the beast.

"It is, you should try it." Aaron answered while gesturing to the meat "Do you want me to slice it for you?" He offered as he raised his knife.

"No, thank you." Emilia's response was instant and to the point.

"Your loss." Aaron replied with a shrug as he sliced off another portion of meat and stabbed it with his fork "It tastes good, right Rem?" He asked the maid.

"... Rem wouldn't know. She only cooked it."

Aaron's fork froze halfway to his mouth. He slowly lowered it and stared at the blue haired oni. "Are you telling me you gave me untested food?" He asked, his voice flat and blank.

The way he look at her made Rem feel shudder. It was not intimidating, but it still made her uncomfortable. She caught a pitying look from Emilia-sama "... Nee-sama has tested it."

That made the pseudo Saber blink "Ram did?"

"Yes. When Rem was cooking the meat, Nee-sama was the one who volunteered to taste it." Rem answered "Nee-sama said "Since Ram also had a hand in hunting this beast she is curious how it tastes. If this meat ends up poisoning Ram, please tell Aaron-sama to fetch an antidote." She quoted the pink oni.

"I... I see..." Aaron doesn't know how to respond to that. He did not expect that at all.

"Ram is right though Aaron." Emilia chimed in "Eating demon beasts is unheard of. Who knows what poisons they carry?" She actually come here tonight to make sure he was fine after eating the meat. She was going to check his health afterwards.

"I appreciate the concern but I think it will be fine." Aaron replied in a nonchalant tone. Demon beasts were created to become food in first place so he doubted it would poison him. "Speaking about Ram, is she okay?" He asked as he turned to Rem.

"Nee-sama is fine, right now she is resting in her room." Rem replied "Although she seems more exhausted than she looks, strange since she was not injured that much."

That was true. While Ram certainly got roughed up by the Wolgarm, her injuries consisted of nothing more than a few scratches and bruises. Aaron had made sure she was fine. He himself actually lost more blood then her.

The problem lay within her small mana reserves. Ram greatly exhausted herself struggling to injure the thing with her spells. The Mabeasts of this world seemed to have a small amount of magic resistance themselves. To survive some of the spells she chucked at it, one of them in point blank, spoke volumes of their resilience.

'In comparison to the Nasuverse, these animals seem to be at the level of weak chimeras. No, even less than that. They are only two or three levels above common beasts –they were created for nourishment after all. The three Great Demon Beasts in the other hand are most likely Monstrous Beasts. While their strength is relatively low, they make up for it with their endurance and magic resistance.' Aaron thought, remembering Hakugei easily shrugging of magical energy attacks. It took a physical manifestation like Rem's ice spear to truly injure it.


"Hm?" Aaron was brought out of his thoughts by Rem's call.

"Did something happened to Nee-sama in the forest?"

Aaron's mind screeched to a halt, remembering the pink oni squirming in his hold, letting out weak moans. He quickly turned away to hide his burning face.

"Yeah, you could say that." He said, trying his best to seem calm. "Let's just say you should ask Ram herself about it."

Rem's eyes narrowed in suspicion. She was about to voice it but found herself hesitating.

Aaron noticed and tried to reassure her. "This is Ram we are talking about." Aaron said with small chuckle "Do you think she would stay silent if I did something improper to her?"

"Ah? No, Rem did not mean to accuse Aaron-sama." Rem replied hastily, a bit surprised that the man can read her that quick.

"Is that so..." Aaron sounded amused by the response. He turned to Emilia "Emi, can you leave me and Rem alone for moment?"

"Eh?" Emilia blinked at the sudden odd request. She give Rem a look before shifting her gaze back to him. Despite the smile in Aaron's face he seemed serious. "If you say so..."

She looked confused and curious but decided that perhaps there was something going on between them. Emilia may be to busy to really interact much with the twin maids but she was not blind. There was always a certain tension between Aaron and Rem. While the knight got along pretty well with Ram, Rem was another story.

'Maybe they are going to solve their differences.' Emilia thought as she left the dining room.

After her exit there was only silence between them. Aaron swallowed his food and wiped his mouth. "Alright, what did you want to talk about?"

"... Was Rem that obvious?"

"No, but what else could you thinking right now?" Aaron asked rhetorically with chuckle "You're like your sister, you must have found my presence to be... irritating. Especially the witch stench lingering around me."

Rem eyes widened slightly "Aaron-sama knew?"

"Of course, it was not obvious but the clues you left were enough." Aaron chuckled "Ram didn't tell you I see..." He murmured absentmindedly. He briefly wondered why but then dismissed it. Ram probably wanted him to talk with Rem on his own. "Unfortunately I can't tell you why I smell like the Witch. Literally can't."

"Can't?" Rem asked while tilting her head "What does Aaron-sama mean exactly?"

Aaron pursed his lips, his mind trying to formulate the proper words to explain his condition. "I can't tell you my reason –I can't say it. However, it is safe to that I am bound by certain conditions. Similar to a cur-"


His fork slipped his fingers as his eyes widened in pain. His hand flew to his chest as he felt something literally brush over his heart. An icy cold settled over the organ, like a dagger poised to strike. The simple touch was enough to make him seize up.

"Aaron-sama?!" Rem immediately went to his side, noticing him clutch his chest 'The witch's stench!'

It was small, barely noticeable, but there was no doubt. Like a flash of light, the smell magnified briefly before fading away.

'What was that?! A warning?! The condition should only trigger when I tell someone about Return by Death, just mentioning the curse should not have such consequences!'

In the show, Subaru got killed when he started to talk about Return by Death, other then that, the Curse did not seem to care about anything. So why? Why did it prevent him from even talking about being cursed?

Could it be the Curse adapted to him? Or did Subaru just never try it in the show?

'Clever bitch.' Aaron grit his teeth in anger as he regained his breath "Rem..." He called with serious a voice.

The blue haired oni was tense but nonetheless answered his call. "Yes?"

"Trust me, I would tell you if I could. You saw what just happened a moment ago." Aaron said, choosing his words carefully "I can't speak of anything relating to this, but trust me, if I wanted to harm you or Ram, I already had many chances to do so."

Rem bit her lips, her eyes filled with uncertainty. She could not find it in her to accuse the knight of lying, he was right.

She trusted him when he went out alone with his sister... and the trust was not betrayed or misled...

"Why?" Rem found herself asking that "Why Aaron-sama-"

"Before I answer that, let me ask you first." Aaron cut her as he finally regain his composure "The question, did you ask both of them?"

Rem mind went blank for moment, her thoughts drifting back to the previous morning.

"Aaaaah, that is a veeeery interesting queeestiooon." Roswaal said with an intrigued smile. "Weeell, for meeee, I personally choose the first of courseee! Why? Becaausee there is nothing fuuun to see someone always accompliiish their objective. It will feeel good for a momeeeent but in long ruuun? It is sooo boooring."

"It is the first of course." Ram answered "While it indeed is good to have everything go your way, if you keep succeeding then you will find things soon become... meaningless."

"... Rem doesn't understand..." Ram muttered aloud, her face clearly disturbed. "How? Why? Why would Roswaal-sama and Nee-sama... they are so perfect, so why their views..."

"Because in a sense, perfection is ugly." Aaron solemnly said. "When you reach perfection you will realize that you will stop to grow. You become stagnant. You stop moving forward. The driving force that made you so effective... the force that made you beautiful, will be gone." He stared at the shocked Rem, her eyes wide and filled with disbelief. "Tell me Rem, aren't you sick of the way you live?"

Rem's eyes narrowed to slits, her confusion gone. The knight realized he had just touched on a very sensitive spot.

"I do not mean working in here, I mean your state of mind." He said, poking his forehead with his thumb to emphasize the point. "You work every day, thinking you should be perfect, that you should be the best. Mind you, not that this attitude is wrong, but you are misguided. The person you are doing all of this for does not care about it." He tilted his head to stare at her. Her head was bowed, hair shadowing her eyes. "That was a very ugly sight to see."

Rem was silent, her body did not move, not even a twitch. Her face remained unseen due to her hair. The blond watched on as her shoulder began to shake, her fists clenched, knuckle turning white.

"You don't understand..."

There was no politeness in her voice, no respect, but clear hostility. Just like Ram spoke to him earlier, when he pushed her the same way.

"No I don't. I don't even know what happened." Aaron admitted in a blank tone of voice.

Blue eyes snapped up to glare at him. Her pristine face marred with fury. Despite her beauty, Aaron could clearly see the girl as the creature she was capable of becoming. This was not the sweet Maid known as Rem; this was the Demon that would mercilessly continue to crush to crying, begging Subaru just because of her hatred to Witch Cult.

He was one of the many that favored Rem over Emilia. Seeing the relentless loyalty and love she showed for Subaru deeply moved him. Episode 15 touched his heart, seeing Rem dragging her own broken body towards his chained form, freeing him at the cost of her own life.

But this... this... this reminded him of her other side.

It made him realize that truth really was stranger than fiction. To experience meeting her like this…

Aaron could understand why Subaru still loved Emilia, despite the devotion the girl in front of him continued to show. Despite her giving her everything to him.

Because deep down inside Subaru's heart, so deep he may not even realize it, he was still terrified of Rem. Part of him will always remember that this sweet, loyal girl brutally murdered and tortured him on several occasions.

And Emilia... Emilia had never done anything to him. Even when Subaru knew she was angry with him when he was being an ignorant idiot in the capital, she never raised a finger against him.

This was Aaron's conclusion as to why Subaru still chose Emilia as his main priority, despite also showing sign of slowly falling for Rem.

And it made him understand why Subaru cannot be blamed fully for his decision, Death always leaves its scars after all.

"You don't understand, yet you dare talking about my life?!" Rem growled, her blue eyes filled with a menacing glint "You-"

"But I do understand what is happening right now." Aaron was calm and collected as he cut her off. "You Rem, need to stop this farce. You are hurting Ram."

And just like that, all of Rem's fury vanished, like it was never there in the first place. Her malevolent expression was replaced by pure shock, her mind became blank. She stared at the knight who returned a solemn look.

"W-What do you mean?" Rem asked, her voice dry.

"Has it ever crossed your mind that whatever you do, Ram never asked you to work like this?"

"Of course it did! But it doesn't matter! It was Rem's fault-"

"How do you think Ram felt when she saw you working yourself so hard?"

Rem found herself freeze once again, but Aaron was relentless.

"You are the younger sibling, so perhaps you did not realize." Aaron closed his eyes and relaxed into his seat "But Ram is hurting when she sees you push yourself too hard."

"What do you know?" Rem asked with a glare "How can you-"

"Because I also have a little sister!" Aaron snapped at her, for once there was genuine irritation in his green eyes.

Rem breath got caught in her throat. How could she forget about that? She remembered how ne nearly broke only a few days ago when he was reminded of her.

"Nee-sama never looked hurt..." She spoke with a raspy voice.

"Of course she did not. What kind of older sibling would show their pain in front of their younger sister?" Aaron said with a snort. "Do you know why we are born first?" He asked softly. "It's because we have to protect the little ones that come after us."

Thank you Ichigo Kurosaki, your words has made him have a better opinion of you. Now if only that orange haired guy banged Rukia instead of Orihime. Not like he mind the pairing but in his opinion IchiHime seemed too forced, there was no development shown in their relationship damnit!

"How do you think Ram felt when she saw you push yourself? Hurt yourself? Exhaust yourself? Even worse, she could not do anything to help you, at all..."

There was no need for lies and he did not try to make Rem feel bad. It was all truth. Ram did not care about Rem trying to become perfect for her sake, she only card for Rem's happiness. Ever since they were children, that was all Ram cared about. He had seen it, never once had Ram even been angry at Rem. He saw her howling in desperation when Rem succumbed to the curse. Saw her forsake everything, ignoring even Roswaal's orders, for the sake of avenging her Rem.

And still, Rem did not realize it. She was blind to Ram's love, too focused in improving herself, shouldering the world on her own, hurting Ram in the process.

Because never even once had Ram blamed Rem for what happened that night...

Rem felt like a block of ice had been shoved down her stomach at hearing this. Was it true? Was Nee-sama really hurting like this from watching her work? Was she too blind, too selfish to even see what was in front of her?

She started to remember the looks of concern, her elder sister telling her not to push herself. She remembered brushing it all away with a smile, telling her she was fine.

'It's... it is true...isn't it?' She thought somberly as her face turned to the floor, eyes showing nothing but pained reflection.

It was obvious, how could she not see it in the first place? This man in front of her was absolutely right. She did this! She did all of this! She did everything for her big sisters sake! And also for her own! She did that because she knew that was how Nee-sama should be! Everything is perfect and absolute! That was how Nee-sama was supposed to be!

But she isn't... she's not perfect. She can't be like Nee-sama no matter how hard she tries. Rem felt disgusted at herself. At the Pain she caused to her Nee-sama.

"Everything I have done... everything I did..." Rem voice was filled with anguish and pain, she did not realize that she had fallen to her knees, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. The realization hit her like a hammer.

Had everything she had done to this day accomplished nothing but causing more pain for her big sister?

"Not really."

A gentle voice brought Rem out of her stupor. The man who showed her the cruel reality of her action was no longer sitting in his chair, instead kneeling by her side. His once uncaring, cold emerald eyes were now filled with warmth.

"It hurts Ram seeing you push yourself too hard, picking up her slack." His hand rose and caressed her cheek, wiping the tears from her eyes. "But, do you know why she permitted you to do so? Why she did not tell you to stop?" His lips curled upwards, showing a small smile. "Because she found you beautiful."

"B...Beautiful?" Ram croaked the word with pure confusion "Rem is beautiful?"

"When someone reaches perfection they become stagnant and immovable. They become disappointed, because that's it. They will no longer move forward, the spark within them will slowly extinguish.

"True, people may enjoy it. They will cherish it, bask in its remaining glow even. However, eventually they will forget it."

That was human nature. We are negative creatures. The majority of people will always remember bad times over good ones. When facing despair they tend to succumb to hopelessness. They forget that they have survived worse things in the past. Everyone has to face their own demons eventually.

Their minds are clouded with worry and fear, ending them before they ever reach the perfection they strived for.

"But you Rem are beautiful. Why? Because of the way you work so hard, because of the ideals that drive you on, the desire to overcome the flaws inside you, is truly beautiful. It shows your true beauty in ways that can never be replicated."

The people who are shrouded in dark emotions will remember that not everything is always bad. When they find their inspiration, the fire that enlightens their spirits will burn once more.

And those fires... that drive them to achieve perfection, is what makes them truly beautiful.

"And wouldn't it be more beautiful if you did this not only for Ram's sake but for your own as well?" Aaron asked. "You deserve better than this."

"Rem does not!" Rem instantly denied, tears streaming down from her eyes. "Rem felt so happy when Nee-sama lost her horn! Rem is nothing but a failed copy of her! A failed substitute! Compared to her Rem is-"

"The one who cares for the people in this house. The one who fills my greedy stomach," Aaron cut her off with a smile. The girl's eyes widened. "The one who does the most work out of anyone living here, even teaching my lost self about this continent."

Rem bit her lips, eyes glancing down. "It doesn't mean anything. It is Rem's duty to take care of the house, and Aaron-sama is smart enough to learn anything with ease."

Aaron stared at the blue haired oni, his face calm and collected, showing no sign of frustration despite Rem's stubborn self-loathing.

"Does that change anything? You still do all of this." He said, causing the girl to look up at him once again. "So what if it was insignificant? You took care of this place for years, to the point that Rose even promoted you to head-maid for your hard work. So what if I'm smart enough to understand the things you said? Does it change the fact that you sacrificed your own free time to teach me?" He tilted his head slightly. "It might be weird coming from me. I am quite cynical and a pessimist too. But isn't it time for you to start looking at tomorrow instead of the past?

"Why look at things that already happened? Why keep dwelling in them? Sure it is good to do that if you want to learn something, but there no use to bask in them. It will do nothing but keep hurting you.

"There is no need to keep pushing yourself. Ram never asked for it, and you know how it hurts her to see you like this. No one blames you. The world will always be cruel, we all have to find the strength to move on.

"Push it back. Stand on your feet, look to the front, and shove it back. Do not hesitate, do not waste your youth, move forward. Embrace every day with a smile, because right now your life is beautiful Rem. Stop blinding yourself with the past.

"So laugh Rem, laugh!" Aaron smiled as he rose to his feet, extending his hand to her. "Laugh, because all suffering, the pain, everything you went through has birthed a beautiful bed of flowers that surround you. Right now, enjoy it with those who are waiting for you."

Rem stared at the extended hand of the man that smiling to her. Tears were washing over her pristine face, her lips quivering in uncertainty. Her hand slowly rose, shaking, unsure, but surely moving to reach the hand in front of her. The hand of a man she distrusted, even feared only a few hours ago. She found herself hesitating at the final few inches separating them.

"Is it okay... for Rem?" She found that question slipped from her lips without realizing it. "To move forward after everything Rem brought upon Nee-sama? After all the pain she brought to her?"

Her answer came in the form of a hand grasping her own, washing away her trembling with a gentle grip. Rem felt herself being pulled into an embrace by the young knight.

"Everyone deserve happiness in their life." Aaron spoke in gentle tone, patting the back of her head softly. "And Rem, for someone who has worked so hard, I don't think there is a person more deserving to be happy than you."

That did it.

Her whole body trembling, Rem shed her hesitation. Her hands snaked around the Servants waist, pulling herself closer to him, chocked cries rattling her form.

For the first time ever since that fiery night, Rem found herself crying in happiness.

"Ram has informed me about what happened last night."

It was the next morning after his heart-to-heart with Rem.

Aaron found himself sitting with the lord of the manor. Clad in his casual black and red outfit, he was having tea with the clown-like magician.

The man surprised him when he went for his morning training, already waiting for him in the garden. He did not expect him back that quickly. In canon, Roswaal returned the following night, not in the early morning. Maybe he was already there the whole time, staying hidden to observe Rem bonding with Subaru?

The man wished to speak with him privately, so here they are. The pseudo saber was sitting in Roswaal's office, staring at the face of the smiling clown.

"Aand once again I find myself indebted to you, Aaron-san." Roswaal spokein his usual sing-song voice. "You did noot just save my employeeeee but yoouu also helped me by preventing haaarm to come to thoose who live on my laaand." His smile look so sincere and genuine. "Aaand you alsoo prevent the political baaacklash waiting if one of those things haappened. Truly, you haave done a veeery wonderfuul deed for me."

"You really are being irresponsible." Aaron replied, seemingly not bothered by the praise. "It's is one thing to lose track of Emi in town, leading to her getting her insignia stolen. I can even overlook her encountering someone dangerous like the Bowel Hinter in a huge city like that. But this?" He shook his head, face stoic and eyes full of disapproval. "A magician at your caliber surely should not have any problems creating a barrier powerful enough to keep such filth of his domain. Or at least create something that can act as a defender in case it falls."

Hearing the brutal words Roswaal's smile dimmed, a small amount of anger in his eyes. "I admit what happened was not my brightest moment." He confessed. "The barrier I erected is not of a low level. It does not just to guard the village from demon beasts, but of anyone bearing ill will."

Aaron found himself blinking at that. What? That was not like the one he saw in canon. If the barrier really can do such things then how did the Witch Cult still manage to get in? Could Petelgeuse have crushed it using his Authority? But if he did that it should have caught Roswaal's attention and...

'If I recall he purposely wasn't there and let the village get ravaged in first place... this man.' Aaron grit his teeth in his mouth. He may not consider himself a good guy but to just sacrifice a whole village like that...

He forced himself to calm, anger would not help anyone right now.

"I don't want to hear your excuses, I want proof. Act, Rose. Ram claims you as the greatest magician in Lugnica and I want to see it, not hear of it."

"I assure you I will." Roswaal seems taking the words seriously. If it was a mask or genuine, Aaron could not decide. "Then shall we move on to the next part Aaron-san?"

"Next part?"

"Aaaahh, don't pretend to be ignorant Aaron-saaan." Roswaal's laid-back demeanor returned as he gave small smirk to the blond. "Tell meeee, Aaron-san. You knooow what I aam going to saaaay, right?" He spread his arms wide reminding Aaron of the first time they met. "What do you want from this?" He asked. "I knooow you're not kind of persooon who does things without a priiiice in mind."

Aaron eyes narrowed, of course the man would know that. He was sure the clown-like magician was perfectly aware what kind of man he is. Aaron is no saint. While he is willing to be helpful he will not put his neck on the line if he does not get benefit from it somehow.

"So whaat do you want from me this time Aaron-saan?" Roswaal asked, his eyes twinkling in amusement as his smile curled to a grin. "Issss it Ram you desiiireee?"

Aaron blinked, once then twice. "Huh?"

"I've heaaard from Emilia-sama and Rem that youuu are quite cloose to Raaam." Roswaal said with annoying voice, waving his finger in a knowing manner. "If yoouu want to have Ram aaas your personal maiiid then I will glaadly to offer you heeer contract." The grin on his face widened. "After aaaall you seemed to enjoy overloaaading her last niiight."

Despite the teasing tone Aaron could not help the heat creeping onto his cheeks. He remembered his moment with Ram last night, and the way Roswaal phrased it made it sound so very... direct.

"Oooor is it Rem? You like blueeee right? I'm suuure Rem is blueee enough to meet your satisfaction."

"No." Aaron deadpanned at him, eyebrow twitching in irritation "Just no. Stop using those kind of words, it sounds dirty and the way you speak grates on my nerves."

Instead of being offended the archmage let out laugh "Aaahh, no hesitation at aaalll." He shook his head, grin still in his face. "You reaaally have sharp tongueee."

Aaron's gaze held no trace of amusement.

"Fu fu fu." Roswaal chuckled again. "Alllright, iiif you did not appreciate iiit, the please tell me so. Whaat is you want from me as payment ?" He asked.

This is it, the offer he had been expecting. He mulled over it the whole night, trying to find what he could use to help him, what Roswaal could give to assist him in the future.

"I want two things." Aaron said after moment of silence.

Roswaal eyebrow narrowed, his heterochromatic eyes peering at the blond with interest "Ohhh, very greedy." He commented. "But since what you did was not a small feat, I gueessss that was to be expected." He said with grin. "Fiiine, what do you want then?"

"First, I want to have full access to your forbidden library."

"Ooh?" Roswaal leaned back in his seat, his face scrunched up in a thoughtful expression "That is certainly a biiiig request, that place is called "forbidden" for reason you knooow? Not to mentiooon it also holds some of my personal reseaaarch."

'And yet you were fine when that library burned down.' Aaron thought as he recall Elsa's assault in Arc Four. The library was turned into a mess, Beatrice to strike a pact with Subaru. "You know I can't use a magic, I don't have interest in it. What I want is knowledge and information."

That was true, while he did have loads of mana Aaron doesn't have interest in learning magic. While it would be cool to be able summon blizzards and meteors, he found the prospect to be lacking.

He already had Excalibur. The Sword of Promised Victory was capable of eradicating armies and blasting apart mountains. He was satisfied with his combat potential, not to mention mastering it will take a long time still.

Knowledge however, was power. And it tended to be hidden well. Through that library perhaps he could find a way to go home without needing help from Emilia. He did not want to stay in this world for more than a year at the most.

"Weeellll." Roswaal smiled and for moment there was a strange glint in his eyes. "Knowledge and Information... hoo, the waay you saaiid it sound very... ambitiouuus." He chuckled while rolling the words on his tongue. "Whiiile I will glaadly alloow you access to my libraryyy, sadly you neeed another persons approvaaal to get fuull access."

"... Beatrice-san." Aaron spoke after moment of silence. At the man's nod he let out a sigh, of course. As far he recalled that library existed since Echidna's era -which was four hundred years ago- and Beatrice is a spirit taking care of it under her order. Roswaal may have access but it is clearly through inheritance, not because he was allowed to in first place. 'Yet another problem to deal with, do I need to trigger some of her Flags next?' He thought sarcastically and sourly.

"Yoouu can reaaad the books in theeere if you want." Roswaal spoke in cheerful voice "Howeever, please remembeer that place is controlled by heeer. She can kick you oouuut at any time if she wish so."

"I know." Aaron replied while pinching the bridge of his nose. "The second thing I want." He pursed his lips. "Well, it's more like a offer of partnership rather than a request."

"Oh?" Roswaal rose forward from his seat, face showing his interest "A partnership?"

"I have some metia from my homeland." Aaron explained. "I have not seen anything like them since arriving here. Perhaps you will be able to recreate them. You could publicy share them in Emilias name, increasing her popularity." He offered.

Roswaal seemed very intrigued at the idea, his fingers tapping his chin, he let out a hum. "Veeery intereeesting." He spoke slowly drawing out each syllable. "So you do support Emilia-sama to become King?"

It was more like statement than a question.

"Truthfully? I'm not sure." Aaron answered the Lord of the manor "I have yet to meet any other Royal Candidates. While I do approve of Emi becoming King, my opinion can still change." Emilia would make a just king, her heart was in the right place and she strived for equality over all things. The current economic crisis would need the be solved first before that can be achieved though. "But for now, I will support Emi because she is my friend. Spreading my Metia will also give her some standing concerning the other candidates. Even if I would choose to not directly support her, she would still be able to put up more of a fight."

Truth to be told, Aaron was sure he was going to support Emilia, he did not have much of a choice. He needed her to get back home; things would just be awkward if he abandoned her for another candidate. Not that he would admit as much in front of Roswaal.

"Hmmmmm, is that soooo." Roswaal seems very pleased by the answer judging by his smile, "Very weell, I can see your poooint." He stated "Nooow." He leaned closer to Aaron, his face showing an eager expression. "Tell me about this metia!"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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