Chapter 6 - Teaching And Learning...
It was a good morning, birds where chirping, the wind gently breezed through the foliage, the sky was clear and blue, and the sun shone brightly. It is indeed a good morning, a good start for a good day.
That's what Emilia thought as she found herself staring at the morning sun through her window, stretching her arms and cooing.
Yesterday to put it simply, wasn't bad day. Rather, Emilia would call it good... well, good actually would be too much. Maybe it was better to call it 'not bad'.
The main reason of that is because she almost entirely spent it tied onto chair -not literally- reading the many documents and papers given to her by Roswaal. All of them contained important information a King needed to know. Economics, politics, diplomacy, all the interesting but all so dry knowledge a good King needs to have.
It was troubling... a lot... there was so much information, she had to try her hardest to stay focused to memorize it all.
More than half day spend in chair just reading and learning and reading and learning and...
And imagining that today she would be going through the same thing again...
The 'good' day seems to have degraded to 'average' just thinking of this.
'No, no. I can't think like that.' Emilia thought while shaking her head.
This is her way for her to atone her sins. By becoming King she will lead her race. She will prove to the world they are not demons. That they are just like those talking and smiling in cities and villages all around the Kingdom. That they are a good race, they are just misunderstood.
No... Not just her race. She wants to bring equality to everyone. To the whole Kingdom of Lugnica. She has seen while the demihuman population is not treated badly, there is still prejudice. Many laws exist to put them at a disadvantage.
And not just for them, but also for those poor people who live in poverty. They are not treated as equal even if they are Human.
Thinking of that only made her feel worse. For a moment she was very tempted to stop. Like this isn't worth it, at all. The chance of her to succeed is actually very small, seeing she really looks like the Witch that nearly brought the world to its knees.
But still, she can't...
This is her burden... this is her responsibility... for what she has done... And to atone she will become King of Lugnica. Not just for her people, but for everyone else as well.
She was brought out from her stupor when she heard sounds from below. Looking down she noticed someone in the backyard. She blinked when she found out it was the young man who had helped her two days ago.
'Aaron is already awake?'
It is seven solartime, not too early, but not everyone would be up at such an hour. She was surprised to see that he was already in the yard and had begun practicing -he practiced yesterday afternoon too, he told her as much during dinner.
Then again he was also already awake yesterday when she visited him. Is he someone who tends to wake up early?
Emilia noted that the blond was currently clad in an outfit similar to his sleepwear, however rather than grey, its color was white and there was also a black belt strapped to his waist. Like yesterday, he seemed very focused in his training judging by how intensely he was swinging his wooden sword.
'Perhaps I should greet him. I also still need to talk with the lesser spirits.' She thought as stepped back from the window, intending to go outside and meet her newest friend.
Stronger. Faster. Harder. Sharper.
Those four words kept repeating themselves in my mind as I continued to swing the wooden sword in my hand from left to right. Every six vertical swings, I changed up to horizontal swings. The purpose of that is so my body can grow accustomed to the sensation and have them ingrained to my muscle memory.
In fights you have barely any time to thinks, it often comes down to fractions of a second. You have to depend on your muscle memory rather than your mind, your brain only sends short impulses which your body has to immediately react to. The result stems from continuous training, so the movements can be deeply ingrained into you subconscious.
I know about that. That is why I am training so hard. I was never before in a real fight -sparring in kendo doesn't count, there are rules in place and there is never any real danger- to survive against Elsa was pure luck, as well as the borderline cheat that a servants body represents.
It was mainly because of the heightened strength and perception of this servants body that allowed me to keep up with the vampire. They are not Heroic spirits for nothing, a normal human cant keep up with that. If it was not for this far superior body, I would have been dead, bleeding out on the floor, when she made her first move.
I can't have that. While Elsa Granhiert can not be considered a normal opponent by any reason, being exceptionally more dangerous than any normal human, I have set her as my personal standard of skill for the time being.
I need to be able beat her, consistently. I'm already winning in terms of power, endurance and speed, but my lack of experience and skill had me barely surviving our fight.
"When you strike make sure your attacks are delivered with the intent to kill. Make sure they are fatal for your opponent. Each strike must have the intent to bring them down. Do not hesitate. Aim to kill."
Left. Right. Up. Down. Left. Right. Up. Down. Left. Right. Up. Down.
I feel my breath growing ragged slightly but I do not care, I keep pushing and pushing despite my lungs growing protest. I kept striking since the moment I started without resting even once, but it doesn't matter. No rest until my body remembers how to fight properly.
"If your attacks are not strong enough then use your whole body, control your weight, as long you keep your balance secured, all of your attacks have the potential to be lethal. If your defense is not strong enough then use the ground, earth is immovable, as long your stance is firm your defense will be like a fortress."
I also need to work on my footwork, how to fight while moving as well. There still many things I need to work on. And my time is already limited since I have to maintain a 'good' relationship with the others as well.
I paused mid-swing when familiar voice reached my ear, taking a few steadying breaths I turned to see Emilia not far from me. She still in her nightgown, with both her hands clasped behind her back, smiling in my direction
"Emilia." I called back, giving her a nod and a small smile "Morning."
"Morning." She greeted back to me in a refreshing manner "How's your sleep?"
"Like always." I shrugged "How about you? You looked very tired yesterday at dinner." We barely talked to each other at dinner as a matter of fact. Emilia looked so tired i did not want to wear her out even more.
"Yeah, you can say so." She said with small strained chuckle "I have a lot of reading material to go through yesterday, since I have been out of touch with the world for so long."
Ah, yes. I can understand that, seeing she was frozen for a hundred years... she really seems like Captain America, eh?
"You'll have to push through that if you want to become King." I answered "You will be updated every day about any major events in your country. You will have to handle Economic decisions, the security around each city and village, deal with diplomats of other kingdoms, and meet with the Lords you choose to govern over your territory. Those are but a small example of what you will do when you become King."
Emilia took a moment to process what I said before nodding with an understanding look "I see, I did read some of that yesterday." She said with hum.
"It doesn't end there, right now Lugnica can be considered one of the weakest kingdoms. Not in term military strength, but rather its goods, the economy and such things. Since the kingdom shut its borders due to the late King, there has been just about no trade with any of the neighboring countries.
"Normally this would still be fine, however this kingdom right now not on right path. You saw the amount of people living in slums a few day ago, right? They were many, and it was located around our Capital City, the place where the kingdom is supposed to be at its strongest.
"If you look on any map, compared to other three kingdoms, Lugnica has the most fertile land. It's supposed to be the richest and would be easily able to sustain itself if it had to. And yet, there so many of people that reside in slums around Capital. If the capital itself is that bad, then what about the other cities? Obviously they will be wore. And that is proof enough that the council who is currently ruling this kingdom is starting to lose their control, sending the kingdom into disarray and giving way to corruption."
Judging from available world maps from Re:Zero, Kiraragi is the only country that can rival Lugnica. As shown in the 'What if' scenario Kiraragi does not seem to have any of these problem. It is the kingdom that Lugnica is supposed to be.
If you just look at how advanced its military is, Lugnica should be way more prosperous than Kiraragi.
And yet... This kingdom looks so poor...
Emilia was silent for a good few seconds, taking in what I said, with a complicated look on her face "You're right..." She murmured in agreement "If you put it that way, right now Lugnica is actually not heading down the bright path." She looked at me with a mixture of aw and surprise "Wow, Aaron. You're really good at politics."
"It's called common sense." I said flatly, I feel a sense of Déjà-vu for some reason after saying that "Even normal people can come to that conclusion after seeing this kingdoms condition."
"... I think your sense of "common" is slightly distorted Aaron." She commented in an unsure manner.
"... I feel like you are the last person I want to heard that from." I responded back in an even duller tone . Seriously, I really feel like that. I'm not the one who just recently joined the world of the living again after being frozen for a century.
"What do you mean by that?" Emilia shot me an annoyed glare... make it a pout and cute glare, seriously her face can't intimidate me at all. If I did not have little sister who is even cuter I probably would swoon over that face.
I give her a smile that is filled with amusement "You will figure it out in the future."
"That doesn't make me feel any better." And she pouted more! Seriously girl, stop using that expression, it's illegal! "It's not fair, you're talking about me and I don't even get what you're saying."
In response of that I raised my hand to pinch her cheeks.
"The World is not fair, learn that from now on." I commented while smiling. Wow! Her skin is so smooth and soft, it reminded me of my sister.
"Awarwon!" She squeaked as she held the hand glued to her cheek "It huwt! Lwet mwe gwo!" Chuckling, I did as she asked, prompting the half elf to rub her stinging cheek while glaring "Aaron you're a nincompoop."
"I didn't know that word was still used this day and age." I blandly responded
"And here I was, bringing you some water." She huffed as she showed her other hand holding a bottle of water "I guess I shouldn't give it to you." She pouted.
"Well, I'm actually not feeling thirsty, so it's fine for me I guess." I shrugged in an uncaring manner. Her cheeks bulged to the point they became slightly red and I let out laugh "I'm just kidding Emilia, hand me the water please."
Emilia continued glaring at me for few seconds before reluctantly giving me the bottle "You really pinch hard." She grumbled as she rubbed her still sore cheek.
"I'm sorry for that." I chuckled "It's just, you're pretty fun to tease."
"You're mean you know that?"
I only shook my head while opening the bottle to take a drink. I'm really not that thirsty but having a drink after all the exercise can't do any harm, I suppose.
A sudden strong poke in between my ribs had me spit out most everything again anyway. I sputtered and coughed when the rest went down the wrong pipe. The responsible party had the gall to giggle at me when I glared at her.
"Take that." She claimed in childish way while poking her tongue out
"How... mature of you." I said in the most dull voice I could muster "Truly, you are an example every aspiring King out there."
Emilia's laughing stopped, she give me strange look before shuddering "I don't know why, but the way you speak made me shudder and feel depressed."
"Good then." I grunted as I resumed my drink, however this time I made sure to keep an eye on her invading little hands.
Emilia let out small giggle and shook her head "Hmmm, you must have woken up pretty early, to already be sweating that much." She commented looking me over "How long have you been training?"
"... I don't know, what time is this? I started at around 5:12 solartime."
"5:12?" Emilia seems surprised at my answer "You've been training for almost three hours?!"
I was already awake at five, so after brushing my teeth I went out. It seems my body is extraordinary healthy if it can handle such a workout after only four hours of sleep. Then again, the Servant aspects probably also have a hand in that.
"Almost three hours?" I asked while blinking "It's already eight in the morning?"
"No, but close to. I just finished talking with the lesser spirits before I decided to greet you."
Wow... truthfully I didn't know what to say about that... I was swinging my sword without stop for almost three hours. True right now I feel tired, however it still not too much. I could still go on for some more hours before I collapsed i guess...
Still... that is not the problem... what I mean is...
How did I get so... focused that I lost all sense of time?
It doesn't make any sense. This has already happen three times now. Twice yesterday and now this... this is no longer coincidence.
I close my eyes, trying to seek the answer by recalling my training and...
No good... I can't remember them... no, it not like I can't remember what happened. I do know that I went through training, however that was all I could recall. I can remember the movements and stances that I went through, but I can't remember anything else...
It almost like all of them... are memories of long past events...
It strange... really strange... I don't know how to put it in words since I can't describe it but... It wasn't a pleasant sensation... however since it's so... indescribable I found it to be... disturbing, in a way.
"Aaron?" Emilia voice once again broke me out of my stupor "Are you okay?" She asked in low voice.
She was concerned, a hint of worry clears in her eyes. I did my best to seem neutral. I stared at her for moment, unsure how to respond to her question. I, myself don't know am I okay or not after all...
Still, it's better to not make her worry.
"I'm fine, just lost in thought." I said with a smile
She did not look convinced but her expression mellowed "Lost in thought? What were you thinking about?'
"... The future."
Not technically a lie, I do think of the future, if only in a small part. Never once did I stop thinking about it since I set foot into this world. Besides, what if I lie a little? Puck is sleeping right now, I can use this to my advantage to score some more points with Emilia.
"Future...?" Emilia repeated with a more confused face.
"Yes. Remember when I said I wish to start over? That what I intent to do. It's clear that I can't just keep staying here while doing nothing, right?" I rhetorically, she nodded "I was thinking, perhaps I should get a job. I can't just stay unemployed."
"You're right." She nodded in agreement "Then, why not ask Roswaal to-"
"No." I denied dully "Right now, I'm a guest in here, a freeloader. I live and eat for free. If I work under him then all of that will be gone, which means it will degrade my standing in the manor." Like hell I'm going to cut vegetables, clean bathrooms, sweep the manor -especially at this size- and other menial work. I did not waste my time in highschool to spend my life doing manual labor in a medieval world!
"... The way you put it sounds very selfish."
"It's called common sense, why force change when things are already fine?"
Emilia's face was thoughtful for a moment before she sighed "I can't argue with that, but do you have put it like that? It feel so... bad."
"I won't delude myself." I sniffed in slight disdain while patting my wooden sword on my shoulder "It may sound bad but it is the truth. People just never see it that way. They even sometimes try to fool themselves when they see the truth. They call it bad, refuse to realize that such things happen everyday, even though they see it all the time. They prefer to delude themselves to keep their happy lives intact."
"... You are very negative person Aaron." Emilia let out another sigh "It's not good for your mental health so keep thinking that way."
"It called being realistic." I replied while waving my hand in flippant manner "Anyway, do you have something to do today? Or are you going to study like yesterday?"
"The latter." Emilia said that with slight strained voice "Why?"
"Just asking." I shrugged "Good luck and don't give up, I'm sure you will become a great King with such diligence."
"Thank you." Emilia replied, smiling to me in usual kind manner "Then what about you? Are you going to keep training?"
"Yes." I answered "I need to become stronger."
"Stronger? For what? Are you trying to become a Knight Aaron? I think you already strong enough to be one."
That was true, I'm sure that I could become Royal Guard like Julius despite my barely existing experience. My physical capabilities where simply too high to get placed in a lesser position.
"I will give a lesson, listen carefully Emilia." I started as I turned to fully face her "There is no need for a reason to gather power. More power means more success. However, both while gathering so and while exercising said power, don't ever forget your reasons why you started in the first place."
"And never, ever stray from your reason no matter what happens, or how dire the situation is. Because know that even one tiny slip, will bring your downfall and turn you into everything that you opposed in the first place."
"And also remember that you are not alone. Do not depend only on yourself, seek for others, help them and have them help you back so you all can stay on your path, no matter what."
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with having too much power. There is saying that "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely" and there's truth in it. However it only corrupts if someone is stupid enough to try handle everything alone.
No one should have too much power alone. Share it to others, depend on them and shoulder it together so you don't stray from your path. If you can do that, I don't think there will be absolute power that will corrupt you.
As I finished my speech, I found Emilia in contemplation. Her eyes showed her focus, that she was carefully thinking about what I just said. After a moment she turned to me and gave me astonished look
"You really are good at things like this." She muttered "You were a noble, so I shouldn't be surprised at least learned about them but..." She gave me a curious look "Are you perhaps related to royalty Aaron?"
... No, I'm pretty sure I am not related to any royalty. However since right now I have the blood of Pendragon... I guess you can say I am. As matter of fact, I have body of the King himself.
Outside meanwhile I only gave her small smile "It's just common sense Emilia."
This seems to be becoming an inside joke. Or maybe a catchphrase.
Emilia dully stared at me "Your opinion about "common sense" is really distorted Aaron."
It has been few hours after that, and once I again I find myself alone in this manor.
Everyone in here is busy and this place is huge. Roswaal actually leaves for the capital every morning to take care of his duties and tends to come back only at night. He is a busy man after all. It can't be helped seeing his position, not like I care though.
The showdown between him and I would be somewhere around Arc Three. Right now I have nothing to worry from him. He needs me as much as I need him. He wants me to stay, so right now he won't do anything. Right now, in Arc Two, I'm mostly supposed to get to know the others.
I better focus to get a high score with...
What the actual fuck?
For moment I found myself paused, actually paused as if in a game. But only for a second before my palm firmly met my forehead.
I feels like my life has become Eroge or RPG game. Seriously, I mean, not counting the cat spirit and creepy clown magic guy, all the people inside this mansion are girls right? And here I am, thinking about scoring 'Points' with them to improve my relationship and standing with them...
... Has my life turned into Visual Novel now? Do I get a Route in here? Which route is easiest? Where is the True Ending?
You know what? Fuck that! I don't think I have time to think about that for now. It'll be better if I focusing to my current "Quest" if you want to get into game terminology.
Originally I planned to spend more time on training. However I decided otherwise and went for another "Quest", one related to certain old little girl.
"Let see..." I muttered while looking down the hall, the walls littered with doors as far I can see "If I was a tsundere drill-loli with an ego to move Gilgamesh to tears, which door would I live in?" I asked aloud while walking to the door nearest to me "How about this one?"
Much to my delight, the moment I open the door I am greeted with the imposing library. Sitting in the middle of the aisle, ever surrounded by books, is just the artificial spirit I have been looking for. She graces me with a brief look and in irritated greeting.
"How'd you get in?" She asked, surprised.
"Hello to you too Beatrice-san." I greeted her "As for how I got in... well, I opened the door?"
"That's not what Betty means, I suppose." Beatrice replied with irritation "The barrier I erected should stop anyone from entering the room. The residents are an exception only because Betty allows it, I suppose. You are not on the list, right now Betty doesn't want to be disturbed, so how?" Her eyes narrowed "Is it your Magic Resistance again?"
"... No, I don't think so." I answered after moment of silence. I don't think my Magic Resistance works that way. I mean, if I enter some kind of Boundary Field I'm sure I will feel a tingling sensation around my skin. Yesterday I feet a slight tickle when Beatrice tried to take my mana, that's how I realized it.
Though If I had to guess why I got accepted easily by this place it must be because of my 'Curse'. Return by Death -Blessing and Curse of Satella and the Witch of Envy- has got to be somehow connected to the ease I have finding this library. I don't know the details but it worked the same way for Subaru after all.
"Hmph." Beatrice grunted and returned her gaze to her book "What do you want? Betty is busy, I suppose."
"Is that so? I'm sorry then, I just came here to ask if you are going to need mana for today? I would be glad to supply it for you if that's the case."
Beatrice eyes returned meeting my own. For moment I found myself captivated by those eyes. Since the first time i clearly saw her face, they are what caught my attention the most.
These sea blue orbs with butterfly shaped pupils.
They are...
"Beautiful..." I breathed out.
And I truly meant it, I do find her eyes to be beautiful. Despite their abnormality, I mean, butterfly shaped pupils! But...
God damn, those sure as hell where some of the most enchanting eyes I have ever seen.
"What are you babbling about?" Beatrice asked with a small sneer "Are you trying to flatter Betty? Sorry but Betty is not interested, I suppose."
Instant rejection!
I shake my head, clearing my mind and letting out small chuckle "No, no it just... Sorry Beatrice-san I did not mean it like that, I just was just lost in your eyes for a moment."
Her normally blank face is adorned by a small smirk, I can practically see there glint in those beautiful eyes "Of course. Betty has the prettiest eyes. You really have good taste, I suppose." She replied in smug voice "And to answer your question, Betty doesn't need mana. The amount you gave her yesterday is enough to cover for the next few days, I suppose."
"Really?" I asked, blinking in slight surprise. If I recall Beatrice needed a lot of mana since she is an artificial spirit. As matter of fact she rarely leaves the library because it's practically bound to her and gives her mana. And even so, it's often still not enough. She still has to drain mana from the other residents from time to time.
"Yes, the mana you transferred to me was not just an unusually high amount, but is also very right in power." Beatrice answered "You didn't know about that, did you?" She asked, practically glaring at me for my ignorance.
"Uhh, no?"
"Hmph! It surprises me how someone who looks so competent can be so idiotic at the same time. Perhaps the maid was correct, maybe you do indeed have a split personality, I suppose."
Damn you Ram, look what you did to my reputation. Then again I'm also in fault in here. Haah, you win this round woman. I'm not going to give her a point though, she's not here to gloat after all.
"It would be very helpful if you could please explain it to me further Beatrice-san."
She only grunted and pointedly looked away from me.
I inwardly sighed at seeing this. Great, just great. This clearly going to be harder than I thought. How did Subaru manage to win her over? I mean... Beatrice is a true loner. The only thing that seems so consistently distract her from her books seems to be Puck.
"Are you staying here alone Beatrice-san?" I asked "I mean, I know you're a spirit contracted to protect this library but..." I tilt my head a bit "Aren't you lonely?"
"No." She answered flatly
Had I not known the truth about her I would bought that. She answered my question so nonchalantly, almost like she really found being with other people annoying.
But she did not...
I know the truth about her... what she has actually gone through for four hundred years... I can't even imagine how she managed to stay sane for all this time.
"Then, is it okay if I spend some time in here?" I asked
Beatrice eyes narrowed slightly "The books in here are forbidden. It's an the name of the library for a reason, I suppose."
"Really? What a shame." I found myself frowning. I was thinking about reading some of the books in here at some point. Granted I can't read the language of this world yet, but still. "But it's alright to just stay here?"
Beatrice lowered her book, she shot me an unkind, suspicions gaze "And why would you want to do that, I suppose?"
I decide to be a bit more honest and shrugged "You look like could use some company." I said with small smile "Don't worry, I will be quiet." I added, noticing her glare.
Beatrice stared at me for few more seconds before snorting and going back to her book, but she made no more attempts to refuse my offer. I smiled at her and sat down in a corner, a few feet from her.
There was no further conversation between us that day. Beatrice kept silently reading her book, making no attempt to talk while I also made no attempt to talk to her. We both sat in silence, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. The only sounds came from Beatrice regularly turning a page.
I stayed in there for more than hour, promising to come back tomorrow for another visit.
"Hmph, if you want to sit around doing nothing do it in your own room, I suppose." She mocked me.
I only smiled at her "If I want some peace I still think I prefer the library, the atmosphere here is very calming."
Beatrice just snorted, her eyes locked to her book, she did not bother looking up as I left.
I can already tell this will be pain in ass
Well, it's not like I expected this to be easy after all. There are still few hours before dinner, I guess I'll go back to training. The stronger I am for the coming troubles, the better.
If I recall Subaru got cursed by that puppy on the fourth day while working and died and succumbed to the curse on the fifth. I already spent two days at the mansion, which means... three more... no no, two more days... only two more days...
Even more of a reason to not let up on training.
"Good evening Rem." Aaron greeted to Rem who entered his room "Your sister is not with you?"
"Good evening Aaron-sama. Rem is sorry to say that Nee-sama can't join our lesson tonight. Nee-sama has been called by Roswaal-sama to do something important." Rem answered in a smooth voice. She then raised am elegant blue coat in the blondes direction "Nee-sama also told Rem to say 'Aaron-sama, if Aaron-sama can't contain his desire for something blue please smell this coat and think of this smile'." Rem stoic face morphed to cute smile, she even winked at him with an 'aha' before returning to normal. It was an highly surreal situation. "'Ram is sure it will calm Aaron-sama'."
The pseudo Saber felt his right eye twitch at the jab. He can imagine Ram in front of him, going through whole spiel all to well, it only served to annoy him further.
"This does not count toward her total points." Aaron murmured darkly "In fact I'm tempted to remove a point for using people to deliver her jab, honorless woman." He already began to formulate a suitable rebuttal for their next banter. He would show her! This offense will not be ignored!
Though he can't help but wonder why Roswaal would assist him like this. Why would he pull Ram from the session? It was clear the blue haired maid was still not comfortable in his presence, he did not miss the way the maid stiffened yesterday during their conversation.
'I have a guess why, but I don't think it is that important.' He thought in dismissing manner "Well then, shall we begin?"
"Yes." Rem nodded as she entered the room, pushing the board in front of the sitting Aaron. She was silent for moment before asking "Where were we yesterday?"
"There was no lesson yesterday." Aaron deadpanned "More like gossiping and hanging out rather than studying."
"Aaron-sama didn't understand? Nee-sama has explained many things."
"If you mean throwing insults and commenting about my sharp tongue by explaining things then we seriously have different view of the term 'explanation'." Aaron said while sighing "Anyway, I guess let's start with the currency of this kingdom." He asked "I know there is copper, silver and gold. But what about the holy coin? How much is their worth? And how much is the other currency valued?"
"Well... Rem usually bought one appa for 2 copper in the city." Rem answered "9 copper will be worth 1 silver coin, and 15 silver will be worth 1 gold. 1 holy coin meanwhile is worth 2 gold. Aaron-sama can buy food for about roughly one hundred people with one holy coin."
Aaron's mind immediately began calculating the value, compared it to his own nations currency. It didn't take long for him to come to conclusion
'Well, this means I have around 2700 SGD (Singapore Dollars, roughly 2000 american dollars) with me now.' The food price in an inexpensive restaurant is usually around 8 SGD, including a drink.
This is actually not that much, however it seems the food prices in Lugnica are higher then Singapore's, quite surprising since the land was bigger and more fertile. More proof of this kingdoms crisis, haaah...
Though with his current funds he could still be considered pretty rich here "Then what about-"
As the duo spent their time together, Aaron realized that the language of this World is Greek. He recognized few words Rem wrote on the board and their pattern -thanks to Medea, he tried learning some of the alphabet visible during her High-Speed Aria. He found it very fitting that this World used the language of gone olden gods, seeing Greek itself also contained many a tragedy.
He also confirmed that Lugnica's condition is as bad as he explained to Emilia. Right now the country has to solely depend on their own resources. The prices for their export have plummeted and imports have become unreasonably expensive following Lugnica's inactivity in the global market. All of this happened without even taking the continued presence of the local demonic beasts into account. Especially the White Whale, whom has already claimed the life of the previous Sword Saint, is a huge threat to both the population, as well as the economy. Trade caravans will not often visit nations where they are under constant potential threat.
Thankfully the military still stands strong. Sword Saint Reinhard is one of the most famous knights among the Royal Guard. He's called a knight among knights not only for fame alone, apparently until now no one has ever managed to defeat him in a duel. His power, proven in combat with the surrounding nations knights, is enough to deter many other nations from invading Lugnica. Even Lugnicas southern neighbor, the highly militant Vollachian Empire, has not yet dared to invade.
Not to mention Roswaal as well, he was plenty famous. Few dared to cross his path. Like old Merlin in Britain, Roswaal is the most well known and feared magician in the country. With his four hundred years of age he has had plenty of time to gather experience. Aaron still believed that Merlin would have been more powerful, though.
But this does not mean Lugnica is safe from danger, far from it. The other kingdoms recognize Lugnicas plight as well as he does. Both time and the roaming demon beasts are slowly chipping away at Lugnicas ability to feed itself. The absence of their leader has weakened the Dragon Kingdom, tough it still stands mighty, for now. Time alone will be enough to bring the leaderless dragon to its knees, and when it falls, the now mostly peaceful neighboring countries will strike.
That was Aarons conclusion after their tutoring session. He ran the concept by Rem, to confirm his observations.
"That's... actually correct." Rem spoke in slight hesitation "Aaron-sama is really smart, to conclude this in such a short time."
"Not really." He shrugged nonchalantly "I was already thinking along similar lines the moment I saw slum and walked around the capital." Not to mention that, according to the source material, Lugnica was indeed in a bad position. It was easy for him make the assumption after some small observations.
"Rem sees..."
Aaron glanced at Rem unreadable face. His eyes roamed over her figure, noticing how she seems to tense, when she notices him looking at her. He shakes his head before ruffling his hair in slight annoyance.
Okay... it was easy to said he was going to make Rem trust him but... What should he do? He clearly has to do something to make Rem less wary of him! However, at same time he also needed to stay on topic, he can't just change the conversation! It would only make him more suspicious and-
'Well... If she's curious about me but doesn't want to make a move, then let's try this.' He thought "Things are really complicated here. Then again, we also have many problem in my home." He muttered aloud while inwardly waiting for her reaction.
"Lugnica has been without a king for a while so it just make sense." Rem commented before she tilted her head a bit "Is Aaron-sama's country similar to Lugnica?"
"You can say so... Britain had similar problems." Aaron said, recalling the condition of Britain after Uther died.
"Britain?" Rem blinked "Rem never heard of the kingdom of Britain."
"Of course you wouldn't, I would be surprised if you did." Aaron shook his head "My kingdom... let's just say it's quite isolated, and small, smaller than Lugnica. It's more like one or two islands rather than a whole continent like Lugnica." He spoke in slightly nostalgic tone, his eyes glinting with an unknown light for moment "But it's a good kingdom, granted we rarely have moments of peace because of the raging civil war. However the majority of people do not live in fear despite of that."
Rem silently listened to the blond who glanced to the moon through the window.
"Let me show you a bit." Aaron stood, walking over to his bag on his bed.
Rem watched seemed to further tense, her eyes glued to him, never to leave as if the man was going to pull out a weapon and attack her at a moments notice.
Aaron was oblivious to this as he picked out his cellphone, turning it on, he walked back over to Rem, with a small smile.
The light that emitted from the foreign device perked Rem's interest, as she warily watched on "What is that Aaron-sama?"
"This? Hmm, in your land I guess you call this device a Metia." An object that allows people to cast magic without opening their Gate, if he recalls correctly "This is an example of what this thing can do." He lifted the phone up, setting the camera to focus on himself and Rem "Smile Rem!"
Aaron opened the phones picture menu and chuckled when seeing the result. While he was smiling charmingly, Rem looked childlike and totally lost. He show the result to Rem who had her eyes widen when sees it.
"This is..."
"Impressive isn't it?" He asked with a small smirk
Rem tentatively raised her hand, her finger touching the surface of the phone in an uncertain manner, rubbing the picture of her face "Aaron-sama, what is this? How can there be another Rem and Aaron-sama in here?"
Aaron was tempted to say because he captured their souls, if only for a moment. However he remembered just how shaky his relationship with her already is. Rem also was a bit gullible at times, she did after all fill the bathtub with mayonnaise once because she misunderstood Subaru.
Needless to say, he wisely chose a more truthful approach.
"You know how our eyes are seeing people?" Aaron asked Rem rhetorically, who nodded "Well, this metia also has an eye. Right here." He pointed to the front camera "It can capture what it sees and save it inside itself." He then raised the phone and turned it towards them "Smile Rem."
Maybe it was only a reflex or coincidental, however in the picture Rem was smiling, not too wide, only a small one. It's still visible to see and in Aaron's opinion, she is cute, like reaaallly cute.
'Fu, fu, fu the fans at home are gonna go crazy when they see this.' He thought with smug smile as he imagined his friends reaction if they see this "See? You look good when smiling." He said as he show the picture to Rem.
"This... this is certainly an interesting metia Aaron-sama." Rem murmured with awe at seeing herself in there.
"It can do more things, but I will show you later. Here, this is what I wanted you to see." Aaron entered the image gallery, swiping the screen and found what he looking for, an image of Camelot from the Merlin series "Here." He extended the device towards her.
Rem still looked uncertain, however she took it nonetheless and her eyes widened when saw the castle. Judging by the trees and forests close by it had to be huge! Bigger then maybe even the Capital.
"The Castle of Camelot." He said, his voice carrying a hint of pride for an unknown reason "Castle of the most beautiful city in Britain."
"It's... marvelous." Rem commented in awe as her eyes roamed over the castle. Her fingers brushed the picture, accidentally sweeping it, changing the picture. She let out small gasp before and blinked when seeing the new picture.
It was... him... Aaron... however he looked... different in her opinion. For one his blond hair seemed a bit paler, his armor also looked more dull. For moment Rem thought it was a different person, however the outfit and the smiling face still looked like Aaron, albeit the real one is more better-looking in the oni's opinion.
This is not what caught Rem's attention though.
It was a girl. A cute girl, barely reaching his stomach -she appeared to be at most twelve years old- standing in front of him while Aaron rested his hands on her shoulders. Her hair looked a bit unusual to Rem -long and black- and her face was also foreign to her. She is clad in a beautiful yellow dress that could be considered for nobility. It suits her pretty well.
Aaron, noticing Rem's gasp wanted to see what she was looking at. He blinked at seeing the of picture of himself in his costume with his little sister in Belle's dress from "Beauty and the Beast"
"Big brother, can I borrow your phone?"
"Hmm, what for?"
"I want to play Angry Birds!"
"Later, I'm using it right now."
He smiled in nostalgia as the memory of his sister crossed in his mind. He has just been in here for two days and yet... he already misses her so much... This picture was taken just before he went to the cosplay show. Seeing him all dressed up his sister decided to dress up herself and take a picture with him.
She became fan of Saber Prototype the moment he showed him to her...
"That is my sister." He spoke in soft voice
Rem blinked and turned to him "Aaron-sama's little sister?"
"Yes... she is a pretty little girl isn't she?"
The way he spoke, and the way he smiled... somehow it make Rem's heart, filled with skepticism and suspicion soften and she found herself smiling too "Yes, Rem agrees, she is a pretty girl."
"Of course she is. She is my sister!" Aaron declared with pride, taking his phone back from Rem. His finger brushed over his sisters face, the affection visible on his own "She will be very beautiful when she grows up."
The pseudo Saber saying that aloud while kept staring at his little sister's face in his cellphone, lost in his memories of the times spent he with her. He still remembered how she was born. He was six years old at that time, how he picked her up for the first time from his mother arms.
"What is her name?" Rem asked
"Angelica." Aaron answered fondly
Rem nodded as she repeated the name in her mind "Rem thinks it is a good name."
"Of course it is." Aaron said with small grin "It came from me!" The name did actually come from him, he got it from a movie called 'Carita de Angel'. Angelica is the name of the protagonist mother that became guardian spirit for her. His parents agreed with his choice and decided to name her after it.
"Rem thinks Aaron-sama has a good taste then." Rem said kindly "Where is she now?"
"She..." Aaron paused when the question registered to his mind. His throat dried up and his eyes become wider by a small margin. He tried to say anything but he couldn't find his voice. He truthfully didn't know how to answer that question.
He refused to say she was dead. He would rather take Rem's Morningstar to the head then proclaim his little angels death. But at the same time he could hardly tell her the truth. That would bring up way to many other questions he had no answer for.
Rem noticed his troubled look, her soft eyes filling with sympathy and regret. "Rem is sorry Aaron-sama, she spoke out of turn" She apologized "Rem did not mean to bring up bad memories, please forgive her." She bowed in genuine regret.
"No." Aaron shook his head "No, no need for apologize Rem. You didn't do anything wrong." He took a deep breath and ruffled his hair, trying his best to calm down "You didn't do anything wrong." He repeated "It's natural to be curious, if I were in your position I would ask same thing."
Rem didn't know how to respond to that, she raised her face to see Aaron already looking back at the picture.
"Besides, she not dead." Aaron said. He wouldn't say his sister was dead, not now, not ever. "She's just... lost." Lost... that is actually technically true... Though it isn't her who lost but him. He closed his eyes, feeling very emotional, but aware it would not be a good thing to show this side of him "Rem, perhaps we have already done enough for tonight?"
"... Yes, Rem thinks so too." Rem agreed after moment of silence "Then, Rem shall take her leave. Perhaps it will be better if Aaron-sama rests now, it's already late." She said while glancing at the magic time crystal nearby.
"Yes, rest would be good." Aaron murmured while nodding before he shaking his head "I'm sorry to ruin the moment Rem, I was thinking that maybe showing you where I come from will make you at least feel less uncomfortable around me." He confessed, making Rem's breath freeze for moment "I'm not so stupid to not notice how uncomfortable you are with my presence Rem." He chuckled when noticing her flinch "I don't know why, but please believe me that I have no ill intentions towards anyone in this manor. I'm homeless, it would be stupid of me to try anything in here, this is where I live now after all. I don't want there to be a bad relationship between us because of that. It will only be awkward for the both of us, right?"
He knew he shouldn't say this to her. This is stupid, to openly admit he knew she is not comfortable with him and trying to get close to her. But Aaron couldn't bring himself to care right now. His mind was a mess and he just wanted to end the conversation as fast as possible.
The blue haired oni stayed silent at the confession. She did give him a slow nod however. If it was in honest agreement, or to just rid herself of the situation, the blonde knight did not know.
"Then, Rem will excuse herself." Rem bowed to him. Without any further words, the maid exited the room, leaving Aaron alone, still staring at his cellphone.
The blond knight green eyes where focused on his sister. He swiped once, changing the picture to show him with his whole family. He could feel his heart clench further seeing all of them, a sob threatening to slip from his throat. He choked it down.
His fingers gripped the edge of the bed tightly causing the wood to break under his strength. The pseudo Saber closed his eyes and grit his teeth as a single tear rolled down to his otherwise pristine face.
'I will return, I promise. Just wait for me, mom, dad, Angel. I will survive this and return to you all.'
'Was I wrong?'
That question keep repeating itself in her mind as Rem made her way back to her room
She was glad that her big sister accompanied her yesterday during the 'lesson'. Her big sister presence always managed to calm her.
Today was different though... Roswaal-sama told her to go alone since it would have been to obvious he was trying to be a hindrance. Given that Aaron-sama has the trust of both Emilia-sama and Puck-sama, it would have been a bad idea to further antagonize him.
She was very nervous about the supposed study-sessions. It just didn't make any sense, there was no way he did not know anything about Lugnica. Even if he was a foreigner, he was still of noble birth. He must have already been tutored in the customs of at least the bigger kingdoms. Rem would not have been surprised if he only pretended to be a noble.
'Was I wrong?'
But much to her surprise... he not only took their lessons to heart, but was also very perceptive and insightful when it came to any questions he had. But at same time there also things that he already seemed to know, only asking to confirm something. Or playing with her -she thought. The latter seemed more obvious, that man couldn't be trusted after all.
He deliberately tried to manipulate her, she does not know why but she is sure of it. For all is smiles, curiosity and easy-going attitude, someone who carried the Witches stink cannot be trusted.
There is nothing more than to stay away from him, that was what she thought when she 'tutoring' him. She doesn't like him, not at all, and she is also afraid of him. Standing close to him who has such a wicked and powerful scent... it made her shudder and very uncomfortable...
Like cornered prey... like a rabbit in front of lion who playing with its prey before devouring it...
She doesn't like it... not at all... who in their right mind you like that?
And yet...
'Was I wrong about him?'
She was quite surprised to see the metia he has, it was... unique. To remember anything it sees and recalls it for others to see. That was one strange metia, though undeniably useful.
But the most surprising thing was when he started talking about his sister.
There was no better word for what she felt of him when he talked about her. He loved her. Not in some twisted or deranged way, it was pure genuine love. It actually reminded her of how she feels for her big sister.
The love of an older sibling. Love that wishes to protect, nurture and guide their precious younger siblings.
Such love... is impossible to feel for someone following the Witch Cult.
It was no secret that even the higher members of the Witch Cult are... unhinged. They are all insane to some point. The lower ranking member are nothing more than puppets made of flesh, neither afraid of injury nor death, throwing themselves to their death on droves if their Archbishops demand so. Even the highest ranking members of the Cult would have difficulty fitting into normal society.
But that man...
It could all be a trick... but such levels of sincerity. She feels his actions are not caused by an insane, or let alone evil mind. If he did bad things, it would be out of love. Even though the majority would probably disagree, that could not be completely bad, right?
She remembered how exhausted and pained he looked when he remembered his little sister -who apparently is not dead, but somehow lost, how did he mean that? He said he wished to get closer to her, so they could be more at peace when living under one roof. That he did not wish to harm her, or anyone else in the mansion for that matter.
Even his confession, that he tried to get close to her for personal reasons, wasn't that bad if she thought about it. He only wanted to make sure they didn't end up hating each other.
Such things... should be enough to make Rem more wary at him... but she is not...
Because it shows that Aaron Pendragon is still human.
For all power she smelt coming from him, power that makes her look like a small and helpless girl. Power that so raw and potent and make her like a... small animal standing in front of a hungry Dragon.
He stills a man...
And that made her feel relieved to some degree...
Make no mistakes she still did not trust him, but she could at least agree to tolerate his presence. She did not fear him like before. She knew he was still a man, not some unspeakable monster wearing human skin.
'One chance... Rem will give him one chance.'
The blue haired oni hastened her pace, at was already late and it would not do for her to oversleep. Even if he would already get up by himself, he was a guest and he asked her to wake him at 7 in the morning. It was her duty to follow the wishes of any guests to the mansion, she was the head maid after all.