<ya-tr-span data-index="414-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Not far away, Ning's eyes flashed a trace of doubt: When did this wild species have a relationship with the Dragon family? " data-translation="Невдалеке в глазах Нина мелькнуло сомнение: когда же этот дикий вид имел отношения с семьей Драконов? " data-type="trSpan">Невдалеке в глазах Нина мелькнуло сомнение: когда же этот дикий вид имел отношения с семьей Драконов? </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="414-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Is the practice of his cultivation given by the Dragon family?" data-translation="Является ли практика его культивирования дана семьей Дракона?" data-type="trSpan">Является ли практика его культивирования дана семьей Дракона?</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="415-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Thinking of this, Ning always sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the lady explained his affairs, and finally she had some eyebrows!" data-translation="Думая об этом, Нин всегда ухмылялся уголком рта, а дама объясняла ему его дела, и наконец у нее появились какие-то брови!" data-type="trSpan">Думая об этом, Нин всегда ухмылялся уголком рта, а дама объясняла ему его дела, и наконец у нее появились какие-то брови!</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="416-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Champion Hou and Long family are not right, as long as they can prove that Ning Qi's practice is taught by the Dragon family, then with the temper of the champion Hou, even if he does not kill Ning Qi, he will abolish his cultivation!" data-translation="Чемпион Хоу и семья Лонг не правы, пока они могут доказать, что практика Нин Ци преподается семьей Драконов, тогда с характером чемпиона Хоу, даже если он не убьет Нин Ци, он отменит свое культивирование!" data-type="trSpan">Чемпион Хоу и семья Лонг не правы, пока они могут доказать, что практика Нин Ци преподается семьей Драконов, тогда с характером чемпиона Хоу, даже если он не убьет Нин Ци, он отменит свое культивирование!</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="417-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Hey! " data-translation="Эй! " data-type="trSpan">Эй! </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="417-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Ning Qi reached out and knocked on the door of the Dragon House." data-translation="Нин Ци протянула руку и постучала в дверь Драконьего Дома." data-type="trSpan">Нин Ци протянула руку и постучала в дверь Драконьего Дома.</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="418-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value=""Who, so rude, you know that this is a dragon!"" data-translation="- Кто, такой грубый, знает, что это дракон!"" data-type="trSpan">- Кто, такой грубый, знает, что это дракон!"</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="419-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="An old man slowly opened the door, the probe looked at it, and he was about to close the door. " data-translation="Старик медленно открыл дверь, зонд посмотрел на него, и он уже собирался закрыть дверь. " data-type="trSpan">Старик медленно открыл дверь, зонд посмотрел на него, и он уже собирался закрыть дверь. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="419-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Ningqi stepped forward and reached for the door. " data-translation="Нинци шагнула вперед и потянулась к двери. " data-type="trSpan">Нинци шагнула вперед и потянулась к двери. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="419-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="He said, "Are you blind?"" data-translation="Он сказал: "Ты что, слепой?"" data-type="trSpan">Он сказал: "Ты что, слепой?"</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="420-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The old man seemed to see Ning Qi as if he had whited him: "Who are you who are the little dolls, knocking on the door, rolling!"" data-translation="Старик, казалось, видел Нин Ци, как будто он побелил его: "Кто ты, кто эти маленькие куклы, стучащие в дверь, катающиеся!"" data-type="trSpan">Старик, казалось, видел Нин Ци, как будто он побелил его: "Кто ты, кто эти маленькие куклы, стучащие в дверь, катающиеся!"</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="421-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="When he said that he would close the door, he found that he couldn't close it. " data-translation="Когда он сказал, что закроет дверь, то обнаружил, что не может ее закрыть. " data-type="trSpan">Когда он сказал, что закроет дверь, то обнаружил, что не может ее закрыть. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="421-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="When he saw Ning Qi's hand screaming with silver vindictiveness, he snorted and frowned. " data-translation="Когда он увидел руку Нин Ци, кричащую с серебряной мстительностью, он фыркнул и нахмурился. " data-type="trSpan">Когда он увидел руку Нин Ци, кричащую с серебряной мстительностью, он фыркнул и нахмурился. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="421-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value=""What kind of vindictive? " data-translation="- Что за мстительность? " data-type="trSpan">- Что за мстительность? </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="421-3" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Lord?"" data-translation="Лорд?"" data-type="trSpan">Лорд?"</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="422-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Ning Qi: "When you go out and call Long 2, you will say that the person who collected the money has come."" data-translation="Нин Ци: "Когда вы выйдете и позвоните Лонг 2, вы скажете, что пришел человек, который собрал деньги."" data-type="trSpan">Нин Ци: "Когда вы выйдете и позвоните Лонг 2, вы скажете, что пришел человек, который собрал деньги."</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="423-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value=""Dragon two deacons?"" data-translation="-Дракон два дьякона?"" data-type="trSpan">-Дракон два дьякона?"</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="424-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The old man gave a slight glimpse and then nodded: "Please, later, I will go and ask the deacon to come out."" data-translation="Старик мельком взглянул на него и кивнул: "Пожалуйста, попозже я пойду и попрошу дьякона выйти."" data-type="trSpan">Старик мельком взглянул на него и кивнул: "Пожалуйста, попозже я пойду и попрошу дьякона выйти."</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="425-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Not long after, Long Er appeared in front of Ning Qi, Ning Qi sneered: "Your dragon's door is really difficult to enter, but I don't go in, silver is not ready!"" data-translation="Вскоре после этого Лонг Эр появился перед Нин Ци, Нин Ци усмехнулся: "В дверь твоего дракона действительно трудно войти, но я не вхожу, серебро еще не готово!"" data-type="trSpan">Вскоре после этого Лонг Эр появился перед Нин Ци, Нин Ци усмехнулся: "В дверь твоего дракона действительно трудно войти, но я не вхожу, серебро еще не готово!"</ya-tr-span>
<ya-tr-span data-index="426-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="When Long Er saw Ning Qi, his face showed a dilemma: "This, I have already said things to the elders, but the elders do not agree with this price. " data-translation="Когда Лонг Эр увидел Нин Ци, на его лице появилась дилемма: "Это я уже говорил старейшинам, но старейшины не согласны с этой ценой. " data-type="trSpan">Когда Лонг Эр увидел Нин Ци, на его лице появилась дилемма: "Это я уже говорил старейшинам, но старейшины не согласны с этой ценой. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="426-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Ning Gongzi, can you see if it is less?"" data-translation="Нин Гонгзи, вы можете увидеть, если это меньше?"" data-type="trSpan">Нин Гонгзи, вы можете увидеть, если это меньше?"</ya-tr-span>
Ning Qi: "How much?"
Dragon II: "Is it 10,000?"
Ning Qi: "140,000 two? Also, come out quickly!"
The dragon two faces are reddish: "It is a total of one thousand two."
Ning Qi was furious: "Are you swearing?"
The old man who watched the door heard the conversation between the two people. He was shocked. When did the Dragon family owe 150,000 yuan of silver? This is not a small amount!
Long Er lost his smile: "Ning Gongzi, the decision made by the elders, can't be changed in the next. This is a 10,000-dollar ticket. It is already ready in the next place, please accept it."
He said, he handed over a silver ticket with a seal of the emperor, which read 'Qintang Qianzhuang'. I heard that it was a bank of the royal family, and it was very credible.
Seeing Ning Qi's acceptance, Long Er's heart was relieved.
"This is interest, 150,000. You must take it out today, and you have a lot of points. Otherwise, I will go to the official. I have your owe in my hand. When the time comes, the capital knows that your dragon family is going to see you. Where is the face?"
Ning Qidao.
There was a sigh of anger on the face of Dragon II.
"A big tone, the guy who said that the smoldering robbers of Long Er is you? The thirteenth son of the champion Hou, the wild species of the slave?"
A young man in white came over with a beautiful woman. Behind them, they followed a man and a woman.
"Nine young masters, Miss Qing Xuan."
The dragon two dynasty two people line the ceremony.
Qing Xuan?
Hearing these two words, Ning Qi's face was slightly moved. This woman should be the very famous Zhantai Qingxuan in Beijing. She began to practice at the age of three. She became a fighter at the age of seven, became a fighter at the age of ten, and became a big fighter at the age of thirteen. Now at the age of sixteen, he has become a great fighter. He is the first talent of the Zhuangtai family in Beijing. He is deeply loved by the emperor and is still a disciple of Qingzong. Very famous in the capital, every time I return to the capital, there are a group of Wang Gong noble children around her to offer courtesy!
I heard that Ning Yan is also her pursuer.
Ning Qi thought about it while looking at Zhan Taiqing Xuan, his eyes were very rude to outsiders.
"Jiu Ge, Qing Xuan sister, this is the bad guy!"
Two little fart children put out their fat fingers, pointing to Ning Qi, while pouting their mouths, a very angry look.
Long Aotian had long been angered because of Ning Qi's staring at Zhan Taiqing Xuan, and said: "Wild species, where do you look at your eyes! Miss Qing Xuan can you see?"
Zhan Taiqing's brow furrow slightly wrinkled, sideways sideways, looking at Ning Qi's eyes flashed a trace of disgust, she whispered: "If there is something happening now, I will go first, lest everyone wait for anxious."
Long Aotian quickly lost his smile: "Qing Xuan, you wait a moment, I will solve it immediately."
After all, he frowned and looked at Ning Qi: "I just gave you the silver ticket for Dragon II? Let's roll it, and then stir it up, be careful that I interrupt your dogleg."
Ning Qi looked at him calmly and said: "You just called my mother-in-law, and called me a wild seed. Now I let me roll, people who don't know, I think that now the dragon family is yours, I I don't know how to make a difference with you. If you win me, I will leave without saying anything."
Suddenly, "If you lose, then let me give you what you just yelled at me, and give me another 150,000 yuan. How?"
In the distance, General Manager Ning saw this scene, and he heard the dialogue between the two sides with his ear power. His heart was filled with joy. It seems that this kid is not behind the dragon family, but he has offended the dragon family. Long Aotian is a star fighter. It seems that I can solve this kid without the big lady's shot, and there will be nothing in the old man.
Long Aotian heard the words, as if he heard a big joke: "Just you? Learn from me? You forgot your identity?"
At this time, Long Er went to the front and whispered something. Long Aotian's look changed slightly. He changed his eyes and looked at Ning Qi: "The big fighters of the blood killing are all repelled by you? Interesting and interesting. But the dragon I didn't see this scene with my own eyes. I felt that you were cheating and swindling."
Zhan Taiqing's mysterious light is a little condensed, blood kills the sect! This is the big gate alongside the Qing dynasty. Is this Ningqi not the waste of the champion Houfu? I heard that even the fighters are not, how can I repel a **** sect?
Ning Qi: "Why, are you afraid?"
Long Aotian: "I am afraid of you? Funny! Come with me, I want the children of the Dragon family to see how the direct line of the champion Houfu is begging for mercy!"
"Qing Xuan, you come, I will be able to solve him soon." Long proud heaven.
Zhan Taiqing had no patience, but now she is also curious, so she nodded.
Everyone came to the dragon's show.
When Ning's general manager saw the dragon's door slowly closing, he planned to wait outside for the result. If Long Aotian could kill Ningqi, everyone would naturally be happy.
"Nine brothers! Miss Qing Xuan!"
"Nine brothers! Ah, I have seen Miss Qing Xuan!"
Hundreds of dragon family children in the military field stopped their hands and prayed to the two.
Long Aotian can rank in the top three in his generation, and the identity of Zhan Taiqing is even more honorable.
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