Reviews of Marvel: Meditation System by Alcoholic_Panda - Webnovel



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  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景


LV 15 Badge

It is actually a really good story so far. I'm at chapter 44 and I am really enjoying it. To be honest I wqs expecting a bad story because of the stupid looking cover but I wqs pleasantly surprised. Good job author-san.

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Eu gostei, tem alguns buracos na trama mas isso é normal, também tem umas partes que não gosto, mas isso também é normal, espero que o autor consiga um bom emprego é atualize com mais frequência

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I started a story bcs i caught review that said that mc has to work for his power, train, meditate etc. well he worked for month within prison with hxh system's nen and that's it. When he escaped he went all out wannabe op wish fullfilment mc with 101 power systems, using infinite stones like candies. The moment that avengers interactions became more interesting than mc's bs is the moment i dropped.

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Before I read anything I read a description of story. Reviews I dont touch cuz I like to formulate my own opinion about story before reading opinions of other readers. I stopped reading at chapter 11 or so, after mc without second thought murdered 2 low level agents and that after 11 chapters of shaming and blaming SHIELD, Coulson, Fury etc. for hypocrisy and other stuff. He blamed Coulson for condemning him(somewhat innocent person as he described himself) to torture but without a second thought killed 2 agents that were somewhat innocent as well(according to his own logic). That act turned all his reasoning into a joke. So I want to point out a problem with mcs reasoning and that he is as much of a hypocrite as the ppl he blames for said hypocrisy. Next comes his motivation. His motivation of getting stronger is the same and unoriginal as the rest fics with same setting, get stronger to unimaginable lvl just for the sake of getting stronger. Like the sole purpose of his existence is to get stronger and to solve all mcu threats by himself. And why I think of him like that you may ask? Simple, he sits behind the bars even when he can easily leave until System and plot forces him to. Next thing is that author did not describe how powers he got from HunterXHunter work. In description and tags of this fic there is nothing about HxH, I came to read fic about mcu, not google stuff that should be explained by author. So I checked chapter names and reviews to get general idea of the stuff that will happen. What I found out didnt surprise me at all. What we have in general is a hypocrite mc that have problems with reasoning, motivation and worldview in general and he is controlled by system and forced to do stuff by said system and plot. In conclusion I can say that this is below average fic with only difference to many others is that it is yet to be dropped. And giving the option to sell stuff to meditation system for points just kills the purpose of that system, instead of giving him this shortcut you should've somehow improved the benefits he get by meditation otherwise this is no point in calling it meditation system, but all of this is cuz of authors inexperience and all that stuff as he mentioned it in description.

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author you just made the mc needlessly antagonistic to almost everyone and the story does not have a good plot also the mc already has a superiority and god complex one other thing you have a plot that you had planned but because of the randomizer that you use he gets op too quickly and your plot loses value

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Holy, okay I normally don’t cringe. This one took the cake though. Got ruined when mc system started penalizing him. Especially when it forced the romance super hard in just two short chapters. Could’ve have been something good. Just the author trolling his character ruined it.

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Good story but it's like every now and then gods are toying with him, so much powers and he can't even use it properly. Rewards are like even if it's bad it's gets attached to him, Don't know what to say

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LV 13 Badge

Constant trolling from the author ruined it. It was okay at the beginning with no trolling and somewhat serious story. Now its just a trollfest of author who is just randomly trolling the MC again and again

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This fic is awesome and I love it . The character is actually smart, not an Aizen wannabe and while the MC does get OP he is not nérfed instead the opposition is made stronger which really is the best way to deal with OP characters and most importantly unlike majority of the OP MCs I have seen ,MC has personality

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Honestly, at first it was even funny to see God giving the mc a hard time and making fun of it, but after a while it gets tired, the mc simply depends a lot on the system, and well God literally throws it in the face of the mc who has control of the system and the marvel universe , which literally gave power up to the entire universe just for fun watching the mc remain weak.

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It started out very good, but the quality kept dropping. Now I can't read it anymore. The gods keep messing however they want.. The author keeps finding ways to nerf the mc complaining about how he is getting too op which is completely ridiculous since you are the one who made him like that to start with. This story is a very accurate example of how stories get ruined without proper pre-planning.

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I liked Grant as a character in shield, love Grant in this fic. The deranged system is a nice touch. Could use some re-edits, but understand if author can't/won't retread any painful bits. Thank you.

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LV 14 Badge

Started out fine but around chapter 47 is just becomes a rushed wish fulfilment story. Character doesn't have any semblance of pacing himself, he basically doesn't have to meditate after a certain quest which is about where the story starts getting super rushed

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It's a good fanfic the only thing holding it back is the updates. .................................................................................

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LV 4 Badge

.....writing quality is really goood 33........ The stability of updates is fine so I rated that pretty high... The Story Development is neither good nor bad to be honest... if you are someone looking for a wild time with wild theories and huge spirals of just random ideas, then the story development is for you... I rated the story development low because there is no reason or rhyme to his choices.... and even if there is, the mc doesn't explain it properly anyway... The Character Design leaves a lot wanting because the author leaves a lot of gaps for us to fill in... he doesn't tell us how Ward feels, he makes us figure it out and that makes no sense to me... As for the background... a badly described marvel background... when writing fanfics, I judge a background by what you add to it besides the cannon, and this adds nothing... I believe it takes away if anything. Hopefully he goes on to open a company or provate force for himself in the bear future, im liking how your taking wards charecter, he can be someone who is neutral until provoked. Thanks for the story

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The story was good but the concept of ceo of gods, and this and that makes the story kind of stupid. Anyway thanks. But nah, leaving the story. GOOD LUCK>....................................................................................................................

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The story is pretty cool! how far am i there is only Natasha as a romantic interest so thank god there is no harem. The system is pretty cool, not impressive but it works. His relationship with Natasha is cute. I haven't finished the story yet because there isn't enough repercussions so it's impossible to finish it in one fell swoop. Congratulations to the author and good luck

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this is best fanfic i know, it is not because tge story is good, but how the author make story from different angle but looks like rational than in real movie like clint and natasha they didnt have any superpower. only snipping skill and gun skill and they dare fight with alien with ' agent responsibilies ' reasoning. this is really bulls***. if they are using ' saving the world or for friends ' reasoning then i can accept it but they didnt have that personality. natasha is spy and cclint agent. they only know ok boss

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Apart from the SHIELD thing everything else is great Apart from the SHIELD thing everything else is great Apart from the SHIELD thing everything else is great Apart from the SHIELD thing everything else is great

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Give it three star rating. A bit of dumb stuff with system and Unless you are familiar with hunter x hunter you will be lost. Wasnt bad just confusing and a bit dumb. Trash system aNd typical webnovel type story

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I just really like everything it’s Cool seeing a different take on the MCU. Also love the love interest! Doing great sweetie!! Keep posting!!

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LV 12 Badge

sub par novel.. as you can tell by his future plans.. but there is no reason or explanation why. it is just steal, tade info, gain power that is it. and it is a novel with super heavy biased. like those harry potter fanfics where they use "cannon" dumble door except there "cannon" is a super duper evil and they genuinely write it like it is fact...lastly the mc(author) is the type of person who views his point of view as superior, ( how to explain)..example. like say they meet thor who just arrived on earth.. and then they insult and belittle his current actions and personality using some 8th grade logic and there own ' superior point of view' and then thor is like " hey your right" this is the type of novel it is.

1 の返信を表示する

It seems to get worse as it progresses, I liked it until about chapter 20. The author is lazy with his use of words (1 instead of one etc) and has a lot of redundant phrases. The author didn’t plan ahead and is doing stuff on the fly, so the story seems to devolve and get worse every chapter. The author notes/editors notes mid story also ruin immersion and really make the quality of the writing worse. Notes go at the end of the chapter, never mid chapter. Grammar and spelling are ok, within tolerance. The idea was interesting, though the “store selling” thing and the forced Natasha romance thing ruined any love I had for the story. The steal black widow quest changing after a chapter was jarring, it would have been better to rewrite those chapters than to force “romance” via a quest. Any attempt at romance would have been better then the quest stuff.

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forget about being Ward forget about being smart mc forget about the system forget about Marvel but don't forget simping Natasha 😬😬

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The writing quality should be 6 stars, I genuinely think this is one of if not the best fanfic I've ever read, and the authors writing and understanding of the characters is very genuine, ill honestly say the author has superior writing skills to most commissioned authors on this site, good job.

1 の返信を表示する

Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic!

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Decent story................,,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,., ,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,......,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,..,.,

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LV 15 Badge

It is actually a really good story so far. I'm at chapter 44 and I am really enjoying it. To be honest I wqs expecting a bad story because of the stupid looking cover but I wqs pleasantly surprised. Good job author-san.

0 の返信を表示する

Eu gostei, tem alguns buracos na trama mas isso é normal, também tem umas partes que não gosto, mas isso também é normal, espero que o autor consiga um bom emprego é atualize com mais frequência

0 の返信を表示する

I started a story bcs i caught review that said that mc has to work for his power, train, meditate etc. well he worked for month within prison with hxh system's nen and that's it. When he escaped he went all out wannabe op wish fullfilment mc with 101 power systems, using infinite stones like candies. The moment that avengers interactions became more interesting than mc's bs is the moment i dropped.

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Before I read anything I read a description of story. Reviews I dont touch cuz I like to formulate my own opinion about story before reading opinions of other readers. I stopped reading at chapter 11 or so, after mc without second thought murdered 2 low level agents and that after 11 chapters of shaming and blaming SHIELD, Coulson, Fury etc. for hypocrisy and other stuff. He blamed Coulson for condemning him(somewhat innocent person as he described himself) to torture but without a second thought killed 2 agents that were somewhat innocent as well(according to his own logic). That act turned all his reasoning into a joke. So I want to point out a problem with mcs reasoning and that he is as much of a hypocrite as the ppl he blames for said hypocrisy. Next comes his motivation. His motivation of getting stronger is the same and unoriginal as the rest fics with same setting, get stronger to unimaginable lvl just for the sake of getting stronger. Like the sole purpose of his existence is to get stronger and to solve all mcu threats by himself. And why I think of him like that you may ask? Simple, he sits behind the bars even when he can easily leave until System and plot forces him to. Next thing is that author did not describe how powers he got from HunterXHunter work. In description and tags of this fic there is nothing about HxH, I came to read fic about mcu, not google stuff that should be explained by author. So I checked chapter names and reviews to get general idea of the stuff that will happen. What I found out didnt surprise me at all. What we have in general is a hypocrite mc that have problems with reasoning, motivation and worldview in general and he is controlled by system and forced to do stuff by said system and plot. In conclusion I can say that this is below average fic with only difference to many others is that it is yet to be dropped. And giving the option to sell stuff to meditation system for points just kills the purpose of that system, instead of giving him this shortcut you should've somehow improved the benefits he get by meditation otherwise this is no point in calling it meditation system, but all of this is cuz of authors inexperience and all that stuff as he mentioned it in description.

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author you just made the mc needlessly antagonistic to almost everyone and the story does not have a good plot also the mc already has a superiority and god complex one other thing you have a plot that you had planned but because of the randomizer that you use he gets op too quickly and your plot loses value

0 の返信を表示する

Holy, okay I normally don’t cringe. This one took the cake though. Got ruined when mc system started penalizing him. Especially when it forced the romance super hard in just two short chapters. Could’ve have been something good. Just the author trolling his character ruined it.

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Good story but it's like every now and then gods are toying with him, so much powers and he can't even use it properly. Rewards are like even if it's bad it's gets attached to him, Don't know what to say

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LV 13 Badge

Constant trolling from the author ruined it. It was okay at the beginning with no trolling and somewhat serious story. Now its just a trollfest of author who is just randomly trolling the MC again and again

0 の返信を表示する

This fic is awesome and I love it . The character is actually smart, not an Aizen wannabe and while the MC does get OP he is not nérfed instead the opposition is made stronger which really is the best way to deal with OP characters and most importantly unlike majority of the OP MCs I have seen ,MC has personality

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Honestly, at first it was even funny to see God giving the mc a hard time and making fun of it, but after a while it gets tired, the mc simply depends a lot on the system, and well God literally throws it in the face of the mc who has control of the system and the marvel universe , which literally gave power up to the entire universe just for fun watching the mc remain weak.

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0 の返信を表示する

It started out very good, but the quality kept dropping. Now I can't read it anymore. The gods keep messing however they want.. The author keeps finding ways to nerf the mc complaining about how he is getting too op which is completely ridiculous since you are the one who made him like that to start with. This story is a very accurate example of how stories get ruined without proper pre-planning.

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I liked Grant as a character in shield, love Grant in this fic. The deranged system is a nice touch. Could use some re-edits, but understand if author can't/won't retread any painful bits. Thank you.

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LV 14 Badge

Started out fine but around chapter 47 is just becomes a rushed wish fulfilment story. Character doesn't have any semblance of pacing himself, he basically doesn't have to meditate after a certain quest which is about where the story starts getting super rushed

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It's a good fanfic the only thing holding it back is the updates. .................................................................................

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LV 4 Badge

.....writing quality is really goood 33........ The stability of updates is fine so I rated that pretty high... The Story Development is neither good nor bad to be honest... if you are someone looking for a wild time with wild theories and huge spirals of just random ideas, then the story development is for you... I rated the story development low because there is no reason or rhyme to his choices.... and even if there is, the mc doesn't explain it properly anyway... The Character Design leaves a lot wanting because the author leaves a lot of gaps for us to fill in... he doesn't tell us how Ward feels, he makes us figure it out and that makes no sense to me... As for the background... a badly described marvel background... when writing fanfics, I judge a background by what you add to it besides the cannon, and this adds nothing... I believe it takes away if anything. Hopefully he goes on to open a company or provate force for himself in the bear future, im liking how your taking wards charecter, he can be someone who is neutral until provoked. Thanks for the story

0 の返信を表示する

The story was good but the concept of ceo of gods, and this and that makes the story kind of stupid. Anyway thanks. But nah, leaving the story. GOOD LUCK>....................................................................................................................

0 の返信を表示する

The story is pretty cool! how far am i there is only Natasha as a romantic interest so thank god there is no harem. The system is pretty cool, not impressive but it works. His relationship with Natasha is cute. I haven't finished the story yet because there isn't enough repercussions so it's impossible to finish it in one fell swoop. Congratulations to the author and good luck

0 の返信を表示する

this is best fanfic i know, it is not because tge story is good, but how the author make story from different angle but looks like rational than in real movie like clint and natasha they didnt have any superpower. only snipping skill and gun skill and they dare fight with alien with ' agent responsibilies ' reasoning. this is really bulls***. if they are using ' saving the world or for friends ' reasoning then i can accept it but they didnt have that personality. natasha is spy and cclint agent. they only know ok boss

0 の返信を表示する

Apart from the SHIELD thing everything else is great Apart from the SHIELD thing everything else is great Apart from the SHIELD thing everything else is great Apart from the SHIELD thing everything else is great

0 の返信を表示する

Give it three star rating. A bit of dumb stuff with system and Unless you are familiar with hunter x hunter you will be lost. Wasnt bad just confusing and a bit dumb. Trash system aNd typical webnovel type story

0 の返信を表示する

I just really like everything it’s Cool seeing a different take on the MCU. Also love the love interest! Doing great sweetie!! Keep posting!!

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LV 12 Badge

sub par novel.. as you can tell by his future plans.. but there is no reason or explanation why. it is just steal, tade info, gain power that is it. and it is a novel with super heavy biased. like those harry potter fanfics where they use "cannon" dumble door except there "cannon" is a super duper evil and they genuinely write it like it is fact...lastly the mc(author) is the type of person who views his point of view as superior, ( how to explain)..example. like say they meet thor who just arrived on earth.. and then they insult and belittle his current actions and personality using some 8th grade logic and there own ' superior point of view' and then thor is like " hey your right" this is the type of novel it is.

1 の返信を表示する

It seems to get worse as it progresses, I liked it until about chapter 20. The author is lazy with his use of words (1 instead of one etc) and has a lot of redundant phrases. The author didn’t plan ahead and is doing stuff on the fly, so the story seems to devolve and get worse every chapter. The author notes/editors notes mid story also ruin immersion and really make the quality of the writing worse. Notes go at the end of the chapter, never mid chapter. Grammar and spelling are ok, within tolerance. The idea was interesting, though the “store selling” thing and the forced Natasha romance thing ruined any love I had for the story. The steal black widow quest changing after a chapter was jarring, it would have been better to rewrite those chapters than to force “romance” via a quest. Any attempt at romance would have been better then the quest stuff.

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forget about being Ward forget about being smart mc forget about the system forget about Marvel but don't forget simping Natasha 😬😬

0 の返信を表示する

The writing quality should be 6 stars, I genuinely think this is one of if not the best fanfic I've ever read, and the authors writing and understanding of the characters is very genuine, ill honestly say the author has superior writing skills to most commissioned authors on this site, good job.

1 の返信を表示する

Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic!

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Decent story................,,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,., ,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,......,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,..,.,

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