
Spirit of Nature

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

Su Ya and Lin Bai stepped onto the deck of the Ice Cabin.

When the Captain, who was dressed in a sailor suit, saw the two of them board the ship, he immediately came to welcome them.

"You must be the students who have come to participate in this team mission. I'm Captain Sol of the Ice Cabin," said Captain Sol warmly.

At the same time, Sol secretly glanced at the two of them.

Su Ya was undoubtedly eye-catching. Her looks were extremely exquisite, and she was tall with fair skin. She could be considered a first-class beauty.

At the same time, Lin Bai was extremely handsome. The two of them possessed impressive appearances.

They were a good-looking couple. This was Sol's first impression of Lin Bai and Su Ya.

"We'll set sail at 9pm. There are still three hours before we set off, so you can take a walk around the ship. The First Mate, Dave, will be your guide." Sol continued, "Is there anywhere you want to visit?"

"The library!" Lin Bai raised his hand.

Sol was shocked.

With a beautiful woman accompanying him, shouldn't ordinary youths go to romantic places like the side of the ship to enjoy themselves?

However, this young man actually wanted to go to the library immediately after coming and ignored this beauty?!

What kind of awareness was this!

Sol was instantly filled with respect.

"The library isn't far from here. Let me show you," said Sol.

At this moment, Lin Bai, who was only thinking about using his Reader skills to master more skills, naturally did not know what Sol was thinking.

In reality, he also wanted to master some offensive skills to protect the girl beside him!

Thus, Lin Bai followed Sol all the way to the library of the Ice Cabin.

Lin Bai walked into the library. Then, he immediately felt rather disappointed.

"This… is the library?!" Lin Bai was stunned.

Sol scratched his head awkwardly and stammered, "We're sailors after all. We're busy with sailing and other stuff every day… We don't have time to study, so…"

Sol looked at the empty library. He really couldn't bear the shame of seeing the miserable state of the few books.

Lin Bai sighed gently. It seemed like he could only make do with this.

Thus, after Sol went out and closed the door, Lin Bai casually took out a book.

"The Secrets of Nature".

When Lin Bai saw the name of the book, he immediately felt that it was especially classy.

"This is it!"

Lin Bai made up his mind and plunged into the sea of books.

[Reader Skill activated!]

[After reading for three hours, you will receive book-related skills!]

Lin Bai was overjoyed. Three hours was just enough time before the Ice Cabin set off.

Thus, Lin Bai carefully flipped through the pages.

Three hours passed very quickly.


[Congratulations on obtaining the skill "Spirit of Nature"!]

[Effect: Communicate with nature.]

Was that it?

Lin Bai could not help but purse his lips. Wasn't this skill too useless?

Recalling the three hours he had spent on this, Lin Bai more or less felt that it was not worth it.

Communicating with nature… This skill did not sound like it could chase away pirates!

Lin Bai shrugged his shoulders. Just as he was about to continue to see if there were any more books worth reading, the ship shook at this moment. Then, an ear-piercing whistle sounded.

"Are they setting off?" Lin Bai was shocked. It seemed like he could not continue staying in the library.

After all, he did not come here to nurture his Reader skills. Instead, he was here to carry out his escort mission.

Thus, Lin Bai walked out of the library and arrived on the deck.

Coincidentally, Su Ya was also on the deck, leaning against the guardrail and looking into the distance to see if there were any traces of pirate ships.

Lin Bai walked towards Su Ya and stood on her left. "I'm sorry. You also know the characteristics of my Reader Class, which is why I left you behind and went to the library as soon as I got here."

Su Ya bent her head slightly and smiled. "I know. Fortunately, the restaurant on the ship is not bad. I filled my stomach and took my time. Three hours passed very quickly."

Lin Bai nodded. Just as he smiled, his gaze turned serious again.

"That's not right."

"What's not right?" Su Ya was somewhat stunned. The change in Lin Bai's emotions was truly confusing.

"The sea breeze is not right. This is a sign of a storm."

"Furthermore, it's going to be a huge storm!"

Lin Bai's face was pale. If this storm struck, the consequences would be no joke!

Even if it was a Royal Caribbean ship, and even if the ship had arranged for the best sailors in the world, they would simply be overturned in the face of a storm that was this strong!

"We need to return to the port! Call Captain Sol! We have to return. We can't go forward!" Lin Bai roared.

In such a crisis, Lin Bai could not care about his dignity.

Sol heard the news in the Captain's room and immediately ran up to the deck in a hurry to find Lin Bai.

"Do you think there will be a huge storm?" Sol confirmed.

"That's right."

"Are you a meteorologist?"


"Then are you a fortune-teller?"


"Then what Class are you?"

"The Reader Class."


After this conversation, Sol was speechless.

What was a Reader…?

It didn't sound like a profession that could predict the weather.

Furthermore, it sounded so weak.

Could it be that he was afraid and wanted to trick the Ice Cabin into returning to escape this mission?

"Little Brother, I'm a relatively experienced Captain, so I know a little about navigation. However, I think the sea is calm. It doesn't seem like there will be a storm."

"Let's take a step back. Even if there's a storm, our Ice Cabin is fully equipped and the sailors are all experienced. I think we can withstand the greatest storm."

Sol tried to explain to Lin Bai, but Lin Bai did not listen at all.

He didn't know anything about navigation, but he could communicate with nature!

Wasn't this much more reliable than some navigation knowledge?!

"Trust me!" Lin Bai shouted. Although he was very certain about the arrival of the storm, he could not explain it. Thus, he could not convince Sol to believe him.

He could only… use his emotions to influence him…

Sol shook his head. It seemed like this brat only had good appearances. When faced with major matters, he would simply escape in the face of danger.

At this moment, some of the crew members were alarmed as well. They arrived on the deck. As soon as they arrived, they saw Lin Bai arguing helplessly.

"What? A brat actually dares to show off in front of a group of professional sailors!" A crew member said with a smile.

Su Ya looked at the crew members with a strange expression.

Then, as if she was certain of something, she slowly walked towards that crew member.

"What's wrong, little beauty? Are you angry at me for scolding your boyfriend?" The crew member was still smiling cheekily.

Su Ya fell silent and drew her knife from her waist.


The crew member's head fell to the ground!

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

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