
Elementary-Grade Magical Beast, the Master of the Swamp

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

Lin Bai gripped his wand tightly as nervousness appeared on his face.

Although he was full of confidence in his newly learned magic, this was after all his first time fighting such a magical creature. Thus, he was still afraid.

Fortunately, no matter how powerful the Master of the Swamp was, he was only a magical creature without any intelligence. After all, intelligent people had a certain advantage when facing unintelligent creatures.

Hearing the furious roar of the Master of the Swamp, a sense of pressure spread out like ripples, causing Lin Bai's scalp to turn numb.

Lin Bai swallowed his saliva and calmed down. Then, his gaze became calm. His eyes were as deep as water as he stared coldly at the Master of the Swamp.

"You're just a monster. I'll use you to prove myself!"

With that, Lin Bai shot out, pointing at the Master of the Swamp's body that was covered in mud.

The Master of the Swamp's body was huge. Furthermore, the sludge on its body was heavy. Thus, logically speaking, its speed would be relatively slow. However, it was extremely fast.

However, when faced with Lin Bai's punch, it did not dodge and forcefully endured it.

After all, the Master of the Swamp's skin was covered in thick green scales that were abnormally hard. Thus, when Lin Bai's punch landed, the scales showed no reaction. Instead, they remained firm.

Instead, it was Lin Bai's fist that was affected… The pain made Lin Bai gasp.

"Gasp… Damn it."

Lin Bai winced in pain. He shook his right hand and looked at the seemingly invincible Master of the Swamp.

"No wonder it didn't dodge. It turns out that there was no need to dodge…"

If melee combat was useless, then he would use magic!

After all, he now held the Elder Wand and mastered three spells.

The reason why he had made a move earlier was simply to test how powerful this big fellow was.

After testing its strength, he had already suffered. It would be silly if he did not use his magic under such circumstances.

As he thought about the magic he had learned from the book, Lin Bai could not help but tighten his grip on the magic wand in his hand.

At the same time, the Master of the Swamp had been attacked by Lin Bai. Although it was unharmed, it became furious. With a furious roar, it swung its huge hand at Lin Bai without sparing any effort!

Lin Bai's heart tightened. If he were to take a blow from this huge creature, he would definitely be smashed into pieces!


Lin Bai shouted a spell, and the magic wand instantly emitted a faint yellow light. It condensed into a beam of light that shot out and struck the giant hand!


A beam of light that contained the power of magic hit the Master of the Swamp's huge hand and instantly exploded.

The indestructible hand was actually torn into pieces and fell into the swamp.


The Master of the Swamp had lost an arm, so it was naturally in unbearable pain. Immediately, its pained cries sounded throughout the world.

Lin Bai rejoiced inside. This spell actually had such a great effect.

He could see the effects of the "Reducto" spell.

It was to tear the target to pieces.

Then, the Master of the Swamp instinctively counterattacked. It actually seemed to be willing to risk its life.

It let out a low groan. Then, the mud in the swamp actually slowly gathered together, forming a huge mudball the size of a meteorite!

Lin Bai also broke out in a cold sweat as he stared at the mudball that gave off the threat of death.

Meanwhile, the shape of the mudball slowly changed and gradually took the shape of a giant dragon!

This kind of attack method was something Lin Bai had seen when reading through the books. It was the Master of the Swamp's trump card.

"It's the Sludge Dragon!"

Creatures with no intelligence often attacked madly without regard for their own safety.

Furthermore, even if it was a creature with no intelligence, it was not easy to get it to use its trump card.

This was unless… it sensed danger.

It seemed like the previous attack was indeed extraordinary.

A smile appeared on Lin Bai's lips. He did not panic much when he saw that the "Sludge Dragon" had formed.

Although this "Sludge Dragon" was extremely powerful, it was a pity that the Master of the Swamp had encountered him.

It just so happened that he had a countermeasure against this Sludge Dragon.


After testing the effects of this spell just now, Lin Bai already had an understanding of it.

It could push away objects that approached it like a shock wave. As a result, all enemies or enemy attacks that tried to get close to the user would be pushed ten meters away, causing the enemy to be injured by the shock wave.

As soon as Lin Bai finished chanting the spell, the wand produced a silvery-white light. It flickered at the tip of the wand. Then, it suddenly exploded.

A shock wave that was visible to the naked eye instantly spread out. The Sludge Dragon that flew towards Lin Bai basically had no room to resist. The instant it touched the shock wave, it was pushed several meters away.


Thereafter, the shock wave exploded. The Sludge Dragon was unable to withstand the impact and collapsed.

The Master of the Swamp clearly never expected that its trump card would be destroyed so easily.

It was somewhat at a loss.

Lin Bai's eyes focused. He saw a flaw in the Master of the Swamp's panic.

Due to its panic and fear, it didn't have the time to hide or protect its soft belly. Thus, its soft belly was completely exposed!


Lin Bai stared at its exposed soft belly and shot out. With a flash, he approached the Master of the Swamp's body.

The Master of the Swamp smelled danger in the air as its eight legs paddled with all its might, wanting to dodge as quickly as possible.

"It's too late."

Lin Bai sneered, and the magic wand in his hand began to move.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The tip of the wand was aimed at the soft abdomen of the Master of the Swamp. Then, a black light shot out from the wand. The black light seemed to carry a demonic aura, as if it was a judgment from hell.

Without any hesitation, the black light stabbed straight at the soft abdomen of the Master of the Swamp.


A huge sound shook the entire world. The eyes of the Master of the Swamp were filled with disbelief.

It could never have imagined that this puny human would actually take its life.

The incredulous look in the Master of the Swamp's eyes lingered for a moment, then dissipated, leaving only the whites of its dead eyes.


Just like that, the Master of the Swamp fell straight to the ground, causing massive waves of mud to surge.

Lin Bai smiled and walked towards the remains of the Master of the Swamp.

The Spirit Crystal of the Master of the Swamp floated above its remains.

Spirit crystals were treasures produced after a magical beast died. They could be said to have many uses.

Lin Bai had obtained the Spirit Crystal of the Master of the Swamp. This Spirit Crystal was enough to prove his strength to Cage.

At this thought, Lin Bai turned around and walked. Just as he was about to return to Orlando, a rustling sound came from the grass beside him.


Lin Bai looked over curiously.

It was… a bear with a fox's head?!

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