91.1% Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures / Chapter 701: CH81 (695), Junior Sister

章 701: CH81 (695), Junior Sister

Eventually, the light show began to subside and Hestia/Flareon started to become visible. There was a calm excitement among the watching crowd as her silhouette started to show, revealing the form of a Flareon, but that abruptly changed to a clamorous hubbub once the light vanished completely and Hestia became visible in her entirety. I certainly did not blame them since I felt just as much excitement as they did, and how could I not with Hestia's unmistakable difference compared to a regular Flareon? 

Hestia showed a clearly different coloring compared to other Flareon, and I was not only referring to regular Flareon with that, but also the Shiny ones. Unlike the reddish-orange color that a regular Flareon had, Hestia's fur was of a deeper reddish orange that was called flame orange if I was not wrong, which was obviously also different from the matt golden yellow that Shiny Flareon had. 

The fluffy tuft she had on her head, her mane, and her tail were also different. Unlike the regular's yellow and the shiny's light yellow coloring, Hestia's fluff had a very light orange color. Honestly, compared to the difference in her fur color, which while apparent was not that big since it was simply a more reddish shade of orange, the difference in the fluff coloring was quite pronounced.

All in all, it was impossible to mistake Hestia for either a regular Flareon or a Shiny one, unless one had never seen a Flareon before and did not know what a Flareon usually looked like. Hence, the excitement among my Pokemon since we had visible proof that Hestia unlocked a modifier of some kind, though I was still not sure what she had unlocked. I was only able to exclude the shiny gene, for obvious reasons, as well as the Alpha and Giant genes.

Hestia was simply not big enough for those two. I mean, don't get me wrong, Hestia like her fellow Eevee Squad members was undoubtedly above average in size, but she was not as big as an Alpha of a species usually got, much less a Giant. Besides, those two modifiers usually only affected the size of a Pokemon, not its coloring, which was another reason I was able to so easily exclude them in my speculations.

Anyway, I watched as the Eevee Squad excitedly ran toward Hestia and doggy-piled her without waiting for me to make the first move. Unlike that bunch, the rest patiently waited for me to make my way to Hestia first, and I went over to the Eeveelution heap under their watchful eyes. I had to admit I was a bit worried about Ferrus/Ferreon jumping on them like that due to his weight and the general hardness of his body, but then I noticed that he was the first to "jump" Hestia, though it was more like he leaned on her for a moment. 

After that, he acted as her shelter/shield against the rest of her overeager family, which was quite nice of him. Still, no matter how amusing it was to see a pile of oversized puppies or cubs or whatever the heck the various Eeveelutions counted as, I still needed access to Hestia, who was currently buried under them, so I levitated them all off of her and had them circle around her while keeping them in the air.

I approached Hestia, who was giggling while watching the others being ferried through the air and went down on one knee in front of her before hugging her. "Congratulations on your evolution and the color change. You look great," I told her, which had her purr happily. "{Thank you. I haven't been able to get a proper look at myself yet, but I appreciate it}," she said sounding quite a bit more mature/proper than she did before her evolution. 

It was always funny to see that change in the speech. They all tried to act mature all of a sudden, though there was a certain degree of additional maturity involved. Still, it was as if the Flareon that was giggling before I spoke up and this Flareon were two entirely different Pokemon. At least it seemed like that before she let a giggle escape, showing that she had been acting. 

"I can show you if you want," I offered, which had her nod eagerly. "{Yes, please}," she eagerly said and I did as promised. I first let go of the hug and sat down beside her before waving my hand, which caused a projection of her current looks to appear in front of Hestia. She "ooohed" before curiously circling the (colored) projection and checking herself out. She did so three times before she felt satisfied and returned to my side. 

{Yep, I look good}," she said evidently happy with her change. "Yes, you do," I said while stroking her mane, which had her close her eyes in contentment. "So," I began, which had her open her eyes and look over to me. "I'm going to check out your status to see what exactly has changed," I informed her before adding, "Should I let them down?" while pointing to the Eeveelutions that were still circling through the air.

That had Hestia laughing again. "{No, let them continue paddling through the air}," she said before laughing once more, and this time the others, who had finally moved over as well, joined her in laughter. "{No/Let us down/Don't listen to her/I believe I can fly}," protests came from above, though the last one from Nyx/Umbreon stood out as an exception that made me chuckle a bit. 

The only reason I was able to levitate her together with the others despite her being a dark type was that I was cheating a bit by using aura to grab ahold of her before using telekinesis on that aura to levitate her around. This was actually the first time I used that method on her and she certainly seemed to enjoy it.

Anyway, I agreed with Hestia before telling the others that they could go ahead and congratulate her. While they did that, I began to check out Hestia's new/updated status sheet.

'Name: Hestia 

Species: Flareon*

Gender: Female

Age: 6+ years


Type: Fire*

Potential: Deep Purple (0.47%)*

{Purple (68.73%) -> (68.89%) -> Deep Purple (30.47%) -> (00.47%)}'

I skimmed over the obvious changes such as her species as well as type and focused on her potential which was barely above the line for deep purple. Compared to her previous potential it appeared as if there had been a mere 32ish% increase, but I knew that the actual increase had been more than that. Honestly, I would have been really surprised to see a mere 32ish% increase if I did not know that she had to have unlocked some modifier due to her unusual coloring. 

With that in mind, it made more sense since she likely lost 30% of her total gain since I was assuming that she had unlocked a level 1 modifier, so the evolution bonus would have been 62ish% if she had not unlocked anything above level 1, which I would not mind as well as long as the modifier gave a good bonus. Yet, a simple look at the next section told me that it was indeed a level 1 modifier. Moreover, it was one that was quite rare.

'Modifiers: Lustrous*' 

Hestia was now the second Pokemon in our family after Po/Pangoro with that modifier. This upgraded version of the Shiny gene granted Hestia a 25% overall bonus, which resulted in her having the highest racial value among the Eevee Squad surpassing Nyx and Borr/Glaceon who had previously shared that honor due to their Shiny gene. Their 603 RV/BS, while enough to put them on the level of apex species/pseudo-legendaries was still quite a bit lower than the 656 RV Hestia was now sporting.

Speaking of which, it was quite coincidental that more than half of the Eevee Squad had unlocked a Shiny gene or an upgraded version of it. That kind of luck was truly incredible, especially since all three of them unlocked their modifiers at a later date. Honestly, if this kept going I would have to change their group name from Eevee Squad to Shiny Squad. I wouldn't mind that per se, if not for one tiny problem. I really, really did not like Espeon's Shiny coloring, so I hoped from the bottom of my heart that Jean never unlocked the Shiny gene.

Putting that aside for now I told Hestia and the others about her new Lustrous gene, which had Po/Pangoro pull her into another hug while congratulating her on joining him in the Lustrous sect. A name that I jokingly used in front of Po just once, which I regretted after he practically adopted the word since he thought that sect sounded cooler than either club or squad. I chose to ignore that tragic memory and continued looking through the rest of Hestia's status sheet.

'Abilities: Flash Fire*, Guts*

Talents: None

Affinities: Normal, Fire*'

Well, Flash Fire along with Guts were the usual abilities a Flareon had, so no surprise there, and while they were pretty good abilities, I still mourned the fact that Adaptability got replaced. Yet, all I could do really was to hope that the third ability they'll unlock, I was including the other Eeveelution here, would be Adaptability.

Anyway, I continued looking through Hestia's status sheet, and soon enough came upon the section that had undergone the most extensive change, her type relation section.


Fire* {Ghost removed}



Grass (Minor)*, Ice (Minor)*, Bug (Minor)*, Steel (Minor)*, Fairy (Minor)*



Water (Minor)*, Ground (Minor)*, Rock (Minor)*




Thanks to Flash Fire Hestia possessed an immunity to fire which replaced the ghost immunity that vanished together with her normal typing. Her new typing also granted her 5 new resistances, though it also burdened her with 3 weaknesses. Well, at least she also lost her fighting-type weakness, so that was another plus. Overall, the changes were not bad at all, and now that she had finally evolved, we could start her resistance training, but those were thoughts for later. I first had to finish looking through the rest of her status sheet.

The final two changes were expected ones since the corresponding energy manipulation always came with a new typing, and everyone knew that all Flareon had Ember imprinted into their minds/memories during their evolution.


Normal E. Manipulation (Advanced)

Fire E. Manipulation (Novice)*





Ember (new)*



Sunny Day (new)



Protect (+)'

Still, thanks to our preparation Ember was not Hestia's first fire-type move. That honor went to Sunny Day and speaking of Sunny Day, I had to say that I was a bit disappointed that it could not trigger the effect of Flash Fire. Had it been possible, it would have been a pretty amazing combination, which would have granted Hestia a passive healing factor for as long as Sunny Day was in effect. 

Unfortunately, Flash Fire did not register the energy released by Sunny Day, so we were missing out. I really would have loved it if that combo worked since not only Hestia would have benefited from it but also Enji/Arcanine, and the Houndour in the reserve team. 

Anyway, putting those thoughts aside, I began to take out the party stuff to celebrate Hestia's very successful evolution. I also finally released the Eevee Squad from my telekinesis, and they quickly ran to the snack bar before surrounding Hestia and complaining to her about their prolonged stay in the air. Well, most of them did, Nyx simply watched them complain while eating her snacks. 

As amusing as it was to watch them whine, I still told them to leave it be and to just enjoy the celebration. I might have also added that I could offer them a second round up there if they preferred that. Nyx actually looked interested, but the rest shook their head and began to properly congratulate her on her evolution since they were unable to do so while hanging in the air.

The party went on for around three hours before it was time for dinner, and once we had eaten our meal, with some eating less than others due to an overindulgence of snacks, I asked Hestia what she wanted to do for the rest of the evening. She asked me if we could watch Lilo&Stitch, so we ended up having a movie night ahead of schedule. 



This part is purely to display Hestia's status screen in one piece and does not count toward the word count.

'Name: Hestia 

Species: Flareon

Gender: Female

Age: 6+ years


Type: Fire

Potential: Deep Purple (0.47%)

Modifiers: Lustrous

Abilities: Flash Fire, Guts

Talents: None

Affinities: Normal, Fire


Bond: Mikail (strong)

Quirk: None



Stage: Silver Stage (high)

Vitality: C

Strength: C

Endurance: D

Agility: C

Energy Capacity: D

Energy Density: C






Grass (Minor), Ice (Minor), Bug (Minor), Steel (Minor), Fairy (Minor)



Water (Minor), Ground (Minor), Rock (Minor)





Condition: Healthy, Surprised, Excited, Delighted



Normal E. Manipulation (Advanced)

Fire E. Manipulation (Novice)




(Unofficial) Initial:







Last Resort, Mimic, Trump Card, Sunny Day



Growl, Helping Hand, Tackle, Tail Whip, Baby Doll Eyes, Sand Attack, Double Kick, Refresh, Bite, Baton Pass, Charm, Calm Mind, Dig, Rest, Endure, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Stored Power, Hyper Voice, Work Up, Take Down, Double Edge, Star Shield (C)



Copycat, Quick Attack, Swift, Body Slam, Yawn, Protect 






Star Shield (Proficient)'


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Currently, the lowest number of advanced chapters available on patre'on is 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 10.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore and Pokemon Lore/Info series can be found there as well.

Help me stay motivated.


Azrail93 Azrail93

Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 3/4 for this week.

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore and Pokemon Lore/Info series can be found there as well.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C701
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


