
CH13 (74), Honey City (2)

The first thing I do after leaving the store is to put the bag with the honey jars into my space by acting as if I was storing it in my Silph Co. Bag. I can't believe I actually kept hauling that thing around, must have been the embarrassment of forgetting to ask for directions inside the honey store. Turns out my space does not replicate honey, just like it did not replicate blood, which is too bad. Well, not the blood part, but the honey part, because this thing is actually useful.

'Name: Beedrill Honey

Type: None

Class: E

Uses: Contains plenty of nutrition and tastes sweet.

Can be eaten as food and long-term regular ingestion boosts the body a bit and helps the consumer to stay healthy, prolonging his/her life.'

This honey practically redefines the saying "eat to live". Well, if this does not ascertain my decision to get myself a Beedrill colony/army then I don't know what will. I may have to wait to realize it, but now I am a 100% sure I will. Anyway, I also check out what has changed for Weedle L1 and see that nothing changed.

Since he is inside the Pokeball, he got transported to my house instead of the Weedle habitat, which is good to know. Only after I let him out did his potential rise to deep green. This is the first time I store a Pokemon inside my space while he/she/it is still inside the Pokeball, so I did not know what was going to happen.

After I am done with all that, I take a look at Xatu and decide to offer him a chance. "Xatu, I am going to walk around visiting stores for the next few hours, so it's probably going to be pretty boring. Do you want me to recall you or pull you inside you know where? I could have Nyx accompany me in that case." I tell him and he answers me.

'For real! I've got zero interest in shopping, so I think I am going to relax, I mean train inside your place. Call me out in case you need me or if something interesting happens.' After hearing his telepathic answer I nod and act as if I was recalling him while pulling him inside my space, then I let Nyx out of her Pokeball.

"Nyx, I have to visit a lot of stores today and I want you to accompany me, alright?" I inform her and she simply nods, before she springs into my arms. I start to walk around the city center while carrying her around and visit all the stores that seem interesting. I check out their wares but buy nothing yet. Not just because I am broke again after my last purchase, totally worth it by the way, but to compare their prices to each other.

After visiting I am not sure how many shops I am exhausted, but I have decided on which stores to visit to buy some things that I find useful. I don't know how most women can do this all day long but after just 4 hours I have enough of it. Thankfully, it's time for lunch, so I decided to go to a restaurant before resuming my torture, sorry, shopping.

I walk towards a restaurant called "Soma's Tasty Surprise" and enter it. The reason I chose this restaurant is that they also cater to one's Pokemon. I am led to a private booth and let out my Pokemon. Luckily, the menu has pictures for all dishes, so I allow them to choose for themselves what they want to eat.

After everyone has eaten I pay the bills and leave. I already decided which 8 stores I am going to sell things at and which stores I was going to visit to buy something. At the first store, I sell 40 F-Class, 20 E-Class, and 6 D-Class Vibrant Petunias for 42.000 Poke. At the second store, I sell the same amount of Purple Lilies for the same price, before walking towards the third store.

There I sell off a few Ekans skins. Specifically, 30 F-Class, 15 E-Class, and 5 D-Class skins for 71.000 Poke. After that, I walk to the fourth store, which pays me 15.500 Poke for 100 F-Class, 80 E-Class, and 10 D-Class Poisonous Mushrooms. Yeah, it seems like those mushrooms are pretty cheap. Good thing I stopped growing them because it isn't worth the effort.

The Tiny Mushrooms are a bit better in that regard since the fifth store buys 100 F-Class, 80 E-Class, and 10 D-Class ones for 44.000 Poke. I directly walk to the sixth store on my list, once I am done at the fifth store. The material I sell there is the Beedrill's Lance. I bring out 20 F-Class, 8 E-Class, and 2 D-Class ones and receive 114.000 Poke for them. I actually decide to stop selling any more of my stuff after leaving the sixth store, because I have gotten enough money for now.

Besides those were nearly all the things I have that could logically be found in big amounts and while I have even more of them I don't want to flood the market with them. I earned a total of 328.500 Poke from selling all that stuff and can now be considered rich according to civilian standards as well as okayish according to lower-ranked trainer standards.

This means it is time for me to buy some of the stuff that caught my eye before. For this, I head towards stores that are selling them for the lowest price. This information is the only reason the torture I endured at the beginning was worth suffering. Anyway, I first visit "Butterfree's Garden" and buy an E-Class as well as D-Class Butterfree's Treat.

'Name: Butterfree's Treat

Type: Bug

Class: E

Uses: Contains plenty of bug-type energy.

A jelly that has been purposely seeped in the energy of a peak silver stage Butterfree for a long time. Can be used as a supplement for any bug-type Pokemon, but is especially useful for the Butterfree-line.'

'Name: Butterfree's Treat

Type: Bug

Class: D

Uses: Contains plenty of bug-type energy.

A jelly that has been purposely seeped in the energy of a Gold stage Butterfree for a long time. Can be used as a supplement for any bug-type Pokemon, but is especially useful for the Butterfree-line."

While it was pricier than other materials of the same class, it was worth it. At least I think so, because this is going to be useful for Mothra, and Weedle, but mostly for Mothra. I drop 20.000 Poke at the store for those 2. As soon as I am out of the store I put the treats inside my space and the thing I expected happens.

While the treats can be replicated, they can't be improved, which is why I directly bought the D-Class version as well. This way I have access to it without my space having to upgrade the E-Class version, which like previously mentioned it can not. It probably has something to do with needing a sample of the energy used during the creation of the treat, at least I think so.

Anyway, after "Butterfree's Garden", I go to "Journey's End", which is actually a shop that sells complete carcasses and body parts. There I buy an E-Class "Metapod's Chrysalis" for 2000 Poke. That one I buy for my space to replicate, but what I buy next is purely to help my Pokemon since I know that my space can't replicate complete carcasses.

I drop 200.000 Poke to buy the complete corpse of a (low) gold stage, 3-star Butterfree for Mothra. That also brings an end to my much shorter shopping spree. In the end, I am left 106.500 Poke, which is only a third of what I had before. 'Man, I only bought 4 little things and spent two-thirds of my hard-earned money. Trainers do spend money like water.

Thankfully they can earn it just as fast, as long as they are strong enough.' I think to myself. I am done with everything I had planned for today and looking at the time I still have around 2 hours until dinner, so the question is what am I going to do during that time.

Actually, I could use that time to check out the Battle Club I have heard about if there is one in Honey City. After asking around for a bit it turns out that there is no Battle Club in Honey City, but there is a Bug Club.

Well, apparently, its real title is Bug Specialists Club, but everyone calls it the Bug Club.

Since the descriptions of the passerby I talked to have made me curious, I decide to visit it. It takes me 20 minutes to reach the place, since it's at the periphery of the city center, and I took the wrong turn a few times, but I finally make it there.

The building itself looks really classy and has a big sign symbolizing a bug hanging over the entrance. Pretty sure that I came to the right place, I enter the building and walk straight up to the reception. The clerk behind the counter addresses me as soon as I stop before her. "Welcome to the Bug Specialist Club. How may I help you?" She asks me.

"I would like to know more about the Club and maybe sign up, so is there someone available for that?" I answer her before asking for some information. "Yes, there is. If you walk a bit further inside, there is a sign leading to the waiting room. Right across the waiting room is the registration office. There you can ask about the club and also register if you are interested." She tells me and I nod at her.

"Just wait a moment please. I'll inform the registration office and they'll call you up when it's your turn. Who should I tell them is waiting?" She asks and I answer with "Meruem". "Alright, then. You may go ahead Mr. Meruem." She says, and I nod before walking towards the waiting area.

I follow the signs and sit down once I reach the waiting room. Just 5 minutes later I see someone leaving the door where the registration office is and shortly after I am called up. Hearing my name I stand up and enter the office. There are 3 desks there but only one has an empty seat, so I walk up to that one.

The lady behind the desk, Olivia, and I talked for over an hour. By the end of our conversation, I decided to register anonymously. This meant I only had to provide an alias and a proof that I have bug-type Pokemon. During our talk, I learned a few important points. The Bug Club, just like the Battle Club is also an alliance-supported organization.

It also works the same way as the Battle Club does, the difference being that the Battle Club accepts all kinds of trainers with Pokemon of any kind and the Bug Club only allows the use of bug-type Pokemon. Trainers are allowed to register anonymously in these establishments, by only providing an alias and proving the possession of Pokemon.

Those that register anonymously, receive fewer benefits as a consequence, but that much is obvious. As an anonymous member, I can earn money by winning battles, bets, and advancing. I also can use my member card for a certain amount of discounts in any of their affiliated establishments.

Members are divided into different ranks and every member of the Bug Club starts at the Bug Catcher rank. After that comes the Bug Collector rank, the Bug Maniac rank, the Bug Noble rank, the Bug Lord/Lady rank, the Bug Duke/Duchess rank, the Bug King/Queen rank, the Bug Emperor/Empress rank, and finally the Bug Sovereign rank in that order.

Thanks to these rankings, I also learned all currently existing trainer classes, because the club ranks generally correspond to the prowess of certain trainer classes. Bug Catchers, that are stuck at the rank, have the same prowess as Rookie-Class trainers.

Bug Collectors have the prowess of Junior-Class trainers and so on. Anyway, thanks to this I now knew the complete class list. It goes like this, Rookie-, Junior-, Senior-, Expert-, ACE-, Elite-, Champion-, Master-, and Legend-Class trainer.

So, a Bug King is a Champion-Class trainer and a Bug Emperor is a Master-Class trainer. According to Olivia, there are currently 5 registered Emperor/Empress-rank and 12 King/Queen-rank members in Kanto. Additionally, there are 30 Bug Clubs spread out across Kanto, which seems to be less than the number of Battle Clubs, but it's still more than enough, in my opinion, considering that these numbers are only for Kanto alone.

She also told me the advancement requirement for the next two ranks. If a Bug Catcher wants to become a Bug Collector, then he/she needs 15 wins in a row or 100 wins total, against someone of an equal rank. From Bug Collector to Bug Maniac he/she needs 20 wins in a row or 150 wins, and finally, from Bug Maniac to Bug Noble one needs 25 wins in a row or 200 wins. Anyway, Olivia gave me my member card just now, and I pocket it immediately.

Now that I have the card I can leave, but I have to say that these people work fast. I just registered, but it took them only 5 minutes to produce my member card. "Thank you for helping me out Olivia. I wish you a good day, take care of yourself, and goodbye." I tell her and she returns a goodbye of her own.

With that out of the way, I start to leave the building. While walking I decide to come back a few fights on Arcday, since the whole thing took quite some time. It is currently time for dinner, which is why I call out Xatu as soon as I am outside the building and tell him to bring me home.


I want to thank, Arun Jegan, Legolas302, Jack Allen, g0lb0r, Ouraga_n, Zones, Anirudh N, Diabet0s, victor diaz, Steven Southerland, Faysal muhumed, Kyle, Adam, Tyler, jaycehunter, Rob Robinson, the_bloody_empress 39001, Matthew Crowe for being my Patrons.

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Help me stay motivated.


Azrail93 Azrail93

Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 2/5 for this week.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.

If my first patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate is increased to 6 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C74
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


