8.5% Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures / Chapter 60: CH37 (60), Egg Market And Saying Goodbye

章 60: CH37 (60), Egg Market And Saying Goodbye

Today was Grouday, and they were going to return to their home tonight.

The adults talked about what they wanted to do before the Geo family had to be at the teleportation hub.

It was currently 9 a.m and their reservation was at 7 p.m, so they had about 9 hours to waste.

Well, it was actually 10 hours but it was better to leave 1 hour aside in case something happened.

While they were talking about where to visit since they couldn't go to the commercial street, because the stores were closed on Grouday.

At least the ones the women were interested in were closed.

Lily suggested visiting the Orchid Park, but the others decided to put it aside for now.

A few more suggestions followed like the pool, but they were all put aside until Thorn remembered the PokeEgg market.

He explained that once every nine months on a Grouday, the city, with the support of the alliance, organized an egg market, where breeders and trainers handed over PokeEggs to the organizer after quoting a price.

The city took a 5% cut and guaranteed the safety of the transaction.

After checking the egg to make sure it could be hatched (alive), the organizer gathered all eggs from the same species in one area and displayed them together in clusters according to their species.

Naturally, the price the owner set was displayed beneath the eggs.

Visitors then could visit different areas to check out the clusters and choose one of the eggs they took a liking to if they found the price acceptable, the price itself is non-negotiable.

All unidentified eggs were gathered in one cluster as well, but the eggs of the most prevalent species on the continent could be recognized by most people, so only eggs of rare or foreign species were put in this category.

Mikail's eyes lit up after learning about the PokeEgg market and he saw that the same happened to Rose's eyes.

He could hear her mumbling about finding Princess a little friend and he had to stifle his laughter at that.

Anyway, the adults saw their reactions, and since they were interested as well the unanimous decision to visit the PokeEgg market was made.

Because the area needed for the market was massive, the city set it up a bit outside the city.

The drive there from the Field's home took a bit more than 40 minutes.

On the way, Mikail learned more about the market and PokeEggs.

The reason the breeders and trainers sold these eggs like this instead of doing it themselves or through other channels, like auctions and so on, was that the Pokemon Alliance, or any other organization, were unable to check the potential of the Pokemon before it hatched.

This meant that PokeEggs that did not come from parents that were known to possess good potential were considered wildcards.

So no one could guarantee the potential of PokeEggs that came from parents that did not have parents with good potential or with unidentified parents, which was why they could not be sold for ridiculous prices.

PokeEggs with parents that had good potential on the other hand were sold for sky-high prices and finding some of these eggs during an auction was not uncommon.

Besides one of the main reasons that trainers and breeders were willing to participate in the egg market was that the city and Pokemon Alliance were offering tax cuts and merit points for their participation.

Mikail and Rose used all their mettle and cuteness to get a promise out of their parents to buy them an egg if they found one that they really wanted.

They hugged each other and cheered after getting the promise and the men just slightly shook their heads amused by their antics, while the women once more had this glint in their eyes while looking at them.

After they arrived at the location, they parked the car and walked towards the entrance of the market, where the personnel working for the organizer was handing out maps showing the distribution of the cluster, so people knew where the egg clusters of the species they were interested in were located.

Mikail was impressed for more than one reason.

'The area of the market is truly massive.

Luckily, we came here early, but I still think the 8 hours we have left won't be enough to visit all clusters.

Still, the map will be really helpful in that regard.

As long as we visit only the clusters that are of interest we should be fine.

They even have the number of eggs that were put on display at the beginning.

Naturally, the number decreases as the eggs get sold but it will give one an idea how many eggs of the species one desires are available.'

While everyone was checking out the map in their hands, they started discussing which clusters they were going to skip and which cluster they were going to visit first.

They started with the clusters nearest to the entrance and decided to pan out from there.

The decision to skip the Caterpie, Weedle, Rattata, Spearow, and Ekans clusters was unanimous.

Mikail wanted to see if he could find a good Pidgey egg since, unlike the others, he could see the potential of the Pokemon inside the egg, after its potential had settled.

Unfortunately, he was outvoted, so the Pidgey cluster got skipped as well.

The first cluster they decided to visit was the Pikachu cluster, so they made their way over to the area the cluster was located at.

It took them a bit more than 5 minutes to walk from the entrance to the tent the Pikachu cluster was displayed in and from what Mikail saw on the map there were about 400 Pikachu eggs available.

They entered the tent and he saw rows upon rows of PokeEggs that all had the same pattern, a yellow top with a black bottom that is separated by a zig-zag line near the bottom area.

Every row had 5 eggs on display and Mikail used his telekinesis to check out the potential of the eggs while walking between the rows.

After checking around 20 rows, 100 eggs, he found 10 Pichu eggs among them, while the other 90 were Pikachu eggs.

The cheapest egg he found cost 80.000 Poke and the most expensive one cost 150.000 Poke.

He found 16 eggs whose potential he couldn't see yet and among the other 84 the best one was a Pikachu egg that had yellow potential.

Funnily, the yellow potential egg was one of the cheaper eggs and cost only 95.000 Poke.

Checking the 20 rows took him around 10 minutes and another 5 minutes later the others decided to go to the next cluster.

He managed to check out another 50 eggs during that time and found a Pichu egg with deep yellow potential amongst them.

He noted the position of the egg in case he did not manage to find a better one.

In that case, he would return and buy this one if it was still there.

They decided to skip the next 3 clusters and directly went to the Clefairy cluster.

Mikail was surprised that there were any Clefairy eggs at all, but the number of eggs did prove that the species was still relatively rare, since there were only 14 eggs available.

Checking those out did not take long and the result was disappointing.

The eggs were pink with a few white stars on them and the one with the best potential he found was a measly orange.

It was probably because he had such a small sample size, but he was left disappointed.

They skipped the Vulpix cluster and went to the Jigglypuff one next.

The eggs were white with a few pink swirls on them and there were much more of them than there were Clefairy eggs, 112 to be exact.

They spent enough time there for him to check them all out and he found one that had deep yellow potential.

The next best one had light yellow potential, so that was quite the lucky find.

Unfortunately, he was not really interested in Jigglypuff, so it was kind of useless.

They skipped the next 10 clusters, even if Mikail was torn if they should really skip the Growlithe cluster, but he ultimately agreed because he already had a plan how to get his hands on a good Growlithe egg that involved the voluntary participation of Agni.

Still, he insisted on visiting the Abra cluster and the others agreed.

His parents had a knowing look on their faces when he insisted on visiting the Abra cluster, but he simply shrugged at their behavior.

The number of Abra eggs was surprisingly much smaller than he would have thought, there were only 69 of them.

The egg was yellow with a brown stripe around the top of the egg.

It took longer to reach the cluster than it took him to check them all out, but it was definitely worth it.

He found an egg with light green potential and it was in the middle of the price range.

The cheapest Abra egg cost 120.000 Poke, while the most expensive one cost 230.000 Poke, and the one he marked cost 155.000 Poke.

Now that he thought about it, that was actually as much as some of the houses cost in his previous life, but here he was thinking that the same price for an egg was relatively cheap.

After the Abra cluster, Rose insisted on visiting the Ponyta cluster and he did not object.

There were quite a few Ponyta eggs available, 354 according to the map, and the eggs were white with red flames on the bottom area.

They stayed there for 15 minutes until Rose was satisfied and during that time he managed to check only 90 eggs because Rose decided to drag him around with her.

Still, he was not really interested in a Ponyta right now, so was not complaining and he was definitely not pouting.

The best egg among the Ponyta he had managed to check had deep orange potential, but he was sure there were better ones that he had no time to check.

While they were deciding which clusters to skip he noted that there was no cluster for Gastly, so he asked his parents why that was.

His mother said that there were indeed Gastly eggs, but they were exceedingly rare in the wild and the breeders that specialized in the Gastly line would never provide them to a market.

They skipped the clusters until the Exeggcute cluster and the walk there took nearly 20 minutes.

There were 256 eggs available and they were light pink with a few green stripes on them.

He looked through all of them, and found one that had light green potential, but it was relatively expensive.

It seemed the owner was sure the potential of the egg would not be bad, but he could not guarantee it, either way, the price was set at 280.000 Poke.

Even though he would have liked to have it, he did not put it on his list of possible winners, because it was too expensive.

Until now only Abra was really on the list, with Pichu being a big maybe.

After the Abra cluster, they visited the Rhyhorn cluster.

Despite there being more than 557 eggs all the ones he checked turned out to be duds.

He did not know if there were any good ones but among the 103 he checked the best one had orange potential.

After leaving the Rhyhorn tent they decided to eat lunch, where they talked about which clusters to visit and which ones to skip.

Mikail noted that Chansey, Kangaskhan, Lapras, and Ditto had no Egg clusters.

He could understand Ditto, but it seemed that the others were too rare or the species/eggs were regulated, which he could totally imagine for Chansey with the Joy clan and all.

Yeah, the Joy clan was around on Terra as well, just like the Jenny clan.

Anyway, they decided to skip the rest of the Kanto prevalent species, besides the Electabuzz/Elekid, Magmar/Magby, Eevee, and Snorlax/Munchlax clusters, before they continued with the Johto prevalent species.

The Elekid eggs were yellow with 3 black half stripes on them.

There were only 84 of them, and the best one had yellow potential while costing 200.000 Poke.

The Magby eggs had a red upper part while the lower part was yellow and was shaped like a flame.

Only 48 of them were available and the best one had deep orange potential while costing 250.000 Poke.

The Eevee eggs were brown with a zig-zaggy white stripe that went around the center of the egg.

The map said there were supposed to be 33 eggs but there were only 24 of them left and after he checked those he found two that had light green potential.

He could not believe his luck when he saw that.

He actually first looked at his father and then at Rose, while asking himself if it was their luck that caused this, or if it was his luck.

It could have been just a coincidence as well, but in the end, there were two Eevee eggs with great potential.

He threw his mental list into the bin because he was going to take one of those eggs home.

He would have tried to take both, but he was sure that was not going to fly with his parents especially since both eggs cost 390.000 Poke each and they were not even the most expensive ones, that honor went to an egg that cost 480.000 Poke.

Anyway, both Eevee were female and had the same abilities, so he simply went to the one he felt was better and told his parents that he wanted this one.

At first, his parents had the "no way, did you look at the price" face on, but after a bit of begging and acting cute on his part, they reluctantly agreed to buy him the Eevee egg he chose.

Seeing that he had secured himself the Eevee egg he wanted, he turned to Rose, so that he could subtly make her interested in the other Eevee egg with good potential.

Since he could not get it, he thought it would be better if someone he knew got it, instead of a stranger.

To his surprise, he saw Rose dragging her parents towards the egg he was planning to show her, the other one with light green potential and unlike him, she did not even have to beg.

Rose pointed at the egg, told her that she wanted that one, and they simply agreed.

She let out a high-pitched noise and hugged her parents.

They took their eggs and went to pay for them.

They also bought a good incubator that was sold there and the total was 395.000 Poke.

Mikail hugged his parents and thanked them after they left the Eevee tent.

Since they had bought their eggs, they decided to stop here and walk back towards the car.

The walk back took more than an hour and they drove towards the teleportation hub once they reached the car.

There were still a bit less than 2 hours until their reservation, so they walked around a bit before they had dinner at a restaurant near the hub.

Afterward, they said their goodbyes, where Rose clung a bit to Mikail.

He had to assure her that they would talk over the phone with each other and that they could visit them next before she was satisfied.

The adults simply chuckled and Mikail and his parents left.

The return trip including the bus ride from Honey City to Hope Town took about 3 hours.

Their car was still where they had left it and by the time they arrived at home, it was 10:30 p.m.

As soon as they entered their home his parents told him to go to bed and he did not disagree.

First, Mikail made sure the egg was safely deposited on his table, that Natu was in his own bed, then hugged Mothra, and went to sleep.


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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 3/5 for this week.

There are currently 4 polls on going on my patr*eon that decide some future points and Patrons get to choose which option wins.

The polls will go on until Saturday.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on.

If my first patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate is increased to 6 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C60
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


