47.05% One Piece: Rayquaza / Chapter 8: Accidental Rampage

章 8: Accidental Rampage

[A/N: Thick chap]

A few minutes before kei transformation.

At the Marine ship,

Adam Zero the rising star of the marine who ate the boost boost fruit and his wife Maria Grace who ate the locate locate fruit both watch from the ship on how a youth fights on par with Velor the Misery.

" Rear Admiral Adam! Should we just watch from the side like this? That guy fighting Misery doesn't seem to be a pirate. I think we should go and help him, sir! " A captain rank marine named Joshua said while looking and saluting to Adam.

" Hmmm, We should watch and see from the side first. That guy seems to be a devil fruit user that controls the wind so it might be the logia wind wind fruit powers. We will save him at the last moment like a hero and then recruit him to join the marine.

Such a good seed must not fall to the wrong path. Just in case, take his picture and sent it to headquarters. Record this fight with the recording snail as well"

Adam and the rest of his men continue to observe from the distance. His wife Maria, one of the few marines that have powers to track and find people also watches the fight.

But unlike Adam, who wants to wait until the boy can't fight anymore and then appear like a hero so he can recruit the boy after saving him.

she was worried about the boy who was fighting. The boy looks like he was only around 15 in her eyes and having children around the same age circle makes her reluctant to continue watching the fight.

Although her strength is not much compared to Adam and only around a low tier Commodore. She was prepared to jump in just in case the boy faces danger...

[A/N: Marine Ranks]

The fight continues for hours. The battleship class marine ship move very slowly towards the island until it was only less than a kilometer away.

Although the boy body didn't show any sign of serious injury except for some small cuts here and there. After the marine ship got closer. He suddenly growl in pain, The marine obviously knew what this mean because they had done their research about who they be fighting.

" Misery uses his ability, Hmm I guess I shouldn't let that future marine suffer too much because if he find out in the future them he might grow to hate me" Adam said while squinting his eyes

Adam saw Maria who was about to jump off and dash there but she was stopped by him. Leaving a hand gesture to leave it to him.

As Adam was about to leap over to the island...


A weird but deafening roar was let out by the boy, Everybody instinctively cover their ear. Some unlucky one immediately passed out while some blood flows out from the ear while the rest is having a hard time standing because of sudden dizziness.

Slowly, the boy body changes into a majestic floating green snake.

Adam and everybody on board were speechless with their mouth wide open looking at this scene.

Even the pirates on the island coast including Velor was looking at this scene with a face full of shock.

"It's a Mythical Zoan!!!"

Everyone shout after seeing the transformation.


As soon as Kei transform, Velor snaps out of it and launch a barrage of sword attack coated with pain aura. Thinking that this will end it quickly, Velor face shows a smug face of victory.

But unlike his expectation, Kei evades all of it with ease without batting an eye. His body movement was so swift and precise that every attack was evaded by only a few centimeters.

" Call for my brother now!!! Go!!! " Velor shout to his man after seeing that his attack didn't work.

Although Velor attack power is high, His defensive power sucks because he always have his brother by his side to take on most of the attack coming for him.

"Damn boy, That's a very nice fruit power you have. But I already hit you with my power around 10 times. A few more cuts and you should be driven mad by it! Hahahahahaha!"

With that, a few more attack was released by Velor. Thrust, cuts, and slashes imbued with pain aura were launch towards Kei over and over again.

Velor fruit power might be broken but it also comes with a limitation, Just having it out will drain his energy bit by bit and if his attacks hit the same person over and over again then the amount of energy consumption will be more than double each time.

He might look calm on the outside but deep down he was worried that his energy might get drain first

Although he plans to finish this as fast as possible. His attack just won't connect no matter how strong it was.

Kei on the other hand was playing with the guy. The pain disappears the moment he changes and he can easily evade Velor attack.

But now his heart is full of hatred for Velor, he was a modern guy and feeling that much pain is a first for him. All he wanted now is just to play and mock the guy that causes all of this and then gives him the most painful death that he deserves.

With that, he then launches a fireball attack. A direct hit was made on Velor left leg and it cause Velor leg to turn to ashes.

"Arghhhhh!" Velor shout in pain

His cry of pain could be heard all over the island. Even the marines heard it and they were frightened by kei firepower.

"My goodness, An attack that could turn a body part of a pirate with a bounty above 90 million beli to ashes. His defensive capabilities might not be the best but his bounty is that high for a reason " Adam said with a focused look on his face


On the Sword and Shield pirate ship,

Hamon is currently resting and meditating inside of his room. But then a loud shout was heard and of course, he recognize who the voice of the shout come from.

"What happened to my brother!!" He said loudly rushing out of his room.

Just as he came out, The men that Velor send to report to him came and explain the situation to him.

"What! A battleship class Marine ship with a cheetah head is coming and my brother is fighting a mythical zoan? What is happening here!

Tsk, I can only muster 50 percent of my power at most right now and marine send a mythical zoan and that rising star Adam! Damnit!

I'll go save my brother, You lot go and prepare the ship so we can set sail! " he said with a tone full of anger

"Yes sir!"

With that Hamon leaps out and dash towards his brother.


Around 1 minute have passed and kei have gotten bored of just watching Velor scream after losing his leg. Velor was soaked with sweat and breathing heavily while mustering his strength on his leg to prevent blood loss.

The Marines keep watching from the side instead of joining in. Adam was stiff like a rock looking at them from his ship. While Maria was also unsure about what she should do now.

Kei give a small glance to the marine ship that coming closer at a snail like pace and then

" That's enough of play time, Now I will end you. "

With that said, Kei opens his mouth and slowly a ball of darkness starts to form. A loud screeching sound starts to be heard. Velor was scared looking at the giant dark ball that start to grow bigger and bigger in kei mouth.

"Hyper Beam!"

A dark ray of light was launch towards Velor.

Just as Velor thought that this is his end. A white liquid dome defends him.

"Reflect Dome!"

The dark beam attack was sent back towards kei and directly hit him. His body was sent flying to the sky.

"Velor are you ok!?" Hamon ask, he saw the tired Velor who lost his leg and rage was what he felt after seeing his brother's condition.

He would have captured and tortured kei for hurting his brother but the Marine immediately come faster towards them after he sent kei flying.

Carrying his brother on his back, he then headed to their ship that was sailing closer.

As soon as they landed, letting his brother sit. Hamon then commends the crew to make the ship goes full speed to run from the Marine.

The Marine starts to shoot some cannonball at them after seeing their attempt to run away.

Kei saw that they were trying to run away so he immediately rush towards them while preparing a stronger 'Hyper Beam' attack in his mouth.

Hamon saw the incoming attack from the sky and his expression turned grim. He could tell that this attack is more than double the damage of the attack from before.

"Velor do it!"

Seeing his brother's serious expression, Velor then coats his sword in pain aura. Facing his brother, the pain aura got darker and darker

"10X pain attack!!!"

It was his strongest attack and immediately after unleashing it, he passed out leaving everything to his brother.

The attack was launch towards his brother Hamon. And then, as soon as the attack is about to hit him. "Double Damage Reflections!!!"

The attack then bounced back towards the falling and passed out Velor and kei that was chasing and about to attack from the back.

Velor is naturally immune to his own attack but unfortunately for kei, He was attacked with a slash power that he couldn't avoid during the split second due to him rushing at full speed


Kei manage to dodge but a huge cut was made around Kei's neck and his body was sent flying back to the island. In a split second, He felt the pain that was even worse than the first one.

Pain clouded his mind and a cry of a beast was let out of his mouth. His last bit of sanity slowly faded.


Seeing kei defeated,

"Quick go and help that boy! I will chase after Misery and Great Shield. Now that misery is out, that annoying Shield can be taken care of easier! " Adam said

He then tells a captain rank marine and some of his men to tend to kei while he and his wife chase after the sword and shield pirate.

Velor is out cold right now and Hamon is panicking because Adam is chasing after them.


Meanwhile, At the Island

Joshua the captain rank marine safely arrive with a few of his man

"I'm sure that mythical zoan crashes around here, keep searching!" Said Joshua

"Yes sir!"

"Hmm, I wonder what was on rear admiral Adam's head when he let the poor boy suffer like that?"

"Sir, we found him! But something is different about him. He was green before but now he is black"

Joshua headed in the direction of the call from his men. He then saw a weird pattern dark snake creature that have a deep cut around the neck area but there's no blood flowing out of it.

"Hmm treat his injury, we will question him later about what have happened" Joshua said and then as he was about to go back to the coast to see how the chase goes.


"Argh, he's awake and he burned some of our people to ashes!" someone shout

Joshua panic when he heard what was just said. Swiftly, he look back and saw it.

Red eyes that are full of madness and rage. Super fast regeneration ability that could heal a deep cut to the neck and a sudden change in size.

"Monster!" he said while looking at the creature that start to burn his men to ashes

The cloud in the sky then got bigger and darker. strikes of lightning start to strike the island.

Anger filled Joshua but before he could attack the creature. he was burned to ashes in seconds.


The roar was louder than before and even though the marine and pirate are already far away from the island. They could hear it very clearly.

"What's that roar? huh, what is that thing ascending to the sky!?" Hamon said after he look back in the direction of the roar.

The sky starts to get darker around them and rain with the company of lightning starts to fall.

Everybody in the proximity start to panic be it marine or pirate. They were frozen in place and not moving. And then golden light start to shone from the cloud

" What's happening!!!"

Coming from the clouds was the rain of meteors. Hamon manage to defend his ship after he coat it in his defensive liquid but luck was not on the marine side because Adam is the only one on the ship that could defend his ship.

Struggling, Adam have no choice but to let the Sword and Shield pirate to get further away.

"Damnit! Keep watch on them! I will handle these falling meteor "

Turning his five fingers into a fish, Adam punch the meteor left and right. The meteor was the size of an SUV each so it's not too big but even if only one manage to hit the ship. the ship will immediately sink down to the bottom of the ocean.


Just as Adam was busy handling the meteor, a beam of darkness descend upon the marine ship and sink it. Adam was speechless because it happened in a split second.

His wife, friend, and henchmen all die just like that. Rage filled his head and he start to Geppo his way to the top to see what cause all of this.

Upon arriving, he saw it. Kei who is currently around 47 feet long and is black in color

[A/N: Size comparison]

"It's you! You could have been a good marine but you just have to do this! Die!"

Adam Geppo while preparing a boosted punch. Kei on the other hand starts to create a ball of fire in his mouth.

Kei launch a beam of fire towards Adam but in a split second. Adam arrives a few feet away from kei and punches him straight in the face.

Kei beam of fire attack was canceled but in a split second, he strike Adam on the back with his tail and sent him falling down to the ocean.

As Adam was about to save himself from touching the ocean floor. A beam of darkness hit him and slam him down to the ocean.


<Kei POV>

Urgh, what happens? I was chasing after that weird sword guy but I was attacked by some sort of sword energy.

I'm pretty sure I passed out after but why am I getting hit on the face by a mad and crying marine right now?

Huh? Why is my body moving on its own and attack the marine?

Crap, my body just killed a marine!

NO! I already let it slide when you corrupt my head and make me a ruthless guy! I'm not going to let you make me be a mindless beast! I'm your owner! Obey me!!!



As soon as Adam died from drowning, Kei body start to glow in rainbow color. Slowly he starts to float down while shrinking.

Hamon didn't know what had happened in the sky but he saw the death of Adam and he saw how the snake creature that he defeat before slowly descend down while glowing

The light then slowly disappear and a figure appear, It was kei who was in his hybrid form but now dark instead of green.

[A/N: Just to clarify. In his hybrid form, he still have human skin and face except for the body part that has the Rayquaza feature that I said before. Now The Rayquaza feature skin is black]

" Crap did I also destroyed that Marine ship? " Kei said after seeing some of the marine ship residues

"It's all that guy's fault! I'm trying to be a good citizen in this world but now I have committed a crime!

Oho! that's the ship from before, isn't it? Good then. Death is how you will pay for the mistake you have done! "

With that said, Gales of wind start to form on his left hand while lightning starts to appear on his right hand.

Launching them both towards the Sword and Shield ship. Slowly the two powers combine and turn into a sphere that got bigger and bigger as they go.

" Thunderstorm! " Kei said with a normal tone

Hamon face shows the look of despair as soon as he saw the approaching ball of wind that have lightning in them. He was already exhausted and now he knew this is his end because he couldn't muster any more energy to use his powers. Closing his eye, the ball of wind and lighting then hit their ship


An explosion disintegrated that part of the ocean leaving nothing behind except for a huge round hole that slowly got filled with water.

[A/N: Just like Enel 'Raigo']

" Now I have done it, I killed and destroy a marine ship...

I just hope they won't know it's me and put a bounty on me or I can't continue with my plan...


There's no use staying on the island for long then because what's the point of staying near the crime scene. The marine probably have a way to track their ships so they will probably come here soon...

*Sigh "

Feeling dejected, kei float back and change back to his human form after he lands on the island.

He immediately go to his small boat and untied it and left with no plans on where to go next.


One day later

Marine Headquarters, Marineford

A meeting is currently being held. In the meeting room, The world famous figure is currently sitting while looking at the report file.

" Well then ladies and gentlemen, Let's talk about the recent incident that happen in east blue...

Lord_Lou Lord_Lou

I almost got isekai by a truck lol. Anyway, It's hard to write because my neighbor blasts her tv almost 24/7. It's so loud -_-

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


