47.82% TDG: The Reincarnation Of A Normal Person / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - Prison

章 11: Chapter 11 - Prison

Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er started talking again but it was still quite awkward to say the least, but at least there is progress!

Ye Feng smiled from the shadows of a building, another thing he needed to do was completed now!

'Now lets go see Father-In-Law before school' Ye Feng grinned before disappearing in the direction of the City Lord Mansion, he still had 15 minutes until school began and if he ran at full speed it would take 3 minutes so he had enough time!

Ye Feng arrived at the City Lord Mansion and walked through the Gate while greeting the guards and walked through the front entrance of the City Lord Mansion.

Ye Feng could go anywhere in the Mansion except places like Ye Ziyun's bedroom if he wanted to keep his life..... for now

*Knock* *Knock*

Ye Zong heard his door getting knocked and thought it was someone from the Mansion so he yelled, ''Come in!''

''What are you doing here?'' Ye Zong said in annoyance upon seeing who it was.

''How is the Purple Mist Grass going?'' Ye Feng asked with a smile on his face while not responding to the City Lord's question.

''We bought everything including everything people had in stock in their backgarden, outside the city, in stock in businesses, etc.... Since you went as far as offer 10 times their actual worth, everyone sold everything that they had...'' Ye Zong said in confusion, he still didn't know where this brat was going to use it for, he grabbed a Spatial Ring from his drawer and threw it at Ye Feng.

''Thanks, by the way, I want you to do me a favor'' Ye Feng suddenly asked which made Ye Zong raise an eyebrow at him.

''What is it?'' Ye Zong asked in annoyance.

''I want you to let me go to the prison and fight Death-Sentenced Prisoners'' Ye Feng said with a small smile on his face.

''Why?'' Ye Zong asked with interest and continued, ''Although we have hundreds if not thousands of Death-Sentenced Prisoners, why would you want to fight them?''

''To train''

Ye Zong looked at Ye Feng who looked back at him with a small smile and sighed, ''Do what you want, father already told me that you wouldn't be normal''

''Thanks'' Ye Feng thanked Ye Zong before turning around and opened the door.

''Catch!'' Ye Zong shouted and threw Ye Feng a Jade Plate which he caught before looking around with a questioning gaze.

''Father told me that once you behaved normally, I should give you the same plate Ziyun has, although I don't know why but if you do something bad with it I will beat the shit out of you'' Ye Zong said before going back to work and said,

''Go now, I'm busy, I have to work twice as hard so I can have a day off a week for Ziyun''

Ye Feng smiled and ran to the school and arrived just on time and got questioned by the two girls where he went.

After assuring them he just went to get something, he went to cultivate.

Shen Xiu herself also cultivated on these days since she didn't have to teach anything today, she found herself her usual spot only for it to be taken by a student from her class.

She sat near him as she looked at him, she felt the Soul Power she could absorb being greater than normal!

'Could it be because of him?' Shen Xiu looked at Ye Feng who was quietly sitting next to a big tree on a stele.

Shen Xiu looked at him for a few more moments and couldn't help but compliment his looks, his looks truly were amazing and didn't look like a 13 year old but quickly focused on her own cultivation, after all, this was a good chance!

Ye Feng spent the rest of the day cultivating, the speed he was cultivating at slowed down a little bit after reaching Peak 1-Star Bronze Rank.

Ye Feng cultivated the whole day without moving an inch which made Shen Xiu quite impressed since most students couldn't cultivate a long time back-to-back since they would want to move every now and then.

But Ye Feng was like a statue, his breathing was steady and his body was like stone!

As it hit the time the school would finish, Ye Feng opened his eyes and slowly breathed out.

'It seems I will need some pills later, although I have some Pill Receipts, I should directly go to the Alchemist Association' Ye Feng thought about giving the Pill Receipts to the City Lord Mansion but upon remembering Ye Zong's attitude towards him, he'd rather die.

'Blame yourself for that Father-In-Law' Ye Feng grinned and stood up but suddenly heard a voice coming from behind.

''It seems that you won't have any problems with the Examination in 2 months'' Shen Xiu said with appreciation in her voice.

''Thank you Teacher'' Ye Feng smiled and said with a smile before turning around and leaving.

Although he was interested in Shen Xiu, he didn't have time to waste right now so he went to pick up the girls.

''We will walk home together, you go do your thing'' Xiao Ning'er said with a wink, she and Ye Ziyun had been talking most of the day and finally talked about what happened.

How Xiao Ning'er saw her as a rival and all of that which caused the two girls to finally talk about their own views on the matter.

''Are you sure the two of you will be good?'' Ye Feng asked with a raised eyebrow which made the two of them nod.

The girls nodded and told him that although they didn't talk, it wasn't like they had a fight or something like that.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and bade them goodbye before walking to the western side of Glory City where the prison was.

As Ye Feng reached the outskirts of Glory City, he noticed that there were a lot of Guard Posts while a good 100 meters was just a plain grass field without any trees or building as if acting like a buffer if anything happened.

Ye Feng went to one of the closest Guard Posts and tapped a door.

''How can I help you?'' A window opened and a man with bulging muscled opened the door with a friendly smile.

''I want to see the Prison Master'' Ye Feng said while handing the man the Jade Token.

On it, there was proof he was from the Snow-Wind Family and that it was given by the City Lord himself so there weren't any problems.

''Understood, follow me'' The man bowed to Ye Feng and led him inside.

The guard and Ye Feng passed the other posts and walked over a draw-bridge and entered the prison.

After a few minutes, they finally reached the Prison Master's Office and the Guard knocked.

''Come in!'' A deep and aged voice sounded from within the office.

''This is as far as I will take you sir'' The Guard bowed his head and gave Ye Feng the token back before disappearing with his tail between his legs which made Ye Feng smile, it seemed that the guards were quite scared of the man inside the office.

Ye Feng opened the door and saw a man that looked like he was in his 40s if it wasn't for his hair being completely white and some wrinkles over his face.

Ye Feng knew a bit about this man, he was called Xiao Chao and was a 2-Star Black Gold Demon Spiritualist.

The man was already over 70 years old yet his body was still full of muscles comparable to Ye Mo yet Ye Feng had to do with this man since he lost his family to an escaped prisoner which is why he became the Prison Master himself to never let such a tragedy repeat itself.

''How can I help you?'' The man asked with a cold face, although he knew about Ye Feng's status, he didn't bother hiding his ruthless Aura.

''I want you to let me train with Death-Sentenced Prisoners'' Ye Feng said coldly, clearly not backing down from the Aura the man was releasing.

''A kid who hasn't even grown hair yet wants to fight with those degenerates? Go home and train some more kid'' Xiao Chao lost all interest and looked down at the files in front of him again.

''Currently I'm a Peak 3-Star Bronze Ranked Fight and a 2-Star Bronze Ranked Demon Spiritualist, take anyone under Silver Rank whether they are Demon Spiritualists or Fighters'' Ye Feng said without backing off, Xiao Chao looked up at Ye Feng and sneered,

''Maybe you could fight someone above your rank in your school or something, but these people are either trained traitors, caught assassins, cold-blooded murders, rapists etc.... They don't know how to hold back and neither do I want to baby-sit you''

''The only thing you have to do is to tell your guards to lead them to the Arena in the back, as for watching me, you don't need to, if I die, I die'' Ye Feng said coldly.

Xiao Chao looked at him in interest, as far as he knew, Ye Feng was from the Snow-Wind Family and got everything provided for him.

No kid from the 3 Big Families would want to put their lives on the line to get some fighting-experience, heck, not even ordinary kids with a lot of determination would want to!

''Fine, it's not my responsibility if you get injured or even die'' Xiao Chao said with a cold smile and called for his secretary who he instructed to do as Ye Feng told him he wanted.

The secretary instructed motioned for Ye Feng to follow him and they soon arrived at an arena that looked like a small Colosseum with dried up blood on the floor.

''Young Master, your first opponent will be a 3-Star Fighter'' The Secretary said before walking into the stands to watch.

Xiao Chao had told him only to safe Ye Feng in the critical moment so Ye Feng would learn his place and go home and stop bothering him.

Ye Feng looked around the small colosseum and felt his heart thumping, not because of fear but..... excitement?

''Young Master! You can grab a weapon from over there!'' The Secretary yelled from the stand and Ye Feng looked over at the place the man was pointing at.

A row of weapons like spears, bows, swords, halberds etc were neatly stacked in a corner next to the opening of both the gates.

'I always wanted to wield a sword' Ye Feng grinned and grabbed an Iron Sword, although he had some basic Sword Lessons, that wasn't really him, they were merely memories!

'Holding one truly feels different' Ye Feng swung the iron sword in some simple motions while he waited for his opponent to appear.

After around 5 minutes, the secretary's voice sounded through the colosseum.

''Here is your opponent! Remember! He is a 3-Star Bronze Rank Fighter that is charged with murder and rape! He is used to blood!'' The secretary yelled from the stands while Ye Feng merely smiled.

''If I don't get used to it, it will fuck me up, just like having no fighting experience'' Ye Feng's eyes glinted and a smile appeared on his face.

'So...Let's get used to it by killing these degenerates!'

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


