88.23% Beyond The Grave / Chapter 15: Chapter 15

章 15: Chapter 15

Tears fell from Myles' face. He turned to Adena and She embraced him with a hug. Tears fell down her face. Adena's shoulder was soaked with tears. Everyone was silent. They all just stood there. Some with their hands at their sides, Some had their hands folded in front of them, and some had their hands behind their backs.  Most stood awkwardly. Then Cathy walked in.

"What's going on?" She asked

No one dared to speak. They knew if they did it would break the doctors heart. Cathy looked at them and demanded an answer. Adena and Myles kept ahold of each other. For awhile no one spoke. The air was thick with tension.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!?" Yelled Cathy

"Julian." Said Lila

"What about Julian?" She asked her voice seem calmer than last

"He um... Overdosed." Said Travis

Cathy couldn't believe what she heard. Peter walked in. He had gotten the call from rehab a few hours before. While his daughter Adena was with Myles. Peter had told Sabrina, his oldest daughter, as soon as he got the call. Peter told Sabrina not to tell her mother, Peter knew how important Julian was to Cathy.

"You knew didn't you?" Shouted Cathy in anguish

Peter was shocked.

"You knew and you didn't tell me?" She cried

"Cathy, I did it for your own well be-"

Cathy cut Peter off, "Bullshit! You should have told me!" She shouted

The students went on with their own business. Then the speakers sounded. A voice rang until all was quiet.

"There will be a meeting in room 450 for the students staff will meet in the cafeteria."

Then the voice went away. The students all walked to the room they where told to go to. They all walked in through the double doors and sat down in the chairs. Adena, Lola, and Mandy all sat next to each other towards the back of the room. Travis sat behind Lola and pulled her into a hug. Stephen sat next to Mandy and she laid her head on Stephen's shoulder. Myles walked through the doors. He looked like a wreck. Myles sat closer to the front. Adena was hurt. Did they not click? Maybe she was over thinking it. Then a man walked in from behind the white board. He was tall and was well dressed. He had black rimmed glasses and had short black hair. He appeared to be a white man. He stood in front of the board and folded his hands in front of him. He cleared his throat and then spoke. The voice that spoke on the announcements was the man that spoke.

"Hello, I am Zachariah ports founder of ports laboratory... You may have heard of me and the horrors I've created and done... I assure you that none of it is true... My daughter Desmond will start to train with you all." He smiled

Then the girl walked out and stood with her father. She wore a pink dress and a jean jacket. She has blue eyes and blonde hair. And freckles dotted across her faceShe stood with her hands folded much like her fathers. She seemed to be about 5'5" and was fairly skinny. She was the picture of innocence.

"Hi, I'm Desmond." She smiled and waved to the students sitting in front of her

Some waved back and some just sat there with their arms folded.

"Desmond is a werewolf, so when she'll start training with Stephens pack and work her way up to Adena." Zachariah said

"Are you saying Adena's a more advanced pack leader than I?" Asked Stephen

"I am Stephen, she has the skill of survival." Said Zachariah

"If none of you remember Adena was shot and killed by her own beta!" Shouted Stephen

Adena was hurt and so was Mandy. Her boyfriend was being a total ass to her best friend. But Stephen was furious he knew he was the better alpha. When in all honesty Adena won by a landslide. She may have not been as experienced as a alpha but she still had better survival skills and being an example alone made her better. The room was in a riot torn between which alpha was better.

"Alright, quiet down!" Shouted Zachariah, "Stephen and Adena you will be training Desmond, who ever does a better job keeps alphaizim and well who ever doesn't Desmond gets the alphaizim from them."

Stephen stood up, "This is ridiculous!" He shouted furiously

"It's only fair." Said Zachariah

"No it's not! Just because she's your daughter doesn't mean she gets to pick how and when and from who she gets alphaizim from!" Stephen spat

"Yes, you are right Stephen... But it's not Desmond's choice... I'm picking, and right now I'm not going to choose you." He said

Stephen sat down and gave Adena the dirtiest look. She frowned at this action. She leaned over and whispered to him.

"I don't like this anymore than you do... But we aren't giving our alphaizim to some brat with a rich daddy... We will fight this." Adena told Stephen

He instantly perked up. Stephen didn't want to give up his power. Not that he was power hungry he just didn't want to admit defeat to a little brat. Desmond hadn't been introduced until just now and they have been there for a while now. The whole thing seemed weird.

"Good cuz I'm not giving up my alphaizim." He said

Zachariah looked over to Adena and Stephen who at the time where complaining about his brat daughter.

"Adena! Stephen! What is so important that you have to talk while I am?" He demanded

"Nothing sir." Says Adena

"They where discussing how they where going to train me." Desmond said

"Is that right?" Zachariah asked in disbelief

"Yes sir." Stephen and Adena said

That "brat" Desmond had just saved Adena and Stephen's asses from what ever wrath her father would have brought. She did this knowing full well what they had said and called her. Something told her to save it for training.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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