35.89% Empress of the World / Chapter 252: The Chieftain

章 252: The Chieftain

Orhan watched the scouting party approach. He was adorned with a lightweight silver cloth wrapped tightly around his head. The Cheiftain had seen the curious sand wave the day before, but was hesitant to investigate during the daylight. Whatever had caused the tsumani was very powerful, and he did not want to challenge that force.

So under the cover of darkness, the Chieftain sent Officer Metehan to examine exactly what happened. He had no idea that the efforts would bring back nearly a hundred people!

"What have you brought me?" Orhan asked when Metehan was within speaking distance.

"More victims of the desert, Chieftain." Metehan approached Orhan and fell to one knee and put his fist on his chest. The girl standing next to him curtsied. Her clear blue eyes were almost the same color as the sky.

"Why is this one not sleeping like the others? We do not bring people into our camp where they can find it again," Orhan scolded.

"A wise practice for a wise Cheiftain," Mairwen complimented him. "Your people are blessed to be under your protection."

Orhan could not help but smile. "And you are well schooled in the art of flattery. A noblewoman if ever I saw one."

The camel with Devrim draped across it passed by, and Mairwen's eyes moved toward him, betraying her thoughts. Orhan followed her gaze. I flicker of recognition flashed across his face.

Orthan pointed at the Emperor. "Put that man and the general in my tent. I will attend them when they awake. If my wife objects, tell her that I will make it up to her. As for the rest, find a place for them to be comfortable while I decide what to do with them."

He turned back to the lovely maiden before him and held out his palms straight out. He took her hands and gave a half bow.

"Forgive me. I was mistaken before. You are not a noblewoman. You are Princess Mairwen herself. I should have seen it earlier." Orhan touched his forehead respectfully to her hands.

"Now you know why I could not put her to sleep," Metehan confirmed as he rose to his feet. "I think the Emperor might be displeased with our treatment of him."

Mairwen had tried to stay vague, but in her pleasantries she had admitted that her father was among the men. It did not take long for Metehan to connect the dots.

"I am very glad not every one is as clever as the two of you. We never would have made it this far if people had recognized us so easily." The princess looked around at the camp.

Before she could use her own deductive skills, Orhan drew back her attention. "Let us go inside. I will have some tea brought, and we can discuss the situation that your brother has caused."

Mairwen stiffened and unconsciously brought her hand to her mouth. "You are very well informed for someone who lives in a desert."

The man motioned silently for the girl to follow. Orhan escorted the princess toward a large, well-furnished tent. "May we use your tent, Metehan? Mine is currently occupied by His Majesty."

Metehan opened his hands wide in acceptance. "My wife will be quite pleased to have the princess try her candied fruits."

They sat on cushions on the ground, and the promised fruits and tea were delivered. Feeling no malicious intent from these men, Mairwen ate freely. She was very hungry after nearly a day of nothing to eat. A woman, presumably Metehan's wife, also brought salve for Mairwen's sunburned skin.

Now that they were out of the sun, Orhan unwrapped the silver cloth from his head and face and draped it around his shoulders. Though he was over forty, he was still remarkably handsome and youthful. His high cheek bones and determined mouth gave him an naturally intelligent look. His eyes were brown as cocoa with a golden rims around the irises. Contrasted against his gorgeous dark skin, they shone like rings of fire.

Yet looking at his fiery eyes and obvious strength, Mairwen did not feel fear. She felt intrigued.

"You are not afraid?" Orhan narrowed his eyes at her. Most people trembled before his imposing gaze.

"You have fed and cared for me. That says more about your character than words ever could." Mairwen smiled as she reclined slightly on her cushion. "And if your Officer was unwilling to harm me, I am sure his master is just as kind."

A small warmth pricked the man's heart while he watched the girl continue to eat. Her insight coupled with her seemingly innocent nature were something rare. He needed to know more about this mystery before him.

"How did you know about my brother?" the princess inquired when her stomach finally stopped grumbling.

The chieftain was pulled from his musings to answer her question. "We are traders and sellers of fine cloth. Merchants are the biggest gossips on the planet. Their information is almost as good as their money," Orhan laughed at his own joke. "The news that Prince Alaron is the new Emperor reached us in record time, I think."

Mairwen's face became pale. "If you know my brother is in charge, do you plan to hold us as prisoners for him? Because that would be a mistake."

Orhan stopped her before she could explain. He pressed his lips together as his eyes judged her carefully. Her eyes held concern, but they did not seem to be for her own safety. She had already proven that she care more for her people than herself when she decided not to flee.

"Do you know," Orhan began, "that we were the last people to give into the Valiant Empire's rule? Even though others fought more fiercely, our ability to hide in the desert amongst the quicksand and the dunes made us an impossible target. It was only when the final battle was done that we struck a treaty of peace with Empress Zephyra."

Mairwen did not know the information. Her history books made no mention of such a treaty. Orlan nodded.

"Zephyra did not want to appear weak by such a treaty, but she wanted to finish her Empire. She knew we would be too hard to pin down and despite Zephyra's bloodlust, we were not a battle that she could easily win. So she met with us in secret to strike a deal." Orlan leaned back on his cushion and looked at Metehan with satisfaction.

"Please go on," the princess had leaned forward slightly to hear his every word. It was not often anyone was willing to talk with her so candidly about the past or her biological mother.

Orhan was quite pleased to have her undivided attention. Something about her innocent eyes made his heart melt slightly. "My father brokered the deal, but I was there. In order to prevent needless bloodshed, the Cheiftain submitted to the Empress's rule. He pledged to pay taxes and volunteer his men should Valiant ever come under attack. In return Zephyra did not place a Lord over us, and we were given basic autonomy when it did not clash with Her Majesty's rules."

Metehan laughed, "I was just a young guard at the tent's entrance, but I can still her enraged screams at the concessions she had to make. And the angry look on her face when she left was worth the verbal abuse she spewed during her stay. I gathered that she was not used to others challenging her."

Orhan blinked slowly and pursed his lips as he stared at his second in command. "You are talking about the young lady's mother," the Chieftain reminded him. "I assume those rumors are also true."

"Zephyra is my biological mother, yes. However Aurora is more a mother than the woman you spoke of could ever be." Mairwen said with conviction. "The two could not be further from one another in temperament or in methods. Empress Aurora is kind, noble and honorable. I see none of those things in the person you described."

"I believe you," Orhan responded politely. The princess was passionate in the defense of her loved one. It was admirable. The Chieftain stored her words away to consider. "But we are getting away from my point. When I took over being the Chieftain, I renewed my vow to uphold the Valiant Empire…"

"That is excellent!" The princess clapped her hands together. "Then you will help my mother and father!"

"Not so fast, Your Highness. I said before that your brother caused a situation. If you are a child of the former Empress then so is Prince Alaron. He has laid claim to the Valiant Empire. I must decide which ruler I am bound by vow to serve." The Chieftain took his promise seriously.

"I love my brother, but he was foolish and hasty in his bid for the throne. Following him would be foolish too. You are far too wise to even consider such a thing!" the princess spoke her mind. Her defiant gaze brought mirth to the fiery eyes of her companion.

Orhan smiled. The Princess could judge the good and bad of a person. Perhaps she was not as naive as he initially believed. "I will admit you are quite a wonder to behold. What is it they call you? Ah the 'Warrior Princess'. I can see your fighting spirit. But I will not let my admiration for you taint my judgement, Your Highness. I will speak to Emperor Devrim and the elders before I make this decision."

Although Mairwen was slightly frustrated that Orhan, who she now admired as much as he admired her, would not commit right then, the princess could understand that he needed time to think. She sat up straight and showered him with a warm smile.

"I know you will make the right decision," she said. "In the meantime, tell me more about your people. I am sure there are many more things that are not in my history books."


"Father, you are awake!" Mairwen burst in the tent as soon as Metehan would allow. She saw her father's bound hand and turned an angry look on the Cheiftain. "You knew they wouldn't hurt you and you left them bound? How dare you!"

"Mairwen!" Devrim was astonished at the girl's boldness.

Both Orhan and Metehan chuckled. "I was hoping to use fear and intimidation to bring the truth from these men's lips, but you have robbed me of that option." The Chieftain was clearly amused.

The princess untied the Emperor and Junayd while continuing to scold the leader of the Dunespeople. "I told you he would be honest! Did you offer them food or drink? They could die of dehydration."

"I have my wife to nag me." Orhan waved his hand, and Metehan brought over the food and drink.

"Sorry," the Princess responded sheepishly. She had been quick to defend her father against perceived cruelty, but the Chieftain obviously had his methods.

"Do not be sorry, Warrior Princess. Fight bravely for your cause," Orhan admonished her. "I wish my son had your lion's heart!"

They men ate as they watched the interplay between the Cheiftain, his second in command and the princess. Orhan's strength was no less profound when he spoke to Mairwen, but it was tempered by a softness that was remarkable. The three were talking so comfortably that Devrim would have sworn they were long time friends.

"How long were we out?" Devrim asked at last.

"Most of the day," Mairwen answered. "I was beginning to get worried." The girl's face broke into a wide grin as she looked at the empty bowl. "Are you done eating?"

Devrim nodded slowly. "Yes…"

"Great!" The princess practically bounced from the cushion where she was sitting. "Come on! You will never guess who else is here."

Without waiting for them to follow, Mairwen rushed out of the tent.

"What is she talking about?" Devrim asked the Cheiftain.

Orhan shrugged. "You think you are the only strays we have picked up in the desert?"

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