15.66% Empress of the World / Chapter 110: Battle on the Stairs

章 110: Battle on the Stairs

Cafer stood on the balcony for some time looking at the people below. The crowd was loud and it was giving him a headache, but he could not shake the ominous feeling that he was missing something. Having sent word with the new Blue Guard gnomes, King Baak claimed that he had captured the Empress. Cafer knew how cruel the gnome king was, and he did not envy Aurora her fate. She would have been better off dead.

But Anna going missing bothered the Chief deep down. He needed her body as a substitute for Aurora—he couldn't wait for Baak to return whatever actually remained of the Empress— and he was impatient to have the whole matter dealt with. To pass the time and ease his mind, he eyed the crowd carefully looking for trouble. Ledford appeared at his side, taking his attention. "Report," the councilman said.

"Everything is under control, Chief." Ledford said with arrogant confidence. He was used to things going his way.

"It better be," Cafer hissed. "Because today is too important for things to go wrong."

Just then there was a commotion below. Cafer ran his hand across the balustrade looking for the source of the problem. "What is going on?" Ledford asked.

Cafer's nostrils flared, "It is your job to find out!" Just as the Chief thought he spotted the source of the disturbance, the query vanished from view. Cafer rounded on the Captain. "Why are you still here? Go investigate!"

Ledford balled his fists. If it had been anyone but the Chief, he would have whaled them into the ground. Instead he gritted his teeth. "Yes, sir." Ledford stomped out of sight.

When he was halfway to the courtyards, someone called out to Ledford. "Captain, I have been looking for you everywhere!"

Already frustrated, Ledford resisted the urge to punch the soldier. "You found me," he responded gruffly. "This better be important."

"The other men who were patrolling with me seem to have gone missing." The normally cavalier soldier was clearly distraught.

"Missing you say?" Ledford was too upset by this interruption to think clearly. "Perhaps they, like you, abandoned their post in order to pass around useless information."

"But sir…"

"Or maybe they are just lazy. None of these Blue Guard are as disciplined as they should be: you are all a bunch of numbskulls!" Ledford had trained with the army before being offered this position by Cafer; he knew what discipline should be.

"Yes, sir." The soldier saluted and slunk away before the Captain could berate him further.

Ledford continued on his way to the courtyard, arriving after everything had settled. "What happened down here?" He asked the sergeant in charge of the grounds.

The man hesitated. "I am waiting on the report. It does not seem like it was a credible threat."

Together they waited some minutes before a short soldier came with his findings. "What happened?" Ledford demanded of the gnome.

The gnome was startled by his forcefulness. "It was nothing, sir. The crowd just got very excited. They thought that saw something, but they couldn't have."

"What did they think they saw?" Now the soldier would not meet his gaze. Ledford got a sinking feeling. "Tell me!" He ordered.

"The people were talking about seeing the Empress. They said she was mingling with the crowd and then left to get changed."

"That is impossible! The Empress is dead. Unless…" Ledford paused. The news that soldiers were missing finally registered. That coupled with an Empress sighting could only mean… Ledford's eyes grew wide, "We are under attack. Someone has infiltrated the castle. Tell the troops to form a tight perimeter around the crowd so we can catch the imposter Empress when she makes her move. Send anyone you can spare to the balcony immediately."

The sergeant and soldier saluted and ran to the nearest troops to relay the message. Ledford did not stay to watch. Turning on his heels, he ran back toward the balcony. It was a significant distance to get up on the protruding platform, but the urgency of his message spurned him to move. As he neared the long staircase to the balcony, he could hear metal on metal. A battle was already occurring.


"Did you hear that?" Aurora stopped on the stairs to listen. Although the din of the crowd was growing loud, there was a distinct metallic sound ringing behind them. Aurora covered her mouth as she realized the implication. "Oh no! Brinn, Alvar and Birger. We need them."

Devrim knew what she meant. Only the elves could get the children out of harm's way, and Birger would corroborate Aurora's story before the crowd. "You keep going. I will head back and help." Before the Empress could respond, he kissed her on the lips and stroked her face. "I love you."

Running back down the stairs full-tilt, Devrim discovered a battle quickly coming into view. Alvar and Birger were trying to beat back the horde of soldiers with Brinn behind them pushing her short sword through at any opening. The stair was built defensively so that whoever was higher on the stair had the tactical advantage. The Blue Guard could only approach one at a time, which made it easier for the elf and councilman to fend them off, but they were losing ground.

"I will take over," Devrim called to them. "You are needed upstairs!" With a fair amount of effort, they were able to switch places so that Devrim was taking the brunt of the attack. "Make sure Aurora gets on the balcony. She must succeed!"

The other three hurried up the stairs, and Devrim was left alone to deal with the onslaught. Alvar and Birger had done a commendable job; many of the Blue Guard lay across the stairs, causing the ones behind them to trip and lose their footing. Being a highly trained warrior, Devrim made quick work of each incoming enemy, either dispatching them or knocking them unconscious as the opening presented itself.

He found that the gnomes were actually easier to battle because they were unfamiliar with the long human swords. The human weapons were much too long and unwieldy for the height-challenged soldiers, a problem each discovered too late.

With one last fell-swoop, the Emperor cut down the final of his enemies on the stair. He took a handkerchief from his clothes to wipe his sword. As he turned to catch up with the others, a startled cry rang out from the base of the stairs.

Footsteps crashed on the flagstone steps as the enemy neared. Devrim flexed his hand on the grip his sword, trying not to lose his focus. A large angry captain came into view, surveying the carnage. His eyes locked with Devrim's. The grey-eyed man's blood ran cold.


The Captain raised his brow quizzically. The man before him was muscular, a real warrior. But something about him was familiar. "Do I know you?"

Devrim ignored the question. "I do not want to fight you. Whatever you think, the Empress is alive and will stop Cafer. Help us and you will not be punished." The Emperor would have given the others this chance at leniency also, except that they had not given him time.

Ledford raised his sword, "Cafer has promised me second in command under him. What has the Empress ever done?"

A flicker of anger ignited in Devrim's eyes, "For me, she did everything."

Ledford swung his sword overhead directly at Devrim's skull, but the latter was ready. The metallic clash of the swords reverberated off the walls. Ledford's sword ran the entire length of the other man's weapon, finally lodging against the cross-guard. Devrim flicked his attack away easily, and Ledford began to wonder if he had made a grave error.

He made two quick strikes, which the deft Emperor deflected with no effort. One attack after another seemed to have no effect, and Ledford began to sweat profusely. He finally used his brute strength to push Devrim, and the latter fell against the stairs. Seeing his chance, Ledford thrust his blade point down at his opponent's head. Devrim moved just in time for the tip to spark against the stair.

Ledford's face came close to Devrim's as the larger man pinned the smaller to the ground with his body. Ledford's face was smug with victory. "Face it: your Empress is weak. She is pretty enough but not a real leader. Surrender and I might let you live."

Devrim glared. "I would rather die than let you degrade the Empress like that."

The words rang a memory in Ledford's head. "Jumper!" He suddenly recognized the helpless orphan he had tortured so long ago.

Devrim's eyes narrowed. "That is not my name. I am Emperor Devrim, husband to Her Majesty, Empress Aurora and foremost warrior in Valiant. I will defeat you."

Ledford was shocked by the revelation. But it changed nothing. This man beneath him must die. The Captain pulled a knife from his belt and leaned back to finish off the Emperor. In a swift movement, Devrim pulled his knees to his chest and kicked Leford with all his might.

The large man was hurdled through the air with a look of bewilderment. Unable to control his own movement, Ledford tumbled and crashed onto the stairs head first. He rolled around to the base of stairs like a rag doll, sprawling out motionless at the bottom. Dervim picked his way down the stairs to see Ledford's unmoving form, and then rushed up to the balcony as fast as he legs would carry him.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C110
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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