86.66% Becoming a Demon to Defy God / Chapter 51: Chapter 51

章 51: Chapter 51

Bai Linghua and Shin Meimei finally finished the job for the day as they arrived back at OPB headquarter. Because of Frost's rampaging, the Keepers haven't been as energetic as usual because of the continuous overtime. The women coming in and out of the building all have a lifeless expression on their face like a walking corpse.

They reached their floor and both of them slumped down on their desk.

"Just wait until we catch that Frost guy. I swear to god I'm going to beat him until he can't tell which way is north and south." Bai Linghua groaned.

"Forget that. I'm going to kick that bastard's ass back into his mother's womb for god sake," Shin Meimei added equally frustrated. She straightened up and hit her desk, "It doesn't make any sense! How can someone do a crime that fancily without leaving a single trace?! What kind of demon is he??"

If Lixue was there, he would give a thumbs up and told her she's right on the spot.

Bai Linghua stretched her back, "If we don't get any lead soon, I don't know what the government will do. Captain is already annoyed as it is from their pressure."

"The whole OPB is already mobilized to give priority to this case. What more can we do? It can't be that the military is going to take over, right?"

"That's impossible. The scope of Frost's activity isn't enough to make the government move the military. Not to mention, he is basically cleaning up the major criminals in this country. I heard there's already a faction in the government who are pro with Frost."

"You heard that right," Cherry Yu walked over, looking equally exhausted as them, "Now, Captain not only needs to answer their demand to catch Frost, she also needs to preach them about equality in justice and humanity to those bald uncles."

Shin Meimei shook her head, "What major criminals? That guy doesn't even have the gut to mess with the 2 sky lords. I swear if he topples one of them, I'll pull myself out from this case."

Cherry Yu rolled her eyes, "Stop talking nonsense. Even if the whole Federation pray for it, nobody will answer that."

"Right, how is with the missing people's case?" Bai Linghua recalled that Cherry Yu was assigned with another case by Captain Yanyu.

"No luck there too. 13 people gone missing in Pearl Jewel Hotel. That in itself is already incredible. What's more, the people who reported it didn't even know themselves when those people went missing. I mean, how come they didn't know the whereabouts of their own family??" Cherry Yu sighed heavily, "Though the family, relatives, or acquaintances of those 13 people reported at a different time, we suspected all 13 of them went missing on the same day according to Pearl Jewel Hotel CCTV and transaction record."

"Don't tell me that day was when Frost acted the first time?"

Cherry Yu slumped to her chair, "You got that right. In the end, we're back here to square one."

"According to his activity, Frost will definitely strike again tomorrow. He never has more than 7 days gap between his attacks." Shin Meimei looked at her calendar where every date Frost acted was marked with a big red circle.

"Haa…At this point, we'll need to have a fortune teller or something to predict where he'll attack next." Cherry Yu dropped her head to her desk.

Hearing that, Bai Linghua got an idea, "Then, why don't we do just that?"

"Huh?" Shin Meimei and Cherry Yu looked at her strangely. Did she lose her mind from being too stressed?

The more she thought about it, the more plausible the idea, "Yes! A fortune teller! I know one that can help us!"

"Rather talking about strange ideas, why don't you guys read the statistic report? It's scientifically more reliable than some fortune teller."

The 3 of them turned their head towards the voice and saw Captain Yanyu approaching them. What was amazing, there was no sign of tiredness on her face, and she looked as sharp as ever.

"Captain, how was the meeting? They didn't shorten the time again, right? Or did they demand something unreasonable?" Shin Meimei asked worriedly.

"No, it was mostly the 2 factions bickering. Now, I don't even know whether to be grateful or hateful that the pro faction formed. Thanks to them, the other faction doesn't have enough free time to demand this and that to us." Yanyu sat down on Cherry Yu's desk.

"Captain, did you just said statistic report? It's finally out?" Bai Linghua focused on another thing.

Yanyu nodded and sent the file to their holocomputer, "It's a bit complicated to read the entirety of it, so you can just focus on the last 5 pages. It's the summary of everything."

The three of them skipped to the last 5 pages as per told and read them. Those analysts managed to find a pattern in Frost's movement. If they connected the sites correctly, it would form 2 complete pentagrams and one incomplete one.

"If those people are correct, Frost's next attack will be around here," Yanyu pointed the unconnected red dot on Cherry Yu's screen.

Bai Linghua looked up the OPB's database, "The Cardinal's head office is there."

Yanyu nodded, "There're already several people sent there. We'll head out tomorrow. Take a rest first tonight. Tomorrow we might need to spend all of our energy."

"Including me?" Cherry Yu asked.

"No, you continue your case. It can be another opening to find Frost or his companion. However slippery he is, he can't be at two places at one time."

"Yes, Captain."

The next morning, Yanyu and her team mobilized to Cardinal Group's head office. The road was already closed and cleared of any vehicle that didn't belong to OPB. Keepers were stationed at each intersection both on the ground and in the sky.

Shin Meimei watched the spectacle as they drove to the location, "Isn't this too much? Our objective is to catch him not block his route. How can we catch him if he can't come inside?"

"Based on his psychology analysis report, he will come even if the sky falls. OPB is now out of option but to give our full trust to our analysts. I also don't agree with this tight security. Personally, I prefer to lure him in and catch him with a trap now that we finally can predict his next location." Yanyu replied.

"Is it because of the other inspectors?" Bai Linghua asked.

Yanyu sighed helplessly, "Yes. In the end, Chief chose the majority. As always," she crossed her arm and leaned back, "But my idea really is a bit unreasonable for today because that kind of complicated operation would need to be prepared at least a day before. For now, it will be good enough if Frost doesn't show up. Chief said that we can implement the idea for a later attack if there's one."

When they arrived, many Keepers were already there fully equipped for the operation. They saluted Yanyu when she walked by them. Yanyu nodded in exchange. The person in charge who was stationed there since last night saluted her.

"Situation report."

"There are no signs of suspicious activity since last night. We have put 5 Keepers on each floor to guard and report every half an hour," she sent Yanyu the building's directory and the live location of the Keepers, "The building's CCTVs are fully operating. We also planted hidden surveillance for every blind spot. As per instructions, we didn't let any glitch or interference be left unreported. Nobody has left or entered the building including the Cardinal members."

"How are they cooperating?" Yanyu skimmed through the information the Keeper gave her.

"They're cooperating willingly. The recent cases of criminal gangs' downfall because of Frost is getting on their nerves. But their attitude is the worst." The Keeper clicked her tongue in annoyance. If she wasn't talking to Captain Yanyu right now, she would already cursed.

Yanyu patted her shoulder, "Keep it up."

She went up to the top floor with Bai Linghua and Shin Meimei. The top floor was Cardinal's head, Pei Yang, personal office. Inside, there were 3 Keepers guarding in addition to his men. The other 2 were guarding the elevator and stairs.

"Good Morning, I–"

Before Yanyu could introduce herself, Pei Yang cut her off, "No need for introduction. Just do your job and keep that rat out of my building. It's shameful enough to have my place being crowded with female dogs."

Not only Yanyu, the face of the other 5 Keepers in the room instantly turned ugly. When the atmosphere became cold, the screen attached to the wall suddenly turned on. On the screen was a man wearing a turtle neck underneath a suit with his hands covered in gloves. He was sitting on a leather chair and all around him was dark. It was as if he was in a little black room.

"I don't think that's the best way to treat the only people who can help you, Mr. Pei."

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C51
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


