
Chapter 1


In the depth of a majestic manor hid a basement full of filthy things and unmentionable deeds. If one was to walk along the corridor, there was no sound heard and everything was in utter silence. But once one of the doors was to be opened, no normal person would be able to handle the extreme debauchery hidden inside.

In one of the rooms, a hysterical laugh echoed along the sound-proofed wall. The 5 men inside watched in disgust and bewilderment at the mad man tied on the bed who was the source of the laughter. There was some fear almost visible in their eyes.

"Go on! What's wrong?! Aren't you going to enjoy me??! AHAHAHA!! I'll make sure to squeeze you dry until your **** rot in satisfaction!!" the man full of scars and bruises on the bed opened his eyes wide to look at the 5 men one by one. The light inside the room made his eyes looked blood red like a demon.

"F*ck! This b*tch has gone crazy?! Where is the staff?!! I demand compensation!!" one of the men angrily shouted.

"YOU SHUT UP!!" a middle-aged man slapped the tied-up man without restrain.

The tied-up man spitted out the blood from his mouth and grinned horrifyingly. He giggled like a kid who just got candy, but with his appearance and situation, it only heightened the fear crawling on their skin.

"CONTINUE! CONTINUE!! Your slap is so weak that a kid in his puberty last night slapped stronger than you! How can we play until the peak of ecstasy if you are so weak??!" the tied-up man licked the blood on his lips seductively, that even with all the trace of abuse on his body could be overlooked.

The 5 men gulped audibly unknown whether from fear or lust. When the slanted cat-like eyes of the tied-up man swept through them, they could feel heat rushed over their body.

The door was suddenly swung opened and a staff wearing a black bunny mask walked in. The 5 men were startled out from their lust although they were the ones who called the staff.

"Haha~ Mr. Bunny is here~" the tied-up man said in a playful tone.

The staff ignored him and bowed to the 5 men, "I apologize for the defective goods. I will bring the gentlemen here a new one free of charge and an exclusive black room."

The staff snapped his fingers and another 2 staff wearing a white bunny mask came inside and dragged the tied-up man away. They roughly pulled his hair without caring whether the man was hurt or not. Anyway, his whole body was already broken.

The tied-up man didn't seem to mind the pain. He didn't even wince and continued giggling. He even had cheerfully said goodbye to the 5 men like a kid saying goodbye to their playmate.

"Give him to Storm." The black bunny ordered.

The 2 white bunnies nodded their head wordlessly and dragged out the tied-up man. They went into the deepest part of the corridor where there was an elevator.

One of them pushed the button and the door opened. They threw the tied-up man inside and watched until the door closed to make sure the man didn't run away.

After the door closed, the man lost his smile. His face turned terribly cold filled with hatred, resentment, wrath, loath, disgust, and many dark hateful feelings human was capable of. It brewed inside his heart, reflected into his eyes that were now dead and dense with darkness.

The elevator stopped and the floor suddenly opened. The man fell down into a dark square room. When the elevator floor closed again, he couldn't see anything in the darkness and his other senses sharpened.

The room stink of rot and excretion so bad that the man instantly puked. Although he knew that it would only worsen the smell, he couldn't help it and threw up until only bile was left. His body aches and his stomach felt worse and worse. His head became dizzy from the excessive puking. Adding his malnutrition and the smell, it was unbearable.

Then, he heard the low growl of a beast from behind him and its heavy footstep closing to him. When he looked back, a pair of glowing green eyes were looking at him like prey. No, he wasn't even a prey. He was already its food.

The beast pounced on him. The man couldn't dodge, but he didn't react as the beast's claws sunk into the flesh of his shoulder.


Why must he end up like this?

What did he do wrong?

He was just a man wanting to live a normal life with his mother, father, and baby brother. Why did God take them away from him?

Why do people always hurt him?

Why do people never want to see him happy, but they always have to be happy even from his suffering?

Why do the evil can be happy while the good need to suffer for them?

Why did God create him?

Why did God put him in this world just to suffer?

Not a single prayer of his was granted. His mother died, his father died, his baby brother died, his friend died, his mentor died, died, died, died, DIED, DIED, DIED, DIED!!!!!


All he ever asked for to the god was his death. Yet, he took away everything and everyone from him except himself. Even right now when he was being devoured by a beast, God still didn't take him away.

Was his body too defiled for him?!

Was his soul too filthy?!!

You created me yet you don't want me!!

As his thought kept asking to God, as his wrath quickly enveloping his soul, his pair of dead black eyes gradually glowed into bloody crimson.

"AHAHAHA!! F*CK YOU GOD!! EVEN IF YOU WANT ME, I'LL HAPPILY JUMP INTO THE DEVIL'S EMBRACE!!!" the man screamed his soul out as bloody tears streamed down from his glowing red eyes, mixed into the blood pool under him.

At least the devil wasn't the one who created him and irresponsibly cast him away. At least the devil wasn't the one who determined his fate. At least by the devil's side… he won't dirty his family, friends, and mentor in the afterlife.

Just as he finished his thought, the beast bit down his neck and swiftly ripped off his head. As if the devil heard him and granted the pitiful child his wish for death.

In the crimson eyes of the detached head, a faint red mark appeared inside the pupils for a beat before fading away.

In a gorgeous room inside a palace, Lixue woke up with a start. Instantly, he felt a painful throb from his head.

He clutched his head and realized that it was bandaged. He dazedly touched his head as he looked around him.

This was… his room his grandfather, the king at that time, gave him in the palace when he was brought back.

The furnishing was exactly the same as he remembered it. A simple and elegant bedroom with white and gold as the main color. The bedsheet, curtain, sofas, tables, and other furniture were white same as the floor and ceiling only with various patterns or carving styles. The chandelier and furniture edges were made out of gold and even some fabrics were embroidered with gold. It looked more like a temple than a bedroom in a palace.

Nevertheless, he liked it. White is the symbol of purity, and everything looked clean. Especially after…

Wait… what is really happening?

Lixue got out of the bed and walked to the full body mirror next to the window. Then, he saw his 17 years old self looking back at him. His dark silver hair was still short although the bangs covered half of his eyes. His skin, covered only by a white shirt dress was flawless without any scars, bruises, or burn marks. He looked down at his perfect pair of functional legs and curled his toes on the soft white carpet.

He was dumbstruck.

Was he dreaming? Or was the previous hell that was the nightmare?

No… those years of living hell were still vividly imprinted in his mind. Every single person who tortured him, every single pain caused by each device, every single poison and drug that he was forced to take. Each. And. Every. One.

Nothing could be more real than his deep wrath, loathing, and hatred to both the god and mankind.

When he looked up at his reflection again, he was shocked to see that his eyes that were initially black were now glowing with ominous red color. Then, on his slender flawless neck, a scar appeared starting from the center and spread until it circled his neck like a collar.

ohremi19 ohremi19

The story starts a bit intense. You can faintly guess the intensity of the story from chapter 1. Enjoy~!

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


