100% Avatar : How to become a Badass / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 : Mama Hanzo

章 15: Chapter 15 : Mama Hanzo

"Are you sure about this boss?" Asks Nani, confirming my decision.

"Yeah, until the equalist are dealt with all the employees are at risk." I replied.

Right now I and Nari are finalizing the paperwork for my employees to get paid vacations outside Republic City. Until the equalist are no more they are in danger. The clinic is closing down too as a result.

It would be naive to think that Amon and his goons wouldn't come after me. I'm the boyfriend of the Avatar and more importantly the most powerful bender in the city. A direct fight with me is suicide.

So if I was a bender-hating villain I would use people around my enemy. Korra and Team Avatar are no easy pickings. That leaves the people working for me.

I can already see Amon holding hostages saying something along the lines of 'Is your bending more important than your colleges?'

As for if someone threatens me with some randoms? I couldn't honestly give a fuck.

"Since I have signed all the required papers I will be leaving. The new Chief of police Saikhan is going to be inducted today. Figured I might see the ceremony, my busy girlfriend will probably be there too." I tell Nari nonchalantly.

"Yes yes, you're dating the Avatar, no need to keep bragging." She replies in an annoyed tone.

"Hmph, just admit it, you're jealous. Still, Korra is mine so back off old hag. I'm warning you." I give the woman a piece of my mind.

I have seen how Nari reacts negatively to men hitting on her and how she looks at some of the younger female customers. She clearly has a type.

"Who are you calling old brat! I'm still thirty two years young!" She yells in righteous indignation when age comes into play.

"Listen to yourself, granny! Who else calls themselves young instead of old!" I point out. "Anyway this place is starting to smell of the elderly so I'm heading out."

"I curse you Hanzo!"

*Outside of the police headquarters*

As Saikhan is giving a boring speech I see Korra standing amongst the higher ups right beside Tenzin. I give her a wave from the crowd which she returns enthusiastically before Tenzin lightly scolds her for not paying attention.

"That is why for all matters involving the equalists I will directly report to councilman Tarrlok." Announces Saikhan to the people.

Oh, that's right Tarrlok is still playing his little political game for power. He is aiming to become the hero of the Republic City by defeating the equalists and Amon. If only he knew he was fighting against his elder brother dearest.

When speech ends and the crowd starts dispersing I approach Korra.

"How is the cutest Avatar in history doing?" I ask her, bringing out the cheese.

"Im doing fine handsome stranger." She replies with a smirk.

"So what have you been up to?

"Oh, I've just been helping Asami, Mako, and Bolin settle in the Air Temple Island when Tenzin informed me about the induction of a new Police Chief. What about you?"

"Nothing much. I just closed down my clinic this morning."

"Did something happen?" She asks me in concern.

"Nah, I just didn't think it is wise to keep operations going until this whole equalist thing blows over." I explained.

"Ahem…" Tenzin gained our attention and pointed at Tarrlok who was standing beside us looking less than pleased at being ignored.

"What are you staring at? I know I'm handsome but I don't swing that way. Go find yourself a boy toy somewhere else." I told Tarrlok.

My comment gained various reactions. Korra had to hold onto my shoulder because she almost fell over trying to hold her laugh. Tenzin looked at Tarrlok with a raised eyebrow considering if what I said was true.

And most importantly Tarrlok himself almost burst a blood vessel. He was trying really hard not to tear me apart with bloodbending.

"How dare you?! You're talking to a Councilman! Know your place Hanzo or I will make you." He threatens.

I step in front of him with a bloodthirsty aura and a feral grin. "If you're up for the task, be my guest and teach me my place. I really want to know how weakling like you would do it." I provoked him.

Tarrlok takes a small step back and gulps. He knows that without his bloodbending he is not my match. Still, his pride won't let him look weak in front of anyone especially the Avatar so puts on a false front

As things are about to escalate further Tenzin intervenes and pulls us apart.

"Gentlemen there is no need for violence."

"Why are you here anyway Tarrlok? Aren't you busy with your task force?" Korra asks in annoyance.

He puts on that fake politician smile and starts talking. "I was here exactly to talk to you about the task force. Now that tour pro-bending distractions are over I'm expecting your return to the force immediately."

Korra snorts. "Forget it. I'm not joining your little vanity project."

"That is unfortunate to hear. But I'm sure you will come to your senses as you did in the past."

"Don't hold your breath, bub. You know Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played Beifong. And now you're playing the new Chief of police." She says while pointing her finger at him.

"Well, I've got news for you. You need me but I don't need you. I'm the Avatar." Korra tells him confidently.

Tarrlok, seeing that he cant use Korra anymore, drops his act. "You're not in fact the Avatar. You're merely a half-baked Avatar in training. Which reminds me, how is your airbending going?" His question hit Korra hard.

"Made any significant progress with that… I didn't think so." Tarrlok finishes smugly.

As he opens his mouth to say something more a wave of sand hits his face. The hit is so hard that Tarrlok falls on his ass coughing out sand.

"Must be really windy today." I comment while looking around and acting clueless.

"Let's go Korra, this guy isn't worth wasting your breath over."

As we arrived by Tenzin's flying bison Oogi I hugged Korra knowing that Tarrlok's words regarding airbending hurt her.

"Although I don't like him, what he said is true. I still have made no progress in airbending."

"So what? I have only one element and you don't see me complaining. Korra I know it feels frustrating but moping over it won't change a thing."

She just nods and rests her head on my chest. It seems my words did little to change Korra's mood.

"You know what? We need to do something to brighten your mood." This gained Korra's attention as her head pops up and looks at me.

"I know that hearing bad guys' skulls hit the ground always cheers me up. So do you want to beat up some equalists with me?" I offer her, in my opinion, a very romantic couples activity.

Korra smiled looking into my eyes and replied. "It doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'm sure catching some equalist might spite Tarrlok too."

"That's the smile I want to see. Meet me at my place at 08:00 pm. I have something planned."

"Ok, I won't be late." Korra promises.

*My home, 09:00 pm.*

"She is late." I say to myself while drinking some tea.

Knock, knock, knock

Right after Korra burst into my living room followed by Asami, Mako and Bolin.

"Sorry, Hanzo! We were heading your way when we accidentally got caught up in chasing a group of escaped equalist convicts! Then this whole fight happened and Tarrlok showed up-"

I stop her rapid-fire explanation by putting my hand up.

Sigh. "It's fine."

"So you're not mad?" Korra asks in worry about breaking our agreement.

"No, just annoyed." My response makes Korra relax. "But! That doesn't mean you're not getting a lecture." She tenses back up.

"Do you have any idea how I've been worried sick about you young lady! Hanging around these ruffians going god knows where!"

"Ruffians? But-" Bolin tries asking what's going on but gets shut down.

"Ah ah ah! I am not done with Korra yet! You wait for your turn." I tell him before returning back to Korra.

"Korra, what time is it?"

"09:00 pm." She answers.

"And when were we supposed to meet?" I ask.

"08:00 pm. But-"

"No excuses! I didn't raise you like that!"

"What are you talking about?!" She asks in confusion.

"Punctuality! Can't you read a clock?! You're a big girl now!"

"What?!" Korra shouted at me, clearly on the edge of her sanity with me spewing nonsense.

A moment of silence passes and Asami speaks up in an amused tone.

"Korra, Hanzo is just messing with you."

It takes a second for the Avatar to reboot after noticing my grin. She suddenly lunges at me.

"You jerk! I was worried and you're making fun of me!" Korra yells.

As I dodge swings aimed at my face I start to talk.

"Well, I thought I was stood up, so I might have lashed out."

"Stood up?! We were supposed to go and beat up some bad guys not to go on a date!

"You talk as if there is a difference between the two. There isn't." I state matter of factly.

"There's a huge difference! Where is the romance in fighting a bunch of dudes?!"

"What would you know?! Bashing in a guy's skull is plenty romantic!"

It took us a good ten minutes of arguing to finally make up.

"Are you guys done?" Asks Mako tiredly.

""Yup."" We both replied happily.

We didn't agree on who was right but eventually we settled on having a normal date.

"So Korra told us you have something planned?" Bolin finally asks.

I gesture for everyone to sit down. When everybody is comfortable I get serious and start explaining.

"Basically I was feeling partially responsible for leading Beifong's men into a trap. I thought to myself I might as well be the reason they got out. So I cashed in a favor from an old client. It's from my bounty hunting days."

"The equalists are hiding out in the maze of tunnels under the city. With the location at hand and my seismic sense, I eventually found the prison. Although I didn't see all the way as they have trams going for miles I'm ninety percent sure that's the prison."

"Underground, just like my father's secret factory. Figures." Asami comments in a sad voice, still sore about her father.

I noticed Mako trying to comfort her by putting a hand on her shoulder but Asami pushed him away. It seems like something happened. Not that it's my problem anymore.

"At first I was planning to just take Korra with me but with the recent creation of the new Team Avatar, we might as well go together" I continue.

"So are you guys up for a prison break?"

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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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