
章 21: Chapter 21: Acquiring AIM II

A/N: Hey readers. So after giving this some thought, and listening to complaints, I have decided not to refer to Mutants as X-Rounders in the story going forward.

Instead I will refer to them, and other individuals like the Fantastic Four and those along the lines of Captain America and Luke Cage, as EVO's or Evolved Humans.

Just like in the television series called Heroes that was once on NBC or if you prefer from the cartoon Generator Rex. Which was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid and I think one of the best of all time.

That's all I wanted to say.

Except for one more thing.

How would you guys feel about a fanfic that is a Self Insert into Victor Von Doom aka Doctor Doom in the future?


(Roberto: POV)

The moment I was through the portal I closed it.

Right back in the downtown high-rise hotel room Betsy and I were using as our base of operations here in Florida as we dealt with Killian, so I got my hands on his company.

Going over to a table I took a seat.

Ignoring Betsy gobsmacked expression, since she just witnessed me using the magic portal.

Which I have never shown her I could do before today.

But that's because I didn't know if I could trust her. However now that is not the case.

Since after being around her and observing her these past couple of months I know that I can.

So I've decided to stop with the foreplay and get into the main event.

Laying some of my cards on the table. Because I want Betsy to join my cause permanently.

Turning in her direction I spoke. "Yes. What's up Betsy? Something on my face?"

"Please don't joke around right now Roberto. And just explain to me what you just did, please." She spoke.

"Sure." I replied. "What you just say was me returning from my meeting with Maya Hansen through a magic portal. A meeting that was completely successful by the way. She's on board with our actions regarding Killian and AIM." I said.

"Right, that's go-Wait! Did you just say a magic portal?" Betsy asked.

"I did." I replied.

"So you're saying you can do magic?"

"I am."

"Bullshit." Betsy immediately replied. "Magic doe-"

Before Betsy could finished speaking I pulled an Ancient One by shoving my left hand into her chest, copping a small feel as any person of culture would in my position, sending her soul flying out of her body.

On the same journey Strange's did in the film.

A technique I learned during my time at Kamar-Taj.

"Aghh!!!" Betsy screamed. As her soul returned to her body after it's likely crazy dimensional express ride.

When this happened Betsy got an amazed expression on her face. "Holy shit! Magic is real."

"Yes, it is." I replied. "And so are magic associated threats. Like beings from other dimensions."

"Like Blastaar?"

"Yes and also no." I replied. "While Blastaar is from another dimension he doesn't came from a magical one. Now that doesn't make him any less of a threat, but he's not one the sorcerers who protect Earth would deal with unless they had no other choice."

"Sorcerers, dimensional threats, I think I need to sit down."

"You're already sitting down Betsy. And please don't zone out on me, I'm telling you this all for a reason."

"Which would be?" She asked.

"I want you to permanently join my cause. And help me protect the world from the threats I've told you about, but also make it a better place for EVO's like us." I said. Looking her head in her eyes.

"You want a mercenary like me to join you?" She asked.

"I do." I retorted. "So again, what do you say?"

"I say....Okay." Betsy spoke. "I'd like to see where you are going with this."

Her words being music to my ears.

"Thank you Betsy. And I promise you won't regret this." I said. "Now, we can talk more about the stuff you need to know later. Right now let's focus on the mission at hand."

"Right." Betsy replied.

Once she did the two of us got back to work planning the end of Killian and his loyalists.

Eventually finalizing our plan.

Then a week of preparations took place before the night came for us to execute it.

A most joyous occasion in my eyes.


[May 23rd, 2006]

Inside of the Mirror dimension I stood just outside the gates of Killian' mansion, and the current central HQ of AIM.

Dressed in khaki army pants, timberland boots, with one of my slightly darker than black tactlenecks, or tactical turtlenecks as I like to call me, completing my attire.

I was also carrying a backpack filled with several surprises inside of it.

"Okay. It's showtime." I spoke.

I then jumped over the mansion gates before landing on the property.

After doing so I headed up the path to the mansion.

Arriving I went inside and started knocking out each and every person I found.

Not feeling any guilt, since Maya had made sure all the people present at the mansion tonight knowingly and fully supported Killian and his actions.

I mean she technically did to, but when we spoke I decided not to point that out.

Instead I focused on the mission at hand.

Moving freely through the mansion I opened up small magical portals to deal with my opponents.

Even the Extremis soldiers.

Which were very few in number.

Seems Killian hasn't started a recruitment drive yet.


After dealing with everyone else I headed for the location of the man of the hour himself.

Arriving in his lab I saw Aldrich Killian standing there.

A condescending smirk on his face.

[Insert Image of MCU Aldrich Killian]

Just looking at it made me want to punch the guy.

So that's exactly what I did.

Opening a portal behind Killian, this one big enough for me to walk through, I got behind him and then tapped him on fne shoulder.

When he turned around I activated my powers and then swiftly slammed his ears with my hands.

"Urk!" Killian groaned.

But I ignored it and got ready my next attack.

Sending my right knee into the man's balls.

"Heeee!!!" Killian squealed.

Falling to his knees he clutched his balls.

When he did I leaned down and got right in his face.

"Don't expect for your army of super-powered soldiers to come save you. I've already taken care of them." I explained. "Also as for who I am you don't need to know. Though I do want to thank you for giving me the gift of your company. Don't worry I'll take care of AIM. So you can rest in peace. Now, time to send you on your way."

Standing back up to my feet I placed my left foot on Killian chest. I then began sending heat into his body using my Thermokinesis. Working to cook him from the inside out.

Which worked.

Before I knew it, even with the Extremis in his system, Killian Aldrich was dead.

Once I was sure of that I began moving around his lab and stealing anything that caught my interest.

Then after I finished that up I unslung the backpack from over my left shoulder, opened it up, and then planted one of the Semtex bombs I was carrying in Killian's lab.

I then quickly moved through the rest of the mansion and planted the same bombs all over it.

Putting several near the mansions main gas line.

Once I accomplished this I entered the Mirror dimension once more and moved to quickly put some distance between myself and the mansion.

Then once I was far enough away I exited the Mirror dimension, having deactivated my powers, and without any hesitation pushed the remote trigger and detonated the bombs.

Since sometimes the best solution is to simply blow shit up.

A second after I hit the trigger the mansion HQ of AIM went up in a fiery explosion.

Not only eliminating Killian and his loyalists, but also making a stunning visual display.

Which almost made me shed tears.

Art truly is an explosion.

But more than that it has helped me reach the final stage of my AIM takeover plan.

Which is going off without a hitch.

So as Hannibal from the A-Team would say: I love it when a plan comes together.

Now time to implement the final phase.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


