
Chapter 12: Planting Seeds

It didn't take my group any time at all to meet up with the current X-men when they left the Danger Room.

When we arrived all eyes turned to me.

The moment they did I smiled and waved. "Hello there."

"Dude, did you just try and hit us with an Obi-Wan Kenobi impression?" Bobby asked.

Making me remember that Star Wars Episode III did come out in 2005.

Also yes, Disney exist here.

Which made me make a mental note to buy the rights to Star Wars in the future, if George Lucas still decides to sell them in this universe, and save the franchise from that disgusting burning pile of garbage Disney calls Canon.

Because the only Star Wars canon for me is the EU/Legends.

I mean granted Star Wars Rebels and the Mandalorian weren't bad, neither was the High Republic Era stuff they did. Though everything else... I would rather not think about.

Though I'm getting off topic.

In response to Bobby's question I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah, guilty as charged my man." I said.

"No need to be sorry dude, it was really good." Bobby replied.

"Thanks." I retorted.

"Sorry to interrupt, but who are you?" Scott asked.

"Right, sorry about that. Allow me to introduce myself. The name is Roberto Da Costa." I said. Flashing a smile afterwards.

Kitty getting a light blush on her face in response to my actions.

Not that I'm surprised. Since I just look that good.

I'm not a vain guy or anything, trust me. But I just look that good. During these past three years I've gone through a growth spurt. My height went from 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 2 inches. On top of that all the physical training I did during my time at Kamar-Taj has given me a sculpted six-pack of abs. Along with some nice muscles.

I mean I'm not a body builder or anything, but I do think I could give some professional male models a run for their money.

I'll have to ask my sister if that's the case when I return home.

"Like, nice to meet you." Kitty spoke.

"Yeah, nice to meet you man." Kurt said.

The others greeted me in turn.

"So, if the professor is giving you a tour does that mean you're interested in becoming a student at the school?" Rogue asked me.

"Actually I can't. Since I'm already eighteen and have just finished high school." I explained. "And I don't think this school goes up to the university level, right?"

"That it does not." Charles spoke.

"A waste in many ways." Beast added.

"Well maybe that can change in the future old friend. Once humanity comes to learn about and accept us Mutants." Charles said.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that professor." I spoke.

Drawing everyone's attention to me.

"What do you mean by that Mr. Da Costa?" Xavier asked me.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I agree with what you're trying to do. I think it's admirable. But as a telepath I think you should know better than anyone just how much humanity fears anything too different from itself, and how stubborn they will be in accepting it. Even if the only thing that separates us X-Rounder's from them is that we gain superhuman abilities due to our active X-gene." I spoke.

"I hear what you are saying Mr. Da Costa, and I know this will not be an easy road. But I have been walking it a long time and will not stop until I see it come true." Charles replied. "Also, what is an X-Rounder?" He asked.

"It's a term I came up with to describe people like us who gain our superhuman powers from our active X-gene." I explained.

"Why would do that?" Rogue asked me.

Her beautiful southern accent tickling my ears.

It made me slightly shiver.

But that's all.

I stopped myself before I started simping for Rogue. Though it doesn't help she was one of my top three Marvel comic book female crushes from my previous life, who I saw a lot from the rule 34 perspective and wrote read several rsique fanfictions about.

The other two being Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk and Susan Storm/Invisible Woman. A fact I am not ashamed to admit.


"Because when I hear the term Mutant I associate it with a racial slur like Wetback or the N-word. I also end up thinking of grotesques monsters featured in horror movies." I spoke. "It's a word I don't think should be used to describe a group of people. Hence why I came up with the term X-Rounder. Since we all get our powers from the X-gene."

Hearing my words I saw everyone in front of me get serious looks of realization, and of deep thought, on their faces.


I want them thinking about my words. The seeds I plant entering them and taking root to slowly grow until they are ready to bloom.

Keeping silent I gave everyone a few minutes to process my words.

"I must admit, your new way to describe Mutants is intriguing Mr. Da Costa." Charles admitted.

"If you think so then why don't you and the X-men use it to describe yourselves and others like us from now on." I proposed. "Because I think it will go a long way in making reasonable people more accepting of us. That is if the bigots and racist's don't fill their ears with their bullshit."

"I'm sorry to say that is likely to happen, and there is nothing we can do about it." Charles said.

"Well, I wouldn't say nothing Chuck." Logan commented. He then brought out his claws on his right hand and held them up.

'So cool.' I thought.

Since I am a Wolverine fanboy.

Speaking of which I made yet another mental, and added it to the long list of ones I seem to be making today, to find a solution for Logan's Adamantium poisoning.

Because I don't want old man Logan to end up a thing here.

"Logan, enough. You know that is not our way." Charles admonished the man.

"Professor I don't know, maybe Mr. Logan has a point." I said.

Once again drawing all attention to me.

Logan smiled upon hearing my words, while Charles slightly frowned.

"Mr. Da Costa, violence will only make people hate and fear us more." Charles spoke.

"That might be the case, but some people will hate us regardless just because. And they will do whatever it takes to end us, simply for existing. So if they attack I see no reason why we shouldn't respond in kind. To defend ourselves of course." I spoke. "Because as I said before the world and humanity as a whole are stubborn when it comes to accepting something different from themselves. Even if that difference is only a slight one."

"Dude, are you working with Magneto?" Bobby suddenly asked me.

Though I get why. Since my words likely resemble something old bucket head would say. Even if they are less extreme.

"Bobby!" Ororo spoke. Giving Iceman a slap upside the head.

"Ow!" He cried, rubbing the spot where Ororo slapped him. "What?" He asked her. "It's a valid question."

"And a rude one." Ororo retorted. She then turned to me. "Roberto, pay no mind to Bobby's question."

"It's fine, no offense taken. Especially since I am not working with the Magneto he mentioned, nor have any idea who he is." I spoke. Lying as easily as breathing.

But in my case I have too, otherwise it might be my life.

"A dangerous man, that is who he is." Hank spoke. "He's akin to a terrorist, who thinks our kind are superior to all others and seeks to have them run the world."

"Wow, I didn't expect our people to have something akin to a modern day Hitler running around." I spoke.

Charles getting a shocked look at the words I had just spoken. Given that he is currently the only one present who knows enough about Magneto's history to know how much my comment just now would affect the man if he heard it.

Even if it is true.

I get what Magneto's trying to do. I really do. Especially given the life he lived. But the man doesn't even realize he's propagating the same ideals he contended with as a child during World War II.

And if he can't see that, nor pull his head out of his ass when I mention it to him, since I know we will meet one day in the future given my plans, then there will be literally no hope left for him.

Which will make ending him all the more easier.

"Erik is not...I...Mr. Da Costa. Should you ever meet Magneto I'd advise you not to say what you just said to us in front of him or anyone he knows." Charles explained.

"But from your reaction just nor professor it sounds like you know Magneto." I said.

"I did. A long time ago. But that time has passed." Charles said. Getting a far off look in his eyes.

"I see." I said. "Well okay, if you say so." I spoke.

Once again, lying through my teeth.

"Thank you." Charles said.

"No problem." I spoke.

Once I did our entire group returned to the mansion itself.

I then spent a bit of time chatting with the X-men, finding myself become fast friends with Bobby. Since it seems we both shared a love for sci-fi, specifically Star Wars.

I wouldn't mind discussing the Clone Wars television show with him if and when it comes out in this world.

The other X-men and I got along fine.

Though I did catch Kitty keep glancing at my ass.

But it's a fine ass so I let her look. Not that she's ever going to touch it.

Since although Kitty is quite cute she's not my type. I think that honor goes to a certain Russian man of Steel. Who I might try and wingman for if I can get these two to meet in the future.

Since I loved their pairing in the comics, and hated they didn't get married after all the build up.

Moving on.

After spending a couple more hours at the X-mansion and with the X-men I took my leave.

Making sure to leave them all my personal phone number.

I then returned to my hotel in the city using my powers, and climbed into bed to get some sleep.

Since I had had a long and I was tired.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


