Using the network and projection artifacts, Kahn started a live broadcast in thousands of cities and villages across all the inhabited parts of the fiefdom and his face appeared on the large projection screens in the middle of bustling streets and squares where normal people went about their daily lives.
An announcement happened throughout the Verlassen fiefdom that completely shook all parts of society. From commoners to big business tycoons, from normal soldiers to top military officers.
"People of Verlassen Fiefdom. I, Kahn Salvatore… your sovereign, have an important announcement to make today.
Please know that this announcement involves and greatly impacts your lives as it includes the structure of the system and society which we live in." spoke Kahn in an authoritative tone as he introduced himself to the people of fiefdom.
The declaration started right with the important points as he continued to elaborate.
Check The Covenant Soldiers Reference Art.