With each word she spoke, the very airwaves seemed to shudder, carrying the weight of her command. Her voice was a symphony of dread, resonating with a haunting melody that sent shivers down the spines of anyone who heard it. It was a voice that could freeze the bravest of souls and send tremors through the hearts of the most steadfast.
"Of course."
In her presence, reality itself seemed to waver, and the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible blurred. Those who stood near her could feel the hairs on their skin stand on end, and a sense of impending doom hung heavy in the air.
This woman, so chilling in power, was a living embodiment of the uncanny, a force of nature that could crack and sever the very atmosphere around her with a mere glance, a word, or a gesture. She was a harbinger of humiliation and anybody who stood in her presence was immediately lowered in the greater status of the universe.
"Then let's get going."