65.26% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 294: Howl for Me [#3]

章 294: Howl for Me [#3]

[Day 16]

"So, how do we do this thing?" Yoichi stretched his arms as he laid back on the bed- they were now at their cabin, it was night and the moon was in the sky shining with its silver light! "Well, I'd need to do a few things... First I'd need to prepare your body with magic, so for a month you'd need to drink moon water to strengthen your connection to the moon a little more so your transformation can go smoothly, and I'd also need to give you a few tattoos." Yoichi's eyes widened as did his grin- A tattoo? That's cool as fuck! "Hell yeah! I get a tattoo too!?" Akira smiled softly- never had he seen anyone so excited to be transformed into a Rougarou before- not that he'd seen someone being transformed intoa  Rougarou before. "I also changed the ritual a little... I'm a witch, i will need your protection in the future, so I'm going to make you the strongest Rougarou i can." 

By then Yuki jumped on the bed to lie down beside Yoichi: "I'd need a few things too... A wolf growl of anger in a jar, a piece of moonlight, wolfsbane, and a few other things... thankfully we can get them around camp." Akira was feeling excited- it's been a long while since he did a large spell! "Let's start tonight!" Yoichi raised his eyebrows at Akira's excited- but he should admit, his smile does look cute even more so with his stupid and ridiculous dimples! "Here- Drink this." Akira gave him a bottle of water that had this soft silver glow on it, which made Yoichi curious about how it tasted: "You'll be drinking at least a bottle every day for the next month, then by the next full moon we'll start the real process and many rituals of strengthening your body, soul, mind, and inner wolf so you can be the best Rougarou to ever be created." 

"You're really excited for this huh?" Yoichi's comment made Akira freeze- Did he say something wrong? Yoichi knew he wasn't the best at conversations, he always either insulted someone, was stupid, or said something offensive to someone! He doesn't know how, it must be a gift. "Sorry." Akira's apology confused Yoichi: "Here i am, all excited because you're going through metamorphosis to become a Rougarou, which is a long and intricate process... I'm sorry, i shouldn't let it get to my head." Frowning, Yoichi resorted to bonking Akira in the head just enough to make the boy cry out in surprise and pain as the purple haired wolfboy said: "Listen here you idiot- I want to become a werewolf, sounds cool as fuck, so I'm getting you to turn me into a werewolf even if i have to be your guardian or something like that. Why? Because i want to!" Yoichi was never going to say that he reminds him of himself when he was younger, Yoichi is never going to say that those eyes speak of loneliness louder than a thousand words can describe, Yoichi is never going to admit that Akira's eyes were the window to the hurt soul that he tried to hide so deeply. 

Yoichi is never going to say he thinks Akira is adorable. 

Yoichi is never going to say that Yuki, the only member of his family, liking the Kitty Cat made his own wolfy heart also accept the boy. 

He's never going to say that.

"Besides-" Yoichi pinched Akira's cheeks before chugging the whole bottle of Moonwater: "-this tastes good." It tasted soft and cold, but also minty and a little like alcohol! "Holy, is Moonshine mixed in this?" Akira nodded softly before adding: "It makes the Moonwater stronger too, don't worry, its diluted." Yoichi grin grew as he grabbed Akira by the neck and pulled him closer: "See? We're friends now- You give me booze and is going to make me into a werewolf, soon best friends!" With a loud 'Hah!', Yoichi fell back into the bed behind him with Yuki, who just huffed closer to Akira and pressed her head on his hand. 

"Uhm, okay?" Akira looked over at the window and said: "Then I guess we're gonna go out now- To be the perfect Rougarou, i want to finish a few other rituals, we'll go to the Buddy Lake right now for one of them." Yoichi groaned- Being a werewolf takes time, so might as well do this! Getting up, Yoichi followed Akira as they left the cabin, Yuki in toll. Gramps had left camp a week ago, he just stayed a while to check on things before going off so it was safe to roam the camp at night now! Well, as safe as it gets really. They soon got to Buddy Lake, where Akira turned to look at Yoichi and stripped himself of all his clothes before jumping into the lake, urging Yoichi to do the same. 

Half convinced that this was an excuse to get him naked, Yoichi jumped into the lake completely nude, Yuki hesitated before sitting down at the pier and waiting for them to come back- "Is this some excuse to get me to go skinny dipping with you?" Akira had this adorable pink flush to his cheeks, he shook his head as he said: "No... I need you to bathe in Moonwater in this full moon and on the next, so now I'll have to temporarily turn the water around us into Moonwater and bathe you while touching you and casting a few enchantments for the energy of the Moonwater to seep deeply into your pores." Yoichi huffed, he still thought this was another excuse for Akira to touch his naked body- But hey, he can't blame him! His body is really nice, he has worked hard for this body after all. "Now, let you body go for a moment and I'll hold you while i do this-" Yoichi hesitated for a long while before he convinced himself- For the werewolf thing.

As he let his body relax, he felt the water beneath him move, and soon he was floating in the lake's surface, stomach, face, and crotch being illuminated by the moonlight. "Now... Lunae Lumen, O fiet tibi, Lunae Lumen alveum feram intus. Lumen, da quod cupio, da mihi custodem et custodem, da mihi iumentum cordis mei." The moment he started speaking, Yoichi felt really weird- Like, his body was light as a feather in a moment but heavy in the other, making him feel like he was spinning in the air! He tried to close his eyes but couldn't, so the Moonlight illuminated his vision, he swears he saw the moon fade away into a giant red eye for a second before it became the moon again: "Dico, cor meum et anima tua erit tibi sicut cor tuum et anima mea est. In aeternum et semper coniungamur." Each and every word leaving Akira's mouth made him dizzy- Until he stopped speaking, which gave Yoichi this enormous urge to- 



[Day 17]

Yoichi woke up groggy, he felt like he didn't have any energy at all! Yesterday he howled really loud, which had Akira smiling at him as Yoichi felt weirdly proud that he could howl for so long and so loudly! The howl echoed through the silent night, after his experience Akira explained to him that 'Well, i awoke the inner beast inside you, so consider yourself not completely human but not completely Rougarou yet' and Yoichi was confused, so he just accepted it. He had these weird emotions and sensations within, it waas him but just- More.


'Food, i need food!' Meat preferably. Following the scent of meat, Yoichi came to see Akira sitting down by his bed with a plate of meat! "Here." He gave him the plate and Yoichi wanted to kiss him- Woah, where did that come from!? "You'll need more food now, i have prepared a list of exercises that you'll need to do so your body can grow alongside your new inner wolf... It was easy to mold part of your soul into a wolf, since you already acted like one i just had to give it form." Yoichi didn't even give him attention, he just gobbled down on the stake without a second thought- Akira took it all in stride, he kept giving food to the hungry wolfboy who couldn't help but tear through it like a starving mad dog. "You'll feel this for about... two days? Your appetite will increase, so for that our metabolism will also increase..." Yoichi burped loudly, Yuki who had been eating as much as he did as also burped beside him, which was adorable to watch: "Urgh, I feel like i ate a fucking whale-" Yoichi groaned softly before patting his belly that wasn't that changed, he only felt stuffed.  "I'll give you some time before we go out and start another ritual- this time you'll have to bleed, I'm sorry in advance." 

Turns out that the bleeding for the ritual was for Yoichi to get a rad tattoo! Totally worth it in the end but to have it burned on his skin? That shit hurt! Akira had to leave after he finished the ritual, something about getting ingredients for another ritual? He must've forgotten that the ritual made Yoichi be more in tune to the wolf spirit that shared his body and soul with him now, because Yoichi could clearly feel the distress Akira tried to hide. 

He followed him, through the forest as Akira walked away, this hazy look in his eyes as tears blinded him. "Fuck-" He was heaving on the ground, knees gaving up as his face went ashen white from memories. Yoichi didn't know what was happening, only that he needed to help. "Hey, Akira?" This was the first time Yoichi ever witnessed a panick attack, and he didn't know what to do other than to stay there beside Akira as he heaved and tried to keep his breathing in control. He cried and vomited in the dirt in distress, Yuki did end up helping as Akira hugged her to ground himself back up- They didn't speak of what happened, Yoichi got his dope tattoo and Akira got a PTSD flashback because of the fire and scent of burning flesh. Why did Akira go on with the ritual? Well, he wanted- No, he NEEDED a guardian, a protector, someone who was just there for him at all times. 

Yoichi fit that perfectly- Because he wanted to be a Rougarou. Why not take advantage of that then? He did, he made sure to make Yoichi his guardian, but through the process of making Yoichi more trusting and dependent on him for the whole supernatural thing (so if he left him, then he wouldn't be able to really survive without proper knowledge) he started to feel guilty. I mean, it was assholery of him to consider Yoichi his puppy -He has called him that several times in his head- but it was worse to softly groom him into being his personal guard dog! Then came the scent of burnt flesh and he had to leave or else the guilt would consume him. He felt desperate, and that when he was taken hold by those arms and he fell apart with an ugly sob, soon a pair of pecs were on his face as tears came crumbling down alongside him.

He has been in a constant state of stress, of despair, of fight or flight- For over a year!

So, what would happen once his mind recognized that it was- for the time being -safe? 

He would break down under all the pressure he put on himself to survive. A full mental breakdown in the arms of a boy he hasn't even known for a full month yet! Talk about speedrunning a relationship huh? Worse yet, the guardian bond that is formed between a Rougarou and their witch (Who receives the title of Luna, or Moon, for their lure and control of the Rougarou) is basically a bond broken only by death.

Till death do us part- Because if you die, i die too bitch.  

'I need to make some protective charms and enchantments too... Keep myself alive as far as i can.' That was the last thought he had before unconsciousness brought him down.

[Day 17 - Late Afternoon]

So... This is awkward. 

He woke up in Yoichi's bed, being hugged by said half naked boy! Yoichi had no shirt on, as far as he could tell he was half naked- 'Weird, what is this thing poking me?-' He froze when he realized their position, and what exactly was poking his ass! 'Shit.' His body also reacted to this poking hard thing, it wasn't his fault at all, it was only natural after all. "Hm~" Yoichi let out this soft hum on the back of his neck, making Akira shiver at the warm air hitting his skin: "Kitty~" Is he dreaming about a cat? There was a moment of silence before a thrust of Yoichi's hips had Akira gasping loudly, after all, he had just felt a large, large thing allocate itself between his tighs and thrust. 'Is- is he going to-?' Another thrust had confirmed his suspicious and Akira was now red as a tomato, not because he was angry, but because he was embarrassed. 

Embarrassed because he was enjoying this and Yoichi isn't even awake! 

"Fuck, Kitty-" Akira gasped in his stillness, but that was interrupted when Yoichi just moved, pulling Akira with him: "Hiiiiii-" Akira squealed in surprise as Yoichi's face came closer and closer and- WHY IS HE NAKED!? "You awake now?" Yoichi's morning hoarse voice was a blessing to his shy ears, if ears could get pregnant his would be right now: "You're so... fucked." Akira cringed internally at that, he was about to say something when Yoichi continued: "But so am I, so I understand your fear of being alone...- Anyway, wanna have some fun?" The tone suddenly went from solemn and understanding to naughty sex wolfboy in a second! Akira wanted to shyly say something along the lines of 'What? Really?' But all that came out was this heady moan mixed with a gasp for air, making it sound needy as fuck. "Shit, you're so wet already-" And indeed he was, Akira's (honestly? average in size) penis was wetting itself in precum quite quickly. Yoichi's hand held onto it tightly: "Y-yoichi-" Akira was not ready for the cocky wolfboy to just quickly make work of his dick with his hands! "Heh-" Yoichi placed his hand on his own much thicker and bigger cock, Akira honestly was a little intimidated by such a monster before his own eyes. "Heh, never seen a real cock before have you, kitty?" Akira shivered at the tone of Yoichi's voice, it sounded as if he was mocking him and that made his cock harder? No- He felt shy and a little angry that Yoichi was mocking his cock.

It was an average cock.

"So small-" Clicking his tongue, Yoichi pulled his own cock and pressed it against Akira's "small" cock with a small smirk: "-I'll let you feel how good a real cock feels like." And that was how Yoichi started to frot against Akira's cock, his hand holding their cocks together. "Fuck- You make wet with your precum too." Indeed- Akira always spewed a lot of precum, it helped him masturbate the majority of times he did, but right now it made more of a mess on the bed than anything else: "Damn, you get as wet as a pussy huh?" Akira wondered for a moment how Yoichi knew about that, but he must have dated before- I mean, just look at him! "Come here-" Yoichi pulled him closer, until their foreheads were touching. Akira looked into Yoichi's eyes as he moved his hand over their dick, it felt really intimate. "-you idiot." 

Akira had no way to speak with Yoichi's lips on his. 

It was- Fuck, so good. 

Akira panted, his eyes half closed as Yoichi enjoyed himself rubbing one out with his cock too: "Grrr- you're so wet and it feels good, Kitty-" Akira blushed at the praise he received from Yoichi, he felt really giddy and shy about being praised by Yoichi, but it made him feel really good. "Oh?" Noticing how he reacted to the praising, Yoichi grinned wider: "Baby, you're a praise bitch aren't you? My cute little praise bitch." Akira wanted to tell Yoichi to shut up, but he had to keep his mouth closed or else he'd moan: "Yeah, that's what i thought- So adorable, my little adorable baby bitch-" There was a glow of energy on Yoichi's eyes that made Akira's body go slack as he submitted- Oh shit. 

Yoichi started purring- His transformation was starting to take.

In the end, Yoichi cummed on him, they both were covered in their own cum. Yoichi did not let go of Akira, which made him feel a little bit safer. 

Safe huh? That's a weird feeling.



With tears in his eyes, Akira held onto Yoichi: "Please-" He gasped for air: "Please- Please-" 

"I'm here... I'm here." He felt protective? Yeah, protective. He felt really protective of him for some reason. "I'm not leaving- Not leaving you." 

Akira kept hyperventilating, his breathing only started to even out after he came to unconsciousness. 

Yoichi held onto Akira as something inside him snapped- he felt the need to protect him.

Protect Aki.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C294
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


