90% Naruto: The Dragon’s Successor / Chapter 79: He's Multiplying!

章 79: He's Multiplying!


"*Sigh*… sensei, how did we end up pulling gate duty? Doesn't you need to be at least chunin-level for it?" Sakura frustratedly asked her white-haired sensei, who was currently leaning against the outside of the gate, book in hand.

"Your class already has chunin-level strength, so you've been included in the rotation. Plus, it's not like you're guarding the gate; you're just errand genin. The only reason it needs chunin to serve the role is to allow genin time to train for the chunin exams, which you're already strong enough for." Kakashi distractedly explained, still mostly focused on his book.

"Are we? I heard dad mention something about Iwa registering a lot of really strong teams this year?" Naruto asked.

"You should be. That said... you are receiving a lot of specialized training already, so any more won't help. Just think of this as… rest." Kakashi calmly replied, an infuriating smile blooming on his face.

"But-" Sasuke tried to rebut.

Before he could finish though, a cloud of dust materialized in the distance and was approaching at considerable speeds.

Team seven could feel a set of chakra pulses from the wall in a pattern ordering caution and awareness. Contrary to what many believe, there were ANBU hidden in the village's walls, serving as the real gate guards; these pulses were clearly from them.

This type of rapidly approaching dust cloud wasn't new and they had a strong feeling of who it was based on the mission logs, but caution was still required regardless.

In the distance, four green-spandex-wearing, bowl-cut-haired figures were rushing toward the gate on their hands. There were two in the front who looked like a joyful father and son, while the other two lagged behind, clearly struggling to keep up and mired in crippling shame at their current predicament.

"Uhhh" Naruto loudly uttered, his face twisted into a state of shock, an expression shared by his two teammates.

"Gah!" Sakura unintelligently uttered. "What the hell!? I thought there were only two of them!" She shouted at the sight.

While the others went through their existential crisis, Kakashi's most-covered face shifted into a broad smile. To make his feelings on the matter even clearer, he fully extended his hand parallel to the ground with a full thumbs up.

"You've really done it Guy. Your burning youth is seeding the next generation." A lone, manly tear streamed down his exposed eye. "Father was right. It may have taken years, but you have surpassed me old friend."

Ignorant of Kakashi's feelings, the genin heard the hidden ANBU agents retreat from their guarded positions. Based on the lack of their usual stealth, their panic was evident.

From the posted guards, they could here "Code 'Multi-Guy'! I repeat, code 'Multi-Guy'!"

"Sakura." Naruto called out, his voice ominously calm.

"Y-yes Naruto?" She nervously asked, disturbed by both the incoming calamity and her teammate's sudden change.

"Watch Sasuke like a hawk. That green weirdo got a Hyuga, a stick in the mud Hyuga. If even he couldn't hold out, what hope do we have? I should be fine, but Sasuke's the most impressionable of us. If you don't watch him, instead of a brooding asshat, we'll have a bowl-cut, spandex-wearing weirdo whose only desire is to make his flames of youth explode."

Hearing this, Sasuke's eyes flashed crimson, glaring at his brother with newfound hatred; he never expected Naruto capable of such betrayal.

Clearly, he was wrong.

"NO!!!!" Sakura shrieked in horror; a cry heard halfway across Konoha.

With Minato

"Lord Fourth" A frantic ANBU burst into his office, alarming Minato.

In an instant, he was on his feet.

"What happened Bear?" He quickly asked, maintaining his composure.

"T-there are f-four of them Lord Fourth, four of them." The ANBU's stuttered response reeked of panic and desperation.

"Four of what!? Be clear!" Minato demanded, annoyed at the lack of clarity from someone who should know better.

"Guy. H-h-he's done it! All three Genin…, including the Hyuga, h-have been spotted rapidly approaching Konoha on their hands, each of them converted into miniature versions of their sensei, just like Rock Lee!"

"What…?" Minato stood there, unable to properly comprehend what he'd just been told.

"It's true Lord Hokage!" The ANBU declared.

"….." Silently, Minato stood there, eyes unfocused at the horrifying news.

If one could become two, then four so quickly… just how long would it be before green full-body spandex became Konoha's official duty uniform?

NO! He couldn't think of this right now. There was something that needed to be done above all else!

"Bear! Get a protective ANBU detail on Neji ASAP! Also, activate one of our better-placed moles inside the Hyuga Clan to watch for any moves by their elders against the boy… I have a sinking suspicion this will get ugly, fast."

"Yes Lord Fourth." Acknowledging his orders, the ANBU vanished, moving quickly to fulfil his role.

Minato's eyes once again lost their focus, pondering on the decisions he's made throughout his time as Hokage.

"What have I done?" He somberly asked to himself, unsure of whether making Guy a Jonin-sensei had been a good idea. Looking back, he may have made the greatest mistake of his career.

With Team Yugao

"I can't believe those dirty bastards left us! In the middle of the fucking night! Couldn't they have waited till morning, AFTER we finished sleeping!?" Naga furiously complained.

"It's not so bad~" Himiko playfully stated. "Night walks outside civilization are always fun. It's the only time you can get such a beautiful view of the stars."

"Hmph" Naga huffed, turning away from her optimistic teammate.

"I guess I should have warned you about that guy. I don't know him personally, but I've seen him running outside the village, especially recently with my earthen-sensing training. Honestly, I kind of expected something like this. I'm actually surprised it took this long." Kamui calmly commented, scratching her head in slight embarrassment.

"Guy's a trip. That's for sure." Yugao muttered, agreeing with her silver-haired student.

The four were woken up by Kamui, who had volunteered to be on watch for the first half of the night. Naga, someone who valued sleep greatly, was understandably pissed, especially when they realized that Team Guy hadn't bothered sending them any comms whatsoever.

Needing to guard the escaping team as previously agreed, the group chased after them, keeping pace at the same distance as before. Now, they were walking up to the gate, each amused at the disturbed faces of the people who looked as if they'd just seen the coming of the end.

Fortunately for the four, none had gotten a clear view of the ones they were pursuing.

Approaching the gate, the four of them noticed the genin of team seven slowly and mechanically sweeping the dirt at the entrance. Following their trail had been easy. They hadn't even needed any of Kamui's sensory jutsu. The energetic team left a trail of handprints as they went and by the looks of things, that trail led straight into Konoha.

"Sasuke, you're looking a little pale. Did anything happen?" Kamui asked.

Hearing his sister's words, Sasuke's head mechanically swiveled in her direction.

"Th-this… This is your fault." He accused, his expression grave. "I don't know how and I'm pretty sure you don't know what I'm even talking about, but it is. I'd bet my annual salary on it."

Hearing their teammate's accusations, the others in team seven immediately turned their attention to Kamui. While Sakura was confused at her boyfriend-hopeful's seemingly baseless accusation, Naruto's eyes widened in enlightenment.

"Of course… who else could break a Hyuga down like that. It's your fault the bowl-cuts are multiplying!" Naruto shouted, having realized the 'truth.'

The entire Team Yugao was confused. Kamui had been with them the entire time. What could she have done? Of course, the Hyuga comment did make refuting the statement hard after recent events.

"Naruto, Sasuke, what are you two talking about?" Kamui monotonally asked, trying to keep herself from showing her displeasure.

'This is the second time today I'm being accused of something I have no knowledge of! For their sake, they better have damn good evidence, or I'll remind them why the vapor release is so feared.' She thought, annoyed at possibly having to defend her honor twice in one day.

Amused at the situation, Kakashi decided to be the one to speak, taking his eyes off his book to fully capture the other team's reaction; yes, eyes. He had uncovered his sharingan to perfectly capture everything the moment he noticed Yugao's team approaching. He hadn't said anything, but he had come to the same conclusion as Sasuke.

"My old rival and his team just arrived here in a handstand race. All of them wore the same outfit as Rock Lee. They all looked like miniature Might Guys."

And as expected, Team Yugao's reactions mirrored his own very closely. Well, everyone except Kamui who looked thoughtful, when finally, her right fist smacked against her left palm. Clearly, she knew the answer.

"Well, shoot. I guess you're right. That was my fault." Kamui admitted matter-of-factly.

Faster than her eyes could perceive, all eyes darted to her, shocked at the admission.

"What do you mean? How could you possibly be involved in something so… vile." Naga asked the question on everyone's mind.

Kamui paused for a moment, considering how to best word her next statement.

"Well… Guy came to me about half a month ago, asking for enhancements to be made to his outfit. He also asked for the same to be done for versions he had prepared for his genin team. When I asked him what he needed specifically…, he said he wanted them to promote unity, comradery, and most of all, to… how did he put it… let their youth shine. Well, he was much more exuberant than that, but you get my point.

"So, obviously confused at the request, but having seen what he had done to his favorite apprentice in passing, I asked him whether he wanted the outfits to make them more like Lee and to make Lee even 'greater'. He agreed, so that's what I did." She slowly explained.

It was hard explaining such an odd request and judging by the others' expressions, she hadn't done the best job doing so.

"What… did you do exactly?" Sakura hesitantly asked.

"Hmm…" Her gaze fell to the floor, trying to recall that specific encounter. It hadn't been notable, so it took a bit to recall.

The others leaned in to make sure they heard every detail of what was about to be said as if they were about to receive important details for the most critical of missions.

"I added a few seals to the clothing. Clearly, he preferred bowl-cut hair for his students, so a modified version of 'Ninja Art: Needle Jizo' was added. It converts anyone's hair who's wearing the spandex into that style. As a bonus, their head receives the same protection the jutsu offers. Another seal uses a scent-based genjutsu to relax and inhibit any stress in the wearer. Lastly, I added some basic clothing fortification that's used on some of our ANBUs' vests. All in all, they're protective and help Guy promote the 'youthful culture' he's known for." She explained, not noticing the growing discomfort in her audience.

"Is that OK!? Isn't that brainwashing!?" Sakura shrieked, receiving subtle nods from Himiko and Sasuke.

"It's certainly skirting the line... Where did you even get a genjutsu like that? I haven't heard of a jutsu like that in Konoha." Yugao tersely asked.

Using a mind-influencing jutsu on a comrade without their knowledge and consent absolutely skirted the bounds of morality, no matter how well-intentioned. As the girl's sensei, this was a massive red flag.

"Anko taught it to me. She said her jonin-sensei taught it to her during her genin days and that it was a good way to keep stress levels low on long missions."

Hearing this, Kakashi and Yugao went alert.

'Of course. She just had to learn one of Orochimaru's jutsu…' Yugao annoyedly thought, trying to suppress a growl at the information. 'I'll need to have a talk with Anko about giving these kinds of potentially immortal genjutsu to genin.

"So she calmed them down. What's the big deal?" Naruto asked, confused at everyone else's reactions.

"*Sigh…* Naruto, genjutsu is a very complex art. Even the Uchiha clan, who's known for it, has only scratched the surface and that only applies to ocular-based genjutsu. The kind Kamui used, based on how she described it, is perhaps one of the best ways of subtly indoctrinating someone into a different set of beliefs." Sasuke tiredly explained, not surprised at his brother's ignorance of the art.

"How's that?" Naruto confusedly asked.

"Think about it this way. You like ramen, right?" Sasuke asked

"Of course." Naruto answered without hesitation.

"Now, what would happen if dad banned you from Ichiraku for life?" Naruto's eyes widened in horror.

"He wouldn't do that! Mom wouldn't let him!" He shouted defensively.

"See, you know how uncomfortable you'd be. How stressed you'd be. Now…, were he to use this genjutsu on you continuously during this period, most of the discomfort would fade away. In fact, it wouldn't take long for it to disappear altogether. From there, it wouldn't take long at all for him to form new habits in you and for your ramen cravings to become a distant memory." He seriously explained, causing Naruto to jump back, his gaze shifting back to his sister.

"Why would you do something like that!?" Naruto loudly asked, terrified of that horrifying thought.

"Naruto." Kamui stated with a deadpanned expression. "First of all, Guy's one of the most trusted shinobi in Konoha. Second, our village has jutsu that can extract knowledge from your soul, modify memories, bring back the dead, manipulate our chakra systems, and so much more. Are you seriously complaining about the tamest jutsu in this category?"

"*Sigh…* We'll talk about this later. For now, let's report to the Hokage so we can get home. I'd like to get some sleep." Yugao tiredly ordered.

"Works for me." Himiko stated, receiving nods of agreement from Naga and Kamui.

"See you guys at home." Kamui stated, waving her brothers goodbye.

With that, this simple mission was complete, and a new evil was unleashed upon Konoha. Unfortunately for Kamui, what she didn't know was that Anko's jutsu was far more potent than she was led to believe.

Falsic Falsic

I'm changing the synopsis. It won't be too different and demons are still part of the intended plot, but at the pace this story's going, it will be a while before I get there and I refuse to rush the story just to do so.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C79
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


