She's back, and behaving as though our previous meeting never happened.
The day's fashion statement consists of a tight geisha-style dress in green silk, heavily embroidered with gold dragons. It's too loud against the curly, mid-brown hair and subdued, flesh-tone lipstick. But I'm not about to pass comment.
How the hell did you seduce so many men?
Must be a fucking wow in the sack...
"So what are we going to talk about today, Larry?"
I shift my position, trying to sit a little more comfortably, straightening up against the wall. "What would you like to talk about? My packed social calendar?"
I shift again. My tailbone is rubbing and I move to ease the pressure. It works, but now my weight is on my backside and I was never bulky. There's not enough flesh there to cushion me against the concrete.
Lips pressing, she snaps, "You're not paying attention."
"It's not easy to pay attention with concrete rubbing a hole in your ass."