When Chelsea felt she’d made her point, she let go and stood. With great care, she slid her panties down her legs and stepped out of them. “Maybe I am hungrier than I thought.” She turned and danced toward the kitchen. She felt very naughty.
She reached for a plate in the cabinet, but stopped when she felt him behind her. “Oh. You have other plans?”
“Uh, huh.” She tried to turn around, but he held her in firm grip. “Bend over,” he commanded.
Releasing the plate, she leaned against the counter. The climax hit with such ferocity she went up on her toes. He eased into her inch by delicious inch. His feet had hers apart. He could do whatever he wanted.
She didn’t care as the pressure built inside of her, begging to be released. His jeans chafed her legs.
“Oh God,” she said.
He planted his hands on the counter on either side of her. Slowly he moved. He groaned and she could tell he gritted his teeth.
“Just do it,” she begged.
“Chelsea James. You will be the death of me.”
— 終わり — レビューを書く