
章 4: Chapter 4: Life

One fine day in Kuoh town, in a fairly high class home we can see a short child. This child was around 5'5", they had long blue hair, and was wearing a blue coat. Their facial features were delicate and feminine, however they identified as a male. This person is our mc, Naruto, who was currently having a debate in his head.

"We should go for Akeno." argued Naruto, seemingly to himself. However little did they know that there was someone else there inside his head.

"Nah, Rias is best girl" argued Kazuma, the voice in his head. Kazuma was a super computer and a fellow man of culture. He could analyze and understand anything within mere moments of contact. He also had access to all the skills and abilities.



A truly close debate. Currently the two were arguing which girl they should go for in this new world that was from an anime Naruto watched. The options were narrowed down to Akeno Himejima and Rias Gremory. Of course, the two characters had no idea about Naruto and Kazuma's debate.

"Akeno has bigger tits"

"I thought you said you were a romance kind of guy"

"I am, and its true. I think I would genuinely fall in love with her. We both got severe daddy issues, I feel we could genuinely connect."

"Severe daddy issues my ass. The only bad thing you dad did was name you Naruto Uzumaki"

"But that affected my whole life. Plus Akeno got that big sister vibes, does Rias have that big sister vibes. You know I always wanted an older sister."

"Good point, but I still like Rias' flowing crimson hair. Its beautiful. Fine we'll settle it with a coin toss." replied Kazuma. Naruto quickly used a skill to create an American nickel.

"Deal. I call heads."

"Alright. Know using any skills, we just leave it up to chance" said Kazuma. Of course Naruto and Kazuma have skills that can manipulate fate itself.


"Alright, 3, 2, 1 Go!" counted Kazuma, before Naruto flipped the coin.

"<Using Unique Skill: Cook>" said a very robotic sounding voice that came from their head. (I forgot, what was Rimuru's skill that let him control fate?)

"What the fuck!" screamed Naruto. The voice had startled him, when he attempted to access a skill to control the coin toss.

"Oi! You bastard, you were cheating"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. Let's do it again", again they decided to do a coin toss. This time Naruto decided not to use a skill, since the system would alert them.

"Yes, lets go. We got heads" yelled Naruto, staring at the image of Thomas Jefferson engraved on the coin.

"Fuck, first you almost cheated and now you still got the win".

"Alright so this means we're going for Akeno."

"Yes, yes it does".


Several hours had passes since the debate. Our mc was know walking down the street, exploring the sidewalk. His appearance attracted the stares of many men, and gained the ire of many women much to the chagrin of Naruto, who was straight.

"You know we could just change our appearance" said Kazuma.

"Nah its fine, whatever I could care less." replied Naruto.

Kuoh town was a fairly busy town. It was mostly filled with humans, but Naruto could easily tell the existence of fallen angels and devils in the town thanks to the magic energy being outputted. Currently, Naruto was hiding his magic energy to make him look human. Of course, Naruto himself had infinite magic energy thanks to 'Turn Null'.

Naruto had been spending most of his time fucking with the main protagonists of this world. From, leaving the corpses of stray devils in front of the Gremory household to stealing Issei Hyodou's treasure trove of porn.

He also explored different factions as well as the underworld and heaven. He even snuck into the Khaos Brigade, and the dimensional gap to meet 'Great Red'. The only conclusion he could come up with was that they were all, so weak. Even with only 10% of his power, if he so much as sneezed in the wrong direction he could probably defeat everyone.

Naruto also wanted to play 'God', so he decided to start a cult using his abilities. I mean it has to be fun to start a cult, plus it will empower humanity, who were way too weak when compared to the other factions. In fact, the only strong humans were those that borrowed the powers of other beings *cough**cough*sacred gear*cough**cough*. That won't do at all, Naruto quite liked humanity, unless they made fun of his name. Then he would effortlessly destroy it.


Hello dear readers, tis I the author

I have come to thee to discuss a matter of great importance. Would like to have a harem in this story. I know it had the no harem tag, but its Highschool DxD for fucks sake. Its so hard to choose waifu material when there are 100s of different girls, and guys if you want some of that, I'm all ears. As a man of culture I have to be accommodating for all types of people.

Anyway, see you guys next chapter. I might shmexy scenes at a later date, idk.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


