83.33% Boruto: The Supreme King Senju / Chapter 5: Warm Up With Iwabe

章 5: Warm Up With Iwabe

Haou POV: Two weeks after the Train incident

So, the Hokage had decided to punish Boruto and I both equally he got a two-week suspension and so did I unfortunately for Boruto he had to be studying with his mom I, on the other hand, was completely free so lucky me.

Now normally I would be moping around my apartment with some television on and a sketchpad in hand, but I decided to just camp out at one of the old training posts of the village training myself with just taijutsu after all this body is still not used to performing certain moves. I also decided to throw in some meditation in my training in order to have more control over myself. My new body is still young so it's hard to control my emotions most of the time at this age compared to an adult mind hence meditation.

Today was the last day of suspension so I packed my stuff up and went home I guess if you can even call it that. With a tired yawn, I went inside, dumped my stuff on the couch, and slept on my bed waiting for the next day.

Morning rose and the sun glared at my face. I groaned but slowly opened my eyes. My body ached I gave it a good few stretches before taking a shower, made breakfast, brushed my teeth, and packed lunch. Once I was finished, I ninja hopped my way to the academy. I went through the cool refreshing hallways trying to find the right class.

Sliding the door open I walked through it and was greeted by a bunch of kids chattering on about I silently walked up the stairs my eyes found my way towards the Uchiha who glares at me, and I simply just shrugged with a smirk continuing towards my seat in the far-left corner of the last row.

The only thing I am wearing today is a black jacket with gray stripes on the shoulder, black gloves that have white bandages wrapped below it, a gray shirt, and the usual black ninja pants. Overall no one should at least bother paying attention to me. I was going to close my eyes for a couple of minutes when the door slides and I hear an all too familiar voice talking to ¨Hey everyone" when I looked up it was none other than Boruto of course.

When he finally came by me we glared at each other before he walked away leaving me with the kid behind him Shikadai who glanced at me and took a seat next to me while Boruto took a seat in the row above me I could faintly hear the other kids muttering about how Boruto wasn't punished fairly don't these kids have better things to do other than gossip like teenage girls.

I crossed my hands looking at the empty teacher space, of course, I could still hear the conversations of others but ignored them I almost did a spit-take though when someone said how I was mysterious and kind of hot jeez these kids are already thinking about things like romance already.

Just as the kids were about to be quiet a voice spoke out "Riding on the Hokage's coattail, huh?" the spluttering of Sumire could be heard as she tried to compose herself. Footsteps were coming up in front of me it was a kid with platinum blond hair, pulpless blue eyes, a purple hoodie, and a pair of overalls talk about old-fashioned.

"oops did I just say that out loud," the boy asked from there Shikadai and Denki try to defend Boruto but he waved it off as the boy turned his attention to me "and you how come you weren't properly punished I get Boruto because of his father but you is it because the Hokage feels bad for you" the room is silent the other kids weren't expecting Inojin to target me.

I looked Inojin in the eyes looks like I have to put someone in their place. The air suddenly grew thick the students were looking at each other in panic. I stood up walking towards Inojin who looks at me blankly for a few moments, but I could tell he was getting the nervous when I kept walking towards him leaned down into his ear whispering.

"I would suggest you learn your place and not attempt to mess with me" I said projecting a genjutsu with my intent an image of a giant black tengu warrior stood behind me looking down on at him with its golden eyes burning in rage Inojin was close to collapsing just from the sight along I quickly dismissed the genjutsu.

The air returned to normal, and I gave a fake innocent smile "Whoops so looks like I lost control there for a second sorry about that" I said heading back up to my seat. I felt several pairs of eyes on me, but I could care less it's not my fault they couldn't handle my killing intent.

The door opened and Shino came through the door everyone gave a salute and soon the ninja lessons began.

-time skip to an academy training ground-

Shino-sensei was writing down the scores of all the students who had already done the obstacle course I got full points for first place surpassing that kid Iwabe surprising most of the students who started talking about how I was some prodigy and how awesome I was.

Damn now I am starting to understand how Sasuke and Itachi must have felt with all of these fangirls oh the horror. I could already feel the glare from Boruto which I gladly returned with a smirk making steam come out from his ears.

It was lunchtime when I entered the class to sit down and eat, I saw three others packing their lunches to leave I turned my head away and started munching on my rice balls. The class doors slide open and in came the trio of idiot's aka Boruto and his group of friends he waves over to the other kids asking if they wanted to join him for lunch, they suddenly packed up faster and left with a quick no which I found to be quite amusing. I must have laughed out a bit seeing how he glared at me suddenly and pointed his finger in my way "Hey what are you doing here teme?!!!!"

I pointed to my food "what does it look like I am doing Usuratonkachi" I retorted back watching him grit his teeth looking ready to throw back a retort when an unknown voice spoke out "can't you idiots see I am using this room" an older teen with punk style clothing stood up from his sleeping position on the chairs.

I remember this kid from the plot he was an idiot, to say the least, all he kept complaining about was how he was never able to pass bi*ch please if you want to pass then you work and study hard that's all there is to it.

Boruto greets Iwabe unfortunately for him Iwabe responds rather harshly insulting him for being the son of Naruto. He jumped down grasping Boruto by the collar "I don't like the idea of having to hang out with a guy like you all the time and you" he points his earth staff at me "You think you're better than everyone else don't you but I know for fact your just a weakling"

Boruto started to get mad as for me I had a sadistic grin replying "Oh really then tell me Iwabe the repeater if I am so weak and your strong then what are you still doing here oh wait don't tell me is it because you're just a sore loser who can't even do some basic academic subjects is that it" what I had said got a lot of gasps from Shikadai, Denki, and the newly arrived class.

Iwabe was furious going on a huge rant about the war and how weaklings shouldn't be talking. Iwabe took Denki by the throat and was about to suffocate him. This was going too far for my tastes so with my shushin no jutsu I appeared in front of him knocking his hand away from Denki. I glanced at him for a moment as he gave me a thankful expression "don't think of this as me helping you I am just doing this because he was about to take it pass the line."

I then turned to glare at Iwabe "as for you if you have something to prove then let's settle it in a fight what do you say?" Iwabe was about to agree when Boruto chimed in with his fist clenched "I will also fight after all what kind of friend would I be if I didn't defend my friend" I looked at him and reluctantly I nodded but I added one last thing "just don't get in my way Uzumaki" he smirked with arrogance "whatever you say Sado-teme" Iwabe smiled evilly "fine I will take both of you on after your both to weak to go up agansit someone like me hahahahaha" (A/N Sado is Haou's last name before anyone asks)

-Academy Training post building-

The match started off with Iwabe throwing shuriken Boruto jumps away from them while I jumped in the air and crash towards Iwabe he blocks with his arm, but I respond with a backflip and throw a couple of kunai. He tries to dodge them, but Boruto quickly goes in for a couple of punches and backflips away allowing me to go in and land a spin kick towards Iwabe's stomach he lets out a grunt of pain and is sent across the field but recovers with the help of his staff he gives a smile towards us.

"You know you guys aren't that bad for weaklings that is" I remain silent while Boruto gets aggravated. Iwabe pulls out a pair of smoke bombs separating the two of us I did a quick couple of hand signs and two earth clones were made surrounding my vital areas in case he tried to attack but it seems like he was not targeting me.

The dust started to clear, and I saw Boruto's shadow clone launch Iwabe to the ground near his staff I heard Boruto talking about something circumstance but I couldn't really hear due to the distance so I walked closer I saw Iwabe reaching for his staff with a real look of anger I notice an ink eagle but I shot it down with an earth bullet Boruto takes notice and looks at me with comical eyes

"ahhhhh you idiot why would you do that" I didn't respond instead I got ready for Iwabes elemental jutsu he smirks "Oh I see so you want to test my true power very well have it" he swung his staff uncaringly as streams of earth were coming at me with fast speeds, I activated the power of Kamui and walked right through them.

Iwabe was shocked "oh I am sorry was that your best because if it was then it was surely pathetic but if you're done now, it's my turn" everyone looked confused as to what I meant by my turn Shikadai was quick to figure it out when he told everyone what I was going to.

I went through five hand signs alongside me a clone did the same I went first "Fire style: Fire ball jutsu" a ball of fire exited my mouth while the clone sent a gale of wind at it "Combination jutsu: Great Fireball Jutsu" Iwabe closed his eye waiting for the flame to burn him but it never came for there stood Shino-sensei with an angered look

"You what do you all think you're doing out of class especially huh" I scoffed and walked away Shino tried to stop me with his bugs but I walked through them like it was nothing surprising him greatly and just like that the closes thing to warm up for me was gone just great oh well I suppose there's next time in taijutsu class.

-chapter end-

if you guys are wondering the mc doesn't care if people know about his Kamui or Mokuton.

The next chapter will skip to Konohamaru teaching about summoning and Girls vs Boys match but mc won't care about the match but he will take the chance to beat Sarada for payback with the cheap shot

If your wondering where he got killing intent he got it from his past life as the Ronin reference chapter 1

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


