37.5% The New Lord Of The Sky / Chapter 3: Confusing feelings and lightning.

章 3: Confusing feelings and lightning.

Percy POV

After Hermes left Olympus, silence filled the chamber as we start to wait for the arrival of Chiron and this Lupa, while waiting I couldn't help but get lost in thought as I start to plan the training schedule for the following months and what could be years so that I could master my powers. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts by the voice of my father.

" So Percy, from what I have felt not that long ago, you have already started training with your powers." Turning my head to look at my father, I could additionally feel the curiosity rolling off from the other Gods as they turn their gazes on me while waiting for my answer.

" Indeed father, lady Hera has been kind enough in helping me with my training." I answered my father inquiry, I see as my father was about to say something else when he was interrupted by my uncle Hades.

" Oh? Isn't it interesting?. I didn't know that you and Hera were this friendly with each other, dear nephew." At this, I turn to look at my uncle and notice him staring at Hera with suspicion, I was about to defend Hera when she suddenly speaks with a cold voice.

" I have agreed to help our King in mastering his powers because with the sudden change of rule in Olympus some people are bound to reject him as our King with their belief of him being weak with his lack of mastery over his powers and for being the youngest out of all of us Olympians, this will result with our enemies and the other pantheons consider us weak."

I along with the other Gods were appalled by her words, I was surprised as her words were filled with logic and true, but mostly because of her not wanting to reveal to the others about our friendship.

' But can I blame her? much has already happened recently and that's not mentioning her very well known dislike and belief toward demigods.' I thought briefly while I noted that the gods were pondering over Hera's words, suddenly a thought went through my mind and I couldn't help the small frown that took over my expression, something that Hera didn't miss.

" What's wrong Perseus?." I look over Hera at hearing her question and I saw her eyes were filled with concern, I look around and see that all the other God's attention was on me again at hearing Hera's question.

" It's nothing lady Hera, I have just thought about something." I simply stated and I could see that the other gods were even more curious at this, I move my gaze so that it falls on Artemis.

" Artemis, where were your hunters yesterday?." I ask her as I wanted to know if the Campers of Half-blood saw what I think has occurred yesterday after I became the new god of the sky.

I see as Artemis was confused at first until she realizes what I was thinking about as I'm sure that Thalia must have told her.

" They were at camp half-blood," answered Artemis as she was waiting for my reaction.

" Shit..." I curse while I tiredly rub my closed eyes as I start thinking over the disconcerted reactions and thoughts of the demigods in camp half-blood, I could feel all the eyes from the rest of the gods on me as they were probably confused over my response. Suddenly my body went rigid on my throne as a thought cross my mind.

I move my hand away from my face as I look at all the gods and with a wary voice I ask something that I hoped I was wrong.

" There isn't any demigod child of Zeus in camp Jupiter right?." My question was only greeted with silence.

" There indeed is a mortal child of Zeus in the Roman camp, his name is Jason Grace and he's the younger brother of Thalia." I heard Hera answer my question with a cold and indifferent voice but at hearing her words I couldn't help but groan as my suspicion became even worse and troublesome as I slowly rub my temples in exasperation.

" You gotta be fucking kidding me," I grumbled while thinking of the confusion of both camps and that's not including the drama of Thalia and Jason as the latter was supposedly dead.

" Percy, what is it?" I heard my father asking me while his voice was filled with worry and confusion, looking up I make sure to look at all the gods.

" What do you think has happened yesterday when I have become the new god of the sky? the fates have told us that I have additionally inherited Zeus Roman Aspect, Jupiter and that every existent demigod child of his has become adopted by me. Now Ladies and gentlemen what do you think that happens when a god claims their offspring, or in my case adopts a demigod child." I spoke as I sit correctly on my throne while resting my hands on the armrests of it as I grew a serious expression.

" Well, shit!." I along with the others turn toward Athena as she's the one that has cursed, I'm not surprised that she figure it out before the others.

" Athena would you please share with the others what you and I have realized," I ask her calmly.

" Claiming occurs when a deity acknowledges his or her demigod offspring, this results in sending a hologram of their symbol of power to appear over the particular child's head, same happens when a deity adopts a demigod child," explained Athena, and I could see that slowly the other gods starts to understand my dilemma.

" Indeed, and as Thalia and this Jason were at their respective camp, I'm sure that the others demigods have seen my claiming to both of them as my adopted children. This means that both of them would want to know what's going on and this is a problem." I told them seriously.

" That means that both Chiron and Lupa would also want to know what happened yesterday, that's not to mention that young Jason was supposedly dead to Thalia and this could risk the discovery of both camps to the other." hearing my father words I nod at him in affirmation.

" Well sooner or later they would have found out, either way, remember that you have replaced Zeus in any legends, texts, paintings and sculptures in the mortal world, the demigods were bound to found out either way," addresses Athena and I have to agree with her in agreement.

" Artemis what has Thalia told you yesterday and what was her mood," I questioned Artemis as I was curious about her reaction, even if I could already picture it.

" Well, she was confused and irritated about the claiming as it has occurred in the dining pavilion so the other demigods were also confused as Thalia was claimed by Zeus long ago and it's well known that she's Zeus's daughter." At this, I simply nod and the Throne room was filled with silence as some of us got lost in thought while others simply wait for the return of Hermes.

Suddenly I turn my head to the grand doors of the throne room as I'm sure that the other gods also felt Hermes return, with him I could feel two more presences, one was more powerful than the other one.

We gods saw the doors of the throne room were opened and Hermes walks in first as he had a smirk on his face and he keeps walking toward his throne. behind him, Chiron along with a woman followed him until they were at the center of the throne room.

I saw as Chiron curious expression changes to a shocked one at seeing me on what once used to be Zeus's throne, on the other hand, the woman's indifferent expression changed to one of curiosity and suspicion.

" Percy? what are you doing here and what happened to you? we were worried since your departure from yesterday." questioned Chiron as he looks at me in confusion.

" Chiron you know who's this? and where's Zeus." questioned the woman to Chiron as she then finished by looking at me.

" Enough." I interrupted as I saw Chiron was about to answer her but I decided to interrupt as I didn't want to make this longer than necessary as there are a lot of things that are needed to be discussed.

" Chiron my old friend, I would request for you to call me by my given name, a lot has changed," I stated calmly, my words were responded with a nod of acceptance from Chiron, I turn to look at the woman and for the first time, I get to contemplate her appearance.

The woman known as Lupa was wearing a simple white Roman toga with golden designs at the edges, brown sandals made of leather, she was a fair-skinned woman with dark gray hair that it reaches her back and it's supplemented with her silver eyes. She was a woman with great beauty, but I knew that she was just as dangerous and from what I'm feeling her power was almost at the same level as that of Ares in his base form which I find remarkable.

" Lady Lupa I assume?" I ask politely and my only answer was a nod of confirmation.

" Perseus what's going?" I turn to look at Chiron and I also noted that Lupa was also waiting for an answer.

" Very well, much has happened since yesterday, so pay attention," I said and I could tell that I got their full attention.

" Yesterday when I reached Olympus..." I start to explain what happened yesterday and as I narrated I could easily see the shock and disbelief on their expressions and sorrow from Chiron at hearing about the fading from his half brother. When I finished recounting the most recent events, we could all see as the minor goddess and one centaur having difficulty in processing the newly recent news.

" So... you have inherited all the domains, tittles, and the roman aspect of Zeus..." Murmured Chiron still in shock, I nod at him and he sighed in exasperation.

" I'm getting too old for this shit." I could only smirk in amusement at his murmur.

" I assume that you want us to inform our respective camps, the Romans and the Greeks about this am I right?" At hearing the words of Lupa I turn to look at her and I nod in agreement.

" Wait, so that was you claiming Thalia as your adopted child yesterday." Declared Chiron while looking at me and I once again nodded in confirmation.

" Yes Chiron but Thalia isn't the only one." At this, I turn to look at Lupa.

" After all Camp Jupiter has their great hero Jason Grace, am I right Lupa," I said as I look at her in the eyes as I was discretely leaking my godly aura and directing it toward her, from what Hera has told me about her early, Lupa is a goddess that primary respect the strength of an individual, after that she judges their personality and then she determines if they are worthy for her to follow or submit.

And because of that, I have decided to show her that I was at the same level of power as Zeus was at his best, that I'm one of the big three and I will honor my uncle's last request.

Because of this, I could see Lupa's body starting to tremble almost unnoticeable as she was resisting it with her own godly aura, unfortunately for her even with me being a new god and still learning about my powers, the mere difference in power of an Olympian god and a minor one is just too much vast.

' Not to mention that I'm also one of the big three.' I thought briefly as I withdraw my Godly aura from Lupa.

" Y-yes Lord Perseus, you are in the right." I felt a cold chill ran down my spine as I observed the great amount of lust in her eyes while also noting the desire in her voice.

' Maybe I shouldn't have done that' I thought tersely as I regain my cool and try to ignore what I just witnessed in the eyes of Lupa.

" Well, we Gods agree that the demigods should know about the change of rule sooner then later," I told them as some of the other gods nodded in agreement with my statement.

" Perseus what are you going to do with Thalia? I'm sure that she will want to speak with you about this...situation." I contemplate the words of Chiron and indeed I have to agree with him, knowing Thalia she will make a tantrum if I don't speak with her.

" Artemis, could you along with your hunt remain at the camp for one week to assist Chiron in training and guarding the demigods? at least until I find some free time within my training and handling my domains to visit Thalia." I spoke to Artemis while turning to look at her after pondering on my next course of action.

It was obvious to me and the other gods that Artemis didn't want to remain at the camp for a whole week due to her distaste of men, but after a while, she just nodded in acceptance, I think that the only reason that she accepted its for the respect that she has for me.

" Thank you, Artemis." I thank her and her only response was a small smile followed by a nod.

" My Lord." I turn to look at Lupa with a questioning look while nodding at her in acknowledgment.

" I was thinking that it would be beneficial for you to go and visit Camp Jupiter so that you can introduce yourself to the demigods along with meeting Jason. And maybe I could show you New Rome, My lord." It was plainly obvious to me that her intentions were more sexual related as she failed to hide her lust from her eyes and voice.

I was about to answer her when I suddenly feel the godly power of Hera slowly but surely rising, I turn to my left to look at her and judging by the angry expression on her face, she probably also noted Lupa's lust behind her words and in the manner that she's looking at me.

" Control yourself Lupa!, keep in mind that you're speaking with your King along with being in the presence of us Olympians Gods. Have more respect toward him and yourself for Hades." I along with most of the Gods were surprised by her sudden outburst, even Hades didn't try to reproach Hera at using his name in such a manner.

The throne room was in silence as the two goddesses were glaring at each other. Knowing that if I don't stop either of them an argument might start in the throne room. I cough trying to break the tense environment.

" Thanks, lady Hera I'm sure that Lady Lupa will control herself better than this after today." At hearing my words Hera turn to me with a look of restrained annoyance.

" Very well," Hera grumbled after a while of staring at me as she nods at me before sending a glare toward all the other gods that were still looking at her in surprise, but they immediately look away after seeing her glare directed toward them.

I nod and look back at Lupa while reflecting over her words besides her last remark.

" Alright then Lupa, after visiting Camp half-blood, I might go and visit New Rome if I have the chance," I said to the wolf goddess and her only answer was to smile at me seductively before she bows at me in reverence.

" Well, does someone else have something to share with the rest of us?." I ask toward the other gods, my only answer was silence as some of them shake their heads in negative.

" Very well then, you are all dismissed. Hermes, please accompany Chiron and Lupa back to their respective camps." I ordered and not long after I finished speaking, most of the gods left by teleporting themselves away, while some decided to walk away, it didn't take long for all the gods to leave.

I turn to my left and I see that Hera has decided to stay behind with me. I let a heavy sigh as I slump back on my throne.

" This meeting was...interesting, wouldn't you agree with me Hera," I spoke with amusement.

" Why did you stop me from punishing that wolf goddess?." I frown as I look at her right in her eyes as I retort.

" Why did you get so angry? was it rude from her to literally lust over me in the middle of the meeting, yes, but I have to say that it was also amusing. But tell me, why did you got so angry Hera, if I haven't said something you would have probably start an argument or more probably tried to separate her head from her shoulders." I said while deeply studying her face for any reaction.

My only answer was silence as she just stares back at me, suddenly she frowns and shakes her head as if clearing her thoughts.

" I got angry because she had the decency of lusting over you while also probably undressing you with her eyes right in the middle of the meeting and in front of all of us as if she didn't even care, the audacity of her!," shouted Hera as she was breathing heavily from her sudden outburst while I, on the other hand, was startled by her anger.

Not sure what to do, I took a hold of her right hand with my left one, and I simply hold it gently while tenderly caressing her knuckles with my thumb. It definitely surprised her judging by her reaction, but she didn't say anything about it and just starts to calm down from her outburst while I simply remained quiet.

" Are you feeling better now?" I ask quietly while still holding her hand, my only answer was her taking a grasp of my hand with the one that I was holding and gently squeeze my hand in what I presume to be gratitude.

"I'm sorry it just... I just got so angry by her decency of looking at you like that, Lupa it's a powerful goddess even for a minor one and while her character it's not bad, I just don't like the fact that she even dares to look at you like that.." she said while looking at me nervously. I simply smile at her tenderly.

" It's alright Hera, just try to not let the anger cloud your mind, you're still the queen of Olympus, you need to show a strong and calm attitude to the others. " I say to her softly.

We just seated there looking in each other eyes while holding our hands. I could see so many emotions go through her eyes, that I felt like I was just staring at the universe with all the stars and planets, being hypnotized by the beauty of them, and not being able to keep track of all of them.

I squeeze our hands one more time and slowly undid our hands. So many things were going through my mind about today's events, but suddenly I remember something that Hera has said early.

" Hera what's this about the other Pantheons that you have mentioned early," I ask her and I see hesitation go through her eyes, I wasn't sure why though.

" Percy, what I'm about to tell you it's something that you can't tell to any mortal or demigod, no matter what, do you understand." I start to feel uneasy at the serious and severe words of Hera, but I nod in acceptance as I want to know what was this about.

"Very well, as crazy as it's sounds, we are not the only..." If I have to classify how shocked I was by the following revelation, I would tell you that it was even more shocking then knowing that the greek pantheon exists and that my father was Poseidon.

Time skip- three days later.

Still Percy POV

I was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the training ground that is in the back of my palace, I was taking a break from my training since in these past three days I have been training almost non stop with only four to five hours of sleep in my powers and learning in managing my domains.

I was wearing my godly armor minus the helmet piece as I have dismissed it back to my small pocket dimension, something that the armor has created by itself the moment that it had bounded with my power and essence, along with my armor my master bolt also resides there as all the gods can just guard their godly ancient armor and symbol of power in their own small pocket dimension.

Hera has told me this little fact after shocking me with her revelation from three days ago after the meeting. It's still hard to wrap my head around the fact that the Greek-Roman pantheon it's not the only one that exists.

I shake my head from those thoughts as I start thinking about the improvement that I have made with my control over my powers and domains. Especially a little revelation and understanding that I have discovered over my lightning yesterday and thanks to Hera, who had explained to me, lightning has four different colors as each color provides an insight into how dangerous the lightning is and also how it forms, she explained to me how this types of lightning can naturally come to existent.

The first one that I have used when I start training my powers was blue, this color of lightning is an indication that a high precipitation storm is occurring with chances of hail. This color reflects the radiation from the sun and scattering light from atmospheric particles.

The second one and most surprising it's the purple-colored lightning, this color of lightning occurs when there is high humidity in the atmosphere and is typically accompanied by high precipitation.

Then there is yellow lightning which is uncommon, it can be caused when there is a high concentration of dust in the air. It can also be an indication of a dry thunderstorm with low levels of precipitation.

And lastly is white, this is by far the most dangerous color of lightning due to the fact that this type of lightning is the hottest. This color can indicate a low concentration of moisture in the air as well as a high concentration of dust in the air.

After trying all four types of lightning I have discovered that white lightning it's by far the most powerful and hottest. I have decided to use this type of lighting when I'm in my divine form fighting to the death or with somebody that is on my level of power, mostly my uncle Hades, Hera, Hestia as she's almost at the same level of power as Hera and lastly my father.

The blue and yellow lighting it's what I consider to be copies of white lightning, but weaker, so I will mostly only use Blue lightning when I'm not in my divine form.

And lastly, it's the purple lightning, the most fascinating so far in my opinion. This type of lightning has the same capabilities as one of the most and deadly creations of Tartarus, Hellfire. Anything that has the misfortune to be burned by Hellfire will forever keep the burn marks, an example is monsters that have been burned by it, and even after reforming they still possess the burn marks and will feel phantoms of pain permanently unless they are healed by Tartarus himself.

The purple lighting has the same abilities as the hellfire of Tartarus but it also has great heat and power, second only to the white lighting.

I frown as I remember how I and Hera have come to this discovery. It was yesterday while training, I was in the middle of fighting against Hera that I felt the familiar feeling that I get when summoning lightning but that time it was different, I could say that it was more sinister, and suddenly I fired a stream of purple lightning toward Hera with one of my hands, because of the color and feel of the lightning Hera was surprised and so because of this she was too slow to dodge the entire wave of lightning.

I remembered how my heart had stopped at hearing the filled screams of pain and suffering from Hera, I dashed forward until I was kneeling right next to Hera while trying to heal her with all my might.

After agonizing seconds Hera screams ceased and vicious burn marks were left behind from the lightning on her right arm as a reminder. Hera has stopped me from calling Apollo to heal her as she had then explained to me the nature of the lightning and how only I could heal her.

It took me a whole hour in healing Hera's burn marks until nothing remained as evidence. Hera told me that Zeus has never mastered this lightning and so he never bothered to use it.

The training ended after that as I couldn't face Hera after that, I felt guilty at making Hera suffer so much pain, and all of it was because of my lack of control and knowledge.

'But that didn't stop her, she's stubborn as a mule' I thought briefly in mild amusement as Hera had noted my demeanor and had stuck with me all day trying to prying the reason from me until I admitted to her what was bothering me, needless to say, that she had chewed me out and told me that I wasn't at fault and I should learn from this and try harder in mastering my powers so that something like this wouldn't happen again.

I shake my head of those thoughts as I don't want to be reminded of yesterday's events, and with a heavy sigh, I got up from my sitting position and walk back inside the palace with the intent of taking a shower.

1 hour later-

I got out of the bathroom naked as I have forgotten the towel back in the bedroom and start drying myself and when finished I decided to try something out.

Closing my eyes I start focusing and not long after that my body was covered in white light and when I sensed the light slowly fade away I open my eyes and look in the only mirror that's present in the guestroom, and only shit I was surprised. I was wearing an expensive black suit with a black dress shirt and necktie along with black dress shoes, my long hair was also in a low ponytail, maybe I should take a haircut? who knows. I move my gaze toward my right wrist and notice that I was wearing a Rolex Submariner 116618.

" Damn I didn't expect it to work." I murmured out loud still surprised. A thought crosses my mind and I realize that I don't have anything to do for the rest of the day, so taking advantage that I was already dressed, I walk toward the small nightstand beside the bed and after summoning a piece of paper and pen I write down a note for Hera in case she needs something so that she knows where will I go and my plans for today.

Finishing writing the note, I teleport away from Olympus, the next thing that I know is that I'm in a small alley in new york, walking out of the alley, I realize that I was just two blocks away from the apartment that mom and Paul live at.

It didn't take me long to reach the house, maybe ten minutes I guess, it could have been quicker if some of the women that I passed while walking hasn't stopped me for asking my number while others were flirting with me, neither to say I was kind of nervous about the sudden attention and politely decline them.

I enter the building and use the stairs instead of the elevator to reach the third floor, it wasn't until I was right outside of the door of mom and paul apartment that I start to doubt myself, is she even going to recognize me? I mean I did age quite a lot when I became a god and I didn't really feel like changing my age.

I sigh heavily and decide to knock on the door twice.

" Give me a moment!" At hearing this I cross my arms against my chest as I wait for my mother to open the door.

I hear footsteps and then the door opens to reveal my mother on the other side of the frame wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue jeans and her white slides.

" Um hello sir, how can I help you?" I gotta say that I felt amusement at seeing her confused expression and at her not recognizing me, I don't look that different, do I?.

" Hello, mother, it's me, Percy," I say while smiling nervously at her.

" Percy?! b-but how?" Mom stuttered in shock before she rushed forward to embrace me, at this I hug her back as I have missed her very much.

" It's a long story mom, one that I will tell you over some food and tea, I have come to see how you were doing." I said as I gently break our hug, I have to look down at her as I was taller than her.

" Of course come in and tell me everything while I make some food." My mom says before we walk inside the apartment.

After I helped her cooking and prepare some tea we eat the food on the dinner table and then we moved to one of the couches where we drink the rest of the tea while I explained to her everything that has happened at the end of the war and in the last couple days, neither to say my mother was shocked at knowing that I have become a god.

" This is...shocking Percy, wow, I really don't know what to say, what are you the god of? did you only have inherited the domains of Zeus or you have one of your own?." I smile softly at my mom at hearing this.

" Well yes, I have become the new god of the sky, thunder, lightning, winds, and storms. My sacred animals are the eagle and the lion." I told her with a small amount of pride, at this, my mother starts laughing before she jokingly punches my shoulder.

" Careful Percy, I don't want you to become the second new drama queen of Olympus." At this we both laugh.

" Never mother, I had the luck to have a wonderful mother who had taught me how to be a responsible and respectful man," I said while smiling softly at her, at this, my mom starts to tear up and again embraces me and I immediately hug her back while softly soothing her.

After calming down, we start talking about how our day went by when suddenly my mother interrupts me.

" So? is there any girl that has your attention?" I almost spit out the tea that I was drinking because of the unexpected question. After composing myself I look at her and told her no.

" Hmm, you do know that I don't believe that right? especially with that heavy blush on your face. I know you well enough Percy, I can see that spark in your eyes and I'm not talking about those small bolts of lightning that flow throughout them. I know that it's not Annabeth as you have just told me how that ended so who is it?." I just stood there on the couch not knowing how to answer her.

'For Hades, this is fucked up, I'm not even supposed to feel attracted toward her, out of all people.' I thought momentarily as I start to reflect on all the emotions that Hera makes me feel along with every moment that I have spent with her.

" Mother... it's complicated." I mumbled to her while rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

" Oh? why is it complicated Percy? is it someone older than you?" I could only blush in embarrassment at the words of my mom.

" Yes mom, but that's not the problem," I said in hopes that she won't press for more information out of me.

" Then what is it Percy, I want to help you but I can't do that if you don't let me." I sighed heavily in exasperation.

" It's Hera mom..." I murmured while not looking at her as I heard her gasp in what I assume surprise.

" Hera?...as Hera your aunt the Greek goddess who its also the queen of Olympus?." I couldn't help but flinch slightly at her words filled with shock and confusion. I nod at her confirming her words.

As silence keeps stretching on, I turn to look at her and I see her expression of confusion and amusement.

" I know that I shouldn't feel like this toward her. I just... I don't know, I don't think that I'm in love with her, but I do know that I find her... beautiful and her personality is unique once one gets to know her." I grumbled trying to explain myself.

" While this is unexpected, it could be worse. Just know that no matter who you choose to be with, you will always have my approval, as long as you are happy, then you have my blessing." She says to me and I can't help but smile toward her in gratitude for not judging me about my feelings toward Hera.

For the rest of the day, we just talk about random and unimportant staff, Paul has also arrived at home after finishing his work for the day at the high school and he joined our conversation, it wasn't until I looked at the window that I realize just how late it was as night was about to fall. After a couple of minutes later I have told them that I had to leave as I have somethings to do so after letting them know that I will visit again when I could, I left the house and when I was sure that I was alone in the alley I teleported away.

Camp half-blood

It doesn't matter how many times I transform into either one of my two sacred animals, especially when I take the form of an eagle, being able to fly over the skies fills me with delight, the rush of adrenaline at feeling the winds against my feathers along with flapping my powerful wings, it's just extraordinary.

I was up in the sky flying around the camp watching as all the campers were doing their things, keeping in mind what time it was I say that I still have half an hour before they go the dining Pavilion to eat dinner.

I focus my eyes looking for Thalia as I want to speak with her before I greet the others. It took me a couple of seconds more but then I saw her, she was wearing the simple outfit that Hunters wears a white shirt, silver jacket, silvery camo pants, and black combat boots. She was walking toward the forest and I follow her from the sky, a couple of minutes later and I see her in a clearing sitting on a tree stump right in the center of the clearing as right in front of her it's a small river, I have to admit that I didn't know this place even existed.

I fly around the clearing some more before I suddenly start to fly down until I stop on a branch of a tree that is on the edge of the clearing. I study her body language and it looks like she's lost in her thoughts, I'm not sure how I should approach her but I'm not going to accomplish anything with just standing here.

I took a breath of air and let a mighty scream worthy of an eagle leave my beak and my reward was a startled yell from Thalia as she leaps off the tree stump and looks at my general direction with a frantic look and a knife in her right hand, I tilt my head to the left while looking at her, finally, it seems that she has noticed me up on the branch as she sighed in relief and put her knife back in its sheath on her waist to the left.

" Almost gave me a heart attack buddy, what are you doing here anyway." I couldn't stop the amusement that filled my being at hearing her talking to me like I was a normal bird. Silence filled the clearing as we just stood there looking at each other and I could see as she starts to get nervous at my starring so taking mercy on her I leave the branch and fly to the ground a couple of feet away from her.

The moment that my claws touched the ground I start shifting back to my original form until the next second I was standing there still dressed in the expensive suit and merely ten feet away from Thalia.

Speaking of Thalia, the moment that I finished shifting, her expression changed to one of pure shock, and because of that she unconsciously took a step back.

" Who the fuck are you!" A smirk took place on my face in amusement at her reaction and I couldn't help but tease her.

" Is that any way to speak toward your stepfather oh beloved stepdaughter of mine," I said while raising one of my eyebrows as my smirk grew even bigger.

Her regrown shock at my words and her stuttering form was too much for me as I start snickering in entertainment.

" P-Percy? is that you?" Thalia murmured still in shock, after calming myself I nod at her and she immediately rushed forward and embraces me with all her strength which was above then normal even for a demigod.

Suddenly she steps back and punches me in the stomach, moreover, I just stood there as I barely felt her punch as she hadn't put much strength behind it and due to me for being a god.

" What the hell Percy! you just disappear out of nowhere and next thing that I know you're my new stepfather and inherited my father's throne as king along with his domains!". I just stood there letting her express her confusion and anger as I knew that it's better for her to finish her outburst because in the state that she's now she won't be reasonable.

Something that took a couple of minutes but when she was finished she starts glaring at me, waiting for my explanation.

" Well, as you already know, I have become the new King of Olympus while also becoming the new god of the sky as I have inherited all the domains of Zeus after he made me his heir. Zeus was wounded badly at the end of the first Titanomachy by Kronos and because of that, during all this time he was slowly fading, and with this last war and his fight against Typhon, he didn't have enough energy to stall his fate." I summarize to her and waited for her to process the information.

" I wow, I don't know what to say, Percy, it's difficult warping my head around this, especially with you now being my stepfather, ugh it sounds so weird," Thalia replied after a while and I simply nod at her in agreement.

" How does it feel? to be a god?" She asks me and I frown as I try to find the right words to explain to her.

" It's hard to describe Thalia, it's completely different, I feel more alive than ever, more powerful. Not only that but I can also feel my domains and they fill me with many emotions. I find it hard to believe that not even fives days ago I was just a demigod." I told her honestly.

" Wow, you were already powerful as a demigod but now as a god and with my father domains? I can't imagine how powerful you are at the moment and that's not mentioning that as time goes on, along with your mastery over your powers, you are going to be a powerhouse." I chuckle in amusement at her comment.

"You're also acting differently, It's hard to explain and that's not mentioning your change of age." She says while looking at me intensely.

" Well when I became a god I changed to this appearance and while I could change my looks and age I'm comfortable like this, after all, this is my natural form. About me acting differently, its because my personality has also changed a little bit so that it reflects my domains in some aspects." I explained to her calmly, Thalia simply nods at my explanation but soon after she asks me another question.

" Wait, you have the domains of my father, does that mean that you have lost your powers as a son of Poseidon?."

" Well, the moment I have become a God I have lost my powers as a son of Poseidon along with the influences that come with that. I still possess my ability to speak with creatures of the sea but that's all. The only way for me to keep the powers over water is if I had a domain over the sea or something like that." I told her while crossing my arms over my chest.

" Hmm, I'm going to need a new nickname for you, seaweed brain, and kelp head doesn't suit you anymore." I roll my eyes at her words.

" Whatever you say oh dear daughter of mine." I tell her jokingly.

" Oh shut it, ah! I got it what about skyguy!?, or no! even better what about spark majesty! Do you get it? cause you use lighting and you are a king so-" I sigh in exasperation, how did she even come up with those I don't know.

We kept talking until we heard the blowing horn back at the camp, signaling to the demigods to go to the dining pavilion for dinner. Thalia turns to me and looks at me curiously.

" Are you coming?" I nod at her and we calmly walk toward the dining pavilion, on the way there we kept talking and she told me how everything was going within the camp and the campers in general.

It seems like we were the last ones to arrive as we haven't met with anyone on the way there and by the time that we arrived all the demigods and satyrs were busy eating their food and drinking their drinks while the wood nymphs serve the food to the rest.

Apparently, Chiron, Artemis, and Dionysus saw us arriving as they all instantly got up, Chiron faster than Dionysus and Artemis. This action called the attention of all the demigods, satyrs, and the hunters of Artemis and resulted in them giving them strange and confused looks.

" Lord Perseus! What a surprise, we didn't expect you to visit the camp today." Greeted Chiron loudly and at this both me and Thalia hear all the people present gasp in surprise as they all turn around to look in the direction that Chiron was looking at, and sure enough I along with Thalia felt all the eyes of everyone present, I more than Thalia.

" Lord Perseus." greeted me both Artemis and Dionysus with a slight nod of their heads in respect. And like they were pulled out of their bubble, all the people present besides Chiron, Artemis, and Dionysus got up from their table and kneeled in respect as they all greeted me.

I felt uncomfortable at the sudden recognition and nod at them while also signaling for them to get up, after everyone has taken their seat I turn toward the table of Chiron, Dionysus, and Artemis, I walk toward them until I took a seat beside Artemis, Crossing my arms across my chest I turn toward the centaur and the two Olympians gods and I start talking while also being conscious of how silent the dining pavilion was as the others present were listening to us.

" Well Chiron, I was able to find the time to visit the camp today. I have already talked with Thalia about her having become my adopted child as I have inherited the Domains and Titles of Zeus." I told them calmly.

" That's good, are you going to stay for the rest of the night Perseus?" At hearing Chiron's question I shake my head in negative.

" No old friend, I haven't left the camp yet because I wanted to inform Artemis that she along with her hunt can leave the camp whenever she desires and that her presence here isn't required anymore." I said while looking at Artemis at the end to see her nodding toward me in acceptance and gratitude.

" Thank you, Perseus. I along with my hunt will leave the camp tomorrow early in the morning." I nod at Artemis in acknowledgment.

" Very well lady and gentlemen if this is all, I will take my leave," I tell them as I got up from my seat and calmly walk outside of the dining pavilion, I can feel how every person's eyes were watching every single move of mine.

The moment that I exited the dining pavilion, a thunder fall from the sky and hit me as I teleport away through the thunder, and the next moment I find myself back in Olympus, just outside of my palace.

I walk through the front doors and my ears were met with silence, thing that put me on edge a little bit. I start focusing on feeling any presence inside the palace until I sense the aura of Hera in the guestroom that I have been sleeping in since my arrival.

3rd POV

It didn't take long for Percy to reach the guestroom furthermore when he did the door of the room was wide open, he looks in the room and sees Hera half-asleep on the bed with her back against the headboard and the note that he had left on the nightstand in her hand.

Percy quietly walks toward Hera and softly sits on the edge of the bed on her side, the slight movement of the bed that was caused by the added weight of Percy made Hera open her eyes and focus on Percy.

" I see that you're back." Hera murmured while taking notice of the clothes that Percy was wearing and she had to admit that He looks good in them.

" Yeah...I had a long day. But what are you doing here?, I hope that you weren't waiting for me all day." I whispered to her with a small smile while softly rubbing her left shoulder, he couldn't help but lose himself in her beauty. He couldn't understand how Zeus could cheat on a woman like Hera so many times.

" Hmm, I haven't wait that long, maybe an hour," Hera responds smiling softly at Percy while enjoying his touch on her skin. While she wouldn't admit it out loud she had missed him today as she was reminded how much quiet and lonely she was in the palace.

Percy couldn't help but chuckle in amusement while shaking his head.

" Well, I do want to sleep you know?" Percy says jokingly, at this Hera smirks at him and says teasingly.

" I'm feeling too comfortable to move my dear, I guess that you're gonna have to join me or sleep somewhere else." Percy couldn't help the small blush that took over his features at her words, He didn't know what made him do the following action, it could have been his tiredness or maybe him not being able to control his attraction toward the beautiful older woman but he just smirks at her in response and with a snap of his fingers his clothes changed to black sleeping pants while leaving his torso naked.

After changing his clothes he immediately warps Hera into his arms as he rolls on the bed. This resulted in him laying on his back with Hera resting on his chest with her head laying against the crook of his neck, he heard Hera's gasp when he was rolling them around the bed and by the time that they had stopped in their present position, both of them were laughing softly.

" You are hopeless," Hera says while chuckling as she was trying to free herself, something that she was failing at due to Percy's strength and her lack of resolve to broke the contact.

" What can I say?" Mumbled Percy while happily resting his closed eyes as he was enjoying the warmth of Hera's body.

" You know that tomorrow's training it's going to be hell for you because of this stunt, right?" Hera asks as she stops her intents to free herself and just lay comfortably on the chest of Percy.

" Yes but for now let's just enjoy our sleep, tomorrow you can knock me around during training as much as you want," Percy mumbled, and so, after a couple of minutes later, both Olympian gods falls asleep while in each other arms.

Nocturnal_50 Nocturnal_50

Hope ya enjoying it so far, some votes and power-stones would be appreciated. Leave comments if ya have questions.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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