37.61% I Am Doom (Marvel) / Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Movement In The Background

章 40: Chapter 40: Movement In The Background

[September 12th, 2007]

[Triskelion, Washington D.C.]

(3rd Person: POV)

Leaning back on his office chair Fury had his left hand on his temples. Rubbing them.

Which he usually didn't do.

But the last few months had just been that stressful for him.

And all because of one big reason.

Victor Von Doom, and his country Latveria.

First there was the war of annexation the country, and their ally nation Symkaria, launched against Sokovia.

Which now no longer existed since Latveria had annexed it.

Second, there was Doom's little speech at the United Nations.

Which they brought on themselves, what with strong arming Doom to show up in all but words, but you would never hear Fury say that out loud.

He would think it, but never say it.

But back to the point.

The speech did not go over well.

Though the United Nations did the smart thing and decided not to make a big fuss about the matter.

No, the shouting came from his bosses. The World Security Council. More specifically Pierce and his buddy Malick.

Who ordered Fury to infiltrate Latveria and get as much intel as possible on the nation, and specifically what Victor Von Doom had planned.

However that was easier said than done.

Since after months of trying SHIELD hadn't made any headway in getting any solid intelligence on Latveria.

Satellite scans were useless. So we're trying to hack into their communications. Don't even get him started on human assets in country. Because there were none.

For every single time SHIELD tried to get human intelligence assets in Latveria their plans were stopped before they even started.

Put simply Latveria was now a goddamn fortress.

The same can be said for their neighbor, and long time ally, Symkaria.

And Fury knew the reason for these two nations sudden leap in security and the like.

Victor Von Doom.

The man was making Fury's bad eye itch more and more each day.

Especially given that fact that two people SHIELD had been keeping tabs on Dr. Maya Hansen, and Dr. Bill Foster, had suddenly resigned from their jobs and headed to Latveria because they had been offered jobs there.

If that wasn't bad enough after Dr. Hansen left the country her boss Aldrich Killian, and most of the senoir leadership of the think-tank AIM ended up dying.

Their deaths attributed to the explosion of their Miami headquarters. Due to an experiment gone wrong.

But Fury knew that was some bullshit.

He just didn't have any evidence to prove otherwise.

Oh but he knew.

It was likely Doom and Latveria.

'Doom, just what are you planning?' Fury thought.

As he did a report marked urgent appeared on his computer screen.

Opening it Fury read it and then slammed his hands stop his desk. "Mother fucker!" He cried.

Since the report Fury just finished reading informed him one of SHIELD's special operatives codename Ghost was entirely off the grid.

And not for a mission.

Meaning they had gone rogue.

"This is the last damn thing I needed." Fury muttered.

Then a moment after he did so he got a contact request from Maria Hill.

[Insert Image of MCU Maria Hill Here]

His deputy director.

A request which Fury accepted.

A moment after he did the image of Hill appeared on the screen at the back of his office.

"Go ahead Hill." Fury said.

"Sir you said you wanted to know the second anything changed with the Latveria situation. Well it has." Hill spoke.

Her video call then cropped to the right side of the screen. At it is on the left side a news report appeared.

Specifically from Latveria.

Giving details of a new education institution that was being sponsored and funded entirely by the state, known as the Werner Academy.

Which would even accept individuals from outside the country to study within its halls.

Seeing this Fury sat up ram rod straight in his chair.

"Mother fucker." He said.

Going back to rubbing his temples.

Since Latveria and their leader was seriously trying his patience.

He was definitely going to have a stiff drink tonight.


Sitting in his home office Alexander Pierce watched the international news report on Latveria and its new Werner Academy.

Doing his best not to clench his fists.

Since Latveria was quickly becoming an issue.

Specifically their leader Victor Von Doom.

Since ever since he had become ruler of that nation too many things had taken place.

First, Baron Strucker vanished when Latveria and Symkaria attacked Sokovia.

Then any and all HYDRA agents were eliminated from both countries. Whether they were already there, or being sent in.

It didn't matter.

This had caused concerns among HYDRA's ruling council.

Whom Pierce at first brushed off, but was now beginning to agree with.

Latveria was becoming a problem.

More specifically their leader Doom.

So maybe it was time to correct that problem.



[New York City]

Sitting in a private room in their New York headquarters three members of the Hellfire Club watched the news report coming in from Latveria.

Specifically three leaders.

Which were as follows.

The Black King, Sebastian Shaw.

[Insert Image of Sebastian Shaw Here]

The White Queen, Emma Frost.

[Insert Image of Emma Frost Here]

Finally the Black Queen, Selene Gallio.

[Insert Image of Selene Gallio Here]

As the report continued to play and images of Victor came up Selene licked her lips. "Mhm. He looks tasty." She purred.

"Found yourself a new target to be your plaything I see." Emma commented. "Though I have to admit Selene, you do have good taste." She spoke.

Finding Victor very attractive.

"Can you please keep your tongues in your mouths ladies?" Sebastian asked. "Honestly, acting like schoolgirls simply because a man is just a little good looking."

"Better he be good looking than prone to petty jealousy." Emma spoke.

Angering Sebastian.

"That's enough you two."

But before things could escalate Selene spoke up.

Forcing both Emma and Sebastian to back down.

Since neither one wanted to incur her wrath.

"You're right Selene." Sebastian spoke. "Anyway let's get the main point. Do we think this king, this Doom is now suitable for the ranks of the Hellfire Club?" He asked.

Since the Hellfire Club had been watching Victor for a while.

Watching his actions.

Since they found him a suitable candidate for their organization.

"He's alright with me." Emma spoke. "But we still need to see what the others think."

"I think we should hold on making a decision about this Doom for a bit longer." Selene mused.

"Why? Sebastian asked.

"Just a feeling." Selene spoke.

Living her lips.

Never taking her gaze off Doom on the screen.

Like a predator watching her prey.

Which was the real reason she didn't want the club to make contact with Doom yet.

She wanted him to ripen a bit more before devouring him.

A day Selene couldn't wait for.

But would end up very different than what she is expecting.


[September 20th, 2007]


Walking past the dead bodies on the ground Zemo opened the door in front of him.

In doing so finding exactly what he had been looking for.

A young woman he had been sent to rescue by his king.

Her name Jessica Drew.

Who was an EVO with Spider-related powers apparently.

She was also undergoing brainwashing to be an assassin by one Otto Vermis.


Which was apparently still around.

But Victor wanted to eliminate them. No, he made it a mission to elimate them.

Which Zemo was more than happy to help with.

So once he got a dose of Victor's SS serum, and got used to his new enhanced body, Zemo went to work.

Clearing the Earth of HYDRA scum.

As well as saving people.

Like the girl Jessica in front of him.

Who he was going to transport back to Latveria.

Where she would be safe and protected.

All thanks to the efforts of Dr. Doom.


A/N: So yeah a slower chapter. With a bit of foreshadowing. But one I feel is no less important. Given it moves the story along. Since not everything can be focused on Doom all the time. I'm showing his actions have consequences.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C40
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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