36.69% I Am Doom (Marvel) / Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Werner Academy Inaugural

章 39: Chapter 39: Werner Academy Inaugural

[September 10th, 2007]


A proud smile on my face I stood off to the side as Kristoff practiced his combat skills against two Doombots at once.

All of us situated on one of Castle Doom's training grounds.

His movements looking good.

Not only in the way he used his newly enhanced body. Since I gave him a dosage of my personalized version of the SS Serum.

But also in the way he used his newly created, and first highly sophisticated, invention in his combat training.

The invention itself being a Force Lance.

Which Kristoff re-created after I did my duty as his father and introduced him to Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda television series.

Since it exists in this world.

Because I will not allow my son, nor any children of mine, to be uncultured.

Hence I took it upon myself to introduce him to some of the greatest works, series, and fictional universes, that exist in this world.

Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon Five, Farscape, Andromeda as I just stated, Stargate SG-1, Thundercats, Transformers series, Power Rangers series, the anime Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball Z, Hunter x Hunter, Ghost In The Shell, Pokemon, Digimon, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, etc.

All in a days works for daddy Doom.

Plus it was a way for me to spend more personal time with Kristoff in a relaxed setting.

Time will we have less of in the immediate future.

Considering the start of the MCU canon is only a few months away.

A fact I know to be true since I've been checking and everything lines up.

So in just a couple of months Tony should get his ass kidnapped in Afghanistan and then be put on the path to becoming Iron Man.

Then after he does the ball will truly get rolling.

That's not even taking into the account all the actions I myself am taking. Like beginning to implement some of my more "drastic" plans.

So yeah.

Shit is getting real.

Which is one of the reasons I gave Kristoff my SS serum and stepped up his combat training. For as my son he will have a target on his back.

A fact which both he, and I, have come to accept.

That's why I am preparing for the challenges he will face as a member of the Doom family.

Besides, no son of Doom will be not have the knowledge to defend himself and stomp out his enemies should the need arise.

Ten more minutes passed before Kristoff's combat training session for the day came to an end.

Once it did his Force Lance retracted in length.

When it finished doing so he walked over to me.

"So, how did I do father?" He asked me.

"Good." I replied. "But here's how you could've done better." I began.

I then told Kristoff all the mistakes he made during his training session.

He listening intently and noting every single word I said.

"Understood." He said. Once I finished giving him my review of my actions. "Thanks dad."

"Any time son. Any time." I replied. I then gently patted his back. "So that Force Lance of yours. Think you could make one for your old man?"

"I already did." Kristoff replied. Putting a smug grin on his face.

Ah, he really is becoming a chip off the old block.

I'm so proud.

"Good boy." I told him. "Now go and get cleaned up. After all we still have much to do today."

"Yes, father." Kristoff replied.

He then ran off to get ready.

While I went to do the same.


Exiting my room, now fully presentable, I went to collect Krisroff from his own.

He having gotten himself presentable as well.

Even though he looks ready to bounce off the walls, given his barely contained excitement.

Though with what is about to happen I can understand why.

Since it will not only directly affect Latveria as a whole, but Kristoff personally.

"Someone looks ready." I mused.

"Oh I am father." Kristoff replied.

"Well then let's go." I told him.

He nodded at my words.

Once he did the two of us set out from Castle Doom, our security detail surrounding of course, and swiftly made our way to our destination.

Which only took fifteen minutes.

Since our destination was right in the capital, Doomstadt itself.

Our destination being a school.

But not just any school.

No, this school was none other than the project I've had Torvalt working on relentlessly ever since I named him the Minister of Latverian Education.

The school in question being Werner Academy.

Which I've set up to be the most advanced education institution in all of Latveria, and eventually the entire world.

Soon Kristoff and I eventually arrived at our destination.

As I looked at Werner Academy I couldn't stop a smile from having my face.

[Image Here]

It's beautiful.

I took a few moments to admire it, Kristoff doing the same beside me, before we headed inside.

Past the crowd of Latverian citizens who were gathered outside.

Since today is the inaugural for Werner Academy.

Which is why Kristoff is so excited.

Since he will be attending the academy.

Along with his friends.

Once inside of the school Kristoff immediately went off to join his friends.

Which not only included the Maximoff twins, but also the other kids who've been brought to Latveria over these past three months.

From Ruri Hansen, to the kids we saved from Stryker, to even Laura.

Krisroff has pretty much clicked with all of them in some way or another, and they him in return.

Which I'm glad.

Because in this world having true friends you can rely on will take you a long way.

As Krisroff joined the other children I went to check on the adults.

Which included the likes of Bill Foster, Sarah Kinney, and Maya Hansen.

All of whom are now teachers at the Werner Academy.

Though they are still allowed to work on their own personal projects and research.

Just like college/university professors.

Which is basically what they are.

In sense.

For the way I have had Werner Academy set up is that the school is open to students from all age groups. Possessing classes from primary school level all the way up to college/university courses.

Though unlike a regular school here at the Werner Academy students can actually build their education plan themselves.

What I mean by that is those students with enough smarts can actually create their own individualized learning plans.

Save for a few core classes everyone is required to take each year.

Meaning skies the limit for some.

Though the academy also has generalized classes for regular students.

It all depends on the individual in question.

Oh did I forget to mention the Latverian government is footing the bill for the entire academy and its necessities and resources.

So that means anyone can attend Werner Academy for free.

Whether they are human or an EVO.

Since I see no reason to discriminate against people with superhuman abilities.

No matter how they managed to acquire them.

Especially since it's those very people who saved the world and galaxy multiple times in the comics and films.

Yet despite all they do sometimes those people, Mutants and the X-Men being prime examples, get the short end of the stick.

Well not anymore.

Now that Dr. Doom is here.

Reaching the group I looked around. "Greetings. Everyone doing okay?" I asked.

Geeting a round of replies back.

"Good, good." I said. "Well then, let's get this show in the road." I spoke.

I then rounded up everyone important before heading outside where a podium had been set up for me to speak.

Going up to it I leaned in towards the microphone.

Then once I was sure the cameras aimed at me were on and broadcasting without any issues I began.

"Greetings my citizens. Today is a good day for Latveria. For on it we take a huge step forward in regards to our future. And by that I mean the education of our children. The next generation. Since education is the foundation of which most of life is built on. No matter its form. Though formal education is still highly important. Which is why today I am proud to present to you the most advanced education institution Latveria has ever seen, and what one day the world will see. I give you Werner Academy." I spoke.

I then presented the academy.

Earning a round of applause and cheers from the crowd present.

Once they settled down I took a few questions.

I then bid everyone a quick farewell and returned to Castle Doom.

Leaving Krisroff with his friends.

But not before he gave me my very own Force Lance.

A weapon I think I will make my personal one.

Once back at the Castle I headed down to my personal lab.

Then pulled up several holographic screens and began working on multiple projects at once.

Because now I had many more given all the material I had acquired over there past few months.

From samples of Adamantium. To the actual formula to create the metal itself.

To the DNA of Richard Parker. Which allowed me to easily break the genetic lock he placed on the Spiders he created during his time at Oscorp, some of which I had acquired.

There was so much to go over.

So I decided to kick things up a notch.

As well as create a few more projects.

Such Project Spartan and Project AI Companion.

The former of which is coming along rather well. As well as Project Primarchs.

Given all the research I've acquired from Dr. Hansen, Dr. Kinney, and once again Dr. Parker. All of whom specialize in biological science in one form or another.

Thanks to them and their work a massive amount of time to completion has been shaved off those two projects.

Continuing to work I was interrupted when Lucia contacted me.

When she did I stopped my actions and answered her call.

"Yes?" I asked.

"The meeting with Romanoff has been set." She spoke.

"Excellent." I spoke.

I then ended the call with Lucia before closing all the holographic screens, so I could focus all the attention on the upcoming meeting with Natasha.

After all, it would be a disservice to the legendary Black Widow if I didn't meet her at my absolute best.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C39
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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