35.77% I Am Doom (Marvel) / Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Recruitment Drive IV

章 38: Chapter 38: Recruitment Drive IV

Happy Fourth of July!!!


[The Facility]

[Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, California]

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

The security klaxons going off all around her Dr. Sarah Kinney didn't know what to make of the situation.

[Insert Image of Sarah Kinney Here]

Since as long as she had been af the Facility, first as one of its members and then as one of its prisoners, this had never happened.

"Mother. Something is coming."

When Sarah heard her "daughter" say this she turned in her direction to see the twelve year old girl she birthed, that was only seen as a living weapon by everyone else at the Facility, unsheathe her claws and take a fighting stance.

Then the second after Laura did this the wall to her and Sarah's shared room, where the door was located, was literally blown apart.

[Insert Image of Laura Kinney/X-23 Here]

Yet none of the debris created from the explosion hit them.

For a force held it back and then moved the debris into the hallway.

Once this happened Laura and Sarah saw an unbelievable sight before them.

A person in a suit of armor, wearing a green cape and hood, floating in the air with their arms crossed.

While Zander Rice, Kimura, and Adam Harkins floated in the air beside the mysterious armored man.

All of them trapped in floating clear bubbles.

Yelling, thrashing, and trying to get out of said bubbles. Yet all their efforts proved futile. Even Kimura's.

On top of that despite the fact all three of them were shouting at the top of their lungs no one could hear them.

Looking at the mysterious armored figure floating in the air Sarah swallowed a lump in her throat before speaking. "Who...who are you?" She asked.

"My name is Dr. Doom. You and your daughters savior Dr. Kinney." The person revealed.

"Our savior?" Sarah questioned.

"Yes." Victor easily replied. "Don't worry this is not some sort of sick joke. I am here to save you both and destroy this disgusting facility." He spat. "All of which is already in motion."

"You aren't lying." Laura said.

Speaking up for the first time.

When she did Sarah turned her gaze to her.

"Laura, are you sure?" Sarah asked.

Laura gave a curt nod in response to the question. "His heartbeat is steady. He is telling the truth." She spoke.

After she did Sarah turned her gaze back to Victor.

"Well there you have it Dr. Kinney. Now you know the truth behind my words. Given that your daughter just verified it with her abilities." Victor spoke.

"You know about them?!" Sarah exclaimed.

"I do Dr. Kinney. And so much more." Victor spoke. "I mean how else do you think my attack on the Facility has gone so well in the first place?"

"Right. Yes. Of course." Sarah quickly spoke. "It's just-"

Sarah began.

Only for Victor to raise up his left hand and silence her.

"Believe me I know." Victor replied. "Though you can rest easy. For now you and Laura's living nightmare is over." He said. "Now then before we depart this place there is just one more thing we must attend to. The fifth who orchestrated this abomination."

Turning his head to the floating bubbles Victor flicked his wrist, and when he did the bubble housing Kimura moved to the center of the room for all to see.

Once this happened Victor snapped his finger.

The second after he did Kimura's voice could be heard.

"-Fucking shove that cloak up your metal ass!" Kimura spat.

"No, I think not. In fact in a few moments you won't be doing anything anymore." Victor said in a tone of finality.

"What the fuck are you babbling on about tin man?" Kimura asked.

"Oh, you will see." Victor replied.

"Fuck you!" Kimura cried.

She then began hitting the bubble, trying to break free of it. But just like earlier her efforts proved futile.

Though there was one difference.

As Kimura continued to try to break free from the bubble her actions began to slow. She also started finding it hard to breathe.

"What...the...fuck..." Kimura raggedly spoke.

"Wait, is not getting enough oxygen?" Sarah questioned.

Since Kinura was beginning to display the signs of oxygen deprivation.

"Correct Dr. Kinney." Victor spoke.

When he did Laura, Sarah, and Kimura all turned their gazes to him.

"I told you I know many things. Including how the little hypocrite Kimura's powers function." Victor spoke. "So Kimura, I wonder how much you can beg me to spare your life with the air you have left access to? Let's find out shall we. You may begin when ready."

"What, no! No, no, no! Let me out!" Kimura frantically shouted. "Please, let me out! Let me out!" She continued to cry. Banging against the bubble and looking at Victor with pleading eyes.

But he simply gave her a gold gaze in response.

Which only made Kimura begin to plead for her life even harder.

Seeing this Sarah and Laura couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The woman who had taken pleasure in sadistically torturing them for years had now been reduced to a groveling and pathetic mess.

It was surreal.

The sight also gave mother and daughter some pleasure.

Laura in particular. Since she didn't even realize a smile had formed on her face as she watched Kimura suffer.

Suffering which continued for five more long, and in Kimura's case agonizing, minutes.

Until finally she stopped struggling and her body went entirely limp. The light having faded from her eyes.

Seeing this Victor nodded.

"Well that's one down. Now, two to go." He spoke. Turning his head in the direction of Rice and Harkins.

Who were both now wearing looks of absolute terror on their faces.

But Victor cared not.

Instead he snapped his fingers once again.

When he did the bubble holding Kimura's dead body came back over to him. While the bubbles holding Rice and Harkins moved forward.

They then disappeared.

Depositing the two men on the ground.

Right at Laura and Sarah's feet.

But despite being free from their bubble prison neither men could move.

Courtesy of Victor who was using his telekinesis to hold them in place.

"Well then Laura. Have at them." Victor said.

Upon hearing this Laura then looked at Victor. She then shifted her gaze to Rice and Harkins before back to Victor again. A curious expression on her face.

"Are you saying I can kill them?" Laura asked.

"Yes. Go ahead." Victor replied. "That's why I placed them at your feet in the first place."

"Alright." Laura said.

She then unseated her feet talons and got ready to kill Rice and Harkins.

"Wait a moment."

Only for Sarah to speak up.

"Are you really asking Laura to kill these men?" Sarah asked Victor.

"I am." Victor replied. "No, rather it is her right."

"But she's just a twelve year old girl." Sarah replied.

"That she is. But we both know Dr. Kinney that Laura is not any ordinary twelve year old girl." Victor retorted. "She's not even a normal child. And by that I mean her innocence was taken from her practically the moment she was born. Despite your best efforts to keep it intact. She has suffered things no child should experience. And the ones responsible are now at her feet. So she can claim her vengeance, her justice! Because to deny her that would deny the things that were done to her. And to you. So please, stay silent and let your daughter do what needs to be done." He said.

Hearing this Sarah wanted to retort.

But she couldn't.

Since what Victor said made sense in a way.

So with that she shut her mouth.

Upon seeing this Laura resumed her walk towards Rice and Harkins.

"Hey X-23 stop right there." Zander spoke. "You think you can kill us? Defy us you weapo?!" He exclaimed.

Only for Laura to reach him and kick him square in the face. Her foot talon slicing open his left cheek in the process.

As blood sprayed everywhere Laura gave Zander a cold look as he screamed in agony.

"My name is Laura Kinney. Not X-23!" Laura shouted at the top of her lungs.

She then started tearing Rice and Harkins apart.

Their blood, guts, and entrails flying everywhere.

Laura shredded them. In doing so she cursed them, and even began crying a bit without even realizing it.

Sarah and Victor simply watching her from the sidelines.

Until finally Laura had finished the deed.

Rice and Harkins a bloody pile at her feet.

"Now it is done. So let us take our leave of this place." Victor spoke.

He then gathered up Laura and Sarah and took them away from the Facility.

Blowing it sky high afterwards.

Victor also vowed to make sure the place never rose from the ashes.



[Ontario Province, Canada]

Stopping in his tracks, the man known as Logan aka Wolverine turned his attention up to the sky above him.

[Insert Image of Logan/Wolverine Here]

Just as he did a portal of some kind opened up and a man in armor, with two robots, accompanying him floated through it. Before it slammed shut.

The moment the portal did Wolverine unsheathed his claws and prepared for a fight.

Since he was always up for a good brawl.

Looking down at thee Wolverine, who thankfully looks exactly like High Jackman, Victor had to retrain himself from fanboying.

Since he had important business to conduct.

Then when it was done he would fanboy over Wolverine to his hearts content.

Moving on.

Descending a bit Victor got closer to Wolverine so they could speak properly.

But made sure to stay out of the man's reach.

Since Logan looked ready for a fight and Victor wanted to avoid that unnecessary matter at the moment.

"What's the matter bub, afraid to fight me like a man?!" Logan snarled.

"No Mr. Logan I am not. I simply staying out of your range since I did not come here to fight but to talk." Victor explained.

"About what bub? Since I've pretty certain we've never met before." Logan said.

Though given the current state of his memories he isn't entirely sure of his words.

"About your daughter." Victor said.

When he did Wolverine's eyes went wide in shock. "I don't have a daughter." He replied.

"Actually you do." Victor said. "Technically." He added.

"Huh, what the hell are you saying? Either I have a daughter or I don't. Simple as that." Logan spoke.

'Oh Logan if only it were.' Victor thought.

"It's not." Victor replied.

He then opened a small portal next to him and pulled a shirt out of it. Victor then closed the portal and tossed the shirt at Logan.

Who caught it.

A second after he did his eyes went wide.

"What? This smells similar to me, only female." Logan said.

"Because it belongs to your daughter. Though some bastards would only refer to her as your clone." Victor said.

"C-clone!" Logan shouted.

"Yes." Victor replied. "Your clone." He said.

Victor then produced a picture and floated it down to Logan.

Who then grabbed it and examined it.

Seeing two people in it.

Which were Sarah and Laura.

"That is your daughter Laura and her mother Sarah." Victor spoke.

He then began to explain the circumstances of Laura's birth to Logan.

Along with all she had endured until he rescued her and Sarah and shut down the Facility permanently.

As Logan listened to Victor speak he could tell he was telling the truth.

Which only increased his anger at the entire situation.

So when Victor finished speaking he let our a primal, animalistic roar. Which Logan did so until he felt satisfied.

"Feel better now?," Victor asked.

When he did Logan gave him a pointed look. "Not fuckng really. But it felt good." He admitted. "So Laura, this kid, I want to meet her."

"That was always the plan from the moment I decided to contact you." Victor said. "On that note I also wish to offer you an opportunity. You see I'm opening up an institution and I want you to become a member of the faculty of it." He explained. "But even if you don't I'll still allow you to see Laura. Not only that I'll help you with your memory issue. Unlike your friend Charles Xavier."

Since Logan was already affiliated with the X-Men.

Though none of the most recognizable members of the group like Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Rogue, or Iceman were members of it yet.

Since just like Pietro and Wanda Maximoff they were all still teenagers. Which Victor learned upon doing his research into them.

Leading Victor to conclude the X-Men of this universe will be like they were in X-Men Evolution when canon begins.


"You know about Chuck?" Logan asked.

"I know many things Mr. Logan." Victor replied. "So, what do you say?"

"First off stop calling me Mr. Logan. Just Logan is fine." Logan began. "Secondly I'll have think on your second offer. Chuck and the X-Men have given me a lot see."

"Of course. I understand." Victor said. "Anyway let's go. You don't want to be late for your first father/daughter day now do you?"

In response to Victor's question Logan gave him a deadpan look.

Which Victor completely ignored as he took papa Wolverine to see his little girl.

Laughing his ass off the entire time.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C38
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


