8.62% Reincarnated in Naruto, Yeah Naruto / Chapter 5: Ninja Academy Life

章 5: Ninja Academy Life

It's been about a week now since i've entered the Academy and i say a lot of thing's happened in a short time, I managed to befriend Shikamaru and Choji and now we hang out all the time well at least when i've finished my training, I'm in the middle of the class in term's of grade's, I change my mind about being deadlast cause only a -50 IQ person can get all the thing's that iruka teache's wrong, And i haven't lost a sparring match yet though i haven't faught Sasuke which was weird cause Mizuki always set up Naruto to fight Sasuke all the time, Oh and i also became friend's for now with my Future Girlfriend/Wife Hinata when it was lunch one day.

[Flashback to 1000 year's ago]

I was walking outside the Academy to go to Ichiraku's for lunch, And Naruto wasn't kidding those stuff is fine as wine it taste so good, As i was finishing dreaming about ramen i see Hinata in a tree all alone 'She's so lonely, guess it's time to befriend her, She's too cute to be lonely' I walk toward's the tree where Hinata was sitting all alone, whilst Andrew was walking toward's Hinata, Hinata see's him walking toward's him and thought 'Na-naruto-kun is g-oing here, W-hat should i d-do' Hinata Blushes as Naruto was getting closer and closer until he was right in front of her.

Naruto:"Hey Hinata, Want to go eat lunch with me at Ichiraku's?, I'll pay"

'W-what is h-he a-asking me o-out l-like a d-d-date???!!!'

Hinata*Blushing*:"O-oh um-m ye-yes i'd l-like that Na-naruto-kun"

Naruto*grins*:"Then it is settled"

Said Naruto while offering his hand so Hinata can stand up from the ground, Hinata shyly accept's his warm and comfortable hand's and they went to Ichiraku's to have lunch.

[Flashback ended when i did it with your mum]

And my Taijutsu is around peak Genin in term's of speed and strength of my stance, Oh did i forgot to tell you that i was a Muay Thai Expert not Master yet, As for the other thing's Sharingan is still two tomoe Chakra is still Elite Jonin and Chakra Control is finally improving but not by much but at least it's something, And my sensor abilities has been more refines now i can sense about a good 750 meter's around me.

Now i think im ready to test my Admantine Chain's since it's so cool, Sad that only like two people in the Anime have shown the Admantine Chain's, Next is Jugo's Bloodline since my sensory skill's are enough i hope to sense Nature Chakra so that i can store it for Sage Mode and after that test my Sage body for now until it's time for me to train in Mount Myoboku, Then Swift release I don't know when to test it out maybe when i have free time i'll practice it but for now Swift Release is not needed yet until i need it.

Wait maybe i'll try to combine The Sage mode of the Toad's, Slug's and Snake Ohhhh i wonder what power would give to me but im thinking too far ahead i'm still eight year's old so focuse on increasing my Chakra and Chakra Control, Refine my Sensor abilities more, Practice my Admantine Chain's to the point that i can use it like it's my second nature, Then practice's Jugo's Bloodline and store some Nature Chakra for now and wait till my Mt. Myoboku training and hoping i can get my Customized ByakuSharingan to a Three tomoe when canon start's.

[Aye Hey hello it's been a while hasn't it?, sorry i made you worry for me lol, hope this chapter isn't sucky, Oh and also i have greats new's, jk see ya bye].

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


