Roman laid on the bed. His body stretched on it with his hands placed under his head. The Dormitorium had turned quieter, and so was the university campus, as most of the students had left to visit their family or friends. He was enjoying his early post morning nap when someone knocked on the door.
"Rome?" It was Maximus at the door. He decided not to answer it and act as if he wasn't in the dorm. "I know you are in there," came his friend's sing-song voice from the other side of the door.
With not many students in the Dormitorium and on their floor, Maximus persistently knocked on the door. A sigh escaped from Roman's lips. He felt the urge to snap Maximus' head so that he could get his friend to be quiet. But as Maximus was a vampire, it would be effective only for a few minutes.
Getting up from the bed, he made his way to the door and opened it. Maximus had a wide grin on his face.