Julie stared at the letter, biting the inside of her cheek in thought. Even though she had brought the bandages in a bag, she didn't have any intention to wrap herself to look like a mummy. If her letter bully thought that she would listen to every word that was being ordered to her, the person was sorely mistaken.
So far, the letter thief hadn't done anything to harm her and had only made her do bizarre things.
'Don't have them.'
How strange, thought Julie to herself. She didn't have her family with her either. Picking up the notebook from the table, she wrote down a new note instead of writing in the same letter that she had received—'Yes, I brought them with me. Why do you want me to turn into a mummy? What are you going to be during Halloween?'
With that, Julie placed the letter at her window and stepped out of her dorm to check if Melanie had returned. But when she knocked on the door, she received no answer and guessed her friends would return on the second bus, unlike her.
She headed towards the building where the lunchroom was. Stepping in, she noticed the place wasn't as crowded as it usually was. Walking towards the counter, she ordered her meal. Collecting it, she walked towards the far end of the lunchroom so that no one would notice her.
Julie turned to meet one of the few seniors whom she knew in this university. "Dennis, hey," she offered him a polite smile.
Dennis was carrying his meal in his hand, and he returned her smile with his own. He looked around her and asked, "You are eating alone? I didn't know you stayed back over the weekend. If I knew it, I would have joined you for the meals."
"I returned in the first bus," replied Julie, and he nodded in realization. Seeing him continue to stand, she asked, "Do you want to sit?" It was rude to have someone standing at the table while she was sitting.
Dennis smiled, and he sat opposite to her. Julie noticed his meal that consisted of breast chicken, steamed vegetables and other healthy things. "Are you planning to join the football team?" questioned Julie, and he stared at her as he didn't understand what she meant. "Your meal looks like a lot of protein and everything a person needs to maintain good health."
Hearing this Dennis laughed, and asked, "Are you telling, you aren't trying to have good health?"
Julie grinned at his question, replying, "I eat what makes me happy. I mean whatever I want without restricting myself."
"That must be really nice. I wish I had such privilege," Dennis responded to her, and he started to cut the chicken into thin slices before putting it in his mouth. "I grew up in a strict family, who follow rules."
"Even on food?" asked Julie, dipping one end of her potato fries in the ketchup and then throwing it in her mouth.
"Even on food," affirmed Dennis.
"How sad," muttered Julie under her breath, and when Dennis looked at her, she shook her head. Remembering what he said earlier, she asked, "You didn't go to visit your family?"
"I had a lot of assignments that needed to be completed. Still in the process of finishing them. Being in senior year is tough with the amount of work the teachers give," answered Dennis, pushing his glasses upwards with the back of his finger. "What's the prescription of your glasses?" he asked, shifting the subject.
Julie touched her glasses as if to make sure it was still there on her face, and she answered, "It is minus two something. I haven't gotten them checked since one year."
Dennis nodded his head and said, "They look pretty on you."
Julie cleared her throat.
She had never been good at taking compliments about her appearance because, in the past, she had never been a person to receive it. She said, "I got them specifically made. It has this anti-glare. What about you?"
"I have the same as you," responded Dennis. The shape of his glass frame was a typical rectangular. "Did your family miss you?"
Julie only nodded her head without uttering anything and smiled. Her aunt had missed her to the point that she had decided to catch the first bus. "How long have you been studying here? You seem to be someone who gets the highest grades."
Dennis chuckled at her words, "Is it because of the glasses? Then I might say the same to you. I have completed three years since I joined to study here in Veteris, this year being the fourth one. And no I am not. There's another student in the year whom I am trying to beat with better scores, but I always end up in second place."
"I am sure with hard work you will be able to clinch the first spot," Julie motivated Dennis. "I am still learning my subjects. It was only last week I applied the wrong formula and component." She didn't forget last week when Roman had pointed out she had made a mistake. How embarrassing, thought Julie to herself. He could have told her what her mistake was, but instead, he had asked her for money as a fee.
"I still have my notes from last year. Why don't you come by my dorm and I will give them to you," he politely offered, and Julie quickly nodded her head.
"That would be really helpful. Thank you," thanked Julie.
While they continued to talk about the subjects, Julie noticed how Dennis' eyes moved to look at the entrance. She turned her head, following his sight when she caught sight of the Devil she had remembered a few moments ago. Roman entered the lunchroom accompanied by Maximus next to him, walking across the floor as they headed towards the counter that sold the meals and snacks.
Julie turned her back to the way she had earlier been sitting.
Dennis then said, "The group is a little too flashy and loud. The other students named them as the famous five," he shook his head as if he disapproved of the clique. "It is just hard to believe that someone that rebellious tops the year every time. Roman Moltenore I mean."
"He's the person?" Julie's eyebrows drew near each other.
Dennis gave a small nod before going back to have his food.
She remotely remembered Conner mentioning the group having good grades, but she didn't know Roman was a brilliant student.
While Dennis engaged Julie in another conversation, Roman and Maximus stood facing the counter while waiting to get their snacks packed, explicitly made for vampires.
"Cookie chips, the cola, the sticks. A lot of them," Maximus said to the person at the counter. Turning to Roman, he asked, "Why did Dante have to allow two days of holidays? The place is so empty and hard to feed on the good ones with most of them who have gone home."
"She was hoping to catch the imposter in here, but there has been no suspicious activity," responded Roman, who had a broken toothpick in his mouth. "Two days is long," he murmured. The one amusement he had caught had gone home, and there was no one else to pass his time because the rest of them were boring.
"We have always verified the students who enter Veteris, isn't it? There's a thin chance of-" Maximus raised his hand while bringing two of his fingers close as he turned, and his eyes fell on the girl sitting in one corner of the lunchroom. "Julianne?"
Hearing the name, Roman turned his head and caught sight of her.
He noticed Julie sitting with a male student, the same person he had seen her talking to last week before they were stuck in the small room. She sat at the table, listening to what the guy was speaking and occasionally replying.
She hadn't bothered to tie her brown hair, and it was let down that stopped right above her waist. She was wearing jeans and a blouse that was covered by a sweater. He bit into the stick between his teeth as he stared at her. It seemed like she loved her sweaters a little too much, thought Roman.
Girls usually liked to dress modestly because they were shy or because of the cold weather. But Roman got the feeling that Julie didn't fit in any of the two categories.
"I didn't know she was friends with Dennis Mcoy," hummed Maximus. "Looks like her friends aren't there and he's giving her company."
"Someone I should know of?" questioned Roman, leaning against the counter and placing both his elbows to rest behind him. At the same time, he remembered one of the letters where Julie mentioned a person she had tried to get away from during the football match. Was this the one?
His head tilted to the side, and he gauged the boy, who looked like an average friendly nerd.
"Dennis Mcoy is in the same year as us. He tops second and I know this because Olivia has been pissed because she lost her second position after he got admitted here. I didn't care to know the rest of it. Teacher's favourite unlike you because he always has full attendance and participates in other class activities," Maximus shrugged his shoulders.
A grin cracked on Roman's lips, and he said, "Remarkable isn't it. To top our year even after missing half of the classes."
Roman shifted the stick in his mouth as he stared at the two of them. He concentrated on what the two of them were speaking.
"I usually make a timetable and it helps me track time. This must be the first week I ended up lagging in my assignments else I am usually on time," said Dennis while finishing his meal. "You know what, I was looking for someone with whom I could study in the library. The other students have their own study group, which I didn't join before but I think it would be great if you join me."
Julie was slightly taken aback by the offer, and she said, "I am sorry, but I study with my friend."
"Oh, is that so," Dennis politely exclaimed, and she gave him a nod. "Maybe you can ask her to join too. I wouldn't mind."
Before Julie could refuse the idea, someone else did it for her.
"She's with me."
Both Julie and Dennis turned to their side and saw Roman, who had come and stood next to their table. He placed both his hands on the table with a light thump that got Julie's eyes on them.
Wait, what did he say? Asked Julie in her mind, and she looked up to meet Roman's eyes. He completely ignored Dennis and said,
"I thought we had already planned to study together to make sure you don't write wrong answers like last time."
"No?" said Julie with a confused look on her face. Did he hit his head, or did she lose her memory? "I told you last time, I am not going to-"
"I will see you in the library tomorrow after the classes. Unless you or I end up in detention," the corner of his lips pulled up.
Dennis wasn't happy with the sudden interruption, and he said to Roman, "I don't think Julianne wants to study with you. Leave her alone, Moltenore."
Roman's eyes shifted from Julie to look at the boy with whom she was sitting. With a casual attitude, he asked, "Do I know you?"
The boy with sandy blonde hair stared at Roman with his mouth slightly agape over what Roman uttered a few seconds ago. Julie didn't get to see Dennis' baffled expression because of Roman, who held her gaze, and it made it hard to look away from him.
Julie couldn't make out if Roman was playing around or was being serious right now.
"I-I," Dennis tried to compose his expression while a clear hint of irritation appeared in his eyes. He cleared his throat and said, "I am Dennis Mcoy. You must have heard of my name, the one who has been in second place since the last three years."
Even though Dennis was not first, it was quite impressive to Julie, knowing she was around two senior students who scored the highest. While here she was, struggling and trying to make sure to get decent grades. Though it wasn't her fault that Veteris had such intensive studying and tests. She had got through the admission, and now it was time for her to maintain it until she was here.
Roman finally pulled himself back, taking his hands away from the table and turning to look at Dennis.
"I don't bother to remember who comes second. It is a pitiful position," remarked Roman, rubbing salt over Dennis' wound.
Dennis didn't hold back in being polite this time and replied, "I have heard a lot about you, of how you look down at the students."
Roman bit into the stick while staring at Dennis with an aloof expression on his face. Though Maximus had told him this boy's name before he came here, he hadn't bothered to respond to it. But it was true. He didn't know this boy's existence until now. Looked like someone was trying to be brave in front of the girl. He remarked,
"Then you must have also heard of how I don't like being interrupted when I am speaking to someone," there was a hint of threat in the way Roman looked at the person. "Also, it's hard not to look down when everyone is at the bottom. Maybe if they were at the top it would make it easier..." one corner of his lips pulled up.
"I will get better grades than anyone has ever seen," promised Dennis, taking up the challenge.
Roman didn't respond to Dennis, and he turned his gaze back at Julie, staring at her. What was she doing with this one?
"Don't forget tomorrow. I will see you in the library at six in the evening," decided Roman and Julie's eyes widened.
"I can't," blurted Julie. The last thing she wanted to do was spend her time with him and bring more attention to her life.
When his eyes narrowed with an unpleasant look, she felt her heart slip. It seems like he wasn't used to being refused, thought Julie to herself.
"Can't or won't?" demanded Roman, his demeanour turning intimidating.
Though she tried to keep a calm expression on her face, Julie turned nervous, and she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. Roman's eyes caught the little movement before they went back to look at her brown doe-like eyes.
"Didn't you say you don't do things for free? I think you should stick to it. I am a little short of money this month because I had to-"
Suddenly every person who was nearby heard a screech that made them wince. Roman had grabbed the nearest chair and brought it next to Julie, and he sat down.
"I didn't ask for an explanation. Can't or won't," questioned Roman, sitting too close, and Julie wanted to push her chair away from him.
Because of the shrill sound, the few people who were in the lunchroom turned to look in the direction where she was sitting with the two seniors. Oh God, thought Julie to herself.
Julie stared at Roman, her lips set in a thin line. She then asked, "What if I said won't?"
Roman, who had been biting the stick, brought it to his teeth. Bringing his hand up, he pulled it away from his mouth. He sat in the chair as if he owned the place and said, "Why do you want to settle for something so low, when you can have the best tutor? You don't have to worry about the fees, I have other ways of having you cover the cost."
"Sitting with you is going to cause me a lot more trouble than worrying about my low grades," blurted Julie. She saw the faint arrogant smile that appeared on his face.
Rumours in this university spread worse than a wildfire where girls and boys indulged in gossip. She was already in people's 'beat with a baseball bat list'. She didn't want to ascend to a higher rank on the list.
"Stop scaring her. Can't you see that she doesn't want to study with a person like you?" said Dennis to Roman. "Leave her alone. Your help isn't needed here."
"Nobody is talking to you, number two," deadpanned Roman. "Unless she can't speak for herself, which I believe she can?" He raised one of his eyebrows, and this got Dennis to close his mouth.
"You are overthinking. If you don't want to study in the library, I will come to the dorm," he offered to her, and a chuckle escaped Julie's lips.
"I will be barbecued the same night," responded Julie, already feeling the tension rise in her body.
"Fine. Come to my dorm. No one ever comes there, unless I invite them so it will be just the two of us," Julie wasn't sure if it was the way he said it or her brain had stopped working, but the way it reached her ears, there was something very dark and tempting about it. "I am offering to be a nice and helpful senior here," he tilted his head to the side.
"I will think about it," replied Julie, trying to buy time to stall for now. He was being extremely nice, and she wondered why. Was there some sort of motive behind his action?
"Cool. I will take the answer later then," said Roman, getting up from the chair he had been sitting on.
As Roman turned and started to walk back to where Maximus was, Julie saw Maximus wave his hand at her in greeting. Awkwardly, Julie raised her hand before dropping it to her side. Turning, she ate the last two pieces of her cold fries.
"Is he bullying you, Julianne?" asked Dennis, a frown on his forehead as he looked at her and his eyes shifting back to look at Roman, who was leaving the lunchroom. "You don't have to listen to him. We can report this to Ms. Dante."
Julie waved her hands as if it was not a big deal, and she said, "He's only offered to help me with the studies."
"Yes, but he could have done it more politely. It looked like he was forcing you to come join the study group, which I doubt will be group study," said Dennis, not liking the idea of it. "You can come and study with me if you want. I am usually studying in the library and he can't disturb you."
"I will keep that in mind. I should get going now, thank you for keeping me company," she offered him a smile.
Dennis returned the smile, "Would you like me to walk you back to your Dormitorium?"
"I will be fine. But thank you," replied Julie. Dennis was a little too friendly, something she was not used to, but she appreciated his thought.
"I will see you tomorrow then," said Dennis.
Julie gave him a nod and started to walk towards the open doors of the lunchroom. The sky had already turned dark, bringing in the night along with the chilly weather around the property of Veteris. On her way, she thought back to her time at her uncle's house. Yesterday when she had visited them, downloading songs was not all that she did with the internet.
She had tried to find the person named Stacy Hopkins on social media, trying to track the person to know what had happened to the girl. Last week, she had dropped by the main office to check if she would be able to ask about the free dorm.
'I told you there's no spare dorms and it takes months to process it,' the lady at the office told Julie.
She had then checked Veteris website, and funnily it just didn't load as if the website had a bad server issue. She hadn't heard anyone miss Stacy Hopkins in the dorms or the bathing room as if she were a loner and didn't have friends.
Reaching the dorm, Julie unlocked the door and closed it after entering. It seemed like she would be meeting Melanie tomorrow morning. Travelling to visit her uncle and aunt had been tiresome. Walking towards the window, she picked up the note, wondering if she should add more questions. She noticed a new one had replaced the note.
"So fast," murmured Julie under breath.
She read what was in there—A psycho killer who kills dumb people. Obedient, I like it. How was your little trip? Anything exciting.
"Creeping to someone's window is already crazy enough. How much more crazy do you want to be?" asked Julie while staring at the letter. "I am not able to decide which one of the bullies is worse."
The way she had written the letter to her uncle, which the letter thief had, the person might have already guessed the dynamics of her and her relatives, thought Julie in her mind.
When the night pulled itself further into midnight, the students who had gone to visit their families had returned to their dorms and were sleeping. Roman sat on one of the branches of the trees with one leg hanging, and the other leg pulled up.
He held a white sheet of paper in his hand, which he had already read.
'It was alright. I met my uncle and aunt, my cousin too. I told him I wouldn't be able to visit him anytime soon. I think he knows why I said it, and somewhere I feel guilty. But I think it is for the best. Do you ever wish that you could turn back time? For example, I would not have sent the letter to Uncle Thomas.
I have never met a person who likes to bully a person through letters.'
His lips twisted with one corner of his lips pulling up, and he murmured to himself, "Turn back time, huh," while looking ahead of him, staring at the sky.
His ears picked up the sound of footsteps, and he caught sight of a boy in his Sophomore year, walking alone near the beginning area of the restricted forest.
Looked like dinner was here, thought Roman in his mind.