89.15% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 147: I understood that reference!

章 147: I understood that reference!

//Ayyy Yoo! Here you go! Your "to be continued" is here!

Hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!


midnight couldn't help but sigh in annoyance...why did luna chose this exact night to go for a party? the city was on a moon damned lockdown! it's true that they would always share the burden of controlling the dream realm and would often help eachother whenever either of them needed a break but now both of them were exhausted after the restless night, and they wouldn't be able to function without a good few hours of sleep so they would effectively loose a good part of the day which they could spend on patroling the city or the outskirts in search of any careless changeling they could catch...

let's just hope they wouldn't miss anything important...



"You're right... it's not for power... It has always been for my Changelings...My subjects starved for generations! Power was just an added bonus which I am more than happy to embrace!" She screamed the last part as a powerful beam of magic escaped her crooked horn and impacted Starfall, generating a blinding explosion and causing everypony to scream in worry, some of them calling the name of the Stallion.

Chrysalis on the other hand looked towards the direction of her attack with an unreadable expression, as a small tear fell down her cheek without her notice...



Everyone looked towards the explosion In shock and worry. No-one expected the sudden attack of Chrysalis, and even Celestia couldn't help but stop in her tracks, worry for Starfall at the front of her mind, having been readying herself to confront the enemy until the sudden attack happened.

No one saw Chrysalis expression at the moment. nor could they understand her emotions, as not even she understood what she was feeling.

But one thing was for certain. She didn't feel any satisfaction for what she did...

Everyone kept their eyes focused on the smoke, hopeful that Starfall was alright, and even a small part of Chrysalis had been carrying the same idea, despite how ridiculous it sounded In her mind.

Slowly the dust settled and the smoke thinned, and every creature present gasped seeing the figure inside of it emerge from behind a large, circular, prismatic shield glowing at the center from the heat generated by the explosion.

It was clear that the heat was quickly dissipating though and Starfall couldn't help but grin as he spun the shield around himself using magic.

"Now that's what I call a proper field test. With the amount of power to heat ratio, it almost begs me to say that...'I could do it ALL day' " He gave Chrysalis a toothy grin, as the shield settled on his side before disappearing as if invisible.

Chrysalis on the other hand looked at Starfall with her mind in complete disarray. She didn't know what to think. she should be angry. She should attack him again, just out of spite like she knew she'd have done with anypony else...And yet...She actually felt... relieved...

No!...This isn't right!...Why was she...What...It's just...She...She needed to do something... because as it stood she was going to get outnumbered when they all decide to attack her. She was still in the presence of an Alicorn after all.

"Humph...p-petty tricks. I don't have time for this anyway! Soon my army of Changelings shall befall this city and then there shall be nothing that could stop us! I will-" She was interrupted though as Starfall suddenly took a step towards her and before she realized, he was already standing directly in front of her.

"Can't you see It Sallie?"He asked, completely throwing her off guard by calling her Sallie, and making her shrink from his hoof as he reached it out, seemingly trying to caress her neck.

Involuntarily she responded to his question, while inwardly feeling confused at herself for not instantly attacking the Unicorn for his transgression.

"What...What do you mean...?" She asked and Starfall smiled warmly before responding.

"You speak as if Changelings couldn't feel love. couldn't care for others. that all you do is to satisfy your hunger... And yet all you are doing Chrissy, is trying your best to care for your subjects the only way you know how to. I'm sure that if you only gave us the chance, we could all live together in harmony." He spoke softy while Chrysalis' mind was in turmoil. She didn't expect him to say something like this. She'd have been fine with the Stallion lashing at her. berating her for her actions like the foolish pony who doesn't understand anything, or just straight up attack her. Despite how distasteful the idea was, she was uncertain of actually beating him, even when he didn't use that weird shield of his, just because her instinct screamed at her the moment he released a tiny bit of his magic to hold the shield in place back then.

He also didn't say anything like 'she was outnumbered' or 'she should just give up', Instead extending a proverbial hoof of friendship, and for a tiny moment, she wanted to grasp it, against everything she believed in...

A silence fell between them, and at that moment the world stood still, she knew that this decision would shape their entire future, that depending on her answer they shall remain enemies, or maybe one day... they could actually...no... just the idea alone sounded ridiculous...But...What was this feeling of longing inside of her?...Why whenever she looked into those beautiful purple eyes her cold heart stirred just slightly....

She didn't know...She didn't know what to do...

But she didn't have to...

His hoof gently touched her cheek, and before she even realised what happened, she felt a soft kiss land on her dark cheek spreading warmth through her entire body and she didn't stop him... why?...She looked into his eyes again and saf something else there. Affection...

"Well...you don't have to answer me right now Sallie. Take your time. and when you find it, come to me. Alright? And don't take too much time or I shall come to You, are we clear?" He asked her with a smirk and took a few steps back to her inner disappointment.

Though when a sudden explosion of magic from behind her threw her out of the castle, she wondered whether what he said was just him stalling for time while that accursed Cadence did something behind her back. But as she remembered his honest expression she disregarded that idea. Even though her plan failed, and both she and her precious loyal subjects were currently on a collision course with the horizon, she felt calm... because they were going to meet eachother again, and she will have the answer for him...what the answer was going to be? That's what she needed to figure out...


Twilight watched as Starfall emerged from the smoke holding his shield in front of him in a truly grand fashion, and she couldn't help inwardly let out a girly scream of excitement.

She never for a moment doubted that her beloved could be defeated by a single attack of his enemy. She knew his training regime and she knew that he wouldn't be surprised by such an obvious move. Though the following actions of the two surprised her.

The way Chrysalis acted around Starfall. The way he dismantled her in just a few simple words...Oh Magic! Twilight got so wet from just watching her Starfall outsmart the Changeling and talk her into listening to reason. She could easily belief that he would be able to turn the Changelings into their allies if only he got a bit more time with them. Though judging by the light show coming from Cadence and Shining Armour, and the Ancient Magic they just invoked by simply loving eachother according to her knowledge, she expected that it was the end of today's excitement...


Celestial watched everything play out with a batted breath. She trusted Starfall's strength...She really did...But watching him getting shot by an attack that SHE, a thousand plus years old Alicorn, wasn't certain to go against was truly heart-rending moment.

And then she saw him reveal himself completely unharmed, an amazing shield standing in between the two combatants which Celestia clearly recognised as Starfall's creation by its design reminiscing that of his own cutie mark.

At that moment, she knew that there was nothing she needed to worry about. Starfall was safe, and he wasn't going to get beaten even if the Stars fell from the sky... because he was going to fell them himself like his name suggested...

But putting that funny thought aside Celestia had to admit that she was proud of the Stallion and the way he still thought about the betterment of Equestria even when facing a great Villainess. She could almost feel the indecision inside Chrysalis. It seemed as if only a small push was what separated them all from gaining a powerful ally instead of a lifelong enemy.

And she had no doubt that Starfall was capable of going for that push, but instead he didn't. He let Chrysalis chose herself. at her own pace. And somehow, he timed it all perfectly with the sudden explosion of Ancient Magic from Cadence and Shining Armour...Huh...she didn't even notice when that happened... She needed to work on paying more attention to her surroundings because THAT was really hard to miss happening right beside her...


Pinkie Pie and Meena sat beside Spike and the CMC eating popcorn and watching everything unfold with unabated curiosity.

It was better that watching a play in a theatre or reading a book! All the drama! The explosions! The Action! Pinkie could almost hear music resound when Starfall revealed himself standing behind the circular shield like a superhero!

Unknowingly to her Spike thought exactly the same, as an avid fan of the Power Ponies' Comics...


Fluttershy wanted to sleep... There was way too much emotions for her little big heart today that constantly changed what she was feeling, fear, worry, relief, confusion, sadness, happiness, anger...She wanted to help Starfall, yet she trusted him to go out of the confrontation without harm. She wanted to make sure he was alright after the sudden attack, yet she knew he worked ten times harder than any of them, to not let such a thing bother him when it happened. She wanted to cry in relief and hug her love when he proved to everyone why he was the greatest magician since Starswirl by stopping the attack with that weird magic shield, yet seeing how he was still talking with that Changeling, she didn't dare to interrupt them. She didn't want to be rude after all...She could feel the love for her hubby grow even stronger when he so easily dismantled the scary and evil looking Chrysalis by a few simple words filled with comfort and care. She could see her own influence in his speech and realised that he must have seen the way she spoke to animals...oh Squirrels! He's so amazing! She could only wish she was the by his side so that she could kiss him senseless! Would...Would he mind?

And then there was Cadence and Shining Armour. She didn't know what they did but she could feel their love for eachother almost leak out as their horns touched together and they were lifted into the air with magic. She just knew that it wasn't any normal magic that's for sure.

And then it exploded...And before she realised, be it Chrysalis or the pink barrier surrounding Canterlot which was constantly attacked by some weird blackish figures...they were all gone. expelled by the magic and send towards the horizon....

Yes... she wanted to sleep. And she really hoped Starfall would be willing to snuggle with her...


There was only one thing on the mind of Rainbow Dash when she saw him stand unharmed after receiving that attack.

'That...was....so... AWESOME!' the way he smirked at his foe, totally unfazed by her full power attack! Oh ahe was already so wet... She was totally going to ride him untill long into the night after this all is over.

She didn't know that Applejack, Rarity and Little Strongheart were having similar thoughts at that exact moment. If Starfall knew what his little act unleashed, he wouldn't have been sure whether to shudder in worry or anticipation...

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C147
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


