33.33% Shin's Brother Shoma / Chapter 2: Growing up

章 2: Growing up

"Ok you go that way, I'll go this way and we meet back up after we're done k."

"K got it, but remember don't get too much."

"Gotcha. Now. Ready. Set. Go!"

And like that two young boys can be seen sprinting in different ways in a forest. Along one way you see a black-haired boy running with small bursts of wind coming from his boots.

He wears a tan shirt with brown pants, along with black boots and a dark brown robe. He has black eyes and soft white skin, this is Shin Wolford.

In the opposite direction of Shin is a boy with brown hair with a strand of red hair. At times the boy looks like he is teleporting some distance, then re-appearing constantly like a blur.

He is wearing a brown shirt with a brown coat, along with black pants and boots. While wearing a silver chain necklace with a metal black ring on it around his neck. He has brown eyes and soft tan skin, this Shoma Wolford.

Right now they are 8 years old, currently, they are on a hunt in the forest for dinner. Within the past 5 years, Shin and Shoma have been living in the forest training, learning magic, martial arts, and enchanting items.

After a while of sprinting, Shoma found a spot in a tree and waited. But after some time waiting he got annoyed, "Ugh I know it's better to wait for your prey, but I rather catch them in a chase.

Yup, that would be a lot more fun." As Shoma was thinking this his eye's started to change. With the change of his eyes, nine golden tails appeared with a pair of gold fox ears.

While these changes were happening Shoma was lost in thought and his mind drifted to the first time these popped up.

When I and Shin were younger we always watched in amazement at magic. Seeing this every day was fun to watch, but there was a deep feeling to try it myself and I wasn't alone in that feeling.

The feeling in both of us burned so much, that the people in the cabin all looked at us with caring but also with a look of surprise.

When they saw us watching them they gave a heartwarming smile. "Hoho interesting, they're curious about magic and at such a young age."

"Huuh I can see that but they're still babies don't think such thoughts it's off-putting."

"Off-putting. Haa I know I'm not just gonna teach them at such a young age, it could harm them."

While the two people were talking the other people in the room were watching with wry smiles watching. They just started laughing which caught the attention of the two.

" "What's so funny huh!" "

"Oh, it's nothing, haha."

"It's just a bit of nostalgia that's all. Don't mind our laughter master Merlin and Melinda.

"Hahaha but the future looks like it will be interesting don't you think."

"Yes indeed, that look those two had we are in for a trip. To prepare them for that I'll raise them to the best of my capabilities."

After they were done they continued talking, when it was getting late they got up and said their goodbyes and left.

Time passed by since that day, while time passed Shin and Shoma continued to observe the people around them. Curious about everything around them.

From the day that they could speak all the way to when they are at the age of 3. That's when something unprecedented happened.

"Hey grandpa, grandpa, come we want to show you something."

saying this the grandpa Merlin was curious as to what his grandsons wanted to show him. What awaited him was a shocking sight. His grandsons had learned to use magic and that at the age of 3.

"Yea yea so grandpa, what do you think." Shoma saying with so much joy and excitement in his voice.

"Did we do well? We watched you a lot and wanted to surprise you. This is the first time we tried to use magic and we thought that you should see it." While Shin was saying that I couldn't help but chuckle looking at Grandpa's face.

It was pretty funny seeing his face but then he had an excited and caring look while watching us use magic.

"Hoh ho I'm amazed at you two and at such a young age. Well, I guess I should teach you boy's how to control magic---." While Merlin was talking he trailed off when he noticed something strange happening to Shoma.

Shin and Shoma were confused at this until Shin saw grandpa looking at Shoma. Once Shin looked at Shoma, and once he did a shocked expression appeared on both of their faces.

"Umm, what's wrong you two. You're kinda worrying me here. Hello Shin, grandpa, what's up with you two. Can you stop staring its kinda embarrassing?" Shoma saying as he has no clue as to what happened to them.

After Shoma stop talking the next thing he hears startled him as both Shin and Merlin shouted.

" " WHAT THE." "

Saying that they both were looking at the top of my head and behind me. Following their gaze behind me I noticed something unexpected. I have a tail not just one tail but nine golden foxtails.

After looking at the fact that I have a tail now I look at Grandpa and ask. "Umm grandpa is this normal." saying this with worry in his voice, at the thought of looking at him differently from his grandpa and brother.

Hearing him Merlin panicked and was about to comfort Shoma when Shin hugged Shoma and said.

"So cool and soft," Shin said with a calm voice that was able to calm down the trembling Shoma. Seeing this Merlin laughed and joined in this hug rubbing the heads of his grandsons.

Seeing this and feeling the emotions of the two Shoma started to tear up and hug more tightly.

This went on for a bit until it all calmed down and that's when grandpa started to talk to both of them.

"Ok so first is I'm happy that you both can use a bit of magic. I will help you two train your magic." The two boys jumped up in happiness but stopped when Merlin started again.

"Next is you Shoma this is the first time for me to witness something like this happen. So for now well see what changed about you ok.

Hearing this Shoma got a bit excited to try things out and trusted his grandpa. "Got it."

So after that day, grandpa started to teach us about magic and how to control it. While teaching he noticed how we both were absorbing everything.

After magic control practice the three of us would study the changes that happened and the findings were shocking. Enhanced senses and high magic capabilities.

Things went like this for a while, and when the normal visitors arrived they were shocked at the appearance I had. They asked what happened and were shocked at the fact they could use magic at such a young age.

After that, they talked a bit more and then watched us doing our magic training.

The training was fun and I and Shin always trained together, we were also taught martial arts and enchanting with grandma and uncle.

"Hahaha, that was a rollercoaster huh. But man uncle trained me even harder than Shin."



As Shoma was talking to himself he finally heard movement nearby.

A smile appeared on Shoma's face and he muttered in a low voice "Hunt" and vanished from the tree branch. He reappeared behind the target and put his palms on the back of a large brown boar. Arcs of electricity coming off his arms to his palms shocked the poor boar dead.

"Ha, that went better than I thought. But I still need some more work on it. Oh well, time to butcher this boar."

An hour or two after the two split up they came back to the meeting spot and headed back to the cabin. Along the way, they both talked about how their hunt went and Shin just gave a wry smile at hearing Shoma's hunt.

"Did you really have to do it like that? You know your bow would have been easier right."

Shin said while looking at his brother who likes to do reckless stuff. But what can he do he's the same sometimes too, but not as much as his brother.

"We're almost home."

After hearing this Shoma stopped ask Shin a question with a smile.

"Wanna race?"

Shin stopped and listened to Shoma and thought about it and agreed.

"Alright but last one there has to cook dinner."


They both got ready in a running stance. Shoma grabbed a rock and Looked at Shin and threw the rock in the air.

"Once that hits the ground go."


The air got tensed around the two and it felt like the world around was slowed to a snail's crawl.






Once the rock has the ground both figures disappeared and the wind rushes like a small gust. Sounds of rocks and trees moving could be heard in a short distance.

*5 minutes later*

"Yay haha, I win you gotta cook dinner this time."While this was being said Shoma was pouting and looking away from Shin. While he was pouting and Shin was cheering Merlin was just waiting for this with a soft smile while.

While doing so he was using healing magic on Shoma's face as there were scrapes and scratches. "Now now don't look so down it happens. This just means you just need to watch your surroundings more ok."

"Mm," Shoma agreed and nodded at his grandpa while still pouting. 'Dammit, I would have won if I didn't hit that rock when moving. Sigh whatever might as well show what we got.'

"Ok, now enough of that let us see what gains you two brought,"

Merlin asked the two boys with a smile.



Saying this they both opened up a portal and out of Shin's portal came out three chickens and a boar. Out of Shoma's portal came out a boar, fruits, and vegetables in a basket, and one chicken.

"Oh boar and chickens and along with vegetables and fruits and some herbs. Once grandpa was done inspecting the gains he nodded and rubbed both our heads.

While this was going on two figures could be seen approaching us. One of the figures was a tall man with black hair and eyes, a lean build and tan skin this is uncle Michel Colling.

Along with this man was an old woman with grayish pink hair with brown eyes with a slim figure this is grandma Melida Bowen.

"What your hunting boar now. Merlin how could you let them do something so dangerous. " Melida was shock and anger at Merlin for letting them hunt such dangerous animals at a young age.

"It's not that dangerous especially with the magic gear we made with you."

"Yeah and the training we get from Uncle Michel helps us as well."

"Haa there shouldn't be 8-year-olds able to hunt a wild boar by themselves."

"But this is 8-year-olds that can right here," Shin says with a bright smile looking at Melida. Shoma as well who is also nodding his head in agreement.

"You idiots."

"Haha, we're sorry grandma Melida."

"Sorry, grandma."

They both apologized while scratching the back of their heads.

"Haa honestly I can't stand the two of you."

"Haha this is impressive for the two of you and this is all because of the regular training we do. Hmm."

As Shin and Shoma hear that they look at each other with worried faces when they hear the dreaded statement of Michel.

"...Great that means it's time to raise the level of training from now to the future hahaha."

" " I knew it would go to this." "

Shin and Shoma both said with dread in their voices. As the two were grimacing at their fate everyone else was laughing.

Shadow_0f_Shoma Shadow_0f_Shoma

Feedback is always welcomed.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


