48.71% The Princess And Her Warmonger / Chapter 19: Chapter 15: Black Reaper

章 19: Chapter 15: Black Reaper

"They who brings war, They who brings death, and us who follow with undying loyalty. Fear us and fear the Black Reaper."

The chanting of the monks filled the air. The drums kept in rhythm with the chanting, giving it a slow and eerie feel, like that of death. To the army playing the sounds, it did the opposite affect. It told them that, even if they were to die, they would die gloriously. They would not back down. The song, or chant of the monks mirrored this.

"Fear our arrival, fear our leader. Pray you are ready, pray you can fight us off. Death does not matter to us, only victory."

The army wore black, orange or gold, and red on their armor. They were the Black Army, and just like the title of Black Commander, the name given to those who are feared by even their own side, the Black Army is feared by even the Kingdom who raise them. Ironic is their name for their High Commander, Sharia, doesn't have the title of Black. Her other title, however, may be worse. Sharia The Warmonger. 

The official name of the Black Army is the Kulina/ਕੁਲੀਨ Tearacloth Army. They have been on many battles and are the best fighters the Kingdoms have. Trained by Sharia personally, or as her name in the chanting of her monks, Balaika rīpara. She stood in the center of her army, her eyes firmly locked onto the enemy army in front of her. To her right, Commander Grillant was sharpening his blade, nervous even though he knew how strong the army he is in is. Still, the odds were against them. The army outnumbered them three to one and reinforcements were two days off. Neither side had any artillery or cavalry, or even any good mages. It was a straight up brawl which any army with the odds the Black Army has would lose.

Yet, when Sharia learned of her orders, she just nodded and took them without a word. Although Grillant could tell that Sharia was unhappy, she was still perfectly willing to go through with the insane orders of the Great Advisor, even though the King had told her many times in the past she didn't have to. 

Both armies stopped marching towards each other when they were a good two thousand feet away, and though the drums stopped, the monks continued chanting.

"Securing peace for our Kingdom, securing war for our Kingdom. For that we fight, for that they fight."

Sharia stepped from her army, her commanders in tow, and started walking towards the other army, who sent out their commanders. The other army was from the Empires down to the northwest. The two enemies stopped right in front of each other and begrudgingly bowed, though Sharia's small bow wasn't. After the bows, Sharia eyed the enemy leader. A High Commander by the name of Vinson. His weapon was curved and looked like the head of a glave. Sharia did not know the name of the blade but knew it was similar to the swords the Zhenshi use. 

"How nice, I must say, for the Kingdoms to send a small army our way," Vinson snarled, showing his hate towards his enemies. Ellie, the soldier Sharia spared when Grillant first met her, though now a commander, nearly pulled out her sword. Grillant stopped her at the last moment.

Even though Sharia was wearing a helmet, Grillant could tell she was amused by Vinson, not the least bit insulted. She leaned forward, about the same height as Vinson, though that was because of her helmet which Vinson did not have on, and just quietly looked at him.

"W-what!?" Vinson yelled, nervous and weirded out by Sharia's staring.

"Oh nothing. Just wondering if you are truly ready for what happens next," Sharia told him, leaning back up straight.

"It doesn't matter if you are an elite force, in this kind of combat, that won't help you. Only numbers will."

Sharia rested her blade on her shoulder blades and leaned back lazily.

"Oh I agree. This battle is vastly not in our favor. But I think you are missing the point."

Sharia swung her sword down and leaned closer to Vinson again.

"We have our orders, and we won't give up easily. It will be a slaughter. Are you ready for the death that comes with this battle is what I meant."

With those words, Sharia spun around and started walking towards her army, not bothering to listen to Vinson's response. Grillant and the other commanders followed. When they arrived at their army, the drums started up again.

"Fear the enemy but never give in. Fight till the last warrior, it won't matter. At the end of our battle, it will always be a bloodshed. For we fight with the Black Reaper, and you will learn what it means to be one of  or against us."

With that last line, the chanting stopped and the army parted to make way for Sharia. Sharia walked up to one heavily armored knight with a shield and mace and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Typhlin, gather your warriors. You'll be taking the front line. Your legion is the most durable but do take care to properly block incoming arrows."

Typhlin nodded and Sharia walked away. After looking around at the warriors before him, Typhlin banged his mace against his shield.


Commander Grillant watched Typhlin go. He was another commander, and Sharia's right hand man. The only reason she didn't bring him with her to meet the enemy was because of his temper. He might have snapped at them or, even worse, attacked them. 

'Black Reaper, huh?'

Commander Grillant remembered when he was told the name Black Reaper was a title. Anyone can get that title that is in the Black Army. All they have to do is led them. Once Sharia dies, is too injured to go on, or is beaten in a official challenge, the person who either beat her or is chosen by the army becomes the next Black Reaper. Or, the title can be given by the current leader to someone as a dying request. Once they do, however, they will have to step down.

Commander Grillant didn't know how to feel about the Black Army. They were strong, yes. They were determined and smart, with a wide variety of fighters, yes. They were also dead loyal to the cause. But, they all shared Sharia's views, one of which states that this army shouldn't fight to the last warrior and, if they are put in a really unfavorable situation, they can retreat. Sharia doesn't believe in fighting even if you know you can't win. She sees nothing wrong in retreating. Still, because of the current situation the Kingdom are in, retreating right now won't work. That is probably why Sharia agreed even if this battle goes against her principles. Her loyalty towards the Kingdom won out. 

"Grillant, come with me," Sharia called out. Luckily, Grillant was close enough to hear her voice.

He followed Sharia towards the back of her army towards her own personal warriors. With one gesture, the soldiers formed a circle around Sharia, giving them plenty of room and privacy. After making sure no one was looking, Sharia took off her helmet. Grillant had seen her without her helmet before and, as such, Sharia only takes off her helmet off next to him or in private. Grillant thinks only Typhlin and Cheng have seen her without her helmet on. 

"This is going to be a tough one, and one we might not survive. Skill can only get you so far after all," Sharia told Grillant with a sigh. Sharia, despite her demeanor and achievements, can be described as a child. She can get easily tuckered out or stressed out by simple problems. Her youthful look only backed her child-like features up. Of course, Sharia is not child. 

"Yes, but once again the Kingdom needs our help."

Sharia didn't answer but instead rested her head on Grillant's chest, even though he was wearing big silver armor. Grillant let out a sigh but let it happen, even rubbing Sharia's head with his free hand. Grillant has mixed feelings about his superior, Sharia, as well. From what he knew, Sharia wasn't from the Kingdoms, and she must have had a rough past. He also knows that she was taken in by Ai, the Black High Commander of the Kingdoms, when she was eleven or so, and pretty much left alone after that. One wartorn barely three or four years old and one girl without parents at a vulnerable age. Grillant doesn't know what really happened after to bring Sharia to this point other than Ai leaving her to fight elsewhere and Sharia sticking with the Kingdoms, even though it was now just Kingdom. 

From what he could tell, Sharia was a cruel Warmonger with twisted morales, her morales seemingly all over the place, but is strongly loyal to the Kingdom. She loves war and battle, but loves peace at the same time, and the only way to get peace is through endless constant war. She sees anyone who proves themselves to her as a potential ally. She is also very persuasive. She managed to get the majority of buddhist monks to join her cause, turning the peace-loving no killing monks into peace-loving war-loving expert warriors monks who won't hesitate to kill. Her achievements are truly impressive and the stuff of legends. Yet, the fact that Sharia has a mind similar to a child and, despite being smart, seeks...

'Ah. That's the phrase I am looking for.'

Sharia seeks attention and praise. Sharia is a child who wants to be praised. The peace she loves is obtained through war and, as such, even if she won't be there to see it, as long as she fights for it, the people of the Kingdom will praise her. The King and the Great Advisor probably know this. The King doesn't want to use it as Sharia's weakness and the Great Advisor wants to use it to control her. That is why when Sharia received her orders, she still took them despite knowing how much they will put her and her army in danger.

'So, is she a overgrown child or a selfish brat?' Grillant thought, looking down at Sharia, though he could only see her black hair since he is much taller than Sharia with her helmet off. 

Grillant sighed, deciding to think about this later, when Sharia got up and put her helmet back on.

"You know, you can leave."


'Did Sharia just tell me to-'

Sharia took off her helmet and turned around, her red eyes staring Grillant right in the eyes. She was on the verge of crying.

"While we are different, me and you both share the same idea. Peace. And you know that, no matter how different we are, that I was right about the only way of obtaining that peace is through war."

A tear came out and Sharia caught it, looked at it, and quickly put on her helmet.

"The choice is up to you. Take your warriors or leave them. No one will mind."

With those words, Sharia walked back into the army, her personal warriors breaking their circle.


....And that was two years before the war ended...and about six years before the Alcomite War, and about if not more than ten years before Sharia's capture.




Grillant let out a sigh and closed the book he was reading. The title read, "Kingdom's Stand," and was all about the battles and people who fought in the Great Wars, trying to stop the Kingdom's involvement with the majority of the powers in Nostalisk. The battle he just read was called the Stand Of The Tearacloth Army, where one hundred thousand elite soldiers held off for two days an army of over three hundred thousand soldiers from the Empires against all odds. Instead of running like Sharia had hinted at him to do, Grillant led his legion to back off, wait for almost an entire day, and set up on a nearby large hill overlooking the battlefield. He gave detailed reports to Sharia about the enemy's position and advances as well as supplying archer support. That move he did was one of the reasons he was made Grand Advisor by the King.

Though, ever since that battle, Sharia was different. Grillant didn't know the full details himself but one of the warriors in the Empires's army had a powerful magic artifact with them. With that artifact, they almost managed to kill Sharia. Despite healing fine, Sharia was left with an after affect. Her voice, Whatever magic the warrior used damaged her vocal cords beyond repair. Now, Sharia can talk like she used to with some effort and a certain magic charm, but back then she could barely talk and, when she could talk well again, her voice was all scratchy like she breathed in smoke.

Back then, before the end of that battle, Grillant really did think he knew Sharia. Now, he has no clue. Sharia doesn't seek attention anymore. She still holds the same view on how to obtain peace as she did back then but, to say Sharia is childish now is not appropriate. Sharia has become unreadable. Her problems hidden. Something dark has taken a hold of Sharia's heart. That was one of the reasons why Grillant left her.

'After her recovering, she became so cold. Cold and calculating.'

Sharia, in battle, was calculating and cold, but outside of battle she was caring towards her troops, and not as cold as she was when she recovered. It was like Sharia was another person. Grillant remembered visiting her while she was recovering. When he entered the room, he was met with Sharia clawing her own face. She stopped when she saw Grillant enter the room but, her eyes were dull and cold. They had no warmth, no anger, no real emotion to them. 

'Even now, despite what even Typhlin told how I couldn't have done anything, I still feel guilty.'

It was also during his visit that he met Sharia's master for the first time. Before he could recall the memory, the library doors opened. Grillant turned to look to see who was coming in and was surprised to see it was Princess Isalene. She saw him and bounded over, a little nervous yet happy to see him. 

"Princess Isalene. What brings you here?" Grillant asked the Princess, standing up and bowing. 

Princess Isalene stopped and did a awkward bow back, almost tripping.

"You do not need to bow, Princess," Grillant told Isalene while sitting back down. Isalene took a seat in front of him.

"I know, but it seems like the right thing to do," Princess Isalene replied cheerfully.

The two were quite after that, Grillant waiting for the Princess to ask a question or do something. After a bit, Grillant looked up and noticed Princess Isalene was looking at the book he was reading.

"Interested?" Grillant asked, turning the book her way. Isalene quickly shook her head.

"Grillant, who is Sharia's master?"


Grillant studied his hands for a bit before answering.

"Have you ever heard of a wartorn?" He asked. Isalene shook her head.

"We're going to have to start from there, huh?" Grillant shook his head.

"Wartorns are daughters born from their dead mother's womb. They are almost without exception loyal to no one. They have powerful magic and are exceptional fighters. They are never to be messed with...yet almost all of them fight with their brute strength."

"So is Sharia's master a wartorn?" Isalene asked.

"Well, remember how I said that wartorns fight with brute strength? No normal mortal can ever fight like a wartorn."

"Oh," Isalene looked down, sad that she had been wrong.

"But yes, Sharia's master is a wartorn, and one of the very few that fight not relying on brute strength. Her name is Ai."

"The name sounds familiar," Isalene told Grillant. She was sure she had heard the name before.

"Well, it should. Ai is the most powerful mortal alive and calls herself the Apostle Of War, even if it is self-proclaimed."

"B-but wait! Wouldn't the Apostles kill her?" Isalene asked, remembering her history lessons.

"That's the thing about Ai," Grillant said, shaking his head, "none of the Apostles have. It is clear that Ai isn't an Apostle but, whether she will become one or the Apostles find her interesting isn't known. She is the leader of the Warseekers."

"Isn't that the group of warriors who will work for money and prayers?" 

"Not quite. There is more to it then that but you're close enough for now. All you need to know is that Sharia's master is the leader of the Warseekers and is very dangerous. The weapon Sharia uses, a Varasikara, has a design similar to the Varatharasata the Warseekers use, and, similarly, weighs a lot too. In fact, Sharia was the first to ever use a Varasikara."

"...Why are the weapons's name so long?" Isalene asked.

"...That is just the Punjabi speech."

Grillant leaned forward and gently clasped Isalene's hands.

"Listen, Princess Isalene. Sharia isn't someone you should have around. I knew her well. Maybe in the past, before the incident, she could have been with you. I wouldn't even object. But, Sharia now is someone who won't care for you. The best she will do is protect you when in front of others. To her, you are nothing but a resource that is useless to the Kingdom. The type of person Sharia is now is someone who views everything as useful or a waste. You, no matter what you believe, hold no value in her eyes. She's only protecting you out of duty to your father, who Sharia respects."

Isalene only nodded meekly in response, her head down. Grillant let out a sigh and stood up and took out a book from a nearby pile he had made.

"Read this book. Only royals and the higher ups are suppose to read this. This book has a detailed report on Sharia's personality."

Grillant made to leave the library when he felt Isalene grab his hand.

"What incident?" Isalene asked, her voice shaking slightly.

Grillent let out a sigh and shook his head again.

"Sharia was injured during a tough battle. Ever since then, she hasn't been the same."

"Do you know what happened?" 



"...No. I wish I did. I honestly wish I did."

Grillant made his way towards the door but stopped when he felt Isalene's gaze on him.

"Well...I'll fix her. I'll find a way to show you that Sharia isn't as bad as you think she is."

Grillant didn't have to turn to know that Isalene was looking at her with a determined look, tears in her eyes.

"Princess, Sharia isn't just a bad person. She's a broken monster who cannot be repaired. She'll tear you apart, and you will never get along."

With those parting words, Grillent left the library, leaving Isalene all alone.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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