
Chapter 82 Seal Kotori part 1

When Katsu carries her away, he immediately finds somewhere spacious so he can cool her down, knowing that when Kotori activates her spirit power, she has an uncontrollable blood rush so letting her at school with no target is very dangerous.

"Where is she?" Kotori roared, changing her halberd into a cannon.

"Cannon Mode: Megiddo!" With a crazy smile overflowing, Kotori shouted out another more powerful form of the weapon in her hand, then raised the weapon at him, raging flames turning into several streams of fire rushing into the muzzle.

"Kotori! That's enough! "She already left!"

However, there was a tendency to get out of control, how could the berserk Kotori listen to other people's words, and then...

At the moment when the Kotori cannon fired it, the card in his Negate attack hand activated.

The orange-red flames got sucked into the wormhole and immediately shot back with a beam, paralyzing her in place.

"Kotori, your current state is not right..."

"..." Kotori didn't speak, but the madness in her eyes became more intense, even overflowing, and then, when she could move again, she raised the cannon again, aiming it at Katsu.

When she shot at him, he immediately dodged aside, creating an ice-like landscape for him to move faster and an ice barrier to block the explosion, but the cannon's intense heat caused Katsu to suffer even when already narrowly dodging its blast radius after firing the second shot she fell down unconscious and shut off her Astral Dresses.

"Luckily, she already used all her spiritual power with Kurumi," he sighed, looking at the burn left on his chest. Obviously, even with magic covering his whole body, Kotori's shot is still very powerful.

With her finally turning back to normal he then carried her back to her ship to accept medical treatment.


" Kotori? Oh, it's great that you woke up. It's scary that you suddenly fell into a coma. Eh? You...why are you crying?"

Just as Kotori opened her eyes, Shidou's voice came to her ears, but she didn't listen to a word, she just felt so sad at the moment, the position of her heart.

Tears rolled down from his eyes uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with you, Kotori? Don't scare me!"

Shidou's anxious voice sounded from the white ward on the ship.

Raising his hand to wipe away his tears, Kotori struggled, leaning against the back of the bed with Shidou's hastily supporting him, and then, as if suddenly remembering something, quickly find the giant panda doll next to her bed.

"Brother, where is Brother Katsu?" Kotori held the panda doll, she turned his head to look at Shidou, her voice seemed to be trembling.

"Ah, Katsu is in the ward next to yours," Shidou replied subconsciously.

But as soon as the words fell, Kotori lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, so frightened that Shidou quickly stopped her: "Kotori, don't move around, the doctor said your brain is being severely stimulated..."

Before he finished speaking, Shidou was stunned, because Kotori was holding his hand tightly, looking at him with tears in his eyes: "Brother, please let me go and see Brother Katsu, I'm so sad ..."

Shidou face look reluctant but still help her come to Katsu With Shidou's support, Kotori, who was wearing a hospital gown, came to Katsu's ward next door.

Looking at Katsu pale for some reason, Kotori suddenly had the urge to cry, but she smiled, smiling sweetly at him.

The only reason he is pale is using magic to treat his injury he didn't expect the wound cause by spirit is much harder to heal so he consumes too much of his own mana. If he know he rather used his own card to heal himself.

Getting rid of Shidou's support, Kotori walked forward alone, sat down beside his bed, then held one of his hands, looked into his eyes, and said softly, "Thank you, Brother Katsu"

Seeing Kotori and Katsu looking at each other at a close distance, Shidou scratched his head in embarrassment, then coughed lightly and said, "Well, Kotori, stay here with Katsu for a while, I'll go and visit Origami the others." After finishing speaking, before Kotori could respond, Shidou quickly turned around and left, and even closed the door of the room thoughtfully...

Kotori and Katsu, who are always very smart, understood the deep meaning of Shidou's behavior, Kotori couldn't help but blush, and Katsu touched his nose in embarrassment, and said helplessly: "That Shidou guy, it's really inexplicable..."

"..." The scene was silent for a while.

"Ah, by the way, um... how is Tokisaki Kurumi doing?" Kotori paused for a moment and then asked as if wanting to break the awkwardness of this mystery. She didn't remember much after activating her Astral Dresses she only remember that he did hurt Katsu.

However, when Katsu heard this question, Katsu's eyes immediately darkened: "Kurumi left after a little perusing and probably won't come back..."

With the sadness in Katsu's tone, Kotori waved her hands hurriedly: "Ah, no, that I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this..."

Katsu looked at Kotori like this, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. He blew the hair to her cheeks and then rubbed Kotori's head slightly.

"After recover, I will take you out to play," he said.

He didn't know much about the future other than the plot so when Shidou confesses to him the reason why Kurumi was like this, he already confirms his death in the future making him have a sense of crisis and wanting to train himself more to unlock his Haki final form.


On the other hand, Shidou, who had just visited Mana, was about to go to see Origami but was stopped by Murasame Reine halfway.

After being brought into a closed room, Shidou looked at Lingyin suspiciously and asked, "Miss Reine, um... brought me here to ask what is the matter?"

"It's about Kotori." Reine Looking at Shidou, she rarely said seriously: "Little man, you should have noticed that during the battle between Kotori and Kurumi, Kotori's state was very wrong."

Hearing this, Shidou sank immediately confused, he said in a heavy tone: "Could it be that this problem hasn't been resolved yet?"

Shaking her head, Reine said in a deep voice, "That's because Kotori completely extracted her own spiritual power. Power makes her have the possibility of being overthrown..."

"What do you mean!?" Reine's words immediately made Shidou nervous.

"There are still two days at most... Two days later, if her spiritual power has not been sealed, she will no longer be the Kotori we know..."

"..." Shidou's pupils shrank suddenly, his lips moved, and he couldn't speak for a long time.


The screen returns to Katsu's side. At this moment, Katsu is holding Kotori's shoulder anxiously, looking nervously at her with a painful expression on her face: "Kotori, what's wrong with you!?" You were fine just now, but suddenly his whole body went limp, and almost fell"

"It's okay, don't worry..." Kotori shook her head while supporting her head.

"You don't look like you're okay! Is it the spirit power from before? Don't say anything else. It's okay." Katsu frowned and said in a serious tone.

"Ah... After regaining the power of the spirit, I often can't control myself..." Kotori pressed her temples and said with her head down.

Kotori shrank her body, then grabbed Katsu's arm slightly tremblingly, and said in a weak tone, "Brother Katsu, I'm so scared, that state makes me want to destroy and kill from the bottom of my heart. ...maybe...maybe I can't control myself suddenly, maybe I did something terrible five years ago and accidentally killed innocent people..." Before she finished speaking, Kotori stopped speaking. Because she was suddenly hugged tightly by Katsu.

Katsu gently patted her back to comfort her, and comforted her softly, "Don't think about it, Kotori is so kind, how could she do such a thing, besides, I'm still here I'll protect you, don't be afraid."

These words suddenly echoed in my ears, and Kotori's pupils suddenly dilated.

Then tears dripped uncontrollably again and then hugged Katsu's neck tightly.

"Brother Katsu, don't leave me, okay?"

Katsu's heart softened due to the lovely voice, and he said, "Sure enough, Kotori without a hairband is more lovely..."

Neptune5 Neptune5

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C84
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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