His plan was to scare Xu Jiaqi out of his way.
How, you say? Naturally, when Xu Jiaqi was ahead of him by a fair distance, one would think that he had no chance of winning.
But there was one. A way.
Foul play.
Apart from his extraordinary skills, there was another reason why he had never lost a match before. Close calls like this often happened in the racing world. If the match was close enough to the point where he thought that he would lose his win streak, he would do something special.
It was because he had a lot of backing, reputation, and.. money.
He had people working for him. People who, if he was in a pinch, would do anything to ensure his victory.
Motivated by money, anybody could become Einstein in a short moment. Racking up their brains to come up with a surefire plan to make Jiang Chen win.
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