20.83% The Life of a ghost across the Multiverse! *Old* *Rework in progress* / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Trail Part 2

章 5: Chapter 5: The Trail Part 2

3rd Pov

Ozpin: Welcome everyone..... to your trail.

Standing in front of the initiates Ozpin was looking towards each and every one of them before closing his eyes knowing what he will have to do later. Opening them again he continues his speech before he gets to the fun part.

Ozpin: This here is the final factor, this is what decides on whether or not you truly deserve the chance to learn here and become apart of the next generation!

Ozpin: The objective here is quite simple.... on your scroll is the marked location showing where ancient ruins are, when you get there all you need to do is just collect a relic.

At this many of the students grew determine knowing what they must do, it was a simple objective so that got many of them hyped up.

Ozpin: Also as you know most huntsmen teams are made up of four people, as such you are allowed to gain ONE partner and I mean ONE. Now you can't just choose who your partner is, no how you get a partner is simple.... the first person you look at is your partner. The camera's in the forest will tell us if you have a partner.

This is what made the students tense up knowing what is also at stake besides their future, if they didn't get the partner they were hoping for the team could fall apart and then they will not be able to do anything.

???: Um sir how are we going to get to the Forest if we are up here?

Many shook their head in agreement for what the boy had to say, they hadn't seen any bullheads appear form anywhere and they don't have any parachutes meaning they aren't going to be dropped in. Though it seems that they didn't notice how some of their fellow comrades were tensing up or getting into stances nor did they notice the growing smirk on the headmaster's face.

Ozpin: Ah yes that's right, well you see boy how you are getting into the forest is quite simple.....

Raising his scroll he waited until everyone's eyes were focused onto the scroll, before they were suddenly launched into the air by the very plates they were standing on. While they were trying to make sure they land safely or were cursing out the headmaster, said headmaster was just watching them fall from the sky while drinking his cup of coffee.

Ozpin: Hmm.... Now I can see why the other headmasters loved this part of the job.

Glynda: Is it because you are escaping paperwork?

Hearing that dreaded word made Ozpin gain a frown knowing that his worst enemy is going to be growing soon after this trial is over, after all even if they make sure that most of the dangerous Grimm are gone that doesn't mean they can't die by the others.

Ozpin: Perhaps... were you able to get a chance to do what I asked you?

Glynda: Yes sir, and the camera's have not picked up anything. Even when that water had suddenly appeared there was no one there.

Ozpin: I see....

Taking a sip of his coffee, for now he will just wait for the lucky people to come back and become a student at beacon academy. After all there is only 100 relics in order to form 50 teams, ah yes that's another thing he is going to have to do when the teams are formed.

Ozpin: Ha~, why can't I get a day where I can enjoy the gift from the gods in peace....

Rolling her eyes Glynda had decided to ignore her boss in favor of watching the many camera's in order to see who is partnered up with each other.

*With Weiss*

Weiss: I am going to kill that Coffee loving son of a-!

Weiss as of right now was slowly falling down towards the Evergreen forest while cursing out the headmaster for what he had done, of course she had just made a glyph underneath her foot and then expanded it to allow her to sit on it.

Weiss: Ha~, alright lets put that rant aside and focus on the task on hand.

Weiss was looking around the sky before she had notice a certain red cloaked figure flying towards the forest faster then others and if here eyes weren't deceiving her then there were also rose petals floating around her.

Weiss: could it be her semblance?

Shaking her head she just decided to head over to that area before anyone else takes away the one person Weiss wouldn't mind being partnered with. Yang does seem nice to be around but she is wanting to see if she can be partnered with her friend first.

Weiss: Welp lets get this show on the road!

Jumping off the glyph, Weiss started to run towards Ruby by making glyphs appear underneath her feet as a way to run on "Thin Air". Actually now that she thinks about it she hadn't seen Genesis for awhile, which was a bit worrying since he usually appears here and there to check up on her but it has been..... 8 hours since she had last seen him.

Weiss: Eh he should be fine, he could just be training right now.

*With Genesis*

Genesis: .... interesting.

Genesis as of right now was sitting at a nearby pond with a small cup of tea placed to the side of him, he was watching Weiss pass over him before he turned his head back towards the pond with a small frown appearing on his face at what he had just found out.

Genesis: I can't remember...

For some reason he can't remember certain things about where he is, he can instantly remember every single person or place he had seen Weiss Shcnee has even been to or met. He can also recall any problems he had noticed when he watched the show but other then that his mind just goes blank. Though he is also able to remember of shows he had watched before and he can remember anything that has to do with the Avatar and bending, it was very strange in his opinion.

Genesis: Let's just put this thought behind after all I did come here to enjoy nat-


Turning his head Genesis was confused on why a Beowulf had appeared from the bushes around him, looking around he was sure that there wasn't any of those initiates near this pond so why was the Beowulf he-?

Genesis: Woah!

Quickly jumping from his sitting position in order to dodge the Beowulf from pouncing on him, he didn't know why me moved but he had a feeling that if he got hit by that he wouldn't like the outcome.

Genesis: So the doggy wants to play huh?

While genesis is wishing he doesn't fight but he also knows that he could use this in order to train and see how he holds against a Beowulf. Getting into a loose stance, he decided to wait for the Beowulf to attack first but it seemed that he didn't need to wait that long for the Beowulf had quickly turned around before it had started to run at him again with its claws ready to pierce its strange prey.

Genesis: Hmm....

Raising a small body of water from the lake near him, he quickly spread it out in order to make a dense mist cloud surround him and the Beowulf. He did this in hopes to confuse the Beowulf which seemed to work, sense the Mist was covered in the energy it had "blinded" the Beowulf from being able to sense its prey. The Beowulf was tensing up while it had its ears flicking everywhere in hopes to hear its prey's footsteps but it failed to notice the floating Genesis that had covered his hands in water in order to make small tendrils.

Beowulf: Aru!?

The Beowulf had froze when it felt cold water suddenly wrap around its neck allowing it to know where its prey was but it was too late to do anything for the ends of the whips had suddenly pierced through its eyes going directly through the "Brain" of the Grimm.

Genesis: Phew that was tiring~!

Releasing the mist and tendrils, Genesis fell to the ground allowing his energy to rest and replenish it self from the strenuous usage Genesis has used. He had taken an idea from the hidden mist technique Zabuza had used in order to make it to where Kakashi's Sharigan couldn't see through the mist, he had figured that the Beowulf was able to sense him since he is a spirit so he just did that in hopes that he could find a way to kill most Grimm easily.

Genesis: So that means that I am going to have creatures that can sense me later on as well..... just great.

Shaking his head Genesis had decided to see how Weiss is doing since he had a feeling that if he stays here any longer he will have to battle a lot more Grimm and he really didn't want to do that.

Genesis: Besides Weiss is smart so she may actually be at those ruins that weird man was talking about!

*Time skip*

Genesis: ..... it seems that I stand corrected.

Genesis as of right now was sitting on the back of a nevermore watching both Weiss and Ruby try to hold on for dear life, he wanted to stay quite and see where this was going but he was quite curious on how they were able to even do this in the first place.

Genesis: So Weiss care to explain on how you are on a nevermore?

Quickly turning her head she could see Genesis was calmly sitting on the back of the nevermore with a curious look on his face. Weiss was wanting to yell at genesis for appearing at a bad time but with how erratic the nevermore was moving, she knew that she is going to be needing his help for this part.

Weiss: I will explain later but do you think you can help us!?

Genesis: Hmm.... sure but you are going to want to tell your friend over there to hold on really tight.

Weiss: Wait what do you mean by tha-!?

But Weiss wasn't able to finish what she was saying since Genesis had suddenly closed his fist making a layer of ice appear on the disrupting the never more's flight and thus making it fall towards the ground picking up speed.

Ruby: Wah!!!!!

Weiss: GENESIS!!!!!

*With yang and ???*

???: Are you sure that your sister is going to make it here?

Yang: Yeah just give her a few minutes I feel like she is going to make a grand entrance.

Sitting down on one of the steps at ruins, Yang and her partner could be seen waiting for Ruby's and her partner since Yang was hoping she could see if she could try and get onto her sisters team. She does wish her partner was a bit more talkative but eh you can't win everything in life.

???: Hey is it just me or is it getting darker?

Raising her head Yang had notice that the sky was suddenly getting darker then usual but she had classified it as just a cloud passing over the sky. Though it seems that when she had decided to look up towards the air did she realized what was hurtling towards them at fast speeds.

Yang: Oh shit, Blake Move now!

Confused on why her partner was acting nervous had made Blake decide that she will look up to see why her partner was running away from the ruins. But quickly she decided to follow her partner's idea when she had seen the growing Nevermores body dropping towards the ground.


Coughing slightly when the dust started to get into her face, Yang started to swing her hand in front of her face in order to try and get the dust away from her face. Once the dust was starting clear up both Yang and Blake had decided to see why the nevermore had crashed into the ground before both of their eyes opened wide when they notice Weiss and Ruby holding onto the nevermore for dear life.

Blake: ..... Does your sister usually do this?

Yang: No.... No I don't think she usually does this.

With Weiss and Ruby they were as of right now trying to not puke from the sudden impact, Weiss had looked up to see Genesis was sitting in front of her drinking a cup of tea.

Genesis: Thank you for choosing the Genesis airline please leave a comment for anything you may had not like so we can try to fix it in the future!

Weiss: Fuck..... you.

Chuckling slightly at the answer he was getting from his friend when he had notice that Ruby was staring right at him with wide eyes, looking around he had notice that Yang and her partner were looking at him with wide eyes as well.

Genesis: Oh so you guys have seen me..... would you like a cup of Jasmine tea I heard that it is good for the spirit!


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


