74.15% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 283: CHAPTER 277(The Gigantomachy III)

章 283: CHAPTER 277(The Gigantomachy III)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"Ouch," Horizon mutters as he pushes some rocks off of himself, sitting up in the rubble of Dagga City, surrounded by massive bits of ruptured earth and the broken satellite.

Looking around he sees some dust clouds in the air, and extends his Room farther than he'd ever done before with complete ease, sensing all the corpses buried in the dirt.

In the distance he senses four broken bodies, faintly moving, struggling to breathe, but ignores them for now as he focuses on himself.

He stands up, Scalpel in hand, and looks down at his exposed right leg.

He looks down at his Hero Costume, now reduced to only the body glove, and sees holes and tears in it exposing the flesh below.

Raising a hand to his visor he feels the entire right half of it missing and the mask below shredded to show some of his face.

"Pantu," He calls out, then raises a hand to his communicator, hearing no response. "Broken," he says while looking around.

His eyes can't even see past the miles of destruction he's caused, and when he looks to the ocean the sea is muddied with the fallout of his attack.

He stretches his body, feeling pain wracking him as he groans.

"Dropping a small moon onto myself, not my brightest moment," he says. "But considering I was just moving on instinct and couldn't think...dropping a small moon, pretty cool."

Taking a few steps forward he senses some of the news drones that survived the harsh winds of his attack flying toward the impact site, and immediately activates Booster Shot.

All of his exposed skin glows blue, hiding himself as a much thinner energy mist wafts off his body.

"Ok, earning back my public image is gonna be harder than killing this thing," he looks off to the other side of the city where large pieces of rubble are moving.

Machia' slowly rises from beneath the rubble, using his Mole Quirk to dig through the rubble and reveal his new metallic skin, adding a silver hue to his dark purple Nomu skin.

Machia' sniffs the air and immediately looks toward Horizon.

"He just doesn't quit," Horizon mutters as the titan begins sprinting toward him. "I'll deal with you in a minute."

Around the world, even on public streets, this fight is being shown on digital billboards, and anyone who could watch, was devoting their full attention to this clash.

As if the entire world was holding its breath, knowing that the winner would decide the fate of all their lives.

Because if Horizon could overcome this monster, what villain could stop him?

And if Gigantomachia could kill Horizon, then one could imagine eventually they'd create a monster to kill Star and Stripe.

When the drone broadcasted Horizon standing in the rubble, stretching his limbs as Machia' was miles away sprinting at him, their hearts both sank and rose.

They'd hoped the villain would be dead, and feared Horizon had ended his own life in that absurd attack.

Yet both combatants got up, ready to continue.

Seeing the energy pouring off of Horizon, his exposed flesh glowing bright blue, they grew concerned that the battlefield would spread even further.

Then nearby cities were already heavily damaged, and now the berserk Horizon was standing yet again.

And only some of the viewers realized, at one point or another, their fear had moved from being placed on Gigantomachia, over to Horizon.

But much of it was relieved when Horizon looked at the drone, and casually waved, as if to signal that he was back in full control.


He disappears from the scene, causing Machia' to skid to a stop and sniff the air again.

A few seconds later, he turns and sprints off south-east, toward one of the small nearby cities.


Horizon appears in the parking area of a small hospital where a field of tents were set up, people who couldn't walk are waiting for helicopters of Pro heroes to come to collect them.

Injured Pro Heroes were under many of the tents getting healed by the few healing Quirks that were available here, ready to get back to helping the evacuation.

And on the nearby streets were thousands of people marching out of the city, forced to walk due to all the highways collapsing after that last attack.

The mountains beyond the city were clearly broken, having suffered massive landslides due to the quakes, and the buildings in the city were all cracked, many of them were completely collapsed.

Yet this noisy place became completely silent, as if the world itself froze when Horizon warped into the middle of it.

Behind him were the broken bodies of Ryukyu, Nejire, Mt. Lady, and Kamui woods.

Ryukyu and Kamui Woods were in the worst health of the group, having taken most of the damage onto themselves.

All the Pro Heroes in the area, healthy or not, get ready for a fight, but Horizon just drops Scalpel, letting it clatter to the ground.

"I'm just here to drop these off," he gestures to the Pro Heroes behind him. But the crowd is still petrified.

"Go back to what you were doing!" Endeavor's voice roars through the silence. "Get back to work, now!" he yells while walking up to Horizon.

He had an IV Pole with bags of blood and drips connected to him as he walked, moving it along in his one remaining hand as his left stump was burnt shut.

"Sorry about the---" 

Endeavor raises a hand to stop Horizon's apology, "you can fix it later, Machia' is coming this way, we don't have much time before you need to warp away again."

"I know," Horizon says as Scalpel hovers back into his grip. "I just came to drop off these four, I stabilized them, they'll be waking up any second now."

"Good, and Machia', do you have a plan?" Endeavor asks. "Those slashes you used before weren't effective, neither was throwing a moon at him."

"Brute force can't really work on him, but I wasn't in any state of mind to think clearly enough to realize even that obvious aspect of the fight," Horizon looks around, still seeing people keeping an eye on him, more scared than anything else. "And a lot of people suffered for it."

"Problems for later, first you need to destroy that Nomu," Endeavor says. "Do you need backup? I can provide a distraction to buy you a few seconds if needed."

"Not in this kind of fight you can't," Horizon says. "And I think enough people have been hurt so far in this disaster, focus on the evacuation, let the monsters fight it out."

"Nishiya!" Horizon turns around to see Mt. Lady wakes up and kneels beside Kamui Woods.

"I stabilized him," Horizon says, and the moment he speaks she turns around and glares at him. "When I'm done with Machia' I'll start healing everyone---"

As he's speaking she stops up to him, fist clenched, and punches him directly in the face, cracking the left side of his visor.

He doesn't move, and doesn't try to block it, and for a moment he just sees the hate and anger in her eyes as the tears don't stop flowing down her cheek.

"---Yeah, I know," Horizon says as he just reaches up and takes her earpiece out before warping away.

Arriving on the battlefield Horizon sensed Machia' reverse trajectory, following him back to where Dagga city once stood.

"Pantu," Horizon says after replacing his broken earpiece with Mt. Lady's.

"Finally," Pantu sounded actually relieved, the first time he's heard emotion from her. "I hope your brain is working again."

"I've adjusted, so yes,and I can promise you that won't happen again."

"Good, you've already created a big enough mess as is," She says. "Do you have a plan for Gigantomachia, do you need anything?"

"No, I am enough, but about, all of this," he gestures to the destruction around.

"As a National Asset, I'm limited in what I can do to punish you, depending on how the Supreme Court rules, well..."

"I know, not looking good," Horizon admits. "Either way, this is on me, you don't have to worry about anything, I'll deal with the consequences."

"Right, we'll finish this conversation later, this is still a public channel after all," Pantu reminds him. "Now please, finish this fight, by whatever means necessary, I need to apologize to the people of South Korea."

"South Korea?"

"Dagga City is only 120 km from South Korea, and whatever you did to the sea, plus the earthquakes you caused, damaged their coastlines."

"Uh, did I---"

"No tsunamis, not for a lack of effort, but Japan is about to get a large bill for flood damages," Pantu says.

"Put it on my tab I guess," Horizon sighs as he sees Machia' only a mile away.

Taking a deep breath he steps forward into a combat stance, gathering blue energy around the blade of his sword.

"Time to really test out the new ability," he slashes out at Gigantomachia in the distance, and a slash of blue energy leaves the blade.

One slightly taller than him it soars through the air and harmlessly slams into Machia', completely ignored.

Horizon looks down at the sword and nods, "ok, now I get it. I just need to make the energy dense and infuse it better...enhance it," he chuckles. "Guess it did have a use after all."


He warps a few miles away just as Machia', strikes his location with a massive open palm.

One of the other cameras instantly locks onto him, seeing him already charging another slash.

But this time, the energy becomes denser and thicker. Clinging to Scalpel and seeping into the blade as it shifts from a bright blue, almost white, to a dark blue.

It pulses and builds as the titan gets closer, before Horizon slashes upward, vertically in the direct middle of Machia'.


He takes one step forward, pivoting with all this as he slashes upward.



The energy dissipates harmlessly into the air as he completes the slash, and half of Scalpel's blade goes hurtling forward, snapping in half from the strain of his energy.

Horizon sighs and looks down to examine the blade, seeing it completely broken in two. 

"Of course that would happen today," he says as the last of the energy dissipates into the air. "And I'm not efficient enough with that attack to make another one right now---"


He warps away as Machia' gets to his new position, still looking down at the blade.

Horizon takes the hilt of Scalpel and throws it as hard as he can, high above the destroyed city before closing his eyes.

The cameras see him take a new stance, holding his right hand out, palm to the sky, and the other holding onto his wrist.

The viewers are both curious and terrified at what he's about to do, and Pantu's words only build their fears.

"If you do that, with enough power to take him down, can you manage the fallout?" Pantu asks.

"Yeah, I've been practicing a lot," Horizon says as shimmers of green energy begin flowing toward his palm.

Machia' closes the distance with each second, yet Horizon remains unmoving.

He shrinks his room, keeping the damage as low as possible while gathering enough radiation to put down this monster.

8 km -5mi- away, frost begins forming in a circle, creeping toward Horizon in the middle of the Room.

Motes of green energy begin to manifest at the edges of the Room, hovering in place like fireflies all about the battlefield.

As Machia' is at point black range with Horizon, he warps away, now able to maintain his focus on preparing this attack while warping.

The hilt of Scalpel appears in his previous location, and Machia' wastes no time turning to the sky to get a view of Horizon.

"RAAAAAAAARGH!" Gigantomahia roars as it strikes out with a massive fist.

"GAMMA---!" Suddenly all the motes of green energy collapse into the middle of the battlefield so quickly that they appear as streaks of light.

The frost spreads inward from the edges of Horizon's room as he drains all the heat from miles around him.

The ice seems to chase the green radiation and heat as it gathers in his palm.

All across Japan alarms go off as the national Geiger counters spike, picking up what would usually be a nuclear bomb detonating.

But less than a second later all the radiation seems to disappear as Horizon strikes out at Machia with a glowing spear of solid radiation.


He pierces Machia's fist with the spear, shattering it, and a blinding green light explodes outward, brightly visible even from space.

The entire world seems to fall silent, where people took cover, expecting an explosion, they only heard a ringing in their air and the sound of static in the air.

A moment later the light disappears and the air smells scorched in the area, and when the cameras focus on where Dagga city was, they only see a molten pit of slag, miles wide.

In the middle of the site is Gigantomachia, or at least that's what it was called.

Now they see a charred skeleton, brittle and broken apart.

So frail that the ocean breeze was breaking pieces of it away and scattering them about.

And standing in the middle of the skeleton, floating on the molten rock, was Horizon.

His entire Body Glove scorched and burnt, visor and mask below entirely destroyed.

Identity only hidden by the fact that he still had a blue glow about him, no longer releasing energy as mist because of how exhausted he was.

He takes one painful step forward, and can feel Hand Of God about to deactivate.

'Oh no,' he thinks as the blue glow begins fading away, and soon his features would be made visible. 

He looks down at his scorched fist and takes a deep breath, 'not enough energy to warp away, might as well make it look good.'

And as he clenches a fist, moving to raise it to the sky, to mirror All Might's last stand, a wall of orange fire erupts around him, hiding him from all the cameras.


章 284: CHAPTER 278(Political Fallout)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"The death toll of the Gigantomachy incident centered on what was formerly Dagga city continues to grow as more people are either found in undesirable states or reported as missing since the event.

Many demands for justice against Horizon have been brought to the attention of both the government and the Hero Public Safety Commission, as much of Japan and its surrounding neighbors feel unsafe after yesterday's events.

As of this moment there are hundreds of protesters outside of UA High, Horizon Tower, and the Hero Public Safety Commission main office, all demanding justice for the loved ones that were lost during the battle.

No sign of further villain activity has been reported in regards to the League Of Villains, nor has Horizon appeared in public since he was abruptly escorted away from the battlefield by Endeavor.

The South Korean Coast Guard are still trying to study and make sense of the strange phenomenon caused during the battle which somehow avoided any Tsunami in the nearby ocean, but the Republic of South Korea is still calculating the cost of the devastation caused by the sudden floods brought on by the quakes.

Repairs on all major r roads affected surrounding Dagga city and her neighbors have been non-stop since the battle in a desperate bid to re-establish routes, but in the meantime Pro Heroes, military personnel, and first responders have been working non-stop to get everyone out of the ruined areas.

By the second we become more aware of the magnitude of this devastating battle, and we must wonder, where is Horizon now?"

In further news the United Nations Quirk Council is considering---"

Pantu mutes her computer and leans back in her chair, massaging her temples and catching her breath. 

In her silent office she takes a moment to compose her thoughts, tapping the desk with her fingers as the pressure on her continues to build.

Pantu picks her phone up from the desk and begins walking to the large windows looking out at Tokyo. As she does she makes a call and raises the phone to her ear.

While the phone is ringing the stands at the one-way windows and looks at the street below.

Thousands of people were chanting and screaming, not that she could hear them from her office. But she could see the signs they were holding, some with words that were too far for her to read.

But the signs with Horizon's face crossed out didn't leave any mystery regarding their desires.

"Lady Pantu!" Dr. Garaki's excited voice comes through her phone.

"Doctor, the sample we recovered yesterday, any progress?"

"Well, its only been a few hours since I've had it so---"

"Any progress?" Pantu asks again.

"Uh, right, well I've ran the blood samples through many tests, they react to outside stimulus as regular blood normally would, but, well..."

"Just say it doctor," Pantu says.

"His blood is different, as if super-charged with absurd amounts of energy, each cell is its own living thing. The samples you sent me are effectively still alive on their own, that's how much energy they have."

"That's impossible, that leg was torn off over a day ago," Pantu says.

"Yes, but he's Mystery Class, and Horizon at that, his cells are far from normal."

"Is there anything you can tell me about Hand Of God from those samples?"

"Unfortunately no," he says. "None of these cells have even the smallest trace of a 'Quirk Factor' in the traditional sense, it's as if they belong to some energized Quirkless person."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"I believe it was some sort of a defense mechanism built into Hand Of God, its desire to be whole at all times."

"You speak as if it has a mind of its own."

"No, but Horizon's paranoia and other traits will influence it."

"Is there anything you'll be able to tell by studying it, regarding that project I've assigned you to complete."

"Hmm, with these samples that task is far less impossible, but it doesn't have anything substantial," he says. "Perhaps if I had more, bone marrow, or the entire leg maybe."

"Oh, and do you have a plan for when Horizon senses his missing leg in your lab and decides to confront you?"


"Precisely why we left the leg for him to recover after taking those blood samples," Pantu says. "Overstepping will only lead to angering him, Dr. Garaki, studying him requires us to be cautious."

"I see, well I must get back to work, if anything interesting is discovered I'll be sure to call you."

"Thank you doctor, that will be all," as Pantu is about to end the call, however, he speaks very quickly.

"One more thing, if you don't mind that is."

"Do you need more funding?"

"No, but, I pounced at the chance to study Horizon for you, because I was curious about Mystery Class Quirks, but things have gotten dangerous now," he signs nervously. "What happens to me if he, well, discovers this, and doesn't...approve."

"I hired you to study him because that's my job doctor, as president of the Hero Public Safety Commission, I don't just manage Pro Heroes, I keep the public safe from the Pro Heroes---"

"And we certainly need a way to do that after the Gigantomachy," Dr. Garaki says.

"Yes, but let me assure you, Horizon is not a reasonable person when people draw swords against him, and you've not only done that but invaded her personal autonomy with your research. There is nothing, and no one in the world who can stop what he will do to you if he discovers this."

"But...won't he come for you too?"

"Yes, but that's the risk of my job, which I've long accepted," Pantu says. "For you, use this as motivation, to figure out how to keep him in line if he turns against us," she ends the call before he can respond.

She continues to look out at the protestors for a few minutes before a voice speaks through her earpiece, "President Pantu, the protestors are becoming more rowdy, should we get the water hoses out?"

"No, they're only scared, they don't want to hurt anyone," Pantu says. "Contact the Pro Heroes among them and update them on the situation."

"As you wish ma'am, also, Endeavor just entered the building."

"Send him to my office directly, and keep him away from any windows," Pantu says.

A few minutes later Enji Todoroki enters the office, wearing casual clothes, a beige sweater and coat with simple slacks.

The left sleeve folded up to the stump where his shoulder is.

"Lady Pantu," Enji says as he walks over to her desk, seeing her typing on her computer.

"Endeavor, please have a seat, I need to speak to you," she says before leaning back in her chair, giving him her full attention. "Do you have any idea of what I want to ask?"

"No," he lied while taking his seat.

Pantu's face remains cold and stoic, "I've read your debrief of the Gigantomachy incident multiple times, but it didn't detail what happened after the battle ended."

"And what would you like to know?"

"Did you see his face?" Pantu asks, not wasting any time.

"No," Enji lies.

"Not many people know this, but I can detect lies, Endeavor."

His eyes widen slightly before he deflates in his seat, "what do you want me to do?"

"Tell me who he is, that's all."

Enji thinks about it for a moment, then realizes something that doesn't make sense, "why don't you, the president of the HPSC, know the identity of one of your heroes?"

"Legally, Horizon is his only name, it's on his birth certificate and medical forms," Pantu says. "But that identity was only created a year before he joined UA, when Nezu found him."


"Yes, it's not something I would have agreed to if I knew what he was, but at the time I was told the boy was a healer than could help All Might, nothing more, and admittedly in my eagerness to preserve our former #1 Pro Hero, and my trust in Nezu, I made a deal I shouldn't have."

"And now they won't tell you who he is?"


Enji considers it for a moment, then shakes his head, "I'm sorry, but whatever business you have with them is none of my concern. Horizon asked me not to reveal his identity and I agreed to do just that."

"And if I order you directly to reveal it?" Pantu leans forward slightly.

"Well," Enji looks at his stump. "I don't have much time as the #1 Hero either way. So I'll simply retire a bit earlier."

"Are you that afraid of him?"

"I'd be foolish if I wasn't," he says.

They stare at each other for a moment before Panu relents, "fine, moving onto other matters, how are you feeling?"

Enji takes a relieved breath, "he gave me a bit of healing when I got him away from the battlefield, not enough to trigger regeneration, but I'm not tired anymore and can use my Quirk if needed."

"Did anyone see you enter here, has anyone seen your current condition since you left the battlefield?"

"No," Enji says. "National morale is low enough without the #1 Pro Hero being seen like this."

"Good, then you'll go to Musutafu immediately," Pantu says.


"Go meet Nezu at UA, he's the only person who knows where Horizon is and you need healing. Go get healed then show your face so people feel slightly better, but don't let people get close enough to ask you anything until after the court case."

"What court case?" Enji asks.

Pantu reaches into her desk and takes out a stack of documents, "you will deliver this to Nezu and Horizon, if you risk losing it, incinerate it."

"What is it?"

"The details of 'The People Of Japan VS Horizon', he's being called before the supreme court to make sense of what happened."

"You want this hand delivered?"

"The details in here cannot be put on any electronic device until after the case," Pantu says. "If people knew the true extent of the damages done we could have riots on our hands, and I can't trust most of the people in this building with this information."

"Yet you trust me," Enji says.

"Not entirely, but you've seen his face and you're still here, so Horizon trusts you."

"Right, I'll deliver it, and get healed," he takes the folder and begins to get up before she stops him.

"One more thing," Pantu says. "Since Horizon is listed as a National Asset, he's treated like his own sovereign body within Japan, that at least means nobody will be stupid enough to demand his arrest, but how would you like to see it end."

"Well, many people want him arrested," Enji gestures to the window. "Did you see the crowd outside?"

"I saw."

"Mhm, but those people haven't been in the kind of fights I've survived," Enji says. "If once a decade someone like Gigantomachia arrives, and we must sacrifice a city to stop him, then so be it. Because the alternative is, the next time a monster like that shows up, we won't have a monster to fight for us, and there won't be anything left to protect after that."

"So you'd like for everyone to simply 'get over it' and forgive him?" Pantu asks.

"No, but I'd like them to realize, we can't afford not to have Horizon standing in front of us, facing the monsters..."


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